Seb Derm


Dec 12, 2017
Pretty bad in my eyebrows right now. Nothing seems to be working. I do have a running theiry of what’s going in on my body.

I am on thyroid meds and by labs I am pretty hyper. Been that way for a while. I realize it’s not ideal but I have felt so much better. Every time I try decreasing my dose to get back to normal ranges, I start feeling very hypo again even with small decreases.

I tie this in because I have recently read that having T3 too high can cause IR, elevated prolactin (maybe IR causing high prolactin). My PRL has been high ever since I started my thyroid meds. At first I liked the increase in PRL because it helped me last longer in the sack. Now at times I face anorgasmia.

To tie all this into Seb Derm, I also recently read that it is often correlated to low-dopamine. Which makes sense, given the high PRL.

So anyways, I’m going to decrease my thyroid dosing and fight through the hypo feelings (main one is air hunger at night).

Thoughts? Hope some of you found that interesting.


Nov 9, 2019
Not great. Lots of milk, coffee, OJ, fruit (all peat friendly) but I do eat out more than I should. I like my candy/chocolate too.

Sugar is known to feed yeast. I wonder if activated charcoal or a lower sugar diet would help. You can also try switching your milk to yogurt and eating easier digested foods and more meats. Adding liver to your diet may help any mineral deficiencies/vitamin a. Which is usually associated with skin problems.

I think the quality of the food one buys is one of the most important things for one to consider. Opting for organic and real foods is the most important thing. Also, I find coffee to be rather stimulating so lowering it could help you tune in your thyroid dose.


Oct 15, 2018
Coffee is weird for me, there have been times when it single handedly (in excess) causes the eyebrow flakiness you mention, especially when having an excess of B vitamin and not enough A from liver. Sun also helps


Dec 12, 2017
Do you have anything more concrete on that?
Google causes/risk factors of seb derm. PD is always listed and I also found a study linking SD as a predictor of PD in some cases.

In my own case, I’m not worried about PD, I know that my medication is driving up PRL which naturally opposes Dopamine.
Apr 13, 2018
I previously dealt with thick yellow flakes from my scalp but around the same time I was also experiencing small flakes around my eyebrows. In my case I think it was a lack of zinc, and the flakes somehow being exacerbated by milk consumption.

Just going to quote one of my previous posts in case it helps:

"I don't know if what I had was dandruff or "seborrheic dermatitis" but I was recently having some thick yellow waxy flakes on the top of my scalp (they looked like the 2nd picture here: Seborrheic dermatitis - Symptoms and causes ). Eating more canned oysters seemed to have gotten rid of it. Maybe I was very deficient in zinc. I had one can a day for a week and haven't noticed those flakes that I used to see on the top of my scalp."
How Often Should I Eat Liver To Remedy Dandruff

Also since I've greatly limited milk intake as an experiment, I've noticed almost no dandruff/flakes. Don't know if it's a milk in general thing for me, or metabolism thing (some people here have said they needed more vitamin A when drinking milk), or hormonal (saw some posts about how sometimes milk can affect androgens leading to more oiliness/acne). But for me milk seemed to be a culprit. I've never tried raw or the other organic varieties. Only the 'regular' milk as well as lactose free and UHT lactose free. All gave me the waxy flakes.


Oct 27, 2018
Pretty bad in my eyebrows right now. Nothing seems to be working. I do have a running theiry of what’s going in on my body.

I am on thyroid meds and by labs I am pretty hyper. Been that way for a while. I realize it’s not ideal but I have felt so much better. Every time I try decreasing my dose to get back to normal ranges, I start feeling very hypo again even with small decreases.

I tie this in because I have recently read that having T3 too high can cause IR, elevated prolactin (maybe IR causing high prolactin). My PRL has been high ever since I started my thyroid meds. At first I liked the increase in PRL because it helped me last longer in the sack. Now at times I face anorgasmia.

To tie all this into Seb Derm, I also recently read that it is often correlated to low-dopamine. Which makes sense, given the high PRL.

So anyways, I’m going to decrease my thyroid dosing and fight through the hypo feelings (main one is air hunger at night).

Thoughts? Hope some of you found that interesting.
Did you ever figure out the SD and anorgasmia? I've been in the same situation for awhile now. I've been "Peating" 3 years and never had these issues beforehand.
Apr 22, 2019
I also suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and have been seeing good results from limiting oleic acid from my diet.

Scalp dandruff and skin redness/flare ups correlate together.

The triggers from worst to least offensive are as follow:
PUFA - vegetable and yellow oils, fatty chicken
MUFA - avocado, olive, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts
Fatty red meat
Sour cream
Whole milk
Tomato, bell pepper
Bread and pasta

Basically I'll use coconut oil and butter when able, not drink copious amounts of milk, and stick to lean meats over fatty ones.

Taking 1-2tbsp of raw potato starch in the morning creates a type of buffer that improves digestive tolerance for the rest of the day.

Sometimes supplemental magnesium helps but I'm still on the fence about it.

Sunlight and regular skin-washing are a big help, too, especially calcium bentonite clay.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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