Puzzled At Why Resolution Of Periodontitis Increased Foam In Urine


Mar 29, 2016
About a month ago, the last of the two teeth identified to have hidden periodontal pocket were removed.

When my dentists told me to get a new dental scan, involved x-ray and thermography, and a focused scan called digital ct scan, I complied. I was glad I did, as results from this scan showed that I had 2 hidden pockets of periodontitis. I knew early on that it's better to have teeth pulled than to save teeth that were going to just be recurrent sites of periodontal infection. I had three teeth removed already, even though these teeth could be saved if I were more concerned about bragging rights of having a full set of dentures.

The three teeth were removed as far back as nine years ago. Then (and continuing till the present), I had been dealing with a case of essential hypertension. It started as far back as 2005. Four years on, I was getting impatient in not being able to resolve my hypertension, which was getting worse. I'd been to naturopaths both in the US and in the Philippines, but never conventional doctors, and they could offer no answers. I stopped seeing them, and decided on my own to have the three teeth removed.

I thought I had checked off my dental issues as a cause of my hypertension. It's only recently that the new dental scanners became available, and it was thanks to new dental scanning equipment that two latent periodontal teeth were discovered. In between then and now, 9 years, I focused on chelation of lead, which I suspected was in my kidneys, and which I suspected was causing albumin to be excreted in my urine at higher than normal levels. Truth be told, chelation worked, but only to a certain extent. When I started using vitamin c and magnesium about a year ago, I was at 240/140. It's since improved to 180/120 but it hasn't budged any lower for a long time.

For a month now, I've stopped my magnesium and vitamin C protocol, to observe the effects of removing the periodontal issues. I didn't expect my bp to improve quickly, so it was no surprise that it stayed pretty steady. My heart rate did nudge up, from waking up to 54 bpm to around 59-62 bpm. My temperature stayed the same at 37. The best thing that came out of this so far: my urine has become less acidic. Previously, it would dip into 5.5 pH, but now it's not going down lower than 5.8 (This is big, as when I say 5.5, it could be lower as my urine test strip goes down only to 5.5).

But for a month, I had stayed puzzled as to why my urine became even more foamy. It wasn't sudsy foamy, but where it used to be composed of larger bubbles, it now became more smaller bubbles. I just had to figure out, or at least try to explain why this is happening.

After much thinking and trying out different word searches in Google, I can at least make an educated guess as to why: Oxidized albumin is being urinated as plaque is being broken down. Oxidized albumin is one of the many components of plaque.

Albumin is an antioxidant. It was being used to counter the oxidative damage from the body's attempt to counter the effects of periodontal bacteria. This would explain why my serum neutrophils would increase from 53% to 74% during the time I discovered my blood pressure deviating from my used-to-be normal of 120/80. There was a continual production of free radicals by the neutrophils to neutralize bacteria. And the spillover of free radicals were being taken care by antioxidants, among them being albumin.

I may have blamed a high urine ACR (albumin/creatinine) ratio, a marker of chronic kidney disease, to lead toxicity in my kidneys ( lead causes albumin to not be resorbed back into blood in the kidney tubules). Instead, what's really going on could be that the albumin being excreted are really oxidized albumin, arising out of its use as an antioxidant. The urine was already foamy from the discharge of oxidized albumin when the periodontal issue was ongoing, but when the issue was resolved, the urine stayed foamy and even more so. And I think it's because there was more oxidized albumin coming off the plaque that's disintegrating.

I'm speculating still at this point. Time will tell if I'm right on this.

In the meantime, I have turned my attention away from chelating lead, using magnesium and vitamin C, towards descaling and rejuvenating my arteries, with the use of, among other supplements, vitamin C and lysine. Vitamin C is to improve the collagen matrix use in repairing the endothelial linings, and lysine, to attract the plaque from the endothelial linings, enabling the plaque to slowly breakdown. I do hope that this is done slowly, though, as I don't want to see huge chunks of plaque coming off and blocking arteries and arterioles and cause damage. By the way, that is from the Linus Pauling therapy.

I'm hoping I'm right on this. If I'm right, this could explain:

- why I have hypertension
- why my serum albumin is low
- why my serum ferritin is high (well, not exactly, but the periodontal infection would be a case of chronic infection, and this would cause ferritin levels to be high, to keep iron away from bacteria)
- why i have an abnormally high serum neutrophil value
- why my erection capability is diminished (plaque on the endothelial lining would block NO's effects; in addition, nitric oxide is being used up to make free radicals to kill off bacteria by phagocytes)
- why my heart rate, at the high 60s and low 70s, cannot do into the mid-80s;
-why uric acid is high (its antioxidant ability is needed)
- why my hair is thinning (plaque is blocking flow of nutrients; albumin, a carrier of nutrients, is in short supply, being used to counter oxidation)

Why, just not taking care of my teeth well could cause all this? Wouldn't it be amazing that it all boils down to one thing?

Meanwhile, here are some links:

That oxidized albumin is part of plaque: Serum Oxidized Albumin and Cardiovascular Mortality in Normoalbuminemic Hemodialysis Patients: A Cohort Study

Oxidized human serum albumin as a possible correlating factor in atherosclerosis: Oxidized human serum albumin as a possible correlation factor for atherosclerosis in a rural Japanese population: the results of the Yakumo Study

The use of the albumin redox state as a marker for various diseases: https://www.researchgate.net/public...buminomics_Oxidized_Albumin_in_Human_Diseases

The association of severe periodontitis and microalbuminuria and chronic kidney disease (CKD): http://www.phmed.umu.se/digitalAssets/50/50453_thesis-shabnam-jun-21.pdf
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Nov 6, 2014
Hello again Yerrag
Interesting discovery, I hope it helps you heal further.
Following on from looking at potassium citrate (DVT & Zeta Potential thread), which is useful for removing inappropriate calcium deposits (often also a part of plaque), IF one considers citrates safe to use, it occurs to me that additional lime or lemon juice, diluted, which both contain citric acid, and are used for cleansing in many modalities, might be useful. I suspect they would have some effect on albumin also.
In my experience, latent infections are powerful reducers of system health.
All the best


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Ray says foam in urine is from stress hormones. My observations agree with that.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Ray says foam in urine is from stress hormones. My observations agree with that.

edit - sorry, realized my post kinda derailed the original topic probably. Feel free to ignore my own cortisol/serotonin induced rant. lol

Interesting. I continue to have foam in my urine as well. My symptoms otherwise seem indicative of chronic stress too. I'm at a loss though, I'm literally doing everything I can think of and nothing seems to work. Am starting to lose faith in the ability to heal myself. I do have a good pulse and temp all of the time except waking up now, which supposedly is an indicator of health, but doesn't appear to me to be the case. I do have somewhat improved energy since I started but not enough to do more than light walking and survive work days, a nearly non-existant libido, and still a fairly spotty mood/thought patterns. (just look at me making this negative post lol shows you where my mind is atm)

And just caught my second cold in two months since starting this process which makes me feel like that my immune system is now crap, think this must be why sugar gets demonized as "feeding colds".

- Sleep (as much as I can, often more than 10 hr of sleep, sometimes 12+ on weekend when I can lounge around)
- Incandescent light (300W)
- Ample calories (focusing on sugar, saturated fats, salt, high carb/protein ratio). Several thousand a day calories, no restrictions. Fruit, ice cream, goat milk, raw milk when i can, goat cheese, grass fed beef, grass fed liverwurst, maple syrup, coconut sugar, tea, shrimp, some eggs, honey, some sweet potatoes, some spinach, nutritional yeast
- Low EMF (sleeping environment has nearly zero)
- Low stress job
- Low stress life overall, no negative relationships
- Lots of salt intake, combo of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate
- Have tried just about every supplement under the sun
- Was doing caffeine and aspirin but stopped both. Realized my ability to metabolize stimulants is crap. I don't bother with thyroid supplementation for a similar reason, but also because I want to naturally fix my thyroid rather than supplement it. Caffeine and aspirin in the moment make me feel great, but I don't like the feeling of dependence I get on them to get by.
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Jan 25, 2014
Why, just not taking care of my teeth well could cause all this? Wouldn't it be amazing that it all boils down to one thing?

I think you're entire post is fascinating, and yes, I think it could in some ways, all boil down to "one thing." It doesn't even have to mean that the periodontitis was 100% of the cause of your problems, but even if it was 60% or 40%, getting that taken care of would make a huge difference in your overall health. It makes a lot of sense to me.

I don't know if you've watched any of Thomas Levy's videos, but he's b big into Vitamin C, and he frequently mentions that dental infections and root canals can be the most toxic issues in the human body. If you have these toxicity issues, any time you chew, you're releasing a dose of toxins into your system. I believe he learned a lot about this from dentist Hal Huggins (someone you may also want to look up). I think Weston A. Price had some similar views concerning teeth.

I recently started using a waterpik twice a day (I was using it very infrequently before), using some hydrogen peroxide and listerine, and one weird thing, I have coughed up 5 things that almost like tonsil stones, except they are not hard, just like a collection of mucus (sorry if that's too gross). I suspect that's a direct result of better oral care, on the gum line. Hopefully, this is just a temporary thing. I will say my gums and teeth have been looking and feeling better since I started, but I don't doubt I've cleared out some excess bacteria that might be overloading my lymph system a bit.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I don't know if you've watched any of Thomas Levy's videos, but he's b big into Vitamin C, and he frequently mentions that dental infections and root canals can be the most toxic issues in the human body.
Dental "infections" are mostly backed up lymph. The bacteria are trying to take care of the lymph congestion, they are not the problem but the solution.


Nov 6, 2014
Dear Charlie,

First, a long overdue, very overdue actually, heartfelt thank you to you for all the wonderful work you undertake tirelessly maintaining this forum and encouraging a high moral code within its inhabitants. I hope you have a wonderful seasonal time with family and friends and wish you every happiness, health and success in 2019. Thank you for enabling this Forum to be, it means so much to me and those whom I care about.

And as a distant second: care - if you have the time - to elucidate on your statement "dental "infections" are mostly backed up lymph", I would be interested to learn more on this perspective as similar outworkings are (finally) occurring to me.

As ever, best regards


Mar 29, 2016
Hello again Yerrag
Interesting discovery, I hope it helps you heal further.
Following on from looking at potassium citrate (DVT & Zeta Potential thread), which is useful for removing inappropriate calcium deposits (often also a part of plaque), IF one considers citrates safe to use, it occurs to me that additional lime or lemon juice, diluted, which both contain citric acid, and are used for cleansing in many modalities, might be useful. I suspect they would have some effect on albumin also.
In my experience, latent infections are powerful reducers of system health.
All the best
Thanks a lot for the zeta potential perspective Sheila. I'm still working my way on understanding it, but that shouldn't keep me from taking some citrates. I have some sour oranges which I juiced and frozen, just in case I needed them. Now would be a good time to use them in moderate quantities. I had stopped using them out of concern that they were very acidic, especially them being the sour variety. Amazoniac also sent some links on the good side of citrates, and although I haven't read them yet, they should give me a more balanced perspective on the use of citrates.

Ray says foam in urine is from stress hormones. My observations agree with that.
What were your observations that confirm urine foam came from stress hormones? I don't know how to tie that into my context. Perhaps estrogen was high during the chronic infection, and that started a cascade? But post-treatment and infection resolved, how would foam still persist? I can only think of the current foam as equivalent to a dying-off effect, or a clearing up of debris, the debris being plaque.
Interesting. I continue to have foam in my urine as well.
Foam in urine in itself requires its own pHD I think lol. But seriously, though, I get the feeling that it's one of those things many, if not a majority, of people have but give it no thought. Perhaps women don't even notice foam, as they sit on the bowl, their urine trickles out instead of jet out, and foam is less likely to be seen this way.I don't even remember the last time I didn't have foam in my urine. It just seemed, before I knew Ray Peat, that it's one of the features of urinating. You get to see a nice show, like the fountains in casinos in Las Vegas. And who doesn't like foam anyway? The shampoo, soap, car wash, toothpaste - all have to foam, and it's all good because of surfactants. Heck, even the surfactants used in the Valdez oil spill to mop up the oil, they have foam too!

And just caught my second cold in two months since starting this process which makes me feel like that my immune system is now crap, think this must be why sugar gets demonized as "feeding colds".
I was pretty frustrated also getting frequent colds, fevers. Flu once or twice a year. And allergies are often associated with that. And you're right, it's all about immunity. The more immune you are, I think, the less susceptible you are to allergies. I think it's about having blood sugar - having a good blood sugar regulating system supported by strong adrenals and liver, and getting enough sleep to recharge glycogen stores. With a stable supply of sugar, and with good tissue oxygenation, you are better off. I had to have mercury chelation, to improve oxygen transport to my tissues (hemoglobin's oxygen carrying capacity is compromised by mercury displacing oxygens molecules attached to hemoglobin). And then if sugar metabolism is faulty and not producing enough carbon dioxide, the lower CO2 content in blood would not allow oxygen to be released by the blood to the tissues generously. These are just some bottlenecks involved in having a very efficient metabolism needed to produce energy. With health, the energy has surplus after being used for defense, maintenance, and repair, and can be used for growth and development. We just have to one by one identify the bottlenecks involved, and check them off.

I think you're entire post is fascinating, and yes, I think it could in some ways, all boil down to "one thing." It doesn't even have to mean that the periodontitis was 100% of the cause of your problems, but even if it was 60% or 40%, getting that taken care of would make a huge difference in your overall health. It makes a lot of sense to me.

I don't know if you've watched any of Thomas Levy's videos, but he's b big into Vitamin C, and he frequently mentions that dental infections and root canals can be the most toxic issues in the human body. If you have these toxicity issues, any time you chew, you're releasing a dose of toxins into your system. I believe he learned a lot about this from dentist Hal Huggins (someone you may also want to look up). I think Weston A. Price had some similar views concerning teeth.
I'm glad you appreciate my sharing. A professor used to teach me about the big banana. There are many, many possible causes, and from these, even many actual causes. But don't let that faze you. Just look for the "big banana," the one cause that makes the big difference - and fix it. It's helpful to do a diagram initially, so that you could eliminate each one that doesn't matter that much, or doesn't exist. A very helpful technique is one where a fishbone diagram is used, as taught by Kepner-Tregoe. It's one thing I learned in college that I find helpful in life. And I think that is true especially in healing ourselves. There is a method to the madness!

Yes, you're preaching to the choir here! It was from reading Hal Huggins that I made the first big stride in my health - by removing mercury from my teeth and from my system. It was nice learning that Thomas Levy learned a lot from Hal as well. Mercury chelation was my big banana, but as you can see, I'm still fixing health issues after fixing mercury toxicity. You're right. It may not be the one and only cause, but 40 or 60% of it, certainly. It's ennervating, energizing to be on the right path.

I recently started using a waterpik twice a day (I was using it very infrequently before), using some hydrogen peroxide and listerine, and one weird thing, I have coughed up 5 things that almost like tonsil stones, except they are not hard, just like a collection of mucus (sorry if that's too gross). I suspect that's a direct result of better oral care, on the gum line. Hopefully, this is just a temporary thing. I will say my gums and teeth have been looking and feeling better since I started, but I don't doubt I've cleared out some excess bacteria that might be overloading my lymph system a bit.
I used to have those before. Now that you mention it, it's been awhile since I've had them. I always wondered about them then. They are vile, odorous ,round, small greenish things, about the size of small peppercorns. They have this characteristic odor like no other. I think they stopped when I got rid of my respiratory allergies. Less snezzing, no more runny noses, no more allergic rhinitis, no more colds, coughs. Way back to the early 2000, I had already stopped having fevers and flus, where I used to have them once or twice a year.

And as a distant second: care - if you have the time - to elucidate on your statement "dental "infections" are mostly backed up lymph", I would be interested to learn more on this perspective as similar outworkings are (finally) occurring to me.
Also interested in hearing from Charlie on this. I just turned around and believe Ray is right saying endotoxins are a cause of periodontal disease, not the other way around.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Dear Charlie,

First, a long overdue, very overdue actually, heartfelt thank you to you for all the wonderful work you undertake tirelessly maintaining this forum and encouraging a high moral code within its inhabitants. I hope you have a wonderful seasonal time with family and friends and wish you every happiness, health and success in 2019. Thank you for enabling this Forum to be, it means so much to me and those whom I care about.
Dearest Sheila, you are good for the soul. Thank you for blessing us with your grace here. :grouphug Hoping the best for you and yours too. :pray

And as a distant second: care - if you have the time - to elucidate on your statement "dental "infections" are mostly backed up lymph", I would be interested to learn more on this perspective as similar outworkings are (finally) occurring to me.
If I would not have experienced this myself, I would not have known it to be true. I have embarked on a journey of Genesis 1:29 and eating mostly fruit now. I was warned by Dr. Morse that when the body starts energizing with the high angstrom energy fruits, the lymph will start moving and pushing anything out that is foreign or not supposed to be there. Wow, he was not kidding. The sulfur coming out of me is remarkable, oozing out any place it can find an exit. So when the lymph starts moving, it is looking for an exit. Preferred exit is via the kidneys, if not, then it will go through the skin, the feet and the hands being a fairly decent exit due to big pore sizes. If it cannot get out there, it will find other ways, so you can literally be oozing out every orifice in the body. When the kidneys are not filtering, it will go right through the skin. This is eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc etc. it is literally acid oozing through the skin and burning it on the way out.

Well the Great lymphatic system piggy backs up against the root of the teeth. So it will try and exit there at times. So when it gets in those pockets, and starts to be too much, the body will send in all the bacteria it can to try and make the acids, alkaline. The bacteria is not the problem, it is the solution the body sent to try and dampen the acidosis. Once people get their lymph moving, they can experience this in their teeth. Some freak out, and go get antibiotics, and even get their teeth pulled. Some teeth will even get really loose while the body is doing all it can to buffer the acidosis piling up.

So when we take antibiotics, we are literally destroying our septic system. The Great lymphatic system is our septic system in the body, and it uses bacteria to neutralize the acidic metabolic waste. I talked about it a little bit in this thread.

The Great thing about all this, it is all so simple. Freedom.


Nov 6, 2014
Dearest Charlie
So lovely to hear from you and thank you Dear One for your response, your link and good wishes.

Having been involved in this thread on Zeta potential, I think I can see what a mostly fruit, an inherently high potassium diet, will do. I can certainly see your lymphatic excretion argument and how in improving metabolism there can be pitfalls. If one can't improve waste removal, time for Kenny perhaps.

I am always delighted when several pieces of information coalesce together, life can be so wonderful like that, so I hope you also find this useful on your Journey of, if I may, re-Genesis.

Most gratefully, blessings on you too,



Mar 29, 2016
high angstrom energy fruits
Angstrom is a new concept for me as far as food goes Charlie. Did a search before posting here to get an idea of what you're talking about:

Earth Song - Angstrom Energy of Food

It's very interesting and it ties in to the concept of life force, what TCM calls "chi." It talks about healthy person having at least 6500 angstroms, and cancer patients around 4875. All very interesting. Would be very helpful if you could start a thread on this. I admit I felt it sounds very woo at first to me, and I don't expect this idea to be mainstream because of it seeming to be outside the boundaries of the methods of conventional science. Then again, I could be wrong and it's just on the fringe waiting to become widely accepted.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

About 2 y. ago, after attempting ketogenic diet, my urine became foamy for 1st time. I totaly freaked out. Haven,t found why still, but at least you and the others gave me some suggestions.

By the way, I,m new here. I,ve been on a health journey for very long and my research brought me to Ray Peat and this forum. I hope I see some light at last...
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I admit I felt it sounds very woo at first to me, and I don't expect this idea to be mainstream because of it seeming to be outside the boundaries of the methods of conventional science
It is very real.
It's very interesting and it ties in to the concept of life force, what TCM calls "chi."
Indeed it does. It literally makes you feel like your body is floating due to feeling so light and full of life giving energy. Nothing like it.
Would be very helpful if you could start a thread on this.
Will consider it. :hattip


Mar 29, 2016
It is very real.

Indeed it does. It literally makes you feel like your body is floating due to feeling so light and full of life giving energy. Nothing like it.

Will consider it. :hattip
Thanks Charlie! How long did you do fruits before you felt the effect kicking in? How long did you stay with it, or been on it? Why did you decide to try it


Mar 29, 2016

About 2 y. ago, after attempting ketogenic diet, my urine became foamy for 1st time. I totaly freaked out. Haven,t found why still, but at least you and the others gave me some suggestions.

By the way, I,m new here. I,ve been on a health journey for very long and my research brought me to Ray Peat and this forum. I hope I see some light at last...
Welcome Vinny! Hope you will eventually find the answer to your foamy urine. By then, you'll be knowing more things about health, and what isn't but marketed as such. Bon voyage!


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Angstrom is a new concept for me as far as food goes Charlie. Did a search before posting here to get an idea of what you're talking about:

Earth Song - Angstrom Energy of Food

It's very interesting and it ties in to the concept of life force, what TCM calls "chi." It talks about healthy person having at least 6500 angstroms, and cancer patients around 4875. All very interesting. Would be very helpful if you could start a thread on this. I admit I felt it sounds very woo at first to me, and I don't expect this idea to be mainstream because of it seeming to be outside the boundaries of the methods of conventional science. Then again, I could be wrong and it's just on the fringe waiting to become widely accepted.

Wow this is a hidden gem. +1 to more info on this. I'm open to this idea, but some questions:

List is in the quote below for reference.

It claims raw veggies are 8000-9000 A's. What about endotoxins etc? Most of us in Peatland hold raw veggies in low regard. And I know I hate eating raw veggies. So what gives? Also does cutting them up reduce the energy of it (smoothies)? Maybe this helps explains why juicing veggies and fruits is so popular...?? For what its worth when I used to juice veggies and fruits on a daily basis while also eating a high calorie diet, I had probably the highest libido of my life. There may be something here...

Definitely jives w/ RP on fruit and fruit juices though. Does cooking fruit reduce its energy levels? I note the article claims grapes are the best fruits. This might explain why grapes are among my favorite... the body is generally smart and finds good food to be the most palatable. It's worth noting that in the past I've done LOTS of grapes (we're talking lbs of it) and found my energy levels quite high.

Where I don't know if I can get on board with: Whole grains, wheat. Claims they are high energy. That is very anti-Peat. Basically it sounds like at least half of our foods should be from category 1 to achieve good energy though. Peanuts and hazelnuts?? What about the PUFA's?? Definitely a +1 to raw milk and butter.

Cheese only 1800, does that include quality A2 or goat cheese?? I feel like goat cheese is a lot more than 1800. I generally get an energy/libido boost from goat cheese.

Basically it seems this list contradicts a LOT of RP's ideas or am I wrong?

"The Potato, for instance, is measured at only 2,000 when raw, but when boiled this shoots to 7,000 and to 9,000 when baked."


I note that most protein filled foods are low energy. This might help explain why there is such a fad to be a fruitarian, vegan etc. But fish seem to be high energy. And Jack Kruse would approve of that, he's big on fish eating.

Category 1: Foods that have wave lengths between 6,500 and 10,000 angstroms, (regarded as those of the highest quality).
  • Mature fruits and fruit juices obtained from squeezing (made fresh and immediately consumed). (8000 - 10,000)
  • Raw fresh vegetables (8000 - 9000)
  • Olive, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds, coconut, peanuts and hazelnuts
  • Raw sea fish and shellfish
  • Whole grain cereals, flour and bread
  • Some foods are superior only if consumed at the time of production like raw milk (8500), butter and eggs.
Category 2: 3,000 angstroms to 6.500 (medium quality)
  • Cooked vegetables (4000 - 6500)
  • Not fresh milk, butter, and eggs
  • Honey
  • Cooked fish
  • Peanut oil
  • Wine
Category 3: very weak radiations below 3,000 angstroms
  • Coffee, tea
  • Chocolate
  • Jams
  • Cheeses (1800)
  • White bread (1500)
Category 4: exhibits practically no energy (dead matter)
  • Margarine
  • Pasteurized milk
  • Conserves
  • Alcoholic spirits
  • Cooked meats, sausages
  • Refined white sugar and bleached flour


Mar 29, 2016
Ray Peat on foamy urine:

This is somewhat tied to Vinny's foamy urine. On a keto diet, there is excess fatty acid that is processed by the liver for excretion. I think that the liver has to make the fatty acids water soluble, and this is done with the use of surfactants. Surfactants would foam. Perhaps estrogen (and all hormones) is also a fatty substance, and is excreted in much the same way?


Nov 6, 2014
Dear Yerrag said on the vit C thread:

"Been reading up on zeta potential @Sheila and I was glad I did. I'd mix potassium bicarbonate with my sour orange (or lime or lemon juice, any sour citrus fruit, even our local calamansi) and keep it refrigerated, and when I need to take ascorbic acid, I'll mix the ascorbic acid with the mixture. This way, I ensure citric acid is converted to citrate (the sourness is practically gone), I don't deal with the lead contaminants with industrial citric acid, I get potassium ascorbate (Pantenelli discovered how good it is against cancer), and fresh un-degraded ascorbic acid. And also I get potassium citrate (for the zeta potential benefits to decoagulate blood, and maybe helpful for hypertension)."

Yes, I thought you would find it interesting and I think @charlie 's comments on potassium's effects make a lot of sense with respect to improving kidney function and thus lymphatic drainage. I note you have also read Charls Weber's book. I intend to re-read today. Per Charlie's observations: people who suffer with psoriasis suffer a similar response to yours I think...when you try and improve their metabolism there is hell to pay - for you wrt blood pressure elevation, for them skin flare ups. Impaired kidney function seems a common link - yes? And perhaps impaired lymphatics...chicken/egg. In the old methodology I use, low dose potassium salts are suggested for the psoriatic condition; potassium sulphate to scrub into dark corners (metaphor - before someone tries it) and potassium chloride to encourage flow (which the zeta potential concurs) and it would seem little and often doses may indeed have more merit here than just via experiential findings. Somewhere in all my zeta potential reading, I think I read that there IS a sweet spot for the potassium salts, and that going past their 1.5g a day reagent formula using these forms may have the opposite effect than intended. So, much now to think about, and I do hope it helps you too @yerrag. For those with very damaged kidneys, potassium supplementation is awfully problematic as they often end up with high blood potassium because it can not be correctly excreted and are generally on low potassium diets because of this (or they die). I really must look into citrates for kidney de-calcification, there must be a possible method without purchasing a billion lemons or upsetting 'CKD' kidneys further. I doubt whether 'anything potassium' has been tried with CKD, they spend more time removing it using things like Resonium (calcium polystyrene sulfonate).

And finally, Yerrag, in all the people I have known, foamy urine has been noted in those with heart disease and under transient or chronic stress. And yes, certainly women experience it too and once it is suggested they observe their excreta, they often do.

Best regards


Mar 29, 2016
This is somewhat tied to Vinny's foamy urine. On a keto diet, there is excess fatty acid that is processed by the liver for excretion. I think that the liver has to make the fatty acids water soluble, and this is done with the use of surfactants. Surfactants would foam. Perhaps estrogen (and all hormones) is also a fatty substance, and is excreted in much the same way?
OTOH, I though more about it and it doesn't seem I'm making much sense. Doesn't the liver process water-soluble waste and toxins and these are excreted through urine? And for oil-soluble waste, these go to the large intestines, get emulsified with bile, and gets excreted as stools? So why would hormones not be excreted through stools and not through urine? And why would urine foam then?

Given that albumin is a transporter for hormones in blood, and that it would have a mechanism to emulsify fat-soluble nutrients and hormones, it would be likely foam when excreted the way urine is. When the liver detoxifies excess estrogen, is it possible that it is detoxifying estrogen that is enclosed in albumin, and given that albumin is water-soluble, it is going through the kidneys and through urine and not thru the intestines and stool?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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