Please advise on diet setup, macros micros

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Daily supplements include, 500mg nigella sativa oil (strong version theblessedseed), 200mg USP caffeine, 10,000IU vitamin D3 cholecalciferol, 20mg policosanol (swanson brand from sugarcane wax)

Once a week supplements include 500iu vitamin E, 1mg K1, 1mg MK4, 300mcg MK7, 20mg pqq, 500mg vitamin C, 200mcg selenium, 500mg taurine, 20mg zinc, 300mcg chromium, 100mcg vanadium, 150mg magnesium, 3.5mg b6 pyridoxine hcl, 500mg thiamine hcl, 15mg b6 p5p, 1000mcg methylfolate, 500mcg b12, 25mg riboflavin p5p, 3000IU retinyl palmitate, 500mg trimethylglycine

Supplements i was thinking of using are 500mg organic activated charcoal capsules and 500mg olive leaf extract capsules and 500mg organic apple cider vinegar capsules every other day

I was also thinking of using ancestral supplements products once a week, in order to provide some gelatin and mixed freeze dried organs, bone marrow, fish eggs, bovine blood, testicle etc. i do not have the resources to get organic beef organs and do not want to eat fresh beef liver or oysters. So the ancestral stuff can be used if you think its better than nothing and worth using

With diet, the biggest concerns were with protein. I can’t tolerate eggs and am pretty sure i cant tolerate A1 protein, or gelatin, and cant tolerate many cheeses which i think are due to A1 protein and the obvious issue of most cheeses using enzymes and vegetable rennet.

The options for proteins are basically a good quality whey powder, organic A2 milk, and then ground beef.

Whey protein is a problem, Ray has said many negative comments on it and I think there is an issue with whey even if you get grass fed, unflavored, organic whey concentrate. Either its the way its processed, or its due to the freeze drying process making some of those amino acids toxic, or oxidized cholesterol being harmful. There are too many whey’s which seem to cause issues even if organic. Ray has a comment about whey “being good for fattening pigs” and he then discouraged people from using it. I think its due to the high amount of tryptophan or cysteine although it has lots of bcaas and other aminos in high amounts like tyrosine.

So due to the issues with whey I was thinking of doing a diet setup where I alternate between 16oz of organic grass fed beef plus a half gallon organic A2 milk one day, and a full gallon of organic A2 milk the next day.

The meat has lots of phosphorus but i was thinking the high vitamin D3 intake, as well as the full gallon of A2 milk the next day could help make up for this since the milk maybe has at least a 1.3:1 ratio of calcium:phosphorus.

The macros for this diet would be something like 100-120g fat (mostly entirely from coconut oil, grass fed beef fat, grass fed milk fat), 130g - 160g protein (all from milk, or ground beef plus milk) , and 300g+ carbs.

Carb sources would include milk, organic raw honey, organic orange juice not from concentrate, organic coconut water, organic pomegranate juice, and an organic mixed fruit juice, as well as small amounts of organic dried fruit like dried bananna chips, dried pineapple, dried dates, dried figs, dried raisins. The bananna chips would provide around 200 calories daily and contain around 9g fat from organic coconut oil (the chips are heated/cooked in the coconut oil so this maybe helps make the banannas and coconut oil less allergenic??)

I would add pink salt to the beef patties as well as to the coconut water and fruit juices.

I am not sure on the protein, i have heard mixed things on protein intake. Is 130grams to 160grams protein intake enough for a bodybuilder weighing 180+ pounds, or how high does protein intake need to be? Some people say protein going too high raises cortisol and is anti thyroid.

And the concern with protein is sourcing. I can’t do eggs or yogurt or gelatin, so the protein sources are limited to whole A2 milk, organic ground beef, and organic whey protein.

If you have 16oz grass fed beef plus a half gallon whole milk one day, and a full gallon whole milk with no meat the next day, is that extra milk enough to balance out the calcium;phosphorus ratio? And is 190g protein one day, and 130g protein the next day, a good enough intake of protein for a 180 pound bodybuilder? Or how high does protein need to be

I am not sure of supplementing things like creatine, so was thinking the ground beef intake would help get some creatine. Also i am not sure if the iron intake from that amount of ground beef is acceptable.

Also i am not sure if organic grass fed beefs are being treated with citric acid solution in the US? Apparently many meats and beef are injected with salt water citric acid solutions, i am not sure if organic meats can be treated with salt water injections and citric acid.

I was also thinking of having a tablespoon or half tablespoon of a high quality organic extra virgin olive oil daily. So the fat intake would be kind of high, averaging around 130g fat daily (beef fat, milk fat, coconut oil, olive oil), 160g protein (beef and milk), 300g+ carbs (juices and dried fruits and honey)

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
@haidut @Hans could you advise on this setup. Also no ground beef, it would be either a full gallon A2 whole milk cows milk, or half gallon whole A2 cows milk with 100g+ protein from organic grass fed whey protein from jersey fully A2 cows (although its whey so A2 maybe doesnt matter)


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
@haidut @Hans could you advise on this setup. Also no ground beef, it would be either a full gallon A2 whole milk cows milk, or half gallon whole A2 cows milk with 100g+ protein from organic grass fed whey protein from jersey fully A2 cows (although its whey so A2 maybe doesnt matter)
What's your goal. You mentioned natural bodybuilding and perhaps longevity? There is no evidence that meat shortens longevity and meat certainly isn't anti-thyroid. In certain Asian countries, they make essense from chicken or beef and use that to rejuvenate people. They use it as medicine.
But using milk only is fine on its own. I'd aim for 1g/lbs/BW to optimize muscle growth. You can easily do that with 1 gallon of milk and 60g (3 scoops) of whey. I personally would add whole fruit and make smoothies.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
What's your goal. You mentioned natural bodybuilding and perhaps longevity? There is no evidence that meat shortens longevity and meat certainly isn't anti-thyroid. In certain Asian countries, they make essense from chicken or beef and use that to rejuvenate people. They use it as medicine.
But using milk only is fine on its own. I'd aim for 1g/lbs/BW to optimize muscle growth. You can easily do that with 1 gallon of milk and 60g (3 scoops) of whey. I personally would add whole fruit and make smoothies.
Longevity, health, maximizing metabolism while also maximizing muscle growth.
Doesnt muscle meat have the problem of phosphorus and iron and more. And haidut mentioned milk protein being the highest quality protein other than egg right.

Btw, I have cut out a lot of those supplements. I think caffeine raises cortisol levels and adrenaline so I don’t know if the isolated supplement form is worth using. I’ve been using 10,000IU D3 daily for a long time and ive cut that out, maybe in a month ill restart that and keep it to 5000IU daily. It seems i have a lot of hypercalcemia type symptoms with the combo of that much D3 and half gallon of milk. It’s jersey cows A2 milk and if I remember right it has a lot more calcium than standard milk. 500mg per cup instead of 350mg. Maybe since its 100% grass fed.

Megadosing D3 seems to cause oilier skin and acne on the face and body too. Maybe something it does with vitamin A.

I wanted to use milk and organic whey protein only, to keep calcium phosphate ratio good. And get about 4oz liver a week from ancestral products. The whey shakes would be made with either pomegranate juice, orange juice or a mixed fruit juice. I would also have a quart pineapple juice once a week, quart coconut water 4x a week, dried fruits like figs, dates, bananna chips fried in coconut oil.

Milk can apparently have 0.1mg iron or so per cup? And dates, figs have iron. Would I really need to eat any meat if im getting iron from the fruits and milk.

As a kid i grew up eating iron fortified cereals often. Those can easily provide 20-30mg iron per bowl in the form of ferrous fumarate. Throughout college for 6 years i was using a daily multivitamin that had 18mg ferrous fumarate. Plus dietary iron sources from a half pound meat etc daily. I did also use vitamin C and drank milk so maybe those helped to counteract the iron. So i was thinking of maintaining a low iron, low meat diet.


Forum Supporter
Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
Daily supplements include, 500mg nigella sativa oil (strong version theblessedseed), 200mg USP caffeine, 10,000IU vitamin D3 cholecalciferol, 20mg policosanol (swanson brand from sugarcane wax)

Once a week supplements include 500iu vitamin E, 1mg K1, 1mg MK4, 300mcg MK7, 20mg pqq, 500mg vitamin C, 200mcg selenium, 500mg taurine, 20mg zinc, 300mcg chromium, 100mcg vanadium, 150mg magnesium, 3.5mg b6 pyridoxine hcl, 500mg thiamine hcl, 15mg b6 p5p, 1000mcg methylfolate, 500mcg b12, 25mg riboflavin p5p, 3000IU retinyl palmitate, 500mg trimethylglycine

Supplements i was thinking of using are 500mg organic activated charcoal capsules and 500mg olive leaf extract capsules and 500mg organic apple cider vinegar capsules every other day

Why are you taking nigella sativa oil? Isn't that high in PUFAs?

Also, I think if you take too much D3 too regularly it can throw off your gut biome.

Apple Cider Vinegar supplements may bring your histamine levels up, since endotoxin comes from the same yeast source as all of the benefits.

If you take activated charcoal capsules, don't take them with other supplements, or with food whose micronutrients you're relying on. It might be wise to take them either in the late evening, long after you've eaten, or in the early morning quite some time before your first meal.

I suggest this because activated charcoal is designed to chelate other nutrients, and may preferentially soak up specific things you might not want it to.

As far as olive leaf extract, what sort of oils do you expect that to contain, and what's your goal with taking it? Is it for gut health? Because a lot of supplements for eradicating or suppressing bacterial growth can have other side effects, long term, on the gut permeability and its tendency toward irritation.

20mg zinc seems high to take without copper to balance. Have you gotten your iron levels, such as Ferritin and TIBC, baselined?

Also, when do you take the thiamine hcl?

Finally, TMG can have an effect on your endocrine systems. In some women I've heard of it causing flushing or mood swings.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Why are you taking nigella sativa oil? Isn't that high in PUFAs?

Also, I think if you take too much D3 too regularly it can throw off your gut biome.

Apple Cider Vinegar supplements may bring your histamine levels up, since endotoxin comes from the same yeast source as all of the benefits.

If you take activated charcoal capsules, don't take them with other supplements, or with food whose micronutrients you're relying on. It might be wise to take them either in the late evening, long after you've eaten, or in the early morning quite some time before your first meal.

I suggest this because activated charcoal is designed to chelate other nutrients, and may preferentially soak up specific things you might not want it to.

As far as olive leaf extract, what sort of oils do you expect that to contain, and what's your goal with taking it? Is it for gut health? Because a lot of supplements for eradicating or suppressing bacterial growth can have other side effects, long term, on the gut permeability and its tendency toward irritation.

20mg zinc seems high to take without copper to balance. Have you gotten your iron levels, such as Ferritin and TIBC, baselined?

Also, when do you take the thiamine hcl?

Finally, TMG can have an effect on your endocrine systems. In some women I've heard of it causing flushing or mood swings.

I have drastically changed these things.

Nigella sativa oil isnt high in pufa but regardless i only have 500mg of that per day. 500mg total black seed oil, of that 300mg is MUFA, 100mg is PUFA and 100mg is SFA. Its for its thymoquinone and other quinones like nigellone

The other supplements im currently doing are 10mg policosanol daily. I cut that down to 10mg instead of 20mg daily. 1000IU D3 daily, that is cut down significantly too. Then i alternate. 4 days of the week I have one ZMA capsule which has 3.5mg pyridoxine, 150mg magnesium, 10mg zinc. Only have those every other day. Every other day I also use a b complex which is fairly low dose, and consists of 4mg b1, 2.5mg r5p b2, 7mg niacinamide, 7mg pantothenic acid, 2.5mg p5p b6, 30mcg biotin, 75mg choline, 120mcg methylfolate, 75mg inositol, 30mcg methylb12, 30mg ubiquinone coq10.
Once a week i have 150mg niacinamide also. And recently i started trying CBD which would be 100mg daily. Im not sure on the CBD currently. I may also use forefront healths dessicated thyroid glandular capsules they contain 130mg thyroid each.

Current macros are basically 80g fat from grass fed whole milk, skyr, cocoa powder/brown rice cereal.

470g carbs from milk, mixed pomegranate/other fruit juice or grape juice, cane sugar in the skyr and cereal, coconut water, dried dates, dried figs, raw honey

124g protein, half from A2 milk half from skyr which is likely A1 protein. But basically entirely casein protein for the protein.

I may eventually swap the skyr out for whey protein in that case macros would all stay the same except protein would be bumped up to 200g or even 225grams daily, of which only 64g would be coming from milk.

And the plan is to have around 12ounces cooked ground beef once a week. The cocoa powder in the cereal also has some iron and copper in it

The vitamin D3 is fairly low now only 1000IU a day and the milk and skyr dont have any added vitamin D. The supplements are low dose even the b vitamins. The only things im unsure of as far as supplements are the 150mg niacinamide once a week, the CBD and the forefront thyroid capsules. The thyroid capsules do contain a small amount of silica in them too.


Forum Supporter
Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
That is too much coconut oil, IMO, because of the value of a relatively lower fat diet while removing PUFAs, and because of the high levels of lauric acid, as known as monolaurin, in “unfractionated” refined or virgin coconut oil.

Lauric acid/monolaurin has been shown to bind to 5-α-reductase, an important enzyme that is, among other things, a limiting factor in the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

If you do want that much coconut oil, it might make sense to get some that’s “fractionated” to remove the lauric acid/monolaurin.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
That is too much coconut oil, IMO, because of the value of a relatively lower fat diet while removing PUFAs, and because of the high levels of lauric acid, as known as monolaurin, in “unfractionated” refined or virgin coconut oil.

Lauric acid/monolaurin has been shown to bind to 5-α-reductase, an important enzyme that is, among other things, a limiting factor in the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

If you do want that much coconut oil, it might make sense to get some that’s “fractionated” to remove the lauric acid/monolaurin.

Im not having coconut oil currently. Can you review my recent post above. Thats all im having. 64g fat from whole milk of which at least 40g is saturated. 10g fat from skyr which at least 5g is saturated. 6g fat from cocoa powder brown rice cereal which I suspect at least 3g of it is from cocoa powder

Also @Hans didnt Ray mention someone actually gainee weight from a high protein mostly meat diet because of the tryptophan. And he had a warning on eating ground meat’s because they contain tryptophan and methionine.. i think one article mentioned muscle meats being anti thyroid and organ meats superior but that muscle meats have become excessively common in the US


Forum Supporter
Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
Also @Hans didnt Ray mention someone actually gainee weight from a high protein mostly meat diet because of the tryptophan. And he had a warning on eating ground meat’s because they contain tryptophan and methionine.. i think one article mentioned muscle meats being anti thyroid and organ meats superior but that muscle meats have become excessively common in the US
Ouch. I’m eating about a half pound of chicken breast or ground beef per day to get my protein macros.

How else am I going to get 150+ grams of protein per day?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Ouch. I’m eating about a half pound of chicken breast or ground beef per day to get my protein macros.

How else am I going to get 150+ grams of protein per day?

Milk, skyr, yogurt, eggs if you can tolerate them but they need to be limited due to PUFA. Possibly whey protein. Some like shrimp, oyster, certain fish


Forum Supporter
Sep 15, 2023
Michigan, USA
Milk, skyr, yogurt, eggs if you can tolerate them but they need to be limited due to PUFA. Possibly whey protein. Some like shrimp, oyster, certain fish
Whey protein has an even worse amino acid profile. And doesn’t that much dairy have a lot of not-so-dopaminergic stuff like opioid analogues?
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