The Fall of Man


Aug 6, 2015
The ‘Fall’ of man from a new perspective.

In my opinion this is the most crucial point to understanding what is going on in this reality, I will first go over this from the same perspective that David Icke talks about, and then tie everything in to my other posts.

The ‘Fall of Man’ was more or less a genetic switch-off of humanity instigated by ‘the fallen ones’ or the fallen angels, who through entities such as the Reptilians have been manipulating human affairs for thousands of years.

This genetic manipulation meant changing the human body/mind for the purpose of enslavement. This genetic manipulation had two major effects:

(1) It drastically reduced the range of frequencies that humans could access and decode, leaving us with the tiny range of perception called ‘visible light’; (2) The mind/body-computer was tuned into a false reality - the ‘Matrix.

This genetic manipulation meant that the vast perception range of humans in the real golden age was now gone, and a series of genetic ‘upgrades’ (slavegrades) have confined humanity to this sliver of ‘reality’ — visible light. This involved a massive infusion of reptilian genetics to connect humans vibrationally to their ‘Matrix’.

The Reptilians created humans in their genetic image in that they infused the human body-computer with their own reptilian information and coding. So humans to a large extent ‘became’ one of them, and knew (decoded) good and ‘evil’. There was no ‘evil’ (the reverse of ‘live’) in the real Golden Age before reptilian intervention.

The genetic manipulation tuned humanity into the Reptilian collective, or ‘hive’ mind, through artificial reality ‘Matrix’. As Don Juan Matus said in the Carlos Castaneda books : “they gave us their mind”. The ‘predator’ or serpent is the reptilian alliance and they have given us their mind.

Now, linking this into my other posts. What exactly is this human form they created in their image, and tuned human awareness into?

I quote Christ:

‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.’

Here, The Master declares that the father of mortal man is none other than The Devil, and that his domain is lust, and that there is no truth in him. And because this is the truth, you do not believe it.

The mortal man is the same human ‘body-computer’ that the reptilians created through their genetic manipulation and tuned human awareness into it. This mortal man is unreal; and is propagated through the serpent’s mind, which is the mind of the fallen angels, and is death. Death is the absence of God’s mind in the consciousness of the soul - the spiritual man made in God’s image.

The ‘lie of the serpent’ is that the sex and lust senses are the source of life, when in fact, they are the source of death, the sex and lust senses whereby mortal man is propagated *IS* the serpent’s mind which connected humanity to the fake ‘Matrix’, it ‘IS* the hive mind - the mind of the fallen angels. The fallen angels are attempting to assimilate human awareness into their domain. That is the true yet horrible truth.

Christ and the Apostles were from a more ancient domain and were manifest here to prevent this from occurring. Christ (The Son of God) was manifest without the law of lust of the fallen angels (immaculate conception) and was therefore free from ‘sin’ which is sex-lust, and overcame the serpent’s mind in thought desire and consciousness, and therefor overcame death and came out of the grave

All sickness, disease, and insanity comes out of the mesmerism of the serpent’s mind. The human race thus hypnotized by the serpent mind believes the lie of there serpent - that there is pleasure and life in the sex-lust senses and therefore propagates here in this mortal state, and goes to the grave.

God is the only source of life, the absence of God’s mind in consciousness is the unreal -death. Christ’s mind is diametrically opposed to the serpent’s mind - (sex-lust) - the mind of the fallen angels - and death.

The ‘Resurrection’ is going from the carnal sense to soul sense in thought and consciousness, it is the overcoming of the serpent’s mind, as did the Christ; hence the quote:

And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: 35But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: 36Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. 3

The serpent (mind of the fallen angels) lives and has his being within the thoughts of the sex brain. The thoughts of this serpent, which are lust, poison both body and mind, and produces directly or indirectly the diseases of the human race, and damns the soul. It is the mind of fallen spirits, whom God cast out of his presence for having rebelled against him as life.

When the spiritual ideas of the divine mind flow into the soul as life, the carnal ideas of the serpent flee as death

The carnal mind has hated and stoned the spiritual teachers in every age for preaching spiritual truth. The serpent’s mind stoned, killed, and crucified Christ and the apostles when they were here. It is this same mind within your own soul that denies the truth of what I am teaching to you, as was the case 2000 years ago.

The fallen spirits are in outer darkness. They have no consciousness of that which is holy and divine. They are lustful in thought and nature. This is sin; and this is death; and the “devil sinned from the beginning;” that is, was carnal in thought. This was the origin and the beginning of sin and death

The lust of the flesh is the mind of fallen spirits - the mind of the fallen angels. Had our Lord yielded to this mind, this fallen race would have been eternally lost. But by overcoming the serpent’s mind, in thought and consciousness, he kept the holy state of thought and consciousness and became the redeemer of the human race.

In summary: The ‘fallen ones’ essentially gave humanity their mind - the serpent’s mind, which is the father of mortal existence, and this mind is lust - the means whereby mortal man is propagated. This occurred via an energetic ‘schism’ or ‘hijack’ of human reality perpetrated by these fallen beings, which at their very core, are a very distorted/inverted form of awareness that has been disconnected from ‘source’ - God.

At the basic energetic level, humanity essentially has become a battery for this archontic energetic distortion - all the thoughts of sorrow, envy, hatred - low vibrational emotional energy, are generated and the ‘fallen ones’ can then absorb, synchronize, and feed on it.

The ‘serpent’s mind’ I reference has been referred to as the ‘R-complex’ in mainstream literature, or the reptilian brain. We are ‘locked’ into this false matrix via the reptilian genetics, which is manifested in the reptilian brain or mind.

Reptilians use higher levels of this genetic energetic infusion of reptilian DNA to infiltrate human society and have a seemingly outward human appearance, these are the bloodline families that Icke talks about. Reptilians operating outside visible light ‘wear’ these genetic hybrid holographic computers. The far greater genetic compatibility means there is a far greater vibrational and frequency compatibility, this allows the person to be ‘possessed’, and their mental and emotional processes (actions) controlled from another reality. Their hybrid DNA has dual codes - human and reptilian. While the human codes are activated and open, a human form is projected holographically, but when they shift (shapeshift) and open their reptilian codes, a reptilian form is projected.

We are only decoding the five-sense visible-light band of frequency, and when we see these hybrids they appear to be human like the rest of us. But if we could see further into the frequency field, or if their reptilian codes kicked in, we would see something very different.

Remember the traits that ‘emanate’ from the reptilian mind or serpents mind are not just lust they are also: psychopathy (no empathy), ritualistic behavior, a desire for control, compulsions and obsessions, worship, rigidity, and hierarchies.

All consciousness has had this dual reptilian-human nature, and has been ever since the serpent entered into consciousness and deceived man. The ‘truth vibrations’ Icke speaks of are similar to the ‘transformation’ mentioned in Christianity. This “transformation” is through the power of the Holy Spirit - Christ’s mind. He quickens the soul to life from death of the serpent mind.

The “Babbler,” which is the serpent’s mind, is the master of human thoughts. He is of the lust and carnal senses of the brain that emanate from the R-complex or reptilian mind. He does the talking to the soul that causes all sin and death. He is the cause of all confusion in thought and action. The human tongue expresses in words what the “Babbler”- that is, the sex senses, says in thought to the consciousness. When these senses are removed from the consciousness of the soul, the soul beholds God as the spiritual Father. This is “revealed religion,” and this is Christianity.


May 21, 2015


Feb 9, 2022
The ‘Fall’ of man from a new perspective.

In my opinion this is the most crucial point to understanding what is going on in this reality, I will first go over this from the same perspective that David Icke talks about, and then tie everything in to my other posts.

The ‘Fall of Man’ was more or less a genetic switch-off of humanity instigated by ‘the fallen ones’ or the fallen angels, who through entities such as the Reptilians have been manipulating human affairs for thousands of years.

This genetic manipulation meant changing the human body/mind for the purpose of enslavement. This genetic manipulation had two major effects:

(1) It drastically reduced the range of frequencies that humans could access and decode, leaving us with the tiny range of perception called ‘visible light’; (2) The mind/body-computer was tuned into a false reality - the ‘Matrix.

This genetic manipulation meant that the vast perception range of humans in the real golden age was now gone, and a series of genetic ‘upgrades’ (slavegrades) have confined humanity to this sliver of ‘reality’ — visible light. This involved a massive infusion of reptilian genetics to connect humans vibrationally to their ‘Matrix’.

The Reptilians created humans in their genetic image in that they infused the human body-computer with their own reptilian information and coding. So humans to a large extent ‘became’ one of them, and knew (decoded) good and ‘evil’. There was no ‘evil’ (the reverse of ‘live’) in the real Golden Age before reptilian intervention.

The genetic manipulation tuned humanity into the Reptilian collective, or ‘hive’ mind, through artificial reality ‘Matrix’. As Don Juan Matus said in the Carlos Castaneda books : “they gave us their mind”. The ‘predator’ or serpent is the reptilian alliance and they have given us their mind.

Now, linking this into my other posts. What exactly is this human form they created in their image, and tuned human awareness into?

I quote Christ:

‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.’

Here, The Master declares that the father of mortal man is none other than The Devil, and that his domain is lust, and that there is no truth in him. And because this is the truth, you do not believe it.

The mortal man is the same human ‘body-computer’ that the reptilians created through their genetic manipulation and tuned human awareness into it. This mortal man is unreal; and is propagated through the serpent’s mind, which is the mind of the fallen angels, and is death. Death is the absence of God’s mind in the consciousness of the soul - the spiritual man made in God’s image.

The ‘lie of the serpent’ is that the sex and lust senses are the source of life, when in fact, they are the source of death, the sex and lust senses whereby mortal man is propagated *IS* the serpent’s mind which connected humanity to the fake ‘Matrix’, it ‘IS* the hive mind - the mind of the fallen angels. The fallen angels are attempting to assimilate human awareness into their domain. That is the true yet horrible truth.

Christ and the Apostles were from a more ancient domain and were manifest here to prevent this from occurring. Christ (The Son of God) was manifest without the law of lust of the fallen angels (immaculate conception) and was therefore free from ‘sin’ which is sex-lust, and overcame the serpent’s mind in thought desire and consciousness, and therefor overcame death and came out of the grave

All sickness, disease, and insanity comes out of the mesmerism of the serpent’s mind. The human race thus hypnotized by the serpent mind believes the lie of there serpent - that there is pleasure and life in the sex-lust senses and therefore propagates here in this mortal state, and goes to the grave.

God is the only source of life, the absence of God’s mind in consciousness is the unreal -death. Christ’s mind is diametrically opposed to the serpent’s mind - (sex-lust) - the mind of the fallen angels - and death.

The ‘Resurrection’ is going from the carnal sense to soul sense in thought and consciousness, it is the overcoming of the serpent’s mind, as did the Christ; hence the quote:

And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: 35But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: 36Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. 3

The serpent (mind of the fallen angels) lives and has his being within the thoughts of the sex brain. The thoughts of this serpent, which are lust, poison both body and mind, and produces directly or indirectly the diseases of the human race, and damns the soul. It is the mind of fallen spirits, whom God cast out of his presence for having rebelled against him as life.

When the spiritual ideas of the divine mind flow into the soul as life, the carnal ideas of the serpent flee as death

The carnal mind has hated and stoned the spiritual teachers in every age for preaching spiritual truth. The serpent’s mind stoned, killed, and crucified Christ and the apostles when they were here. It is this same mind within your own soul that denies the truth of what I am teaching to you, as was the case 2000 years ago.

The fallen spirits are in outer darkness. They have no consciousness of that which is holy and divine. They are lustful in thought and nature. This is sin; and this is death; and the “devil sinned from the beginning;” that is, was carnal in thought. This was the origin and the beginning of sin and death

The lust of the flesh is the mind of fallen spirits - the mind of the fallen angels. Had our Lord yielded to this mind, this fallen race would have been eternally lost. But by overcoming the serpent’s mind, in thought and consciousness, he kept the holy state of thought and consciousness and became the redeemer of the human race.

In summary: The ‘fallen ones’ essentially gave humanity their mind - the serpent’s mind, which is the father of mortal existence, and this mind is lust - the means whereby mortal man is propagated. This occurred via an energetic ‘schism’ or ‘hijack’ of human reality perpetrated by these fallen beings, which at their very core, are a very distorted/inverted form of awareness that has been disconnected from ‘source’ - God.

At the basic energetic level, humanity essentially has become a battery for this archontic energetic distortion - all the thoughts of sorrow, envy, hatred - low vibrational emotional energy, are generated and the ‘fallen ones’ can then absorb, synchronize, and feed on it.

The ‘serpent’s mind’ I reference has been referred to as the ‘R-complex’ in mainstream literature, or the reptilian brain. We are ‘locked’ into this false matrix via the reptilian genetics, which is manifested in the reptilian brain or mind.

Reptilians use higher levels of this genetic energetic infusion of reptilian DNA to infiltrate human society and have a seemingly outward human appearance, these are the bloodline families that Icke talks about. Reptilians operating outside visible light ‘wear’ these genetic hybrid holographic computers. The far greater genetic compatibility means there is a far greater vibrational and frequency compatibility, this allows the person to be ‘possessed’, and their mental and emotional processes (actions) controlled from another reality. Their hybrid DNA has dual codes - human and reptilian. While the human codes are activated and open, a human form is projected holographically, but when they shift (shapeshift) and open their reptilian codes, a reptilian form is projected.

We are only decoding the five-sense visible-light band of frequency, and when we see these hybrids they appear to be human like the rest of us. But if we could see further into the frequency field, or if their reptilian codes kicked in, we would see something very different.

Remember the traits that ‘emanate’ from the reptilian mind or serpents mind are not just lust they are also: psychopathy (no empathy), ritualistic behavior, a desire for control, compulsions and obsessions, worship, rigidity, and hierarchies.

All consciousness has had this dual reptilian-human nature, and has been ever since the serpent entered into consciousness and deceived man. The ‘truth vibrations’ Icke speaks of are similar to the ‘transformation’ mentioned in Christianity. This “transformation” is through the power of the Holy Spirit - Christ’s mind. He quickens the soul to life from death of the serpent mind.

The “Babbler,” which is the serpent’s mind, is the master of human thoughts. He is of the lust and carnal senses of the brain that emanate from the R-complex or reptilian mind. He does the talking to the soul that causes all sin and death. He is the cause of all confusion in thought and action. The human tongue expresses in words what the “Babbler”- that is, the sex senses, says in thought to the consciousness. When these senses are removed from the consciousness of the soul, the soul beholds God as the spiritual Father. This is “revealed religion,” and this is Christianity.
Jesus will save us dont worry. We will go to heaven. Just beLIEve.
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Jun 2, 2017
The ‘Fall’ of man from a new perspective.

In my opinion this is the most crucial point to understanding what is going on in this reality, I will first go over this from the same perspective that David Icke talks about, and then tie everything in to my other posts.

The ‘Fall of Man’ was more or less a genetic switch-off of humanity instigated by ‘the fallen ones’ or the fallen angels, who through entities such as the Reptilians have been manipulating human affairs for thousands of years.

This genetic manipulation meant changing the human body/mind for the purpose of enslavement. This genetic manipulation had two major effects:

(1) It drastically reduced the range of frequencies that humans could access and decode, leaving us with the tiny range of perception called ‘visible light’; (2) The mind/body-computer was tuned into a false reality - the ‘Matrix.

This genetic manipulation meant that the vast perception range of humans in the real golden age was now gone, and a series of genetic ‘upgrades’ (slavegrades) have confined humanity to this sliver of ‘reality’ — visible light. This involved a massive infusion of reptilian genetics to connect humans vibrationally to their ‘Matrix’.

The Reptilians created humans in their genetic image in that they infused the human body-computer with their own reptilian information and coding. So humans to a large extent ‘became’ one of them, and knew (decoded) good and ‘evil’. There was no ‘evil’ (the reverse of ‘live’) in the real Golden Age before reptilian intervention.

The genetic manipulation tuned humanity into the Reptilian collective, or ‘hive’ mind, through artificial reality ‘Matrix’. As Don Juan Matus said in the Carlos Castaneda books : “they gave us their mind”. The ‘predator’ or serpent is the reptilian alliance and they have given us their mind.

Now, linking this into my other posts. What exactly is this human form they created in their image, and tuned human awareness into?

I quote Christ:

‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.’

Here, The Master declares that the father of mortal man is none other than The Devil, and that his domain is lust, and that there is no truth in him. And because this is the truth, you do not believe it.

The mortal man is the same human ‘body-computer’ that the reptilians created through their genetic manipulation and tuned human awareness into it. This mortal man is unreal; and is propagated through the serpent’s mind, which is the mind of the fallen angels, and is death. Death is the absence of God’s mind in the consciousness of the soul - the spiritual man made in God’s image.

The ‘lie of the serpent’ is that the sex and lust senses are the source of life, when in fact, they are the source of death, the sex and lust senses whereby mortal man is propagated *IS* the serpent’s mind which connected humanity to the fake ‘Matrix’, it ‘IS* the hive mind - the mind of the fallen angels. The fallen angels are attempting to assimilate human awareness into their domain. That is the true yet horrible truth.

Christ and the Apostles were from a more ancient domain and were manifest here to prevent this from occurring. Christ (The Son of God) was manifest without the law of lust of the fallen angels (immaculate conception) and was therefore free from ‘sin’ which is sex-lust, and overcame the serpent’s mind in thought desire and consciousness, and therefor overcame death and came out of the grave

All sickness, disease, and insanity comes out of the mesmerism of the serpent’s mind. The human race thus hypnotized by the serpent mind believes the lie of there serpent - that there is pleasure and life in the sex-lust senses and therefore propagates here in this mortal state, and goes to the grave.

God is the only source of life, the absence of God’s mind in consciousness is the unreal -death. Christ’s mind is diametrically opposed to the serpent’s mind - (sex-lust) - the mind of the fallen angels - and death.

The ‘Resurrection’ is going from the carnal sense to soul sense in thought and consciousness, it is the overcoming of the serpent’s mind, as did the Christ; hence the quote:

And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: 35But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: 36Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. 3

The serpent (mind of the fallen angels) lives and has his being within the thoughts of the sex brain. The thoughts of this serpent, which are lust, poison both body and mind, and produces directly or indirectly the diseases of the human race, and damns the soul. It is the mind of fallen spirits, whom God cast out of his presence for having rebelled against him as life.

When the spiritual ideas of the divine mind flow into the soul as life, the carnal ideas of the serpent flee as death

The carnal mind has hated and stoned the spiritual teachers in every age for preaching spiritual truth. The serpent’s mind stoned, killed, and crucified Christ and the apostles when they were here. It is this same mind within your own soul that denies the truth of what I am teaching to you, as was the case 2000 years ago.

The fallen spirits are in outer darkness. They have no consciousness of that which is holy and divine. They are lustful in thought and nature. This is sin; and this is death; and the “devil sinned from the beginning;” that is, was carnal in thought. This was the origin and the beginning of sin and death

The lust of the flesh is the mind of fallen spirits - the mind of the fallen angels. Had our Lord yielded to this mind, this fallen race would have been eternally lost. But by overcoming the serpent’s mind, in thought and consciousness, he kept the holy state of thought and consciousness and became the redeemer of the human race.

In summary: The ‘fallen ones’ essentially gave humanity their mind - the serpent’s mind, which is the father of mortal existence, and this mind is lust - the means whereby mortal man is propagated. This occurred via an energetic ‘schism’ or ‘hijack’ of human reality perpetrated by these fallen beings, which at their very core, are a very distorted/inverted form of awareness that has been disconnected from ‘source’ - God.

At the basic energetic level, humanity essentially has become a battery for this archontic energetic distortion - all the thoughts of sorrow, envy, hatred - low vibrational emotional energy, are generated and the ‘fallen ones’ can then absorb, synchronize, and feed on it.

The ‘serpent’s mind’ I reference has been referred to as the ‘R-complex’ in mainstream literature, or the reptilian brain. We are ‘locked’ into this false matrix via the reptilian genetics, which is manifested in the reptilian brain or mind.

Reptilians use higher levels of this genetic energetic infusion of reptilian DNA to infiltrate human society and have a seemingly outward human appearance, these are the bloodline families that Icke talks about. Reptilians operating outside visible light ‘wear’ these genetic hybrid holographic computers. The far greater genetic compatibility means there is a far greater vibrational and frequency compatibility, this allows the person to be ‘possessed’, and their mental and emotional processes (actions) controlled from another reality. Their hybrid DNA has dual codes - human and reptilian. While the human codes are activated and open, a human form is projected holographically, but when they shift (shapeshift) and open their reptilian codes, a reptilian form is projected.

We are only decoding the five-sense visible-light band of frequency, and when we see these hybrids they appear to be human like the rest of us. But if we could see further into the frequency field, or if their reptilian codes kicked in, we would see something very different.

Remember the traits that ‘emanate’ from the reptilian mind or serpents mind are not just lust they are also: psychopathy (no empathy), ritualistic behavior, a desire for control, compulsions and obsessions, worship, rigidity, and hierarchies.

All consciousness has had this dual reptilian-human nature, and has been ever since the serpent entered into consciousness and deceived man. The ‘truth vibrations’ Icke speaks of are similar to the ‘transformation’ mentioned in Christianity. This “transformation” is through the power of the Holy Spirit - Christ’s mind. He quickens the soul to life from death of the serpent mind.

The “Babbler,” which is the serpent’s mind, is the master of human thoughts. He is of the lust and carnal senses of the brain that emanate from the R-complex or reptilian mind. He does the talking to the soul that causes all sin and death. He is the cause of all confusion in thought and action. The human tongue expresses in words what the “Babbler”- that is, the sex senses, says in thought to the consciousness. When these senses are removed from the consciousness of the soul, the soul beholds God as the spiritual Father. This is “revealed religion,” and this is Christianity.
I read this very quickly, but it seems to be fairly fundamentally sound under an imaginative skinning.

My one question would be about the focus of sin being entirely on "sex-lust": "...'sin’ which is sex-lust". (Maybe I'm misreading this.)


Aug 6, 2015
I read this very quickly, but it seems to be fairly fundamentally sound under an imaginative skinning.

My one question would be about the focus of sin being entirely on "sex-lust": "...'sin’ which is sex-lust". (Maybe I'm misreading this.)

Sex-lust is the dividing line between Heaven and Hell--Life and Death--the Spiritual and Material worlds. Without sex-lust, there are not any sin and death. There is no lust in the consciousness of the Divine Mind and Godhead.

All that is on the other side of the line of sex-lust in thought, mind and consciousness are God's ideas and thoughts and mind, and is life. All that is on this side of the line of sex-lust in thought, ideas, mind and consciousness is of the Mind of the Serpent (sex-lust--the Devil), and is sin and death. On the other side of the line of sex-lust in thought, all is Holy and Perfect--God's ideas. On this side of the line all is carnal and sensual--unholy and imperfect--the serpent's ideas--sex-lust thoughts and death.

There is no sex-lust in the consciousness of God's Mind and Being, and the Devil abode not in the consciousness of God's Mind and Being, as Spirit and Life; and for having conceived sex-lust in consciousness, was cast out of God's mind into the consciousness of the mind of sex-lust of the flesh--into the earth and death. Jesus said, "He was a murderer from the beginning and a liar and the father of it." John 8:44 The Devil's mind is the thoughts of sex-lust, and these thoughts say to the soul that they can produce pleasure and life; whereas, in fact, they produce sorrow and death. Sex-lust (the mind of the fallen angels) was a "murderer from the beginning, and a liar and the father of it." This Serpent is the Cain within every human being, and through the Serpent mortal man is propagated; and Cain, the serpent, was "a murderer and slew Abel" (the soul).

All disease and death are within the serpent (sex-lust). The ideas and thoughts of the senses. The ideas and thoughts of the soul are not of the senses. The ideas and thoughts of the soul are Real--Truth and Life. They emanate from the Divine Mind, and are, therefore, Life. The ideas and thoughts of the Serpent emanate from sex-lust, and as the Serpent was a "murderer from the beginning," they are death. There was no death, until the thoughts of the Serpent entered into the consciousness of the soul.

Jesus was 'immaculately conceived', that is was not conceived through the mortal law of sex-lust, which is selfishness, and is said to have not been conceived in "sin". Jesus overcame death, and was resurrected from the dead. The resurrection is the overcoming of the serpent's mind, in thought and consciousness. When the soul overcomes the serpent's mind in thought and consciousness, it has overcome death. There was no death until the serpent's mind was manifested in consciousness. Sex lust was the original cause of death. All the sorrow of the race, revolves around the lie that there are pleasure within the carnal senses. All other desires revolve around this central strong desire. The desire for drugs and alcohol comes from lust. Falsehood comes out of lust. The mind of the sex brain is dishonest and untruthful. All honesty and character is within the mind of the soul. All truth is spiritual. All falsehood is of the serpent's mind - the mind of the senses and sex brain.
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Jul 31, 2020
I don't deny there's an agenda right now to suppress the population's thinking ability and make us slaves in various ways (media propaganda, the push for brain interfaces, poisoned food supply, corrupt medical system, environmental disruption) but this post is just a bad mix of taking the bible literally (which shouldn't be done because it's filled with allegories, legends and stories that indeed carry great spiritual and societal significance but shouldn't be taken as absolute truth) and made up conspiracy nonsense tailored to distract the masses from simplier truths (it's not the evil lizard aliens trying to control the world, it's just a cabal of politicians, regular rich people and old money rich people)


Aug 17, 2018

One of the human’s powerful faculty is imagination and personally I think it has been hijacked on many levels, religion being one of them. If we had no imagination, there would be no religion.

There are a few books that might give you some answers:
- Atlantis, Edda and bible written by Wieland and published in 1917: This book gives a very good overview of the Aryan history during Atlantis times and how they error.

- Not in his image by John Lash: he to my knowledge best analyzes gnostic material found in Nag Hammadi in 1945. Sex is not a sin! This is what religion preaches. Religion +god = sexual dysfunction. Sex is actually a very powerful way to experience other realm and hence gain wisdom/knowledge. It’s been perverted heavily. The reptilians are the Archons who hacked into Neanderthal mind. Neanderthal and Cro-magnon have been always fighting to this day.

- Cro-magnon man by Prideaux Tom: Cro-magnon is a direct ancestor to Aryan. They were very much evolved unlike Neanderthal. Cro-magnon/Aryan were basically the innovators of the world. But his/her imagination and divine intelligence have been heavily distorted. Hence, it may seem we are slave species and so on.

- This article also well describes the history:

After you read all this you get an idea what is at stake. The topic your brought up is huge…a big can of worms. And really it depends on you how much you want to learn and figure out the truth. Above are a few pointers I personally found to be superb in my quest for the truth.


Aug 6, 2015
Any TLDR summary? lol.

We have been genetically edited and enslaved.
The people who made us created desire and lust to enslave us in this reality, which is a simulation.
Jesus was from outside the simulation, and was not born in this world. - Some suggested he created the simulation. See Tom Campbell's work.
He resurrected from the dead, immaculate conception, and had no lust, desires or greed.
This is why he was killed.
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May 21, 2015


Jan 22, 2021
Neanderthal and Cro-magnon have been always fighting to this day.
Fighting to this day? lol. After WWII Neanderthals managed to successfully enslave the cro-magnons, if you know what i mean.


Jan 6, 2019
Fighting to this day? lol. After WWII Neanderthals managed to successfully enslave the cro-magnons, if you know what i mean.
In the end, the autistic-schizophrenic cro-magnon mushroom cult of light will prevail over the psychopathic neanderthal dmt cult.of darkness.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Well, I suppose that makes having zero sex drive not so bad.


May 21, 2015


May 21, 2015


Jan 15, 2016
and what of nature and all the other creatures within it? what would nature be without "man"? what was "life" like before this event? and what of the intrinsic entropy tied to the universe we are forced to exist in? would that just be another "lie"?

What if the mistake was creation itself? An unnecessary act stemming from desire, right? and that which creates has full knowledge of what could happen to the fragile conscious beings forced to experience this design.
Last edited:


Feb 9, 2022


Jan 6, 2019
What if the mistake was creation itself? An unnecessary act stemming from desire, right?
Sentiments which eerily parallel your unnecessary pursuit to dress like an aristocratic lady.
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