Ready To Give Up


Jun 29, 2018
After reading Peat and this forum for a little over two years, I would say it all comes back to endotoxin and the liver. You might look into some supplements like calcium d glucarate to help the liver detoxify estrogen, as well as activated charcoal, even though Peat doesn’t seem to particularly think those two things are perfectly safe! A lot of people, including myself, have struggled with raw carrots because of beta carotene. I don’t like bamboo shoots and can only eat mushrooms occasionally before I start to tire of them, so eating massive quantities of any of those is out. Famotidine distilled down using hot water and apple cider vinegar is good for me when my stomach and gut feel really off, which I’m assuming means that serotonin is out of control. When parts of me start to feel inflamed I take a teaspoon or so of activated charcoal. I’ve been taking the calcium d glucarate daily as I am taking a high dose of progesterone daily and felt that estrogen was building up as evidenced by tenderness in my breasts. Milk thistle is also Peat approved to a point. I have found that the plant matter as opposed to the tinctures work best. Also, make sure you’re getting plenty of the alkaline mineral magnesium and the amino acid taurine. Tart cherry supplements to rebuild good gut bacteria and fight endotoxin.


After reading Peat and this forum for a little over two years, I would say it all comes back to endotoxin and the liver. You might look into some supplements like calcium d glucarate to help the liver detoxify estrogen, as well as activated charcoal, even though Peat doesn’t seem to particularly think those two things are perfectly safe! A lot of people, including myself, have struggled with raw carrots because of beta carotene. I don’t like bamboo shoots and can only eat mushrooms occasionally before I start to tire of them, so eating massive quantities of any of those is out. Famotidine distilled down using hot water and apple cider vinegar is good for me when my stomach and gut feel really off, which I’m assuming means that serotonin is out of control. When parts of me start to feel inflamed I take a teaspoon or so of activated charcoal. I’ve been taking the calcium d glucarate daily as I am taking a high dose of progesterone daily and felt that estrogen was building up as evidenced by tenderness in my breasts. Milk thistle is also Peat approved to a point. I have found that the plant matter as opposed to the tinctures work best. Also, make sure you’re getting plenty of the alkaline mineral magnesium and the amino acid taurine. Tart cherry supplements to rebuild good gut bacteria and fight endotoxin.
I'm interested in taking higher doses of TUDCA per the recommendation of @Terma. Maybe this would be a decent source of taurine? Choline is an elusive thing as I'm so allergic to eggs. I've recently tried chicken liver which has less iron than beef liver. For that reason, maybe it can be taken more frequently? Calcium Glucarate is pretty expensive IIRC.

Beta carotene upsets my gut. Fiber from mushrooms/carrot/bamboo and activated charcoal just plain hurt. I'm scared to include any form of vegetable other than potatoes in my diet right now. Just doing Kale broth.

LDN is an endotoxin antagonist. I suspect that's part of the reason it works so well for me.
What is the magic of tart cherry?
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Slightly off-topic, but I asked Ray Peat what he thought about guaifenesin and the fibromyalgia protocol today and he has this to say:

Ray Peat said:
It’s somewhat antiinflammatory and possibly a muscle relaxant. The internet discussion groups sometimes seemed more interested in developing a cult than correcting the problem with things such as vitamin D, calcium, thyroid, and progesterone.
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Sep 28, 2016
I definitely have fungal issues, jock itch, biofilm, and mucus. There's a thread on here about fungus being a potential cause for IBD. What do you think about Guafenesin? Seems it has the potential to deal with candida and biofilms at the same time but that's mostly an inkling. This article mentions it has similar properties to peppermint (The Role of Guaifenesin in Fibromyalgia.). Apparently it inhibits excitatory amino acids, and increases glycine. Both are a plus, and I do notice a sense of calm when I take it. However, like peppermint it also increases the chance of developing hiatal hernia similar to peppermint. Will watch for this. The article also says that it increases uninary calcium excretion. Might not be good long term.

Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a long time. Running on cortisol, headache, fatigue, gas, suicidal ideation. Started eating potato which, in the past, has inflamed my gut so much I was sh***ing ribbon the next day. Expected the worst, but I had a relatively normal BM today compared to the past month or so. Just goes to show that I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Energy is better, might have enough to pack the rest of my apartment as I have to be out on Thursday. Anyways, I think I'm going to go ahead with Josh Rubin consultations, unless anyone has a better idea?
There are thousands or more compounds that inhibit biofilms. I don't know much about Guaifenesin but reading up on it it doesn't seem to stand out to me. There is likely some toxicity associated with its use: Evaluation of developmental toxicity of guaifenesin using pregnant female rats. - PubMed - NCBI, though nothing crazy. Still I would stick to safer and more well studied substances.


There are thousands or more compounds that inhibit biofilms. I don't know much about Guaifenesin but reading up on it it doesn't seem to stand out to me. There is likely some toxicity associated with its use: Evaluation of developmental toxicity of guaifenesin using pregnant female rats. - PubMed - NCBI, though nothing crazy. Still I would stick to safer and more well studied substances.
If I'm not mistaken, those are ginormous doses. The article I linked said that doses of 50mg/lb induce skeletal muscle paralysis, so I'm not surprised that the rat babies were malformed.

Grapefruit (and other citrus, but mostly grapefruit) is an amazing quorum sensing inhibitor: Grapefruit juice and its furocoumarins inhibits autoinducer signaling and biofilm formation in bacteria. - PubMed - NCBI. I wasn't able to try it because I was sensitive to acidic substances when I was recovering, but it might be effective.

I'm also sensitive to acid. Were there any other substances you had particularly good results with?


Sep 28, 2016
If I'm not mistaken, those are ginormous doses. The article I linked said that doses of 50mg/lb induce skeletal muscle paralysis, so I'm not surprised that the rat babies were malformed.
Yes if the dose is typically that low that probably means its safe.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
LDN is an endotoxin antagonist. I suspect that's part of the reason it works so well for me.
What is the magic of tart cherry?
My recent n=1 experience has been that I've been able to completely stop LDN (and lisuride) after a couple weeks on 10k of vitamin D. I've been using LDN for most of this year. I'm not saying you need that much, just sharing about my situation as a fellow LDN user. I think testing your D since you've been deficient before would be a great and inexpensive starting point. Here's an informative article from the vitamin D council on dosing and they have many more if you're interested.
How much vitamin D is needed to achieve optimal levels?
Best wishes.


Sep 28, 2016
I'm also sensitive to acid. Were there any other substances you had particularly good results with?
Interesting, then we probably were in the same boat. I went through a lot of substances but what I eventually stuck to and what helped the most was coconut oil, green or black tea, and turmeric or cinnamon (I feel cinnamon works a little better than turmeric but it gives me migraines occasionally). It sounds very simplistic and it is, but its what helped me get better. I did avoid potatoes, pufa, any acidic food or drink, and any recreational drugs (including alcohol) but otherwise I wasn't restrictive with my diet at all. I do get a good amount of sun exposure so that could have come into play. Any anti-fungal gives me a pretty strong die off reaction at first so I had to work up the doses very slowly. I've noticed pau d'arco is particularly effective but it was much too strong for me and made me feel very ill.


Sep 28, 2016
My recent n=1 experience has been that I've been able to completely stop LDN (and lisuride) after a couple weeks on 10k of vitamin D. I've been using LDN for most of this year. I'm not saying you need that much, just sharing about my situation as a fellow LDN user. I think testing your D since you've been deficient before would be a great and inexpensive starting point. Here's an informative article from the vitamin D council on dosing and they have many more if you're interested.
How much vitamin D is needed to achieve optimal levels?
Best wishes.
I'm not sure what dose this translates to in humans but its worth noting that vitamin D has a biphastic effect on candida growth: Bimodal Influence of Vitamin D in Host Response to Systemic Candida Infection—Vitamin D Dose Matters | The Journal of Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic . So people should be cautious with high doses.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA


Ok, potatoes are definitely not helping my situation. I ate meat, potato, fruit, and ice cream yesterday. I was extremely dehyrated and slept terribly, have cold feet, constipation, nose is stuffed up. I'm ready to drop all preconceived ideas of diet and nutrition and do something crazy like RBTI. At least I'll be sh***ing every day.

Adnan Dabaan

New Member
Jul 26, 2018
Every time I include insoluble fiber in my diet I get constipated, I take 500mg of Magnesium citrate to relief that. I noticed this pattern I tried along the last four months or so.
my diet 4 cups raw milk, butter, ground beef, 3 egg, 2 and 3 orange juice and white sugre "I will drop eggs soon and add quality cheese in small amount". I used to be allergic to milk , gas and diarrhea, not any more . Bowel movement every morning when I wake up.
when I add supplements I get skin break out and bowel movement problem. maybe those supplements are contaminated and causing problems. And Im 32 and have most of your problem add to that lumbar disk herniation 3-lvls, which makes me stressed all the time from back pain. Stress is really bad for bowel movement.


Sep 28, 2016
Ok, potatoes are definitely not helping my situation. I ate meat, potato, fruit, and ice cream yesterday. I was extremely dehyrated and slept terribly, have cold feet, constipation, nose is stuffed up. I'm ready to drop all preconceived ideas of diet and nutrition and do something crazy like RBTI. At least I'll be sh***ing every day.
Ray Peat has warned against potatoes before in the context of gut bacteria. I too used to react badly to them. There is no official diet supported by Ray Peat, the "Ray Peat diet" is notorious for taking his words and research out if context and to the extreme.


Jun 26, 2018
After fifteen years of digestive issues, my symptoms are currently the best they’ve been for years. Here’s what works for me:

1) Low fodmap diet + avoiding the major foods that impact histamine.
2) Colostrum—nothing, that I’ve tried, comes close to easing stomach inflammation like colostrum. A few months ago, every single thing I ate or drank gave me immediate discomfort in my stomach. Colostrum fixed that in just a few days. I can’t stress enough how critical it’s been for me.
3) Coconut oil, Ceylon cinnamon oil and allicin for anti-microbials.
4) Bentonite clay to help sweep the crap out—I’ll probably drop this soon, as my symptoms have improved so dramatically and I’m unsure of the long-term safety.

I’m under no illusions that I’m merely keeping my symptoms at bay, as opposed to curing my issues, but it’s incredbily uplifting to relieve symptoms whilst I continue improving my overall health. Digestive issues are extremely depressing. I feel your pain. Keep strong.


Oct 15, 2016
Ray Peat has warned against potatoes before in the context of gut bacteria. I too used to react badly to them. There is no official diet supported by Ray Peat, the "Ray Peat diet" is notorious for taking his words and research out if context and to the extreme.
On an other thread you had said they may lower 5ar, what type of reaction did you get to potatoes? any mental effects?


Sep 28, 2016
On an other thread you had said they may lower 5ar, what type of reaction did you get to potatoes? any mental effects?
Brain fog and general sluggishness. I no longer think they will lower 5-ar significantly.


Feb 13, 2018
@oldfriend if you're having breathing issues during the day then they are probably affecting you at night, interrupting your sleep and thus making everything else much worse than it needs to be. For this, I strongly recommend you try Inclined Bed Therapy. I have a tendency to get stuffed up at night and IBT dramatically helped control it.


May 8, 2017
By the way, I haven't heard from him. I do hope he's okay. A few people I've talked to over the last year have tragically died unexpectedly (various problems including pharmaceuticals and cancer) and this ends up worrying me more than I thought it ever would.

Yes, potatoes are a huge variable and (unless you misread my post) they're not something I'd recommend in this case. The gut can have trouble with them, they have very high GI and they may increase Acetylcholine itself or its effects.
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