Thinking About Ending My Life

Sep 27, 2015
XPlus said:
post 101486 Sometimes we keep on doing a lot of things that we think we're supposed to do and and assume things will get right.
Guess what. We have to do the right things to get the right results.

Are you sure you need all that pregnenolone.
Taking 300mg is a day is like shooting the sky and hoping something is going to fall.

It's probably adding up to the estrogen in your system, causing it to crash too often.

50k IU of Vit A a day might be too much, too - offsetting thyroid.
I adjust my intake according to the dandruff.
A bit on the skin and if it isn't clear the next day I use a bit more.

Cypro has its uses but makes me a little jittery.
So I know what to be expecting when I take it.

There been few discussions around about the ineffectiveness of Aromur. Look them up.

I know that labs can get quite expensive but if your life depends on it, get them done.

Total T3 and reverse T3 matter more than T4.
There's no point of having good T4 range if it isn't converted to T3.
There are quite few to do if want an overall picture of your system's performance.

Find someone smart to interpret them for you and start from there.

Some sunshine and maybe a girl to flirt with might loosen up your mood a bit (Brian & Schulz et al)

thank you for this. the pregnenolone is definitely converting to estrogen. i've been so angry lately. thank you for making this point. my reverse T3 was actually fine. maybe estrogen is what is blocking everything. right now. i definitely feel like i have a high vitamin A requirement. 25,000 IU per day keeps acne and oily face away. 50,000 IU is even better.

yes i need a girl. my libido has tanked because of the high estrogen. the pregnenolone is going in a drawer and i won't touch it for a very long time.
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Sep 27, 2015
Tarmander said:
One thing that doesn't get talked about a whole lot here, and probably because many people are pretty sick, is that once you get healthy, it's not like all the problems in your life are solved. You live at home with your parents and don't do anything by your own admission. What do you expect...that one day you will be warm and healthy and THEN you can start living?

You are hopeless, and in my experience being hopeless is almost always a good thing. Being hopeless means you can detach from what you think is important and move on to what is actually important, whatever that is in this phase of your life. My advice, and it's free and useless like most advice, is to forget about this stuff, dig deep, and do what you want to do. You are a great example of serotonin at work...trapped, stressed, no way out... hello helplessness. Good luck I'll send you some good vibes.

Thanks. It's not serotonin, it's estrogen. xplus made a good point about the pregnenolone. my serotonin is certainly very low. i know it is. i can feel it. but my estrogen is sky high. thank you for your words of wisdom. i've had glimpses of great health, where i felt like i could start finally living although i wasn't 100%. but the way i've felt the past week has been unbearable.


Apr 9, 2015
YuraCZ said:
post 101494 high estrogen = high copper = low zinc = acne

So what would you advise to reverse this? Take zinc and vitamin A and also take the steps to reduce estrogen?
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Jun 20, 2015
Vitamin E (400 IU once or twice a week or a little more if your diet is high in iron) makes your body to utilize vitamin A better. So supplementing vitamin E should allow you to lower the dose of vitamin A, thyroid and pregnenolone, and it is anti-estrogenic. Also consider supplementing magnesium (search the forum for "magnesium bicarbonate").

Go out! spend as much time outdoors as you can.


Nov 9, 2012
Coldhandsandfeet said:
post 101461 I'll tell you what I do.

I would probably feel very sick and be bed-ridden on the diet and supplements you show. I assume you experimented with others over the years.
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Apr 24, 2015
EIRE24 said:
post 101499
YuraCZ said:
post 101494 high estrogen = high copper = low zinc = acne

So what would you advise to reverse this? Take zinc and vitamin A and also take the steps to reduce estrogen?
Yes. Peat style but without beef liver, cocoa etc.. (high copper foods) + zinc, vitC and coffee enemas!
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Aug 18, 2013
I think you're lucky that your digestion and diet are excellent, and that you have no issues other than a racing heart and cold hands and feet. Listen, if that was all that was on my roster in terms of health problems I'd be booking a trip around the world.

I'm not clear on what is really bothering you. Tachycardia is a problem and you need to take care of it but its generally not fatal and if you've had a cardiologist check you out and clear you on this issue then it can be managed with medication -- for example propranolol, a beta blocker which will block the adrenergic signal that causes it.

Cold hands and feet, if they are bothering you to that degree sound like either an immune system issue or a circulatory issue. One thing you could try is more salt.

Don't kill yourself. It's dumb. It really sounds like you're closer than you know to being healthy.
Sep 27, 2015
messtafarian said:
I think you're lucky that your digestion and diet are excellent, and that you have no issues other than a racing heart and cold hands and feet. Listen, if that was all that was on my roster in terms of health problems I'd be booking a trip around the world.

I'm not clear on what is really bothering you. Tachycardia is a problem and you need to take care of it but its generally not fatal and if you've had a cardiologist check you out and clear you on this issue then it can be managed with medication -- for example propranolol, a beta blocker which will block the adrenergic signal that causes it.

Cold hands and feet, if they are bothering you to that degree sound like either an immune system issue or a circulatory issue. One thing you could try is more salt.

Don't kill yourself. It's dumb. It really sounds like you're closer than you know to being healthy.

i've tried propranolol and i remember it killed my libido...maybe I'll give it another shot


Nov 10, 2014
I'm going to weigh in and give you my two cents, for what it's worth. It's going to be tough love, too; I apologize if it comes off as hard, but understand that I'm genuinely concerned for you.

I do not know all of the health issues that you have in terms of actual medical diagnosis...but, here's what I will say to you:

By no means am I saying Peat's ideas are wrong...I agree with most of it and follow a lot of it TBH...but, certainly not all of it. Why? I know my body more than Ray knows my body, despite what some literature may say, despite what some biochemical study may indicate...I know in certain instances if I do or eat or take X then I get what it is; therefore, I avoid it in the context of my own life because it's not working for me. One thing that seems to be a problem and I've been a victim of it like anyone else, is taking a dogmatic approach and becomming emotionally attached to certain ideology despite the fact that it's not working.

This is what I can recommend to you...I do not know your stats (body weight, age, height, activity level etc) know that. I would get a rough general idea of your daily calorie needs at the moment. You seem to eat the same thing every day, so for you, you may be able to just add what you eat up for the next 5-7 days and average the amount of calories you consume daily; compare that to your scale weight. If your scale weight is stagnant, then you are consuming roughly maintenance needs. I would consume SLIGHTLY over maintenance and this will require WORK on your part...a food scale and an arcurate means of truly tracking your food intake. Here's where I will stray from the Peatists and give you general advice, despite the fact that it may conflict with some of the information and guidelines (rules) on here.

1) You need to not only track your calories, but track your macronutrient split that makes up those calories...this doesn't have to be perfect. For the sake of simplicity eat roughly 20% dietary fat, 50% carbohydrate and 30% protein. Stop with this "drink a quart of milk" *** like a human being. I know I'm going to catch flack for this...but, I won't apologize for this. I would make most of your carbohydrate intake come from various fruits, some starches like white rice. I'd get your protein from eggs (some fats from eggs also) cottage cheese/greek yogurt, various animal meats. I'd get fats from eggs, saturated fats from meat, coconut oil, butter...perhaps some olive oil etc.

2) Seriously...cut out the excessive supplementation. IDGAF what anyone says on this forum...that's a lot of supplemental vitamin A. I would try to simply include more vitamin A foods like carrots in your daily diet etc. Vit D I'd bring to 5000iu a day. I WOULD add magnesium for sure...I like Natural's a carbonate variety and I take 2-3 servings of it per day. Everything else that you're doing though...cut that ***t out ASAP. Dead serious. The only thing I may consider is a B complex.

3) Here's where you're going to get pissed off. I don't really want to here your current health status and how much you can't leave your house...get active and start training. Yes...lift some weights, do some activity...get outside too. If you want a solid recommendation for a good weight training routine, I would LOVE to help you out. I really hope that my current inclination is wrong (that you'll turn this down)...that way you can gain some self respect, some hope for yourself and some purpose. Training is wonderful from both a health standpoint, but also from a mental get to make goals for yourself and conquer them week to week. No matter your health situation, you CAN overcome and work around it and train. I've seen some incredibly unhealthy people get on an exercise routine and improve their lives tremendously.

If you want to go further and discuss meal timing and frequency etc we can...but, it's not THAT important if you're relatively consistent with your intake throughout the day on a day to day...


Apr 9, 2015
YuraCZ said:
post 101502
EIRE24 said:
post 101499
YuraCZ said:
post 101494 high estrogen = high copper = low zinc = acne

So what would you advise to reverse this? Take zinc and vitamin A and also take the steps to reduce estrogen?
Yes. Peat style but without beef liver, cocoa etc.. (high copper foods) + zinc, vitC and coffee enemas!

I have had a real problem with acne lately and it is really annoying as I cant seem to get rid of it and its making me very self concious. I have ordered some VIT A to start taking but not sure on what dose, I will also need to order some zinc. My skin seems to be very dry too along with the acne which is even stranger because people with acne usually have oily skin?
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Aug 27, 2015
DRTrenbolone said:
I'm going to weigh in and give you my two cents, for what it's worth. It's going to be tough love, too; I apologize if it comes off as hard, but understand that I'm genuinely concerned for you.

I do not know all of the health issues that you have in terms of actual medical diagnosis...but, here's what I will say to you:

By no means am I saying Peat's ideas are wrong...I agree with most of it and follow a lot of it TBH...but, certainly not all of it. Why? I know my body more than Ray knows my body, despite what some literature may say, despite what some biochemical study may indicate...I know in certain instances if I do or eat or take X then I get what it is; therefore, I avoid it in the context of my own life because it's not working for me. One thing that seems to be a problem and I've been a victim of it like anyone else, is taking a dogmatic approach and becomming emotionally attached to certain ideology despite the fact that it's not working.

This is what I can recommend to you...I do not know your stats (body weight, age, height, activity level etc) know that. I would get a rough general idea of your daily calorie needs at the moment. You seem to eat the same thing every day, so for you, you may be able to just add what you eat up for the next 5-7 days and average the amount of calories you consume daily; compare that to your scale weight. If your scale weight is stagnant, then you are consuming roughly maintenance needs. I would consume SLIGHTLY over maintenance and this will require WORK on your part...a food scale and an arcurate means of truly tracking your food intake. Here's where I will stray from the Peatists and give you general advice, despite the fact that it may conflict with some of the information and guidelines (rules) on here.

1) You need to not only track your calories, but track your macronutrient split that makes up those calories...this doesn't have to be perfect. For the sake of simplicity eat roughly 20% dietary fat, 50% carbohydrate and 30% protein. Stop with this "drink a quart of milk" s*** like a human being. I know I'm going to catch flack for this...but, I won't apologize for this. I would make most of your carbohydrate intake come from various fruits, some starches like white rice. I'd get your protein from eggs (some fats from eggs also) cottage cheese/greek yogurt, various animal meats. I'd get fats from eggs, saturated fats from meat, coconut oil, butter...perhaps some olive oil etc.

2) Seriously...cut out the excessive supplementation. IDGAF what anyone says on this forum...that's a lot of supplemental vitamin A. I would try to simply include more vitamin A foods like carrots in your daily diet etc. Vit D I'd bring to 5000iu a day. I WOULD add magnesium for sure...I like Natural's a carbonate variety and I take 2-3 servings of it per day. Everything else that you're doing though...cut that s*** out ASAP. Dead serious. The only thing I may consider is a B complex.

3) Here's where you're going to get pissed off. I don't really want to here your current health status and how much you can't leave your house...get active and start training. Yes...lift some weights, do some activity...get outside too. If you want a solid recommendation for a good weight training routine, I would LOVE to help you out. I really hope that my current inclination is wrong (that you'll turn this down)...that way you can gain some self respect, some hope for yourself and some purpose. Training is wonderful from both a health standpoint, but also from a mental get to make goals for yourself and conquer them week to week. No matter your health situation, you CAN overcome and work around it and train. I've seen some incredibly unhealthy people get on an exercise routine and improve their lives tremendously.

If you want to go further and discuss meal timing and frequency etc we can...but, it's not THAT important if you're relatively consistent with your intake throughout the day on a day to day...

Lifting with low libido will only make the problem worse

I agree with you that having something to focus and progress on is a good thing, however the stress of lifting is hard on someone with hormonal imbalances


Oct 5, 2014
How much salt do you eat?


Apr 24, 2015
EIRE24 said:
post 101524
YuraCZ said:
post 101502
EIRE24 said:
post 101499
YuraCZ said:
post 101494 high estrogen = high copper = low zinc = acne

So what would you advise to reverse this? Take zinc and vitamin A and also take the steps to reduce estrogen?
Yes. Peat style but without beef liver, cocoa etc.. (high copper foods) + zinc, vitC and coffee enemas!

I have had a real problem with acne lately and it is really annoying as I cant seem to get rid of it and its making me very self concious. I have ordered some VIT A to start taking but not sure on what dose, I will also need to order some zinc. My skin seems to be very dry too along with the acne which is even stranger because people with acne usually have oily skin?
Be careful with vit D supplementation and you can try stop eating all problematic foods. Especially dairy, gluten, cocoa etc..
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Nov 10, 2014
Joocy_J said:
post 101525
DRTrenbolone said:
I'm going to weigh in and give you my two cents, for what it's worth. It's going to be tough love, too; I apologize if it comes off as hard, but understand that I'm genuinely concerned for you.

I do not know all of the health issues that you have in terms of actual medical diagnosis...but, here's what I will say to you:

By no means am I saying Peat's ideas are wrong...I agree with most of it and follow a lot of it TBH...but, certainly not all of it. Why? I know my body more than Ray knows my body, despite what some literature may say, despite what some biochemical study may indicate...I know in certain instances if I do or eat or take X then I get what it is; therefore, I avoid it in the context of my own life because it's not working for me. One thing that seems to be a problem and I've been a victim of it like anyone else, is taking a dogmatic approach and becomming emotionally attached to certain ideology despite the fact that it's not working.

This is what I can recommend to you...I do not know your stats (body weight, age, height, activity level etc) know that. I would get a rough general idea of your daily calorie needs at the moment. You seem to eat the same thing every day, so for you, you may be able to just add what you eat up for the next 5-7 days and average the amount of calories you consume daily; compare that to your scale weight. If your scale weight is stagnant, then you are consuming roughly maintenance needs. I would consume SLIGHTLY over maintenance and this will require WORK on your part...a food scale and an arcurate means of truly tracking your food intake. Here's where I will stray from the Peatists and give you general advice, despite the fact that it may conflict with some of the information and guidelines (rules) on here.

1) You need to not only track your calories, but track your macronutrient split that makes up those calories...this doesn't have to be perfect. For the sake of simplicity eat roughly 20% dietary fat, 50% carbohydrate and 30% protein. Stop with this "drink a quart of milk" s*** like a human being. I know I'm going to catch flack for this...but, I won't apologize for this. I would make most of your carbohydrate intake come from various fruits, some starches like white rice. I'd get your protein from eggs (some fats from eggs also) cottage cheese/greek yogurt, various animal meats. I'd get fats from eggs, saturated fats from meat, coconut oil, butter...perhaps some olive oil etc.

2) Seriously...cut out the excessive supplementation. IDGAF what anyone says on this forum...that's a lot of supplemental vitamin A. I would try to simply include more vitamin A foods like carrots in your daily diet etc. Vit D I'd bring to 5000iu a day. I WOULD add magnesium for sure...I like Natural's a carbonate variety and I take 2-3 servings of it per day. Everything else that you're doing though...cut that s*** out ASAP. Dead serious. The only thing I may consider is a B complex.

3) Here's where you're going to get pissed off. I don't really want to here your current health status and how much you can't leave your house...get active and start training. Yes...lift some weights, do some activity...get outside too. If you want a solid recommendation for a good weight training routine, I would LOVE to help you out. I really hope that my current inclination is wrong (that you'll turn this down)...that way you can gain some self respect, some hope for yourself and some purpose. Training is wonderful from both a health standpoint, but also from a mental get to make goals for yourself and conquer them week to week. No matter your health situation, you CAN overcome and work around it and train. I've seen some incredibly unhealthy people get on an exercise routine and improve their lives tremendously.

If you want to go further and discuss meal timing and frequency etc we can...but, it's not THAT important if you're relatively consistent with your intake throughout the day on a day to day...

Lifting with low libido will only make the problem worse

I really don't even know how to respond to this statement. I'm going to try to be as civil as possible here: this comment is insane and wrong. I'm certain you will not be able to produce even 1 scientific study on adult males showing a decrease in testosterone and libido from appropriately periodized, sane weight training. There is such a PLETHORA of health improvements to be made from weight training, I could write a novel on here with regards to it.

But, let's go with your advice for our fine fellow...don't train...don't get active...don't get outside. Sit inside, stare at the wall...keep eating oysters and drink a gallon of OJ everyday. That will make everything better...

I started training with a suppressed thyroid from being basically anorexic and zero sex drive. It improved every aspect of my health considerably and gave me purpose in life...and led me to my current academic path pursuing higher education and research in optimal training periodization.

I'm all for true, scientific, objective information...if it goes against what I'm saying, I will read it. But, I am seriously posting here to help the OP and I don't think his current living, thinking, doing is helping him. Clearly, it's's been 5 years.
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Dec 16, 2014
DRTrenbolone said:
post 101523 I'm going to weigh in and give you my two cents, for what it's worth. It's going to be tough love, too; I apologize if it comes off as hard, but understand that I'm genuinely concerned for you.

I do not know all of the health issues that you have in terms of actual medical diagnosis...but, here's what I will say to you:

By no means am I saying Peat's ideas are wrong...I agree with most of it and follow a lot of it TBH...but, certainly not all of it. Why? I know my body more than Ray knows my body, despite what some literature may say, despite what some biochemical study may indicate...I know in certain instances if I do or eat or take X then I get what it is; therefore, I avoid it in the context of my own life because it's not working for me. One thing that seems to be a problem and I've been a victim of it like anyone else, is taking a dogmatic approach and becomming emotionally attached to certain ideology despite the fact that it's not working.

This is what I can recommend to you...I do not know your stats (body weight, age, height, activity level etc) know that. I would get a rough general idea of your daily calorie needs at the moment. You seem to eat the same thing every day, so for you, you may be able to just add what you eat up for the next 5-7 days and average the amount of calories you consume daily; compare that to your scale weight. If your scale weight is stagnant, then you are consuming roughly maintenance needs. I would consume SLIGHTLY over maintenance and this will require WORK on your part...a food scale and an arcurate means of truly tracking your food intake. Here's where I will stray from the Peatists and give you general advice, despite the fact that it may conflict with some of the information and guidelines (rules) on here.

1) You need to not only track your calories, but track your macronutrient split that makes up those calories...this doesn't have to be perfect. For the sake of simplicity eat roughly 20% dietary fat, 50% carbohydrate and 30% protein. Stop with this "drink a quart of milk" s*** like a human being. I know I'm going to catch flack for this...but, I won't apologize for this. I would make most of your carbohydrate intake come from various fruits, some starches like white rice. I'd get your protein from eggs (some fats from eggs also) cottage cheese/greek yogurt, various animal meats. I'd get fats from eggs, saturated fats from meat, coconut oil, butter...perhaps some olive oil etc.

2) Seriously...cut out the excessive supplementation. IDGAF what anyone says on this forum...that's a lot of supplemental vitamin A. I would try to simply include more vitamin A foods like carrots in your daily diet etc. Vit D I'd bring to 5000iu a day. I WOULD add magnesium for sure...I like Natural's a carbonate variety and I take 2-3 servings of it per day. Everything else that you're doing though...cut that s*** out ASAP. Dead serious. The only thing I may consider is a B complex.

3) Here's where you're going to get pissed off. I don't really want to here your current health status and how much you can't leave your house...get active and start training. Yes...lift some weights, do some activity...get outside too. If you want a solid recommendation for a good weight training routine, I would LOVE to help you out. I really hope that my current inclination is wrong (that you'll turn this down)...that way you can gain some self respect, some hope for yourself and some purpose. Training is wonderful from both a health standpoint, but also from a mental get to make goals for yourself and conquer them week to week. No matter your health situation, you CAN overcome and work around it and train. I've seen some incredibly unhealthy people get on an exercise routine and improve their lives tremendously.

If you want to go further and discuss meal timing and frequency etc we can...but, it's not THAT important if you're relatively consistent with your intake throughout the day on a day to day...

Yeah, brah - 2hrs 5 days a week.
No pain no gain.
Be a good kid and don't forget your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.
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Nov 10, 2014
XPlus said:
post 101538
DRTrenbolone said:
post 101523 I'm going to weigh in and give you my two cents, for what it's worth. It's going to be tough love, too; I apologize if it comes off as hard, but understand that I'm genuinely concerned for you.

I do not know all of the health issues that you have in terms of actual medical diagnosis...but, here's what I will say to you:

By no means am I saying Peat's ideas are wrong...I agree with most of it and follow a lot of it TBH...but, certainly not all of it. Why? I know my body more than Ray knows my body, despite what some literature may say, despite what some biochemical study may indicate...I know in certain instances if I do or eat or take X then I get what it is; therefore, I avoid it in the context of my own life because it's not working for me. One thing that seems to be a problem and I've been a victim of it like anyone else, is taking a dogmatic approach and becomming emotionally attached to certain ideology despite the fact that it's not working.

This is what I can recommend to you...I do not know your stats (body weight, age, height, activity level etc) know that. I would get a rough general idea of your daily calorie needs at the moment. You seem to eat the same thing every day, so for you, you may be able to just add what you eat up for the next 5-7 days and average the amount of calories you consume daily; compare that to your scale weight. If your scale weight is stagnant, then you are consuming roughly maintenance needs. I would consume SLIGHTLY over maintenance and this will require WORK on your part...a food scale and an arcurate means of truly tracking your food intake. Here's where I will stray from the Peatists and give you general advice, despite the fact that it may conflict with some of the information and guidelines (rules) on here.

1) You need to not only track your calories, but track your macronutrient split that makes up those calories...this doesn't have to be perfect. For the sake of simplicity eat roughly 20% dietary fat, 50% carbohydrate and 30% protein. Stop with this "drink a quart of milk" s*** like a human being. I know I'm going to catch flack for this...but, I won't apologize for this. I would make most of your carbohydrate intake come from various fruits, some starches like white rice. I'd get your protein from eggs (some fats from eggs also) cottage cheese/greek yogurt, various animal meats. I'd get fats from eggs, saturated fats from meat, coconut oil, butter...perhaps some olive oil etc.

2) Seriously...cut out the excessive supplementation. IDGAF what anyone says on this forum...that's a lot of supplemental vitamin A. I would try to simply include more vitamin A foods like carrots in your daily diet etc. Vit D I'd bring to 5000iu a day. I WOULD add magnesium for sure...I like Natural's a carbonate variety and I take 2-3 servings of it per day. Everything else that you're doing though...cut that s*** out ASAP. Dead serious. The only thing I may consider is a B complex.

3) Here's where you're going to get pissed off. I don't really want to here your current health status and how much you can't leave your house...get active and start training. Yes...lift some weights, do some activity...get outside too. If you want a solid recommendation for a good weight training routine, I would LOVE to help you out. I really hope that my current inclination is wrong (that you'll turn this down)...that way you can gain some self respect, some hope for yourself and some purpose. Training is wonderful from both a health standpoint, but also from a mental get to make goals for yourself and conquer them week to week. No matter your health situation, you CAN overcome and work around it and train. I've seen some incredibly unhealthy people get on an exercise routine and improve their lives tremendously.

If you want to go further and discuss meal timing and frequency etc we can...but, it's not THAT important if you're relatively consistent with your intake throughout the day on a day to day...

Yeah, brah - 2hrs 5 days a week.
No pain no gain.
Be a good kid and don't forget your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.

I'm not a "bro"...I don't even know what this means. 2 hours 5 days a week...what does that even mean?

I don't really eat vegetables.

NVM OP...listen to these guys. Stay inside and eat oysters man.
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Dec 16, 2014
DRTrenbolone said:
post 101539
XPlus said:
post 101538
DRTrenbolone said:
post 101523 I'm going to weigh in and give you my two cents, for what it's worth. It's going to be tough love, too; I apologize if it comes off as hard, but understand that I'm genuinely concerned for you.

I do not know all of the health issues that you have in terms of actual medical diagnosis...but, here's what I will say to you:

By no means am I saying Peat's ideas are wrong...I agree with most of it and follow a lot of it TBH...but, certainly not all of it. Why? I know my body more than Ray knows my body, despite what some literature may say, despite what some biochemical study may indicate...I know in certain instances if I do or eat or take X then I get what it is; therefore, I avoid it in the context of my own life because it's not working for me. One thing that seems to be a problem and I've been a victim of it like anyone else, is taking a dogmatic approach and becomming emotionally attached to certain ideology despite the fact that it's not working.

This is what I can recommend to you...I do not know your stats (body weight, age, height, activity level etc) know that. I would get a rough general idea of your daily calorie needs at the moment. You seem to eat the same thing every day, so for you, you may be able to just add what you eat up for the next 5-7 days and average the amount of calories you consume daily; compare that to your scale weight. If your scale weight is stagnant, then you are consuming roughly maintenance needs. I would consume SLIGHTLY over maintenance and this will require WORK on your part...a food scale and an arcurate means of truly tracking your food intake. Here's where I will stray from the Peatists and give you general advice, despite the fact that it may conflict with some of the information and guidelines (rules) on here.

1) You need to not only track your calories, but track your macronutrient split that makes up those calories...this doesn't have to be perfect. For the sake of simplicity eat roughly 20% dietary fat, 50% carbohydrate and 30% protein. Stop with this "drink a quart of milk" s*** like a human being. I know I'm going to catch flack for this...but, I won't apologize for this. I would make most of your carbohydrate intake come from various fruits, some starches like white rice. I'd get your protein from eggs (some fats from eggs also) cottage cheese/greek yogurt, various animal meats. I'd get fats from eggs, saturated fats from meat, coconut oil, butter...perhaps some olive oil etc.

2) Seriously...cut out the excessive supplementation. IDGAF what anyone says on this forum...that's a lot of supplemental vitamin A. I would try to simply include more vitamin A foods like carrots in your daily diet etc. Vit D I'd bring to 5000iu a day. I WOULD add magnesium for sure...I like Natural's a carbonate variety and I take 2-3 servings of it per day. Everything else that you're doing though...cut that s*** out ASAP. Dead serious. The only thing I may consider is a B complex.

3) Here's where you're going to get pissed off. I don't really want to here your current health status and how much you can't leave your house...get active and start training. Yes...lift some weights, do some activity...get outside too. If you want a solid recommendation for a good weight training routine, I would LOVE to help you out. I really hope that my current inclination is wrong (that you'll turn this down)...that way you can gain some self respect, some hope for yourself and some purpose. Training is wonderful from both a health standpoint, but also from a mental get to make goals for yourself and conquer them week to week. No matter your health situation, you CAN overcome and work around it and train. I've seen some incredibly unhealthy people get on an exercise routine and improve their lives tremendously.

If you want to go further and discuss meal timing and frequency etc we can...but, it's not THAT important if you're relatively consistent with your intake throughout the day on a day to day...

Yeah, brah - 2hrs 5 days a week.
No pain no gain.
Be a good kid and don't forget your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.

I'm not a "bro"...I don't even know what this means. 2 hours 5 days a week...what does that even mean?

I don't really eat vegetables.

NVM OP...listen to these guys. Stay inside and eat oysters man.

You mean you're a girl?

NVM me. Whatever you say.
We need more women on this forum.
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Apr 25, 2015
DRTrenbolone knows what he's talking about. I'm not even being sarcastic. The way you can tell around here if you're saying something valid and helpful is if it receives sarcastic or belittling comments. The OP claims his diet is fine, but the very way in which he depicted his protocol, you can tell he doesn't have a solid foundation or any consistency. His protocol is just peatarian soundbytes, as if copied and pasted from every other log here. And his unwillingness to perceive differently or even question what he is currently doing dietary-wise shows that his current protocol is not individualized but rather rigid. I know it's harsh, but there's really nothing constructive or positive you can say yet. With all that said, i do understand the feeling sometimes that there seems to be no answer. In my experience, this usually is part of a lesson in remembering to not be defined by the problems with my health but to focus on healing and function......and then that utter confusion starts to turn to more stability and then things start to improve. A lot of times i have to admit to myself that there are often things that i'm very aware of that's causing a large percent of my problems.


Sep 19, 2013
DRTrenbolone said:
post 101530
Joocy_J said:
post 101525
DRTrenbolone said:
I'm going to weigh in and give you my two cents, for what it's worth. It's going to be tough love, too; I apologize if it comes off as hard, but understand that I'm genuinely concerned for you.

I do not know all of the health issues that you have in terms of actual medical diagnosis...but, here's what I will say to you:

By no means am I saying Peat's ideas are wrong...I agree with most of it and follow a lot of it TBH...but, certainly not all of it. Why? I know my body more than Ray knows my body, despite what some literature may say, despite what some biochemical study may indicate...I know in certain instances if I do or eat or take X then I get what it is; therefore, I avoid it in the context of my own life because it's not working for me. One thing that seems to be a problem and I've been a victim of it like anyone else, is taking a dogmatic approach and becomming emotionally attached to certain ideology despite the fact that it's not working.

This is what I can recommend to you...I do not know your stats (body weight, age, height, activity level etc) know that. I would get a rough general idea of your daily calorie needs at the moment. You seem to eat the same thing every day, so for you, you may be able to just add what you eat up for the next 5-7 days and average the amount of calories you consume daily; compare that to your scale weight. If your scale weight is stagnant, then you are consuming roughly maintenance needs. I would consume SLIGHTLY over maintenance and this will require WORK on your part...a food scale and an arcurate means of truly tracking your food intake. Here's where I will stray from the Peatists and give you general advice, despite the fact that it may conflict with some of the information and guidelines (rules) on here.

1) You need to not only track your calories, but track your macronutrient split that makes up those calories...this doesn't have to be perfect. For the sake of simplicity eat roughly 20% dietary fat, 50% carbohydrate and 30% protein. Stop with this "drink a quart of milk" s*** like a human being. I know I'm going to catch flack for this...but, I won't apologize for this. I would make most of your carbohydrate intake come from various fruits, some starches like white rice. I'd get your protein from eggs (some fats from eggs also) cottage cheese/greek yogurt, various animal meats. I'd get fats from eggs, saturated fats from meat, coconut oil, butter...perhaps some olive oil etc.

2) Seriously...cut out the excessive supplementation. IDGAF what anyone says on this forum...that's a lot of supplemental vitamin A. I would try to simply include more vitamin A foods like carrots in your daily diet etc. Vit D I'd bring to 5000iu a day. I WOULD add magnesium for sure...I like Natural's a carbonate variety and I take 2-3 servings of it per day. Everything else that you're doing though...cut that s*** out ASAP. Dead serious. The only thing I may consider is a B complex.

3) Here's where you're going to get pissed off. I don't really want to here your current health status and how much you can't leave your house...get active and start training. Yes...lift some weights, do some activity...get outside too. If you want a solid recommendation for a good weight training routine, I would LOVE to help you out. I really hope that my current inclination is wrong (that you'll turn this down)...that way you can gain some self respect, some hope for yourself and some purpose. Training is wonderful from both a health standpoint, but also from a mental get to make goals for yourself and conquer them week to week. No matter your health situation, you CAN overcome and work around it and train. I've seen some incredibly unhealthy people get on an exercise routine and improve their lives tremendously.

If you want to go further and discuss meal timing and frequency etc we can...but, it's not THAT important if you're relatively consistent with your intake throughout the day on a day to day...

Lifting with low libido will only make the problem worse

I really don't even know how to respond to this statement. I'm going to try to be as civil as possible here: this comment is insane and wrong. I'm certain you will not be able to produce even 1 scientific study on adult males showing a decrease in testosterone and libido from appropriately periodized, sane weight training. There is such a PLETHORA of health improvements to be made from weight training, I could write a novel on here with regards to it.

But, let's go with your advice for our fine fellow...don't train...don't get active...don't get outside. Sit inside, stare at the wall...keep eating oysters and drink a gallon of OJ everyday. That will make everything better...

I started training with a suppressed thyroid from being basically anorexic and zero sex drive. It improved every aspect of my health considerably and gave me purpose in life...and led me to my current academic path pursuing higher education and research in optimal training periodization.

I'm all for true, scientific, objective information...if it goes against what I'm saying, I will read it. But, I am seriously posting here to help the OP and I don't think his current living, thinking, doing is helping him. Clearly, it's's been 5 years.

I have some extreme issues myself, and spent the last 3 months trying to weight train, go out and play ball, etc. It's done nothing for me except make me even more incredibly drained the several following days. I'm in agreement that drinking quarts of OJ/milk, while sitting and doing nothing isn't good either, but lifting and being active isn't as easy as you say when people are in very bad state of health. Just remember, when you were at your worst, doesn't mean it's the same as someone else at their worst. I've tried what you said, and it makes me worse. And I have been active my entire life.
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