
Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
- “Dietary fibre”: moving beyond the “soluble/insoluble” classification for monogastric nutrition, with an emphasis on humans and pigs

"There are [] examples of insoluble DF that are rapidly fermented (e.g. from refined flour), slowly fermented (e.g. resistant starch, wheat bran) or essentially not fermented (e.g. vascular tissue). This provides clear evidence that equating insoluble fibre with non-fermentable fibre is no longer a valid premise."​

For those that don't know, Jorge has a few relatives in Plovdiv and visits them from Washington, District of Colombia, a few times a year. Once at the airport <harp sound effect>..

- Сър, спри. Г-Н! Не се възпроизвежда музика, слушалките ви с кабел не са свързани. В раницата ви има нещо, какво е това?
- Pardon?
- Pardon?? Можете ли да забележите Айфеловата кула наоколо?
- Е, има снимка на един, който виси на тази стена.
- О, глупави интериорни дизайнери. Както и да е, попитах какво има в чантата?
- Чанта?
- Борис, кучетата!​

This is when he decided out of impulse to ingest the powder with the bag. And so he did. Things went faster this way: no product, no explanation.

Upon arrival, contrary to the sea turtle that can't buy Phillips' laxarium to clear stuck plastics, he took a serving of the laxative, eliminated the intact bag and recovered the highly-soluble harmless supplement contained in it.
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May 13, 2020
I don't see any signs of psoriasis, at the least the most common type psoriasis vulgaris. Usually there is some body involvement not limited to the face. The rash on your face could be seb. dermatitis or acne or any number of things. What kind of psoriasis did you have and did you have this confirmed by a doctor or testing? Your tongue is a good color btw!


Jan 6, 2019
Edit** Konstantin says that RS is not good to take and compares it to a garden compost (gas and alcohol production). If you are healthy it won’t bother you but if you aren’t like most of us, it’s bad news. He basically says the most important thing is restoring mucosal lining as that’s where the beneficial bacteria reside. The only way to do that is through fecal transplants

I think bone broth (glycine, collagen), vitamin C, and outright fasting are all regenerative to the mucosal lining, but I could be wrong.
Plus the short-chain fatty acids produced by fermentative bacteria, namely acetic, propionic and buteyric acid, all support regeneration of the intestinal lining. Not to mention intestinal lining is some of the fastest regenerating tissue in the body. Rest assured, the mucosal lining should easily regenerate, given that the circumstances allow for it.
Apr 22, 2019
I don't see any signs of psoriasis, at the least the most common type psoriasis vulgaris. Usually there is some body involvement not limited to the face. The rash on your face could be seb. dermatitis or acne or any number of things. What kind of psoriasis did you have and did you have this confirmed by a doctor or testing? Your tongue is a good color btw!

I've never had it professionally diagnosed, no. It very well could be seborrheic dermatitis, both searches come up with skin patterning that looks very similar to what I've witnessed on myself over the years. Red flushing upon inflammation leading into white scaling during the 'healing' process as it were. There are problem spots in between my chest, shoulder blades, and under the armpits on more rare occasion, all with the same characteristics.

Thanks, yeah it used to be basically purple this time a year ago with very prominent teeth marks around the sides and deep cuts through the center that were especially apparent when I was suffering from a bout of inflammation. Traditional Chinese medicine would call it a "qi deficiency" that points to a spleen lag which all lines up in my life. Longtime lethargy, lack of motivation, symptoms commonly associated with iron deficiency or adrenal fatigue, a skin condition being the result of a blood impurity because the spleen isn't properly refurbishing red blood cells, and too much coffee which turns"liver qi" into "spleen qi."

It will crack within a couple of hours of a wrong decision and it'll cloud up within hours of food choices (namely coffee/caffeine) that cause constipation.

Not to mention intestinal lining is some of the fastest regenerating tissue in the body. Rest assured, the mucosal lining should easily regenerate, given that the circumstances allow for it.

Indeed. 3 days for a full turnover I believe it is.


May 16, 2019
Very interesting. I will try this. I have had constant psoriasis/seb.derm. on cheeks for years that hasn't really responded to anything. My health is otherwise perfectly tolerable these days so a project like this will be well timed.


Nov 21, 2019
resonates with me because, I suspect like many, I have to make the choice between high temps/metabolism through starches + milk accompanied with gut/endotoxin issues making me feel like a zombie, or avoid these issues through avoiding starch and milk at the expense of temperature. also have some seb dherm.

Whats the exact protocol? I either
1. Only drink milk, nothing else
2. Supplement with 200g of lactose through milk + raw starch to my normal food intake?

is this correct?
Apr 22, 2019
resonates with me because, I suspect like many, I have to make the choice between high temps/metabolism through starches + milk accompanied with gut/endotoxin issues making me feel like a zombie, or avoid these issues through avoiding starch and milk at the expense of temperature. also have some seb dherm.

Well said.

Whats the exact protocol? I either
1. Only drink milk, nothing else
2. Supplement with 200g of lactose through milk + raw starch to my normal food intake?

is this correct?

In the last 5 days of doing this, this is what I've found works best as a daily routine:

Have 2 large, regular meals, basically a breakfast and a dinner as it were.

Preferably 45 minutes before or 2 hours after either of these meals and at any other time in between, dose with raw potato starch and milk.

A "dose" for me has been about 3-4 tablespoons of potato starch and 1.5-2 cups of milk taken together. The goal is to have taken about 8 cups of milk (half a gallon) and 10 tablespoons of starch which comes out around 200g by the end of day.


Dec 11, 2018
Another way to supply the colon with enough carbohydrates if for whatever reason you don't want to or can't drink milk or eat potato starch, is to eat "improperly prepared" oatmeal. This is mentioned on page 271 "Uncooked Starch Useful" chapter. Though it doesn't say what kind of oatmeal, steel-cut or rolled.

I wonder, if the typical Nordics' breakfast "raw" rolled oats with milk would do the job. Rolled oats aren't really raw as they as steamed, but they are resistant to digestion nevertheless.


Dec 11, 2018
A word of caution for people with SIBO or other gut issues, unless you're really moving your bowels regularly 3-4 times a day like mentioned as the prerequisite in the Kellogg's book, I think it's a really bad decision to jump on this regimen. You're going to suffer and not reap the possible benefits as the carbohydrates aren't reaching the colon fast enough. This was my experience when I jumped right into it in the past.
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Apr 22, 2019
I wonder, if the typical Nordics' breakfast "raw" rolled oats with milk would do the job. Rolled oats aren't really raw as they as steamed, but they are resistant to digestion nevertheless.

It's funny you mention this because while I was doing the milch regimen a few months ago, by like day 8 I got bored of the milk and grapes so I thought I'd try substituting with uncooked, rolled oats.

I tried it multiple times within a couple of weeks' time and it only gave me grief every time. I think it was the fiber content. A measly half cup is listed to have 2g soluble and 2g insoluble fiber. It was really easy to put down 1.5 cups, especially mixed with milk.

Yeah, just really wasn't a good time for me but the isolated oat starch without fiber would probably be a completely different story.


Dec 11, 2018
It's funny you mention this because while I was doing the milch regimen a few months ago, by like day 8 I got bored of the milk and grapes so I thought I'd try substituting with uncooked, rolled oats.

I tried it multiple times within a couple of weeks' time and it only gave me grief every time. I think it was the fiber content. A measly half cup is listed to have 2g soluble and 2g insoluble fiber. It was really easy to put down 1.5 cups, especially mixed with milk.

Yeah, just really wasn't a good time for me but the isolated oat starch without fiber would probably be a completely different story.
Thanks for the heads up. The fiber content was one of my concerns as well. One of the advantages of milk and potato starch is just that, lack of irritating fiber.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Hans, are you drinking coffee too?
I’ve noticed that too much coffee can actually constipate me, counteracting all the good effects of reducing starch and fibre.
Just curious.
Yes I drink about 3-6 cups/mugs daily. It never causes digestive issues for me. I just don't drink it too close to a big meal, because I want a big meal to digest properly first, before having coffee/lots of liquid. However, coffee can actually promote digestion, so having an espresso before a meal could improve digestion.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Thanks for the post.

I'm not sure if I can find potato starch here. Will any other starch work?

Also, would you comment on opson's advice against jumping on this protocol unless you have 3-4 bowel movements per day?


Dec 11, 2018
Thanks for the post.

I'm not sure if I can find potato starch here. Will any other starch work?

Also, would you comment on opson's advice against jumping on this protocol unless you have 3-4 bowel movements per day?
To be precise, it's not my advice, but Kellogg's advice. It's mentioned to be a prerequisite along with a pink tongue. A few years back I jumped right into it and you can imagine what kind of bloating and discomfort someone with gut dysbiosis and slow transit time ingesting 200g+ of lactose will suffer. You could've popped my gut with a needle. YMMV of course.


Sep 15, 2017
I'd be hesitant to claim success after only 5 days. Especially considering the raw potato starch experiment has been a fad for a while with mixed results for many people, anecdotally.

The original "Milk Cure", did not suggest using raw potato starch, it was only milk taken at regular intervals, in specific quantities depending on body size.


Sep 11, 2020
Good results. However, are you saying you've only been "cured" for 5 days? If that's the case I wouldn't get my hopes up. I've had this ***t on and off for 15 years. Good luck!
Apr 22, 2019
I'm not sure if I can find potato starch here. Will any other starch work?

I can't say for certain but I don't know why any other isolated (flour-esque) starch wouldn't give a positive benefit.

Also, would you comment on opson's advice against jumping on this protocol unless you have 3-4 bowel movements per day?

To be precise, it's not my advice, but Kellogg's advice. It's mentioned to be a prerequisite along with a pink tongue. A few years back I jumped right into it and you can imagine what kind of bloating and discomfort someone with gut dysbiosis and slow transit time ingesting 200g+ of lactose will suffer. You could've popped my gut with a needle. YMMV of course.

Indeed there is a great potential for problems related to constipation if the slow-digesting sugar - whether it's lactose or starch - is held up high in the intestinal tract longer than it ought to be. Observing the tongue and possible visible distention of the colon below the belly button are two things that I've correlated to being constipated in myself, at least. The tongue will get the classic white coat and also I've noticed that the back of my tongue entering into the throat will start to feel distinctly sticky or mucous-y upon constipation. This happens if I drink too much coffee beyond the point of a bowel movement or if I eat too much white rice.

Basically, if there's a constipation effect, I've found that it is most quickly corrected by increasing water and whole-fruit (fruit juice doesn't seem to work as well for some reason) intake for a time.

Now, further, I must say that the regularity of my bowel movements has basically only ever been one of two ways: 1) 1-2 movements per day of about the same total volume which will increase or decrease depending on starch and/or vegetable consumption or 2) frequent diarrhea for a short time during flora-shifting, namely when fruit fasting with herbs and later when milk fasting. These were very limited occurrences that only lasted a few days each.

That's all I can really say about bowel movements, though. I've experienced great health progress under both, um... paradigms I guess. It's been a play-it-by-ear. I would hope that this continued practice around the idea of feeding the colon would result in 3x/day bowel movements, but there's no telling how long that would take or if it would even be the permanent resolve to constipation in the first place.

On a side note, despite harsh herbal enemas arguably causing some of the problems that I face today, being able to use a simple water or milk enema can be a tremendous bailout to immediately stop problems being caused by colonic reabsorption of hazardous food or material. As one example, early on this year I ran into a problem of food poisoning from peanut butter and a small amount of cascara sagrada & water pulled the problem out in such a dramatic way that I went from quivering knees back to 90% function after dumping the problem and sleeping for a few hours immediately following.

It's always been about what works recently for me, it's just that this particular "experiment" has given me benefits that I haven't gotten from anything else, namely an improved ability to tolerate foods that usually cause symptoms even when taken in small amounts, quicker stabilization of body temperature after cold extremities occur, and a noticeable improvement in sleep quality.

The best advice I can give is to tread lightly.

I'd be hesitant to claim success after only 5 days. Especially considering the raw potato starch experiment has been a fad for a while with mixed results for many people, anecdotally.

Good results. However, are you saying you've only been "cured" for 5 days? If that's the case I wouldn't get my hopes up. I've had this ***t on and off for 15 years. Good luck!

True, sure. Life will keep coming, just trying to figure out the maintenance plan in the meantime. It's been a real nag that worsens on a dime many times in the past to date, yet the unique progress that I just mentioned in this response are the reasons I've been forthright about the claim. I would that we're all skeptical over matters of bodily health.
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Jul 31, 2015
"... And it turns out that that was actually the solution. That if you drink NOTHING BUT milk, then it's a completely different digestive effect than drinking it when there are still other foods in your body."

So it seems this is not important in establishing the right gut bugs? Feeding just with milk because later on you say use resistant starch and eat two meals in addition to the milk?

The facebook anecdote has me confused. Did you or didn't you drink ONLY milk and have the psoriasis abate? When did you add the RS? If those photo dates are correct how do you even know the skin condition is more generally cured? We are talking Oct 13 for the first picture correct?

Sorry if I sound negative, not my intent but please just let us know what you did and when you did it so people can decide if they want to go back to something they maybe tried in their bad ole low carb days, which would be me.

BTW, I suffer in the exact same way as you. Facial psoriasis if I drink milk which I truly love drinking and makes me feel great until things like bad bugs - given a new lease on life cause problems. I can eat cheese and that's what I do about 3 or 4 ounces a day but it doesn't feel like a food I thrive on. It gives me no problems though so I eat it for the calories and the calcium. Thanks.

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