Progesterone In Men


Aug 24, 2013
Hello, I've found very few information on the topic, and the usual things I read were that progesterone should be used in small doses, and pregnenolone is preferable in men, and many other things. But since Peat said pregnenolone hasn't the powerful effects of progesterone, can some males benefit from progesterone if their estrogen are very high? If I take 1 drop of progest-E nothing happens, maybe I need more. Some people benefit from taking more - in the Peat Exchanges on Peatarian, Ray Peat said a person took 1000mg daily (!). What do you think about it? When males should really think about taking it, and eventually in higher doses? What if low testosterone - temporarily - is nothing compared to their symptoms, like helplessness, excitotoxicity, etc. that are really worse?


Yes the higher rthe progesterone the lower the testosterone. You are correct that it can have beneficial effects anyway. I used it to restore my body temperatures which were in the toilet (95). I did use too much though, and would have gotten benefit from a smaller dose without wiping out my testosterone.

if your using alcohol and you lower T by using progesterone your estrogen will skyrocket. So that's a danger. It's important if using progesterone to support the healing process by being as good to your body as you can. It will also make you fat if you have high iron (as a protective mechanism against iron, so chelate with cilantro if that happens)

All effects of lowered T from progesterone will return after cessation, however. I also found that using P sparingly can actually jump start T... One dose every two days made me incredibly horny. I continue to use it to improve the varicocelle I still suffer from, and it does indeed improve the condition.


Jan 5, 2016
Shrinking of penis, shrinking of testicles, low libido, lack of orgasm feeling, less motivation, etc. These to me seem to be the lowered testosterone effects. These are actually not bothersome so much to me, since I have often experienced painful, excessively swollen erections in the past, like an allergic enlargement of the genitals, and progesterone does definitely help that (and I think has general anti-histamine or anti-serotonin effects).

I'm the same, in fact my high school nick name was 'gigantic wang'. Progesterone has made everything more tolerable.


May 5, 2015
Has anybody else experienced distended stomach, along with digestive issues and frequent urinations after using progesterone? How long does it take for it to go away, and are there any remedies which help?

Sol Invictus

Dec 10, 2015
Did you notice estrogen effects from progesterone?

What type of vitamin A are you taking and how much? Do you notice it reverses some of the side-effects of progesterone?

When I was taking high doses I did see estrogen symptoms like hot flashes. I think my body was trying to balance the progesterone. What I've learned is that you need both or else thyroid function will be unopposed and you will waste away. Balance is key!! I was taking nutrisorb-a that I managed to find on the net by chance. It only helped when i stopped the progesterone.

If I every take progest-e again it will only be like 1 or 2 drops in a day and maybe with 5 to 10 mg DHEA depending on how I feel.

Sol Invictus

Dec 10, 2015
Has anybody else experienced distended stomach, along with digestive issues and frequent urinations after using progesterone? How long does it take for it to go away, and are there any remedies which help?
Seems like we have similar problems. I took it for a year and a half without any improvement to my hair, and all it did was give me other problems I never had. Even when I started seeing side effects after 6 months I ignored them because I was convinced this would help with my hair. Instead I lowered the dose, and this made the side effects lessen, but in the end I decided that this was really stupid and I quit the whole idea that progesterone would regrow hair.

My side effects included hot flashes, weight gain around the stomach and thighs, constipation and bloating, frequent urination, dryness and nail ridges, and the worst has been insomnia. I am thinking that all these problems are due to progesterones diuretic effects which have left me dehydrated. I notice that to avoid constipation I need to drink plenty of water. The worst now has been that I wake up every 3 or 4 fours with a parched mouth needing to drink and the water does get me quickly back to sleep although it makes me urinated more. I also get heart palpitations and feel too hot at night while I'm in bed, but the water seems to correct that too.

Upon reading up on progesterone I have discovered that when taking it you must maintain a balance between it and estrogen or else you will get a load of problems. If progesterone is too high compared to estrogen it will cause problems with the other stress hormones cortisol and aldosterone. I think it causes a sort of resistance to them giving you symptoms of adrenal insufficiency. I think this is what is causing my insomnia. As for the estrogen symptoms, my body is probably trying to adapt to the high levels of progesterone and increasing its estrogen (just my theory)?


May 5, 2015
I took it for a year and a half without any improvement to my hair, and all it did was give me other problems I never had.

It must have given you some benefits if you used it for that long? If all it caused was side-effects, why didn't you stop it after day 1?

What doses did you use?

Sol Invictus

Dec 10, 2015
It must have given you some benefits if you used it for that long? If all it caused was side-effects, why didn't you stop it after day 1?

What doses did you use?
I was convinced it would help with hair loss and was desperate for a remedy. At first it felt like it was increasing testosterone and was motivating me to work out. Through out the whole time I was on it it increased my sex drive.

I admit it was stupid of me to persist even though it was causing problems.


Jul 3, 2015
Wouldn't it be better to apply progesterone topically on the hairline rather than oral? you'll get a more localized action and should lessen the systemic increase.

How much did you take per day?

Sol Invictus

Dec 10, 2015
Wouldn't it be better to apply progesterone topically on the hairline rather than oral? you'll get a more localized action and should lessen the systemic increase.

How much did you take per day?
When I started I was taking 10 drops. I thought Progest-e was like the cheaper progesterone creams. It did make me feel good. My temp even rose up to 99 degrees. It made me so horny and gave me a great sense of well being. I also had the drive to weight train. Unfortunately, it was causing me other problems. I was getting too breathless upon exertion, I was urinating a lot (even though I got plenty of salt), dry skin and hair, nail ridges, dehydration and cold hands and feet (even with high temp and pulse). It was a confusing experience with great and bad effects. After 4 month I lowered the dose to about 4 drops/day and the negative symptoms lessened, but still persisted. Then I dropped it down to 1 or 2 drops and the symptoms also lessened, but still persisted somewhat. By the end of this I did notice my leg muscles had weakened slightly and I had gained 10lbs of fat. I am not sure if the fat gain is due to progesterone or because of overeating. I work from home at my computer. While taking the progesterone I was also consuming between 2500 to 3000 calories.

Now I have stopped the progesterone completely and am hoping the bad side effects will go away. If I ever take it again it will only be 1 or 2 drops maximum per day and with DHEA.

I am thinking the negative effects came from progesterone's antagonist effects to the adrenal homones aldosterone and cortisol. I was reading that too much unopposed progesterone can lead to a resistance of both and interfere with their normal functioning.

RT3-Adrenals aldosterone


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Apr 4, 2016
Regarding Wray's site most of the men are over 40 or at whatever age have problems with estrogen. I don't know if you were mocking her but she always says go by symptoms so maybe the low libido is do to too much progesterone. Here is her site about progesterone and men ... z3rHZtCsJi

She also refers people to read Ray Peat. So maybe you need to lower progesterone and add something else along with it. For and example I stopped using vit d, mag, zinc become they increase testosterone ( im female). Anyway.. if I sound off I don't mean to. Just that if I didn't read Wray's site I would be in a whole different health place..not a good one. So I thank God for her site.

Thank you
Thanks for offering the site, I'll read it. I'm curious about your sense of women and Testosterone. Why are you interested in limiting testosterone ? The way it offers strength to women seems like another counter balance to inflamation and estrogen. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Mar 15, 2014
I've never taken progesterone directly, but have had bouts of prog-like symptoms. My libido didn't diminish, but it was definitely more "emotional" than sexual.

I think males with naturally high testosterone and excess estrogen at the same time stand to benefit from progesterone. Especially if you have symptoms of virilization: baldness, very wiry beard growth, feel horny several times a day


Nov 10, 2014
Thanks for offering the site, I'll read it. I'm curious about your sense of women and Testosterone. Why are you interested in limiting testosterone ? The way it offers strength to women seems like another counter balance to inflamation and estrogen. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I decided not to lower testosterone. I decided to just do everything in balance especially my food.

Thank you


Feb 11, 2016
Can anyone share their reviews of Emerita brand Progesterone ? I am in Asia and that's pretty much what I can get my hands on OTC.


New Member
Sep 29, 2016
I have high progesterone. Can anybody help me?

DHT - more that 2500 pg / mL (112-955) - HIGH
Progesterone - 4.23ng / ml (0:10 to 0:20) - HIGH

Other tests are OK

Use: 500mg/ Test + 0.5mg/EOD Anastrozole


Mar 29, 2014
I have high progesterone. Can anybody help me?
Is it causing you trouble?
Is there a good reason for taking lots of teststosterone and aromatase inhbitor?
I have no experience with pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors, but I imagine that would tip the balance away from estrogen and towards higher progesterone?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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