Low Toxin Lifestyle The Toxic Ray Peat Diet & Lifestyle is Keeping Many in Captivity...Ray Peat Never Offered A Way Out


May 7, 2017
Seeing how “diet” is separated from “lifestyle,” what was toxic about Ray Peat’s lifestyle suggestions? They were usually the most accepted suggestions he offered.


Aug 24, 2016
He had MPB before he started liver detox, and by the way Males go bald in the top region due to head shape, that squeezes the small arterioles on the top of head. not good or bad health. I have plenty of patients that have the worst health , amputated, wounds from diabetes, yet have full head of hair. which is rare now days for men his age.
I've read somewhere (don't remember where) about the head shape and the tightness of the skin on the scalp. Have you come across any good solutions for this?


Dec 29, 2015
I've read somewhere (don't remember where) about the head shape and the tightness of the skin on the scalp. Have you come across any good solutions for this?
The only options to date that I know of is Detumenscence therapy, extreme scalp massages that will help break up the calcified galea and scalp. There was a book written 20 years ago about scalp presses to re-shape the skull. It takes years , but the results are real, but the person has to keep doing them everyday and know that it will help.


May 3, 2015
If fructose and VA are poisons, why is there some people who eat a lot of fructose (from honey, for example) and milk every day throughout their lives and are much healthier than people who promote a diet of meat, muscle and rice, including you and Garett?

According to your God in Genesis, he gave us the freedom to eat all the fruits of the earth, so its certainly not about god's freedom:

"29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

If you skip ahead a couple of chapters you find that God made some amendments:

17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;

19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

God then locks Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden to ensure they don’t get their mits on the Tree of Life.


May 3, 2015
At the Fall of Man, God must have created carrots and pumpkin and mangos etc and arranged for the liver to drain toxins into the start of the small intestine instead of out the rectum!

However he is finally teaching His people how to overcome that hurdle!


Oct 5, 2014
I am still ignorant about most of the low Vit-A thing theories etc. and not really interested on pursuing it for now. BUT...
I kept saying it since the very beginning this forum was created. Nobody listened.
Those diets made by exaggerating and stretching Ray's recommendations to the limit were not healthy at all.
Now we are seeing the consequences.
Dozens of others saw this years ago and flew away.
Not to bash anyone. If this helps more people to stay balanced (regardless of VitA intake), that's good.

@charlie I feel you. Been wanting to find a new nutrition/health paradigm for years without being able to find anything better than Ray's. Still am. Happy it works for you and you are feeling better. Just please remember everything has a honey moon phase. With all respects, I have seen you becoming ultra excited with other stuff (the grapes thing for the kidneys) just to ditch it a few months after.

Anyway, excited to see how it plays out for you guys.
I have ordered Niacin and will try it. It is one of the few supplements I never tried myself. Maybe it is time to give it a try just as experiment.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@charlie I feel you. Been wanting to find a new nutrition/health paradigm for years without being able to find anything better than Ray's. Still am. Happy it works for you and you are feeling better. Just please remember everything has a honey moon phase. With all respects, I have seen you becoming ultra excited with other stuff (the grapes thing for the kidneys) just to ditch it a few months after.
I am two years in and doing just fine. Grant Genereux is 10 years in and thriving. Dr. Garrett Smith is around 5 years in and is thriving. The reason why the grapes helped me at first was because I was poisoned from the Ray Peat diet and the low "vitamin A" part of grape diet brought me immediate relief. But obviously I started running into protein problems. It was a last ditch effort to get me out of the toxic Peat diet. But now, we know why the Ray Peat diet is so toxic and it has been fixed and people are thriving.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I am still ignorant about most of the low Vit-A thing theories etc. and not really interested on pursuing it for now. BUT...
When you do become interested, Grant Genereuxs free ebooks is a great place to start:



Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
A diet high in milk and orange juice with occasional liver only made any issues I had worse. I digested milk fine and used the finest raw organic vax free local milk. Maybe if people were coming from starvation it'd be good.


Oct 5, 2014
When you do become interested, Grant Genereuxs free ebooks is a great place to start:

Thanks charlie. Appreciate it :)

I didn't know you were 2 yrs in. Thought it was a few months.
I respect it, just I am having a healthy dose of skepticism, since to me it seems (yet another) unbalanced diet.
Think of it: If things would be so simple, human beings would have find the answer centuries ago.
Will keep an eye on the forum to see how others react.

One more question: Doesn't that much Niacin deplete other B vitamins?
Apr 22, 2019
I am still ignorant about most of the low Vit-A thing theories etc. and not really interested on pursuing it for now.
I'd like to add that the sooner you try it, the sooner you'll know.

If you're still floating around the forum here and you've been willing to tamper with other dietary paradigms in the past, then our enthusiastic word of encouragement could well be the straw that breaks the camel's back for you to ameliorate your own ignorance. I'd suppose it would take anyone less than a week to realize for themselves that something substantial happens when the core vit-A restriction tenets are met.

Hope you feel better soon ^.^


Oct 5, 2014
I'd like to add that the sooner you try it, the sooner you'll know.

If you're still floating around the forum here and you've been willing to tamper with other dietary paradigms in the past, then our enthusiastic word of encouragement could well be the straw that breaks the camel's back for you to ameliorate your own ignorance. I'd suppose it would take anyone less than a week to realize for themselves that something substantial happens when the core vit-A restriction tenets are met.

Hope you feel better soon ^.^
You realize we could be in 2015 and you be telling a random user on the internet the same thing about eating sugar by the spoon and eating liver by the pound? A bit of zooming out (and respect) please.
Apr 22, 2019
You realize we could be in 2015 and you be telling a random user on the internet the same thing about eating sugar by the spoon and eating liver by the pound? A bit of zooming out (and respect) please.
You called yourself ignorant about the low vitamin A stuff and you also said that you're still looking for a new nutrition/health paradigm.

Being ignorant isn't a slur (nor am I trying to use it as one), it's a status.

Based on those two things, I'm volunteering as another yapping bandwagoner saying that the low vitamin A stuff is worthy of any health-seeker's time, just to know, if nothing else.

Ignorance and knowledge cannot occupy the same space.


Oct 5, 2014
You called yourself ignorant about the low vitamin A stuff and you also said that you're still looking for a new nutrition/health paradigm.

Being ignorant isn't a slur (nor am I trying to use it as one), it's a status.

Based on those two things, I'm volunteering as another yapping bandwagoner saying that the low vitamin A stuff is worthy of any health-seeker's time, just to know, if nothing else.

Ignorance and knowledge cannot occupy the same space.
Sure mate.


Oct 5, 2014
I’m 5.5 years in myself although I’ve taken the slower detox route. I was only ultra low the first year and a half.
Blossom :)

And how is it going? 5.5 years are quite a lot. I don't doubt it works for many people. I simply find it as unbalanced as I found RPforum-inspired diet since the very beginning (which was an exaggeration of Ray's principles).

Why is "VitA is poison i feel much better now" different than "PUFA is posion i am depleting it and feeling much better". Don't you see a trend there?

Now the anti-vitA are cherry picking studies to support the whole thing exactly as people was cherry picking studies to reinforce Peats ideas.

I am thinking out loud. I genuinely wish everyone here the best. I consider you guys mature enough to detect if something works genuinely or not but it is unevitable that these thoughts come to mind.


Sep 27, 2015
Why is "VitA is poison i feel much better now" different than "PUFA is posion i am depleting it and feeling much better". Don't you see a trend there?

Now the anti-vitA are cherry picking studies to support the whole thing exactly as people was cherry picking studies to reinforce Peats ideas.
I think it's worth noting that there is a lot more to the toxic bile theory/low toxin diet approach than just vitamin A toxicity. Vitamin A just happens to be one of the most common substances that places a big load on the detoxification capacity of the body.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Blossom :)

And how is it going? 5.5 years are quite a lot. I don't doubt it works for many people. I simply find it as unbalanced as I found RPforum-inspired diet since the very beginning (which was an exaggeration of Ray's principles).

Why is "VitA is poison i feel much better now" different than "PUFA is posion i am depleting it and feeling much better". Don't you see a trend there?

Now the anti-vitA are cherry picking studies to support the whole thing exactly as people was cherry picking studies to reinforce Peats ideas.

I am thinking out loud. I genuinely wish everyone here the best. I consider you guys mature enough to detect if something works genuinely or not but it is unevitable that these thoughts come to mind.
Yes, I’ve had doubts along the way tbh and I think that’s natural honestly. I’ve even tried loosening up a few times and I generally seem to tolerate it fine (which I didn’t in the first 1.5 years) but I gradually start feeling worse and return to eating low A. I apparently have plenty in storage after all this time so I’ve just decided to eat the way that works best for me while all the details get hashed out. I see it as something a person could try when they’ve tried everything else or if they know they’ve gone overboard with liver or supplements. I personally haven’t promoted through the years because I didn’t feel it was my place. I have mentioned looking into it to a few people privately (when asked) who had issues and nothing left to try though. It has helped me quite a bit. I don’t follow anyone else’s version of low A exactly but have designed my own way of eating to fit with my personal preferences, tolerances and goals.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
Why is "VitA is poison i feel much better now" different than "PUFA is posion i am depleting it and feeling much better". Don't you see a trend there?
I can't say I ever felt anything when I quit eating all PUFAs. But I could see and feel a big difference when I cut out vit A foods and beta carotene. I turned pink instead of yellow for one thing.


Oct 5, 2014
Yes, I’ve had doubts along the way tbh and I think that’s natural honestly. I’ve even tried loosening up a few times and I generally seem to tolerate it fine (which I didn’t in the first 1.5 years) but I gradually start feeling worse and return to eating low A. I apparently have plenty in storage after all this time so I’ve just decided to eat the way that works best for me while all the details get hashed out. I see it as something a person could try when they’ve tried everything else or if they know they’ve gone overboard with liver or supplements. I personally haven’t promoted through the years because I didn’t feel it was my place. I have mentioned looking into it to a few people privately (when asked) who had issues and nothing left to try though. It has helped me quite a bit. I don’t follow anyone else’s version of low A exactly but have designed my own way of eating to fit with my personal preferences, tolerances and goals.
Thanks Blossom :)
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