Taurine More Effective Than Finasteride For Hair Loss


Deleted member 5487

Taurine is good for stress hair loss(Danny Roddy)
It's sulfur containing amino makes it good for de calcification in MPB


Jan 18, 2020
I have something to say about taurine.

So you know when your hypothyroid right and you lose hair - that's me. Ever since i was in a high-stress state, like 4-5 years i remember one temple was itching me, some days more some less depending on whether i slept badly or very bad.

Ever since starting taurine, my left temple where I was losing hair steadily over these years, stopped itching me, and that most likely means that shedding stopped, so yes i see how it could be better than finasteride for haiross.


I've been having great success using K-water in a spray bottle and spraying my hair/head. It has significantly thickened and strengthened my hair, there's much less hair breakage and far fewer hair clumps in my brush.

I've had thin brittle hair all my life and this is the first time it doesn't feel brittle anymore.

K-water is Taurine and Potassium Bi-carb btw. It does tend to dry my skin out though, I'm guessing that's either the bi-carb, or the increased metabolism from the taurine speeding up the cell metabolism. But I have naturally dry skin, it may not have this affect on those who don't have dry skin.

It helps during rest periods when weight training too, I spray a little on the muscle I'm working, helps get a few extra reps in and it's cool and refreshing.


Taurine gets me so bloated. Why is that?
Possibly a bad supplier? Or if you're taking capsules, do they contain filler ingredients? Those filler ingredients could cause that issue too.

I get bloated and gassy on Creatine Monohydrate, that's because it doesn't dissolve well. Dissolving it in something hot like a coffee or tea will stop that usually, but some cheaper brands even dissolving in hot liquid will still cause bad gas.

Taurine dissolves perfectly in water though so it shouldn't have that issue I would think.


Oct 18, 2016
I've been having great success using K-water in a spray bottle and spraying my hair/head. It has significantly thickened and strengthened my hair, there's much less hair breakage and far fewer hair clumps in my brush.

I've had thin brittle hair all my life and this is the first time it doesn't feel brittle anymore.

K-water is Taurine and Potassium Bi-carb btw. It does tend to dry my skin out though, I'm guessing that's either the bi-carb, or the increased metabolism from the taurine speeding up the cell metabolism. But I have naturally dry skin, it may not have this affect on those who don't have dry skin.

It helps during rest periods when weight training too, I spray a little on the muscle I'm working, helps get a few extra reps in and it's cool and refreshing.
What’s the potassium bicarb do? And what ratio do you use/how many grams of each etc


What’s the potassium bicarb do? And what ratio do you use/how many grams of each etc

Well to get into detail, one of the hair growth drugs Minoxidil works by enlarging the potassium channels in the scalp.

There is solid evidence to support the theory that many if not most hair loss is caused by tight muscles in the upper head region from the level of the forehead. Tightness usually caused by stress, leads to inflammation which tightens or strangles the potassium and other such channels and restricts blood flow. The inflammation may cause an overproduction of DHT.

This is a chicken or the egg scenario, does a naturally high level of DHT cause the inflammation and balding? Or does stress and muscle tightness cause the inflammation which leads to higher production of DHT? It seems both may be the case. The restricted blood flow and the inflammation seems to be what causes hair follicles to shrink and close up.

2 studies were done specifically to see if Botox, which switches off specific nerves in the muscles of the forehead in order to completely relax the facial muscles, would lead to hair regrowth. And it did.

This video has the information on this theory

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yehk_h_Uj6k

Anyway, I was already drinking K-Water each day for health purposes. Most people are potassium deficient, and Taurine has amazing numerous health benefits. So I thought to experiment and apply it topically to the head.

I have not read any studies on this, however in my own common sense, applying potassium directly to the scalp along with Taurine should help to optimise blood flow and enlarge the potassium channels, to mimic what Minoxidil does.

At the very least, it should provide a positive potassium balance to the scalp, where most people will likely have a balance leaning heavily to Sodium. (Since sodium and potassium compete for the same channels, and most people are potassium deficient).

I use a 2-1 ratio of Taurine-Potassium Bicarb. 2 teaspoons of Taurine and 1 teaspoon of Potassium in a 300ml spray bottle. I refill the bottle every couple days.


Sep 27, 2015
@Ada Is K-Water a term that you made up? Did you know that there's a hair product called K-Water which doesn't have potassium nor taurine as an ingredient?


Oct 11, 2016
I think taurine dissolves better in water than ethanol but either one should work.

What is the ideal Taurine shampoo in your view? No need to clean hair every day, so perhaps: what is the ideal nightly taurine head soak?


@Ada Is K-Water a term that you made up? Did you know that there's a hair product called K-Water which doesn't have potassium nor taurine as an ingredient?
Not a term I made up. And no I did not know it is a hair product called K-water. I found the term from this write-up

I believe the name probably comes from Potassiums chemical/element letter being K. It can also be called PTB Water (Potassium Taurine Bicarbonate)


Feb 25, 2015
Possibly a bad supplier? Or if you're taking capsules, do they contain filler ingredients? Those filler ingredients could cause that issue too.

I get bloated and gassy on Creatine Monohydrate, that's because it doesn't dissolve well. Dissolving it in something hot like a coffee or tea will stop that usually, but some cheaper brands even dissolving in hot liquid will still cause bad gas.

Taurine dissolves perfectly in water though so it shouldn't have that issue I would think.
I just take the powder in my mouth and wash it down with water. Should i mix it first? will that make a difference? its just pure powder


Feb 25, 2015
Anyone using oral Taurine at high dosage getting bloating?

If I eat too much, or sometimes even if I eat normally, I can basically look pregnant, for the entire day. This wasn't the case before.

Anyone notice anything similar? Or maybe it's just me...
im the same. Did you manage to resolve it?


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
I would assume the bloating comes from lowered adrenaline/dopamine. Anything that lowers dopamine or inhibits adrenaline (raises gaba) results in bloating for me. It sucks because Taurine does make me feel more 'at ease' socially.


Jul 13, 2014
I've experimented for years with taurine.

I can say with 100% certainty it's extremely hair protective and amazing for hair quality/growth.


May 10, 2018
I've experimented for years with taurine.

I can say with 100% certainty it's extremely hair protective and amazing for hair quality/growth.
Topically/orally? I’m going to dissolve some in my Solban spray after hearing so many good reports. I wonder why Haidut didn’t put it in there in his formulation.


Jul 13, 2014
Topically/orally? I’m going to dissolve some in my Solban spray after hearing so many good reports. I wonder why Haidut didn’t put it in there in his formulation.
Is Solban for hairloss?

I only take orally


Mar 26, 2018
It would be great to know of any success stories using peppermint oil. It’s cheap and widely available, and is probably one of the earlier internet remedies I’ve stumbled upon, but I’ve yet to see any well-documented success stories with it. Considering how long it’s been known you would think that if it worked, we know it. Even so, it may be worth mixing peppermint with cedar oil, rosemary, castor, and any others, and trying for a while.

I've used some shampoo's with it in and noticed a reduction, but that's about it.
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