Peating And Viral Load - Personal Experiences


Jan 25, 2014
Viral load is major issue these days. Who isn't having some herpes simplex virus (HSV), has latent eppstein barr virus EBV (heard of almost everyone by the age of 35?), or else like cytomegalovirus CMV, human papillomavirus (HPV) (warts), etc. (Keep in mind when you read further that no virus is the same, and all have different mechanisms and different interations in a human body).

They're inplicated in some types of cancer, related to CFS (enteric virusses) and many other chronic diseases. Also, depending on the virus, playing a role in vitamin D receptor disfunction, that make you prone to further disfunction.

I think virusses do exist, contrary to the believe of some people on the internet lol.. Anyway virusses take the weak mostly (people exposed to higher than normall concentrations of LPS for example - see HIV topic). Or unlucky ones, survival is partly driven by luck too.

I am having a wart since aprox. the age of 5. Last year ~16 years later it was still there and suddenly grew bigger, start dividing especially after I tried to cut it out. Now after some months of peating (started reading a year ago about Peat), the wart is almost completely gone and shrunk really fast. The interesting thing is that this happened after introducing thyroid hormones and pregnenolone (25mg/ day).

I don't know yet how.. Maybe increased body temperature, maybe the better gut health since thyroid, maybe lower stress hormones in general (body is more in a sort of resting state). I don't know and it doesn't matter really, but if someone has an idea? I am interested! If this is the case for intra-phagocytic bacterial proliferation somehow too, than Peating is really capable of chaning things profoundly and at the basics of disease.

I read somewhere that temprature inhibited the growth of borrelia burgdorferi (another one related to VDR disfunction). It is doubted however if spirochetes are really an issue for the immune system and have a major role in intra-cellular disfunction. Likely not, and only when it has, you're immune system response is fairly disrupted. This means that lyme disease is another state, that is not fake or unreal, just something that you easily acquire when stressed or weakenend. I've been bitten my a thick myself and have CFS. Although this information may be quite-contradictive and confronting to what you have read so far especially if you have lyme, I think this is reality.. It is very plausible at least, and certainly should fit Peat's ideas. (that a lowered the metabolism is the cause of weakness and altered microbiome).

So body temperature may be one. Lowered stress hormones may be another, or else plausible I don't know of that have an interaction somehow, like increased inta-cellular ATP, other hormones, ...

Or just a Better immune system in gerenal with a better metabolism?

The viral load of spleen in hyperthyroid rats was significantly lower (1000-fold) than that of the euthyroid rats. Similarly, in vitro presence of supraphysiologic levels of l-thyroxine in the culture media of Vero cells decreased virus infectivity. Interestingly, hypothyroid animals showed a significant increase (10-fold) in spleen viral load as compared to that of their euthyroid counterparts.
These data clearly show that the HSV-1 infectivity is affected by THs, and suggest that THs or their analogs may have a potential application in prevention and/or treatment of viral infections.

We investigated the interaction of hydrocortisone (HC) and EBV. The treatment of P3HR-1 cells (propagated at 34°C and 37°C) with various concentrations of HC for 7 and 21 days resulted in enhanced levels of antigen positive cells with a maximum increase at 21 days. Virus harvested from HC-treated P3HR-1 cells grown at 34°C had a 1–2 log higher titer in Raji cells when compared to control virus.
Treatment of AG876 EB virus producer cells grown at 34°C with 5 and 10 μg/ml HC for 7 and 21 days resulted in up to a 3-fold higher level of IF membrane positive cells. Cells treated for 21 days with 10 μg/ml of HC exhibited a 3-5-fold increase in VCA positive cells. When human cord blood mononuclear cells were infected with AG876 EBV and maintained in HC, earlier transformation was observed.
These data suggest that hydrocortisone is able to enhance the expression of the EBV genomes present in human cells and leads to increased levels of antigen expression and virus production. The mechanism by which this glucocorticoid hormone modulates EBV expression remains to be determined.

If you have personal experiences, without knowing the science behind things at all. Please write your experience down! If you come across some science post it too.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I had THE HIGHEST TITER of EBV that the lab that tested my blood had ever seen (900 range?) fifteen years ago from a body fluid exposure at work which was in a hospital ICU setting. After a couple years of extreme fatigue, recurring low grade fever, swollen glands and body wide pain etc. I was given the CFS diagnosis. That fatigue resolved 2 years ago when I went on a gluten free diet but I really started healing after discovering Peat's work. I've posted this before but thought it was worth mentioning here again. I don't have any science to add just my personal experience. BTW I do have a wart on my hand as well that is nearly gone.


Nov 21, 2012
Yep,I've had(have?) them all....Lyme,EBV,HSV,CFS,Candida etc.

That was what my Lyme therapist back then also told me,that spirochetes,Candida etc. all thrive in a low bodytemperature environment. And they will do anything to keep it like that.
The thing is that spirochetes and other bacteria love to attack the thyroid (so it's no surprise to me you feel thyroid&progesterone has greatly improved things for you),which has it's effects on other organs as it becomes weaker&weaker which leads to an invitation for even more viruses&bacteria.
So,you have to make sure to get all the crap out as much as possible before the body can start healing....and hope you can reverse things.
Nov 26, 2013
Those are awesome finds, Suikerbuik! I think even the function of a phagocyte is heavily dependent on ATP, like the "respiratory burst". Might want to stock up on Cynoplus for the next pandemia.


Jan 25, 2014
As said in another topic my warts are gone by now. Another study that fit what I have been experiencing during my time using thyroid.

Added to HeLa cells previously exposed to recombinant human interferon (IFN)-gamma for 20 h, thyroid hormone [L-thyroxine (T4)] in physiological concentrations potentiates the antiviral action of IFN-gamma by more than 100-fold in 4 h.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
I'm bumping this thread, I guess.

I have a wart on my right ring finger that I cannot get rid of. It appeared about 2 years ago around the time my thyroid function and took a real downward spiral and nothing I've done has allowed it to go away. When I was younger, I had a similar wart on another finger, but one day I picked it off and it never came back. This one, I've not been so fortunate with. I tried Salicylic Acid, but it didn't kill the wart entirely and it grew back even bigger than it was previously. Duct tape also seems to work, but is a pain to keep on the finger.

Note - I take many of the above listed supplements. Thyroid (been taking for over one year), pregnenolone (more recently). I also take progesterone, vitamin e, k2, d3 - but the wart is still there. However, my husband had a lot of planters warts on his feet and when he changed his diet, the warts eventually disappeared.

Any thoughts on what else I can do?? As I mentioned, taking thyroid has not caused the wart to go away. And from the above article, I guess trying hydrocortisone is also not a good idea. I might resort back to Salicylic Acid (but be more thorough) if it doesn't disappear in the near future. It's starting to spread slightly and I really want to stop it.


Nov 28, 2014
Lindsay, have you tried applying the progesterone topically on the wart? I had a huge one on my knee recently. I started taking progest-e orally over the summer and had read some old posts by Peatarian on how she had seen it used topically to treat infection. I reasoned that a wart is a kind of viral infection, so I started rubbing a little progest-e on it once or twice a day, not really expecting anything to happen. To my amazement, the wart started shrinking and is now completely gone! Just thought I would mention it in case you hadn't tried doing that.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
sweetpeat said:
Lindsay, have you tried applying the progesterone topically on the wart? I had a huge one on my knee recently. I started taking progest-e orally over the summer and had read some old posts by Peatarian on how she had seen it used topically to treat infection. I reasoned that a wart is a kind of viral infection, so I started rubbing a little progest-e on it once or twice a day, not really expecting anything to happen. To my amazement, the wart started shrinking and is now completely gone! Just thought I would mention it in case you hadn't tried doing that.

Thanks Sweatpeat!!

I've heard RP mention using progesterone for moles, so I wondered about warts!! I will give it a whirl!! A good reminder that I need to order more progest-e.....


Oct 31, 2014
Coconut oil topically might work too. I had a genital polyp that I had for years and years. It never bothered me but when I went on lamictal for seizures it grew to be huge and hurt. I made an appt. w/my doctor and in the meantime I put coconut oil on it. By the time I saw the Dr, less than a week, it was gone.


Mar 29, 2014
treelady said:
Coconut oil topically might work too. I had a genital polyp that I had for years and years. It never bothered me but when I went on lamictal for seizures it grew to be huge and hurt. I made an appt. w/my doctor and in the meantime I put coconut oil on it. By the time I saw the Dr, less than a week, it was gone.
Excellent. Will try this on kids.
We succeeded in getting rid of one big wart from child's foot a couple of years ago by applying the milk from a dandelion stalk just 2-3 times. Unless it had decided it was time to go anyway.


Oct 31, 2014
tara said:
We succeeded in getting rid of one big wart from child's foot a couple of years ago by applying the milk from a dandelion stalk just 2-3 times. Unless it had decided it was time to go anyway.
Neat - I love it when what you need is growing right in your yard!
Jan 24, 2014
When I was 12 years old I had a very painful plantar wart on my heel. I tried every single over the counter remedy known to mankind. Nothing worked so I resorted to having it frozen/burned off with liquid nitrogen through several doctor visits. Never had another problem until I had been low-carbing for three years and that damn wart came back! Very same wart, exact same spot. I put tea tree oil, salicylic acid and coconut oil which all helped to keep it from growing bigger, but did not make it go away.

It's been a year Peating now and the wart is completely gone, no sign of it at all. Can't be the other things I was trying because I quit those last summer. My guess is that it is from taking more thyroid meds as I stopped having chronic cold sores at the same time. I used to get a cold sore every single month, haven't had one in at least six months.


Jan 3, 2014
Thuja cleared a friend's child of a cluster of warts on her fingers and fingertips (ouch!!) in days but did not work for my family. Tea tree did clear a painful one from my daughter's foot also in days. Neither has worked for me. Interestingly individual responses I think - seems to be worth trying a few out as you never know.
Lindsay I just wondered - perhaps the duct tape works by increasing carbon dioxide as I'm sure RP mentioned in the regeneration article ( name?? ) so maybe rig something up that will stay put? Even just a waterproof plaster?? Might be worth a bash.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
thebigpeatowski said:
It's been a year Peating now and the wart is completely gone, no sign of it at all. Can't be the other things I was trying because I quit those last summer. My guess is that it is from taking more thyroid meds as I stopped having chronic cold sores at the same time. I used to get a cold sore every single month, haven't had one in at least six months.

Unfortunately, the wart developed in my early days of Peating (or maybe just prior) and it has not disappeared with taking thyroid and all the other supplements. Then again, it didn't grow bigger until I tried to kill it with the salicylic acid, so that certainly did not help. I'm going to try the progesterone and see how it goes..... My husband's planter's warts disappeared after he changed his diet - so that's at least something!!!

sueq said:
Thuja cleared a friend's child of a cluster of warts on her fingers and fingertips (ouch!!) in days but did not work for my family. Tea tree did clear a painful one from my daughter's foot also in days. Neither has worked for me. Interestingly individual responses I think - seems to be worth trying a few out as you never know.
Lindsay I just wondered - perhaps the duct tape works by increasing carbon dioxide as I'm sure RP mentioned in the regeneration article ( name?? ) so maybe rig something up that will stay put? Even just a waterproof plaster?? Might be worth a bash.

I have some tea tree oil antiseptic on hand. I will apply that once the progesterone sinks in :) Regarding the duct tape, I've read some of the problematic issues with the tape is that the slipping and sliding of it can cause the warts to spread..... I think this is why it might have gotten bigger. And I've developed a tiny wart on another finger. If I could get it to stay put, that would help, but I suppose progesterone should increase Co2 as well?


Jan 3, 2014
I've noticed they really spread easily through touch. that's a good point about why tape might spread them.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
So I started using the progesterone topically on the wart a couple days ago and am already noticing a change in its appearance. It's less "puffy" and looks as though it may be getting flatter. I might take some pics to track its progression, so others can see (although, it is an ugly wart - not sure anyone would want to see it until it's gone!!)


Dec 30, 2014
I have had big warts under my feet for a few years and nothing seemed to get rid of it, 2 weeks ago I started taking caffeine and in the shower today I noticed that all warts were completely gone :shock: only thing I changed was starting taking caffeine and my diet has even been pretty bad these last weeks, and working late alot.
Jan 24, 2014
Cheers for NO warts!!! Caffeine can act like T3, raising a giant steaming mug o'Java to celebrate with you Maxen :coffee


Feb 22, 2016
Yep,I've had(have?) them all....Lyme,EBV,HSV,CFS,Candida etc.

That was what my Lyme therapist back then also told me,that spirochetes,Candida etc. all thrive in a low bodytemperature environment. And they will do anything to keep it like that.
The thing is that spirochetes and other bacteria love to attack the thyroid (so it's no surprise to me you feel thyroid&progesterone has greatly improved things for you),which has it's effects on other organs as it becomes weaker&weaker which leads to an invitation for even more viruses&bacteria.
So,you have to make sure to get all the crap out as much as possible before the body can start healing....and hope you can reverse things.
I have been diagnosed with all the viruses and lyme too and hashimotos. My worse symptom daily extreme fatigue that disabled me for past 6 yrs. I have noticed some improving since starting RP for 11 months. I've been unable to tolerate thyroid hormone ( tried 3 xs) you have any advice?
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