Sunmountain's Log


Mar 29, 2014
I think though that the neck pain is degenerative disc disease, as the ER doctors diagnosed via neck X-Ray. C3-4 and C5-6, I believe
Bad luck.
Today is day 4 with a headache due to the neck pain. I'm trying not to take Naproxen due to gastritis.
Can't remember if you've tried topical aspirin on neck? Might be easier on gastritis than drinking it?

The other two liver enzymes are fine. I'll start eating beets, or should I get beet capsules. I tried the juice in the past and didn't like it.
I don't know if you get the relevant benefits from beetroot this way, but the only way I like it at all is raw grated, preferably with grated carrot and apple.


Mar 29, 2014
My albumin was low in the ER, though in previous labs it was within range. I no longer eat farmer cheese due to stressed kidneys, does that have something to do with it.
Kidney trouble could affect albumin? And maybe that breathlessness from walking? Speculating here, don't understand these systems well. Have you read Peat's article on water?
Water: swelling, tension, pain, fatigue, aging


Mar 29, 2014
the assorted aches and pains and tiredness lately might be due to lack of thyroid.
Sounds possible.

Tricky knowing what to do for a couple of days till you get your tests done, if you don't want to mess with them by affecting all the thyroid-related hormones.
Maybe you'll feel better if you can get a little thyroid, but not as much as before? Were the signs all pointing to hyperthyroid before (pulse, temps, labs, other symptoms)? or just one or two signs, with the rest still more hypo?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I've been feeling the need for eggs, so maybe order Kuinone. What else?
Maybe mitolipin. I read this and thought of you.
In the doses found in MitoLipin, it is similar to eating 2 eggs, but without the PUFA that they contain.
I still eat some eggs when I want them.

Lindsay mentioned/questioned about mitolipin possibly being helpful for mitochondria damage due to prior starvation in the same thread. The whole thread is worth a read if you haven't seen it. I hate to seem to be shamelessly promoting a supplement but this one seemed tailor made for me and we have many of the same lingering healing issues from chronic under eating so I figured I'd mention it. The are some studies haidut attached about GI benefits of the ingredients in mitolipin as well. It could be worth considering.


Jun 20, 2015
Thanks, Tara. I do have Mg oil and will rub it tonight. I think though that the neck pain is degenerative disc disease, as the ER doctors diagnosed via neck X-Ray.
Quite often it is the fascia that is causing pain, and not a degenerative condition that doctors see on X-ray. Fascia (in most cases) can be treated manually.

Tension anywhere in your body (or just stress hormones) can have effect on your posture and cause tension and pain elsewhere. The main suspect in your case is your gut.

I recently also stopped coffee due to GERD/gastritis.
Which other thyroid stimulants can I take that will not lower my TSH or affect gastritis but give me thyroid hormone? I've been feeling the need for eggs, so maybe order Kuinone. What else? Help me out please, the brain fog is making it hard to think. Thanks
You can get the benefits from coffee without stressing the stomach via coffee enemas (that's at least what Max Gerson thought). The relaxation the enema can give you, might even help with your neck and breathing. Maybe try a clear water enema to flush the colon before doing a coffee enema (this one is a retention enema).

My albumin was low in the ER, though in previous labs it was within range. I no longer eat farmer cheese due to stressed kidneys, does that have something to do with it.
Protein deficiency is the first thing that comes to my mind. Do I remember it correctly, that you weren't digesting proteins well?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Protein deficiency is the first thing that comes to my mind.
I've seen low albumin a lot in protein malnourished people. Perhaps a protease digestive enzyme would help. It's a delicate situation with you kidney concerns but even the kidneys need adequate dietary protein to heal.


May 12, 2014
Thanks, all. I'll reply in detail tomorrow. In the meantime, the pain on the left side has returned. This morning started out well with a good though not complete evac with help from the slippery elm, but after lunch went downhill as the food just sat in stomach. Another dose of SE did nothing. Slight pain on left side due to extreme bloating. Had dinner, and food still feels like sitting in stomach.

Given that ALP has been rising steadily, I'm wondering if it's a bile issue. I'm a bit confused since GB is on the right side, but I read that if it's pancreatitis, it's caused by bile problem?

I've requested my doc for ultrasound of right and left sides. Bad news is that my wonderful doc is moving away to Cleveland. If anyone there needs a referral to an amazing doc, let me know. This has really shaken me. Things with new doc whomever it may be will not be the same.

What I want to know right now is, if it is indeed pancreatitis, and they want to remove the GB, what are options. Obviously I don't want it removed, and I've read a bit of others' difficulties without a GB. Has anyone on the forum tried anything that helped them keep the GB?

And, in the meantime, I should get something with ox bile in it to try. Any suggestions?

Because of the number of things going on, it's hard to figure things out. This morning, I took a little Shilajit which helped with energy, then SE, and the subsequent poop increased energy immediately. So I did not have low thyroid symptoms today. Also it was 70 degrees today. I'll get my labs done Monday. Went for a walk with friend in evening and other than heavy stomach was fine walking.

Giraffe, you may be right that the neck pain is gut related. I was coming to the same conclusion today because immediately after lunch sat in stomach and there was extreme bloating, the neck pain started up. Good to know it might not be the discs themselves but the fascia; how does it show up on the xray, though, leading them to conclude DGD?

Blossom, I'll check out the thread, and no worries about promoting anything, I love Haidut's products, and you are absolutely right that we have many same symptoms.

I am kinda fearful about what's happening, but have to stay calm and inform myself as much as possible. The other bad news is that the GI's assistant no longer replies to my emails because I rescheduled smart pill 3 times. It's now on for the 25th, but she may have dropped me. My doc suggested a different GI, and I said I want to see if the current one will reply after smart pill. I want to stay with this one cuz he's integrative and top in his field -- if at all possible.

I have a follow up with liver specialist coming up too. Next week I'm getting liver FibroScan which he had ordered.


Jun 20, 2015
Good to know it might not be the discs themselves but the fascia; how does it show up on the xray, though, leading them to conclude DGD?
A degenerative condition that they see on a X-ray may or may not cause symptoms. Often when X-raying old people, doctors find degenerative conditions that has never caused issues, and back pains "caused" by degeneration of the intervertebral disks just go away.

Mainstream medicine does not have the fascia on their radar. They see fascia as a passive fibrous tissue, but it is better described as an organ in its own right. It is innervated by nerve endings. It can contract independent of muscle movements and does so in reaction to neurotransmitters released as a result of stress.
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May 12, 2014
Giraffe, this is very interesting. My sister sent me some equipment and CD for the MELT method (The NEW Art of Self-Care | MELT Method | Natural Pain Relief), which I think addresses exactly this, if fascia and connective tissue is the same thing. She is training to become a MELT practitioner, I think.

I have not used the equipment, but I will look into it now. There is a CD to go through first.

Thank you so much for the explanation; it is very helpful!


May 12, 2014
Up and down as usual since my last post. Last evening I had kidney stone pain in the ureter area. Quite uncomfortable. I took Himalaya UriCare and drank water, and this morning am fine. I'm taking UriCare short-term for low back pain, and it also helps with stones. I discontinued the previous formula because I had been taking it too long since December.

I do think the gentle electrical stimulation that the acupuncturist is giving is loosening up kidney and maybe gall stones, which is causing more acute-ish symptoms since I started seeing this acupuncturist two weeks ago. A few days ago, even my morning oatmeal just sat in my stomach, so I got digestive enzymes and ox bile, which are helping digestion. I'm hoping whatever is blocked will open up eventually, so I can get off these.

Constipation is still up and down. I'm taking a tsp SE with marshmallow root 2-3 times/day, plus one Triphala at bed. This results in sometimes complete evac, and more usually incomplete. I feel a surge of energy whenever I do have complete evac.

I've discontinued Mg supplementation for now as I think it was increasing bloating.

The Shilajit is amazing. It gives me energy to function, and even seems to help with muscle building, though I'm not eating extra protein. I believe it carries minerals into cells and will transport anything else along with it. It also helps with edema, though I think right now I need the extra support of UriCare.

I read the thread on mitolipin and will order it. Anything to help de-fat my liver. I might start with a lower dose due to the Shilajit also working inside the cell. Will also order Kuinone.

Have been waking up at night, maybe due to less apple juice during the day. Drinking lots of peppermint tea these days.

Had complete abdomen ultrasound and new thyroid labs and waiting for results. Delayed FibroScan due to some pain in the left or right side that day; will reschedule. Starting smartpill Monday morning.


May 12, 2014
Blossom, what did Haidut mean by saying mitolipin is like eating 2 eggs without the pufa...does it mean for example that mito will provide vitamin A?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Blossom, what did Haidut mean by saying mitolipin is like eating 2 eggs without the pufa...does it mean for example that mito will provide vitamin A?
I believe he meant the choline. The 2 types of choline used in mitolipin are special saturated forms. That's my best lay person explanation.


May 12, 2014
Recently I "discovered" this recipe. It's probably been posted by someone already. It's addictive, and I'm eating it every night for dessert. Because of it, I'm eating at least an apple and peach a day, and vary it with pear. Looking to try other fruits also.

Peeled, cut apple and ripe peach. I like Granny Smith and it also helps GB.
Mixture of balsamic vinegar, drop or two of o_O, tsp of lime juice, salt and sugar.
Bathe the fruit in the above "dressing."
Put in a bowl lined with parchment paper.
Stick in oven at 350 or 400 for 45-60 minutes.
Done when all liquid absorbed and carmelized and tops of fruits also roasted looking.


Now for the bad part. I can't seem to get a handle on the constipation. It makes me very tired and gives me low back pain even though urination is ok with help of UriCare.

One "Ray" of sunshine is that in the morning first thing I drink 2-3 oz warm/hot water, and it stimulates peristalsis, and makes me go, though incompletely. I'm hoping this means my colon is not yet dead.

But then during the day, it's not so great even though I might go another time or two. Too much still inside.

I take Triphala at night, slippery elm and marshmallow root during the day twice. I'm adding back a capsule or two of magnesium. It's not enough.

I can't take anything that would affect the kidneys any further. I feel reluctant to try enema.

Haidut, can you create something for colonic inertia type problem, please??

Adding: one more piece of sunshine is that I haven't had the neck pain since several days now. Only low back pain.
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May 12, 2014
This morning I went and swallowed smart pill. But I woke up with right eye hurting like there was something in it. I went to opthamologist, and he said the eye is dry. He gave me Omega-3, which I dumped, and told me about punctal plug, and temporary relief with artificial tears.

My question is, what nutritional deficiency is causing dry eyes? Is it Vitamin A? Is it low-fat diet?

Something connected in my brain because the Ayurvedic practitioner had said my constipation was caused in part by dry intestines. He recommended a tsp of ghee at bedtime. (I assume CO would work as well.) I have not done it due to trying to stick with low-fat diet.

Are these side effects of low-fat diet: dry eyes, and contributing to constipation?

Or could it be diuretics, the formula I'm taking to help me pee?


Mar 29, 2014
Can't comment on any of the rest of it, other than that warm water and relaxation used to help me with occasional constipation and gas way back.
He recommended a tsp of ghee at bedtime. (I assume CO would work as well.) I have not done it due to trying to stick with low-fat diet.
You could eat 5g or less of gee or butter and still have a pretty low fat diet.


May 12, 2014
Met with liver specialist yesterday, and he went over results. In a nutshell, "all systems normal." I'll do a liver ultrasound elastography to determine fibrosis, as that is serious if found. No stones in gallbladder, and he said most likely no kidney stones as those give excruciating pain. I know it was not excruciating, though uncomfortable. He said it might have been sigmoid colon constipation pain.

He said my liver enzymes were good, even though ALP has been rising steadily. He said it's not double of normal, so not concerning. I'm still concerned about biliary obstruction, though, so maybe the next u/s might show something.

He looked up Liv52 on pubmed and pulled up a number of studies, including one showing reversal of cirrhosis, and said wow. He said there are thyroid receptors in the liver, so it is indeed feasible that the combination of thyroid meds and Liv52 was too much and pushed TSH to zero.

Here comes the shocker, at least for me. TSH per last Thursday labs is 7.8!!!! The most I've ever been was 4.4 a while ago, and then I couldn't get out of bed. So how am I functioning now? No joint/muscle pains, though fatigue has been slowly increasing. Maybe Shilajit, as I felt energetic when I first took it, and then got used to the energy level. Anyway, I've restarted cynoplus yesterday. I wonder if the rising TSH and low normal T3 and T4 were behind some of the weird symptoms of late, and especially the increased constipation. A month ago, doc said to stop both cyno and LiverCare after TSH came to zero and I was having hyper symptoms.

I swallowed smartpill 8am yesterday, and pooped it out 8am this morning! The nurse showed me a steep drop in temp after uploading results which is indicative of its exit. I didn't expect it to exit so quickly, and still a bit puzzled how it got past the old backed up poop to exit so soon (sorry, TMI). Yesterday all I took was one Triphala at bedtime, no other laxative.

Felt a little SIBO-ish, so started Pau d'Arco drops mixed in with Shilajit.

Had two BM's today, and stomach less inflated than usual. Warm water on empty stomach is becoming a reliable morning laxative leading to good though not complete BM.

I've started using more CO and/or ghee in evening meal.

If liver doesn't have fibrosis and only fatty, what's the next step to improving sugar metabolism? My fasting seems constant at 100, and A1C is unchanged. Does that mean I'm burning sugar?? I'd like to know so I stop feeling scared when I drink apple juice, as I've gone back to drinking previous quantities. What tests can I do to determine sugar burning?

Got mitolipin and can't wait to start it. Since it affects the liver, I wonder if it too will have an unintended affect on thyroid... Wonder if I should wait 2 weeks for thyroid to kick in and do labs before starting it.


May 12, 2014
Blossom, WHy does refeeding cause water retention??

Doc said yesterday kidneys fine as BUN and creatinine fine. Then how come there's low back pain and water retention?? And no swelling in feet and legs?

I tried telling him refeeding syndrome, but he looked doubtful. He said maybe see a uro-gyn.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Blossom, WHy does refeeding cause water retention??

Doc said yesterday kidneys fine as BUN and creatinine fine. Then how come there's low back pain and water retention?? And no swelling in feet and legs?

I tried telling him refeeding syndrome, but he looked doubtful. He said maybe see a uro-gyn.
Well refeeding syndrome is a severe electrolyte imbalance in early refeeding and can be life threatening so that is why the doctor looked doubtful. I've read the edema is there as a result of repairs happening to bathe the tissues in fluid as damage heals. That's not from Peat so I'm not sure if he would agree or not.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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