Overcoming A 4 Year Battle With Hypogonadism And Insomnia


Mar 29, 2014
Gaining/losing weight/fat is generally multifactorial. High sugar intake does not make for high fat gain in all people. Probably depends on current state, rest of diet, and history, and maybe other factors.

If you've been undereating for a long time, and then you start to eat closer to your bodies needs, some of your depleted organs may start to rebuild. Often fat gain seems to precede or accompany gains in other tissues. If you are still only eating as in the crono pic above, then you are still undereating. After long undereating, the body is often primed for storing fat as soon as their is the slightest surplus, to help survive the next famine. If that is what you meant by a lot of fruit, I'd disagree - it looks like less than 100g sugar from all fruits and veges combined. My guess is full recovery will require more food, though exactly how to transition is controversial.
Gaining weight after being half-starved is not necessarily a bad thing.

I tend to chuckle when people talk about gaining 2-3 pounds. My weight can fluctuate by more than that from day to day, whether the overall trend is upward or downward or stable. Such small amounts can be water and glycogen - who knows if there is any actual new tissue of any kind. Maybe you just increased your glycogen stores slightly with a little more sugar. Or maybe not.

If you eat a lot of refined sugar (or refined starch for that matter), it's important to make sure you are getting all the other nutrients you need. The pic shows lowish potassium. Fruits and veges tend to provide this, and potassium is essential for good carbohydrate metabolism. High phosphorus in relation to calcium, lowish on some of the B-vits and vit-E - can't remember if you are supplementing them. Magnesium needs vary quite a bit, because in low metabolic states we can have trouble retaining it - you may be getting enough, but not sure.


Dec 29, 2014
By gaining weight I meant recently, within 3 weeks and after I started taking refined sugar. It's actually 5 lbs, not 2. Sugar was the major addition, I also started taking little bit of rye bread sometimes.

I regained weight 3 years ago after being undernourished for 1.5 years. The recent belly gain (for last 3 weeks) was 190 lbs after being 185. I'm 5' 10".

I will try to post a screenshot of more typical diet of mine. I do supplement magnesium but not potassium at the moment. The funny thing is that I've been taking tons of supplements all my life according to my current research at any given moment but I've never ever noticed any change from supplements.


Mar 29, 2014
Aragorn said:
I regained weight 3 years ago after being undernourished for 1.5 years. The recent belly gain (for last 3 weeks) was 190 lbs after being 185. I'm 5' 10".
I fluctuate within a range of about 3 k (>6 lbs). I don't count a weight loss or gain unless I go outside that for a bit. If you are refilling glycogen with that sugar, it could account for quite a bit of the new weight. Not certain, just possible.
Jan 17, 2016
The increased sugar intake issue is the biggest contradicting piece of information I'm getting. I don't want to make another mistake. One more will probably kill me... So if you can, please reply regarding blood sugar and insulin responses to increased sugar intake by real-life examples.

Just had my blood sugar tested after 3 months of Peating. Glucose down from 100 to 90! I have been hypoglycemic my whole life, and have had metabolic syndrome for over 15 years, so this is amazing news! Adding sugar back into my diet has been very satisfying, and without the old negative symptoms when I was eating lots of PUFAs.
Nov 21, 2015
Just had my blood sugar tested after 3 months of Peating. Glucose down from 100 to 90! I have been hypoglycemic my whole life, and have had metabolic syndrome for over 15 years, so this is amazing news! Adding sugar back into my diet has been very satisfying, and without the old negative symptoms when I was eating lots of PUFAs.
Congrats. that is amazing.
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