Stopping The Vicious Circle Of High Fungus. Constipation, Antifungals And Probiotics

Aug 18, 2015
I have to come to realize I have fungus on my chest due to stress... stress in the body... I have stress in the body because I have fungus... the fungus is somehow blocking the ability to feel hunger, to digest food, it is somehow using progesterone, it is making my hair fall out.

I found this thread and found it seemed to mirror my exact situation.. but I've never seen Ray talk about this at all or how to get out of this loop.. the problem is, if the body is prone to fungus, sugar WILL make it grow more, no matter what, I know this for fact, however, getting out of the "circle" of stress requires sugar. Do you see my dillemma.. no wonder I could never figure out how to stop this.

So far I think I have a few options... first would be some high powered prescription grade anti fungals which luckily doctors will prescribe like candy. The second would be thyroid supplementation to bring down estrogen. It seems like it will get worse before it gets better due to upping sugar to get that cholesterol high enough to handle thyroid unfortunately.

Does anyone else see any other options?

1. Candida can bind to hormones, altering their shape so they're no longer able to fit into their target receptor, making certain hormones inactive. This creates a hormonal imbalance.

2. However, it is rarely understood that candida also contributes to hormonal problems. A candida waste product produces afalse estrogen, which tricks the body into thinking it has produced adequate levels, signaling a reduction of its own estrogen.Similar messages can also be sent to the thyroid, reducing thyroxin production and initiating or worsening a hypothyroid problem.

3. Elevated estrogen levels also increase vaginal candidiasis (thrush) incidence. Estrogen will literally feed candida growth, which is why birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapy put women at a greater risk of developing candida.

4. Did you ever wonder why so many women have to use progesterone cream? It is because fungus devours progesterone and changes it into prednisone. Drug companies farm fungus colonies, feeding them progesterone to make the drug prednisone--which they then sell to consumers as a remedy for everything. Prednisone is just one of the many powerful mycotoxins produced by fungus which can kill bacteria.

5. This explains why most women are estrogen dominant. Generally these women do not have an excess of estrogen, but they lack progesterone due to fungus overgrowth. These hormonal imbalances can cause the face to break out, breasts to lose firmness, hair problems, and perhaps most significantly, depression and migraines.


Zhao, X., P. J. Malloy, C. M. Ardies, and D. Feldman. Oestrogen-binding protein in Candida albicans: antibody development and cellular localization by electron immunocytochemistry. Microbiology. 1995; 141:2685-2692.

Cheng G, Yeater KM, Hoyer LL. Cellular and Molecular Biology of Candida albicans Estrogen Response. Eukaryotic Cell. January 2006; 5(1) :180-191.

Zhang X, Essmann M, Burt ET, Larsen B. Estrogen effects on Candida albicans: a potential virulence-regulating mechanism. J Infect Dis. 2000 Apr;181(4):1441-6. Epub Apr 13, 2000.

Powers MS, Schenkel L, Darley PE, et al. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of transdermal dosage forms of 17 beta-estradiol: comparison with conventional oral estrogens used for hormone replacement. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1985;152: 1099-106.

Iwata, K., and Yamamota, Y. Glycoprotein Toxins Produced by Candida Albicans. Proceedings of the Fourth international Conference on the Mycoses. June, 1977, PAHO Scientific Publication #356. and Iwata, K., Recent Advances in Medical and Veterinary Mycology, University of Tokyo Press, 1977

Candida Fungus Alters Hormones
Aug 18, 2015
The five strain bifidobacteria from custom probiotics is $130!!!! There are like a million probiotics supps out there... it is hard to make that kind of financial decision!

yeah i noticed that price as well lmao... that is insane. i am going to buy it though and give it a try, i also have this problem. will do it and report back... i take personal experience over everything, two people reporting back good things is enough for me. 400 billion is crazy though. damn. i just got it over night shipped to myself will report back soon.... yes i really want to solve this problem too.
Aug 18, 2015
@mayweatherking do let us know! I think you will be glad you did.

will do.. i also have nystatin sitting here, do you think it would interfere with this probiotic at all? i wonder if i should use the nystatin right now before the probiotic gets here, then i will switch to it, or use one in the mirning and one at night?


will do.. i also have nystatin sitting here, do you think it would interfere with this probiotic at all? i wonder if i should use the nystatin right now before the probiotic gets here, then i will switch to it, or use one in the mirning and one at night? idea! Anyone else? I have never used nystatin.
Aug 18, 2015
yeah let us know please. It's crazy expensive but if it solves
digestion/constipation issues it's not that expensive.

yeah i also bought nystatin, that seems to be helping the constipation really too right now, hopefully these two together can do it
Aug 18, 2015

yeah i dont know why it is helping me so much. it is making me feel way better too the nystatin. im not sure if it is killing fungus or it is just a metabolic booster in general? its turning my libido slightly and emotions on a lot, maybe because it is emptyin the bowel? i have no idea. i feel really good on it though, like very good.
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Oct 5, 2014
yeah i dont know why it is helping me so much. it is making me feel way better too the nystatin. im not sure if it is killing fungus or it is just a metabolic booster in general? its turning my libido slightly and emotions on a lot, maybe because it is emptyin the bowel? i have no idea. i feel really good on it though, like very good.
Could it be like that ? nystatin -> kills fungus -> less endotoxin -> metabolism improves -> good things start to happen -> better bowel movements -> more good things go up (mood, libido, etc.)

Keep us posted please.


Oct 11, 2015
Anti-fungals ( turpentine, nystatin, kerosene etc. ) work very well at killing fungus. I used to recommend them a lot to people based on personal experience and clinical results I have observed. But in certain problematic cases they are insufficient, especially if the fungal problem is chronic and not acute. Chronic fungal problems is usually due to lack of bile and/or general lymph congestion. In healthy people, over 90% of bile salts are re-absorbed in the illeum. If your illeum is clogged with fecal matter and fungal/bacterial overgrowth you will run low on bile salts. Also, production of bile salts in the liver will be greatly hindered in a clogged, sluggish liver, not to mention cholesterol clumps ( which eventually turn into stones ) blocking the flow of bile. If cholesterol, bile salts, lecithin and certain PUFA are not in balance cholesterol clumps will form. Lecithin and PUFA keep cholesterol melting point below body temperature, for example. I would make a guess that your cholesterol is above the normal range but that may not be the case. Another fungal infections, beta-alanine will compete with taurine for reabsorption in the kidneys so you will be functionally deficient in taurine, needed for bile production, one need of many. This does not necessarily mean you fix it by taking taurine...beta-alanine plays an important function as well so one runs certain risks in that respect. Natural fungi/yeast and humans have a symbiotic relationship believe it or not.

So you can see a few mechanisms for the vicious cycle. The hepatobiliary system is very complex and is damaged by a wide range of suspects. Very hard to pinpoint without extensive diet/supplement history and lifestyle. Most harsh drugs/nsaids contribute to rapid formation of cholesterol stones as well as general thickening of bile. In the gallbladder they are called gallstones and can become calcified, but they exist in the liver, also. Aside from drugs, a diet with ANY sort of imbalance with respect to the particular patient's needs will lead to disease of the biliary system. Clogged liver, aside from lack of bile for digestion, leads to constant lipid peroxidation and cholestatic pruritus, which normally manifests as "histamine intolerance." (lol)


Mar 2, 2016
Anti-fungals ( turpentine, nystatin, kerosene etc. ) work very well at killing fungus. I used to recommend them a lot to people based on personal experience and clinical results I have observed. But in certain problematic cases they are insufficient, especially if the fungal problem is chronic and not acute. Chronic fungal problems is usually due to lack of bile and/or general lymph congestion. In healthy people, over 90% of bile salts are re-absorbed in the illeum. If your illeum is clogged with fecal matter and fungal/bacterial overgrowth you will run low on bile salts. Also, production of bile salts in the liver will be greatly hindered in a clogged, sluggish liver, not to mention cholesterol clumps ( which eventually turn into stones ) blocking the flow of bile. If cholesterol, bile salts, lecithin and certain PUFA are not in balance cholesterol clumps will form. Lecithin and PUFA keep cholesterol melting point below body temperature, for example. I would make a guess that your cholesterol is above the normal range but that may not be the case. Another fungal infections, beta-alanine will compete with taurine for reabsorption in the kidneys so you will be functionally deficient in taurine, needed for bile production, one need of many. This does not necessarily mean you fix it by taking taurine...beta-alanine plays an important function as well so one runs certain risks in that respect. Natural fungi/yeast and humans have a symbiotic relationship believe it or not.

So you can see a few mechanisms for the vicious cycle. The hepatobiliary system is very complex and is damaged by a wide range of suspects. Very hard to pinpoint without extensive diet/supplement history and lifestyle. Most harsh drugs/nsaids contribute to rapid formation of cholesterol stones as well as general thickening of bile. In the gallbladder they are called gallstones and can become calcified, but they exist in the liver, also. Aside from drugs, a diet with ANY sort of imbalance with respect to the particular patient's needs will lead to disease of the biliary system. Clogged liver, aside from lack of bile for digestion, leads to constant lipid peroxidation and cholestatic pruritus, which normally manifests as "histamine intolerance." (lol)
wow, i've been wanting to try terpentine to kill parasites etc & as a preventative. from your experiences, how do you recommend taking it?
Aug 18, 2015
Anti-fungals ( turpentine, nystatin, kerosene etc. ) work very well at killing fungus. I used to recommend them a lot to people based on personal experience and clinical results I have observed. But in certain problematic cases they are insufficient, especially if the fungal problem is chronic and not acute. Chronic fungal problems is usually due to lack of bile and/or general lymph congestion. In healthy people, over 90% of bile salts are re-absorbed in the illeum. If your illeum is clogged with fecal matter and fungal/bacterial overgrowth you will run low on bile salts. Also, production of bile salts in the liver will be greatly hindered in a clogged, sluggish liver, not to mention cholesterol clumps ( which eventually turn into stones ) blocking the flow of bile. If cholesterol, bile salts, lecithin and certain PUFA are not in balance cholesterol clumps will form. Lecithin and PUFA keep cholesterol melting point below body temperature, for example. I would make a guess that your cholesterol is above the normal range but that may not be the case. Another fungal infections, beta-alanine will compete with taurine for reabsorption in the kidneys so you will be functionally deficient in taurine, needed for bile production, one need of many. This does not necessarily mean you fix it by taking taurine...beta-alanine plays an important function as well so one runs certain risks in that respect. Natural fungi/yeast and humans have a symbiotic relationship believe it or not.

So you can see a few mechanisms for the vicious cycle. The hepatobiliary system is very complex and is damaged by a wide range of suspects. Very hard to pinpoint without extensive diet/supplement history and lifestyle. Most harsh drugs/nsaids contribute to rapid formation of cholesterol stones as well as general thickening of bile. In the gallbladder they are called gallstones and can become calcified, but they exist in the liver, also. Aside from drugs, a diet with ANY sort of imbalance with respect to the particular patient's needs will lead to disease of the biliary system. Clogged liver, aside from lack of bile for digestion, leads to constant lipid peroxidation and cholestatic pruritus, which normally manifests as "histamine intolerance." (lol)

Have you taken any harsh drugs in the past mayweatherking?

Yes... finasteride. I actually thoguht I had a bile acid problem for a while. Just because of problems with protein. I think you could be right on some of that stuff. Although it appears the anti fungal works very well.
Aug 18, 2015
Could it be like that ? nystatin -> kills fungus -> less endotoxin -> metabolism improves -> good things start to happen -> better bowel movements -> more good things go up (mood, libido, etc.)

Keep us posted please.

maybe... it has allowed for me to have better progesterone production for sure though too. i was taking another anti fungal, fluncanazole i think, but i seemed to hit a wall with it, it just stopped working i guess, i don't know what that was about. hopefully that doesnt happen with the nystatin. is there literally fungus accumulating in my stomach and the nystatin is just killing it or something? lol.. that's what i don't get, is the fungus just growing in my stomach like some weird life form or something self sustaining itself on its own lol

i just got the probiotics today and took a dose of it today, although i didnt really notice anything? i dk if it's supposed to do anything. i took it and fell asleep and woke up kind of hungry so maybe it did do something, no idea. they say to take one scoop a day, i kind of want to do more lol.. maybe ill do one in the morning and one at night, it proabbly takes a few days to buildup lol

i'm for sure doing better... my temp right now is 99.5 with no thyroid meds... although i do have some that i'm ready to take if i need to if it comes down to it... i think when i solve the constipation, i can get on that and everything will fall into place hopefully

Anti-fungals ( turpentine, nystatin, kerosene etc. ) work very well at killing fungus. I used to recommend them a lot to people based on personal experience and clinical results I have observed. But in certain problematic cases they are insufficient, especially if the fungal problem is chronic and not acute. Chronic fungal problems is usually due to lack of bile and/or general lymph congestion. In healthy people, over 90% of bile salts are re-absorbed in the illeum. If your illeum is clogged with fecal matter and fungal/bacterial overgrowth you will run low on bile salts. Also, production of bile salts in the liver will be greatly hindered in a clogged, sluggish liver, not to mention cholesterol clumps ( which eventually turn into stones ) blocking the flow of bile. If cholesterol, bile salts, lecithin and certain PUFA are not in balance cholesterol clumps will form. Lecithin and PUFA keep cholesterol melting point below body temperature, for example. I would make a guess that your cholesterol is above the normal range but that may not be the case. Another fungal infections, beta-alanine will compete with taurine for reabsorption in the kidneys so you will be functionally deficient in taurine, needed for bile production, one need of many. This does not necessarily mean you fix it by taking taurine...beta-alanine plays an important function as well so one runs certain risks in that respect. Natural fungi/yeast and humans have a symbiotic relationship believe it or not.

So you can see a few mechanisms for the vicious cycle. The hepatobiliary system is very complex and is damaged by a wide range of suspects. Very hard to pinpoint without extensive diet/supplement history and lifestyle. Most harsh drugs/nsaids contribute to rapid formation of cholesterol stones as well as general thickening of bile. In the gallbladder they are called gallstones and can become calcified, but they exist in the liver, also. Aside from drugs, a diet with ANY sort of imbalance with respect to the particular patient's needs will lead to disease of the biliary system. Clogged liver, aside from lack of bile for digestion, leads to constant lipid peroxidation and cholestatic pruritus, which normally manifests as "histamine intolerance." (lol)

that sounds exactly like me. i had really bad histamine. i could show you a pic, but i used to have fungus so bad, it was ALL OVER my chest, literally completely covering my chest... if you want to tlak about a chronic problem, that was me. the flucanazole removed it from my chest, but i sitll appear to have a small patch near my genitals kind of which makes me think it is not gone completely. i also had bad histamine for sure. i remember when i was at my worst, i couldnt eat chicken without having pain in my balls, i thought that fat couldn't be digested.

what can you do to fix the problem with chronic fungus or what to supplemetn with outside of the nystatin? i have been trying to figure out what fungus effects in the body, but could not find anything on it.. i really feel my progesterone going up definetely from teh nystatin.. however, i really need to stop my hair loss as well, so i want to be able to handle milk to do that... it seems like i cant handle high sugar loads, i have been using fruit carbs as a main source
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Aug 18, 2015
I seem to have an easier time going to the bathroom, but I also feel unbelieveably depressed. I feel like ive been dazed for a while so maybe im just coming to reality for how I should really feel? I'm not eating dairy as a main protein source and instead opting for raw egggs beef, oysters, and fish for protein with egg shell calcium and added mag and coffee so maybe its too much serotonin im not aure, but I do feel I.have worse estrogen symptoms for some reason... sigh.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
but I also feel unbelieveably depressed. I feel like ive been dazed for a while so maybe im just coming to reality for how I should really feel?
I wonder if it could be die off making you feel that way?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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