The Dance of Mandance


Feb 20, 2013
Your prolactin is very good.
If your vitamin D is in nmol then it is very low.
In ng/ml 27 is not that bad.
Cholesterol seems quite low for a high sugar diet.
RP recommends increasing cholesterol to 200 before
starting thyroid supplementation.
Excess burden on liver also blocks cholesterol production.
Starch is also a major cause of Hypocholesterolemia.
Here is an interesting wiki quote
According to the American Heart Association in 1994, only total cholesterol levels below 160 mg/dL or 4.1 mmol/l are to be classified as "hypocholesterolemia".[1] However, this is not agreed on universally and some put the level lower.

It is not clear to me what level of total cholesterol is ok when thyroid function is really good.
Calcium, PTH and phosphorus are connected to active form of vitamin D production.


Jul 5, 2013
That is interesting. I should get new labs because I think during the time they tested me, I was in the earlier phases of withdrawals and I was hardly eating any food at all during that time. I could not eat. I thought 27 was bad because the range is 30-100.

Should I not take thyroid right now in case my cholesterol is low? Or at least until I have new labs? Id assume its higher now but just to be safe.


Jul 5, 2013
Also, should I maybe avoid starches? I mostly eat rice for carbs with butter and coconut oil etc.


Feb 20, 2013
If you already have started taking thyroid, particularly the T4 and T3 mix then suddenly
stopping is not a good idea. It takes about 2-3 weeks for T4 to build up.
If you are eating good amount of sugar ( 33 to 50 percent of total calories)
in the form of milk, fruit juices, honey, sucrose ,raising cholesterol is quite easy.

If i were you i would pay more attention to Vitamin D and cholesterol status
and temperature, pulse. If you can, get PTH level tested.
You can also quickly fix PTH by increasing calcium and lowering phosphorus.
Amount of calcium should be higher than phosphorus.
1500 mg calcium to 1000 mg phosphorus has a good ratio.
RP mentioned a study where vitamin D deficient people
develop strong bone who were fed sugar based diet as opposed to
starch fed group.
If you do not have any digestion issue it would be a good idea to
avoid starch for a while until vitamin D, cholesterol and PTH are fixed.


Jul 5, 2013
Why is it not a good idea to stop taking it? How or when does one stop? ive only been taking it for like 4 days. I get my sugar mainly from OJ and ice cream. Id say it does make up most my calories. With Milk also.

Pulse has already been higher since taking cynoplus...its around 80 usually. Sometimes 76. What do you do about getting carbs in if you avoid starches? Thanks for the info.


Feb 20, 2013
4 days is not a long period. I know that in lowering T4 dose they recommend tapering off the dose
This gives body chance to restart making more thyroid hormone.
I do not know if 4 day is long enough period to require this method.
if you are taking small dose i do not think you need to worry about cholesterol level.
You are supposed to start with a small dose. Increased temperature is definitely a good sign.
1 quart of OJ has 100 grams of sugar
You can check sugar content of ice cream.
one quart of milk has 50 grams of sugar.
On a 2000 calorie diet, 33 percent of carbohydrate is about 165 grams of sugar
and 50 percent is 250 grams.
Fructose is the main thing that increases cholesterol.
RP also mentioned that fructose can be one third of total carb intake
That gives some room for pure glucose.
Starch has many other problems besides being pure glucose.


Jul 5, 2013
Ok thanks so much...ill avoid starches for awhile and up my milk and nto sure if my temps are up, I meant my pulse has been up. I need to check temps but they dont feel higher although it is cold here. Ill just keep taking only taking an 8th of cynoplus once a day. i figure ill stick with that then raise it up to a 6th after maybe another 2 or 3 weeks which should be enough time for me to also regulate the other stuff.

Thanks again for the info...hoping maybe these changes will also start up the testosterone production. Then maybe I wont need to get patches to get more T.


Mar 17, 2013
I see Dewitt from RP Q&A is posting here and others you talked to there post here.
I went back off the starch myself after having a bad time with it.


Jul 5, 2013
Hey everyone, its been awhile. I havent updated in awhile due to family stuff going on and just trying to focus on life and recovery etc. With that said, I am happy to say I am soooo mcuh better now. I dont want to assume anything, but I think I turned the corner about a week ago with the drug withdrawals. I have not felt this good in a really long time. I am doing a lot more art, playing my guitar alot, far less depression, anxiety, agitation and other issues...derealisation is less intense as well. Still somewhat disconnected and disoriented...but im like a new person than from the last time I posted.

I dont think im out of the woods, more so, I think im on a good wave...but they keep getting better and longer. I now feel confident that I can handle any bad days that come my way. Im guessing it could be awwhile before all issues subside. But I am starting to live my life again, I am actually going out and doing things for the first time in months.

The only real negatives still are just what I described, still some derealisation, and a bit of lethardy. But my spirits are much higher now after going through some really chaotic episodes. I truely feels amazing to feel hope again, without those drugs.

In any rate, even if things go to hell again, I am grateful for this week, and take it as a sign that I am recovering and making good progress. Im so glad I stuck with this and did not give in to the drugs. Thank you all so much for all the support. I will try to update more often on progress. But I feel at peace again.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Fantastic! This is really awesome! Way to go bud. :claporange


Mar 17, 2013
That is really great to hear! I'm so glad things are going so much better for you. As you say, even if you have setbacks, you know you are going in the right direction to get out of the woods, and that's the important thing. I read a post of yours a few days ago in which you implied things were going better for you, but it's good to hear it confirmed. I really like your artwork on your site!


Jul 5, 2013
Probably a combination of a lot of things. Eating a peat diet, meditating and focusing mentally at overcoming things is a big part of it. Im not taking anything really. I was taking thyroid again but I stopped, I need to pick my new bottle up from the post office so I can start again. But i was taking cynoplus for a few weeks, vitamin b1, lots of gelatin mixed in OJ throughout the day, lots of ice cream, probably a half pint a day or more. I think the biggest breakthroughs I have felt through were through really deep meditation and just realizations. Sometimes you have to reach deep down inside to find strength to overcome things despite how you feel physically. I think when my grandma died, I felt her presence more than ever, and I felt her words.

Not so sound super spiritual, but having faith in things, and simply pushing forward despite feeling ill was a big part of it for me I think also. I guess overall though, lots of sugar seems to be key for the brain to do its thing. Although I am hesitant to give anyone advice just yet because I think im still not out of the woods and have more work to do. I am planning on doing a full detailed write up of everything, to help others get through this when im all finished. Many people getting off drugs do not know about Ray Peat, so I think it could be helpful to a lot of people to get some insight into that.

I have about 5 months of daily journals stacked up, so I have to go through them all again at some point and organize everything. At some points i was taking other supps as well, like pregneolone, and progest e. I am not consistent with supps though I am planning on making cynoplus a regular thing here soon. I only stopped it again because I was having increased anxiety, but that seemed to have passed.


Aug 9, 2013
mandance said:
Probably a combination of a lot of things. Eating a peat diet, meditating and focusing mentally at overcoming things is a big part of it. Im not taking anything really. I was taking thyroid again but I stopped, I need to pick my new bottle up from the post office so I can start again. But i was taking cynoplus for a few weeks, vitamin b1, lots of gelatin mixed in OJ throughout the day, lots of ice cream, probably a half pint a day or more. I think the biggest breakthroughs I have felt through were through really deep meditation and just realizations. Sometimes you have to reach deep down inside to find strength to overcome things despite how you feel physically. I think when my grandma died, I felt her presence more than ever, and I felt her words.

Not so sound super spiritual, but having faith in things, and simply pushing forward despite feeling ill was a big part of it for me I think also. I guess overall though, lots of sugar seems to be key for the brain to do its thing. Although I am hesitant to give anyone advice just yet because I think im still not out of the woods and have more work to do. I am planning on doing a full detailed write up of everything, to help others get through this when im all finished. Many people getting off drugs do not know about Ray Peat, so I think it could be helpful to a lot of people to get some insight into that.

I have about 5 months of daily journals stacked up, so I have to go through them all again at some point and organize everything. At some points i was taking other supps as well, like pregneolone, and progest e. I am not consistent with supps though I am planning on making cynoplus a regular thing here soon. I only stopped it again because I was having increased anxiety, but that seemed to have passed.

any updates??
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