Thyroid Supplement


Jul 22, 2012
Kris said:
Thank you, Charlie. I just got the Thyroid-s and am not sure how much of it to take? 1 pill is 60 mg. I have taken 1 pill and then after 2 h second pill. So far I don;t feel any different and temperature is not changed.
"An effective way to use supplements is to take a combination T4-T3 dose, e.g., 40 mcg of T4 and 10 mcg of T3 once a day, and to use a few mcg of T3 at other times in the day. Keeping a 14-day chart of pulse rate and temperature allows you to see whether the dose is producing the desired response. If the figures aren't increasing at all after a few days, the dose can be increased, until a gradual daily increment can be seen, moving toward the goal at the rate of about 1/14 per day."--Ray Peat

from Thyroid: Therapies, Confusion, and Fraud


Oct 15, 2012
When Peat referring to diet speak of eating Thyroid, does he mean the supplement?

Can a person who is not hyperthyroid supplement thyroid in order to increase metabolism?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Kris said:
When Peat referring to diet speak of eating Thyroid, does he mean the supplement?

Can a person who is not hyperthyroid supplement thyroid in order to increase metabolism?

Yes, he means supplement.

Not sure what you mean by your second question.


Oct 8, 2012
Is there any problems with cytomel and coffee? Would there be an issue taking it with a meal of milk coffee and oj? Thanks.


Jul 24, 2012
Anyone else using Acella, thoughts? Anyone get gas after taking? I think Erfa would definitely be the best, to be honest struggling to find an alternative although Acella is decent.


Aug 28, 2012
Nick810 said:
Anyone else using Acella, thoughts? Anyone get gas after taking? I think Erfa would definitely be the best, to be honest struggling to find an alternative although Acella is decent.

Ive been okay with it but you are probably reacting to the mineral oil which can have a laxative effect.


Nov 12, 2012
Nick810 said:
Anyone else using Acella, thoughts? Anyone get gas after taking? I think Erfa would definitely be the best, to be honest struggling to find an alternative although Acella is decent.

I use NP Thyroid from Acella and I haven't noticed any gas. I'm happy with the Acella, although I haven't tried Erfa, but what I've heard is that they are pretty much the same (as in, they are both similar to the old formulation of Armour).


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
So bummed out, I am on half a grain and now the heart pounding is coming back. Especially after I drink some coffee. So, looks like I am gonna have to quit supplementing for a while. I dont know what else to do. :(


Aug 28, 2012
Charlie said:
So bummed out, I am on half a grain and now the heart pounding is coming back. Especially after I drink some coffee. So, looks like I am gonna have to quit supplementing for a while. I dont know what else to do. :(

How is the pulse when you feel the pounding? What brand of NDT are you using? Tried Acella? I find it very good.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
nwo2012 said:
Charlie said:
So bummed out, I am on half a grain and now the heart pounding is coming back. Especially after I drink some coffee. So, looks like I am gonna have to quit supplementing for a while. I dont know what else to do. :(

How is the pulse when you feel the pounding? What brand of NDT are you using? Tried Acella? I find it very good.

My pulse doesnt speed up when the pounding happens. Stays in the low 70's like usual. I am using Thiroyd from Thailand. Just got a 1000 pack in that I prolly wont be able to use. :( Havent tried Acella. Where can you get it?


Aug 28, 2012
Charlie said:
nwo2012 said:
Charlie said:
So bummed out, I am on half a grain and now the heart pounding is coming back. Especially after I drink some coffee. So, looks like I am gonna have to quit supplementing for a while. I dont know what else to do. :(

How is the pulse when you feel the pounding? What brand of NDT are you using? Tried Acella? I find it very good.

My pulse doesnt speed up when the pounding happens. Stays in the low 70's like usual. I am using Thiroyd from Thailand. Just got a 1000 pack in that I prolly wont be able to use. :( Havent tried Acella. Where can you get it?

I just have to wonder if it is not a reaction to some excipient as Thiroyd has some very questionable ones.


Jul 24, 2012
Strange thing is, I find Thiyord much better than Acella. Acella, maybe it's too strong at 1.5 grains per pill, not sure... but when I take one I get hugely smelly, sweaty, dandruff etc.


Jul 22, 2012
Charlie said:
So bummed out, I am on half a grain and now the heart pounding is coming back. Especially after I drink some coffee. So, looks like I am gonna have to quit supplementing for a while. I dont know what else to do. :(

Sorry for your struggles.
Some thoughts and questions:

1. Have you ever had your Iron levels checked? Ferritin.
I think iron levels are an overlooked factor in PeatWorld.
I think high iron levels can wreak havoc with thyroid conversion and action.
If you don't have/can't get that lab test (I understand for sure),
you could proceed under the assumption your iron might be high,
and donate blood frequently--I think only good can come of it and no down side.
And you could take copper and zinc,
as copper is typically low in hypothyroid people,
and helps get rid of iron.
Again, no down side if you don't exceed dosage.

2. Antibiotics for your digestive tract.
The digestive tract health is such a key, in PeatLand, to everything.
If you can get some appropriate antibiotics
this would be, in my view, a great fundamental step,
with tremendous upside and little down side.
Check out peatarians latest discussion of probiotics for some great insights about antibiotics.

3. Got your Red Light Mojo workin' yet?
I've had my 1000watts of halogen with red glass filters
running all the time for a couple of weeks now,
and I've been using the LED laying on me as I read before sleep.
Not a precise experiment--too many variables I know--
but I feel like it's making a difference,
and my pulse and temps have improved markedly.
Remember: Peat calls red light "possibly THE most fundamental" ingredient to health (paraphrasing).

4. Protein. Peat says adequate, high-quality protein consumption
is crucial for thyroid function.
Don't you have some milk issues?
Are you getting at least 80 grams of high-quality Peat protein every day?

5. Try a different brand of thyroid.
Simple experiment which could pay big dividends.
Lots of reports around the web of different people
reacting differently to different supps.
PM me about sources if you have trouble there.

6. Bone broth.
This is something I've just been really implementing here recently.
Cheap and extremely potent Peatian food.
If you get some everyday, might make a big difference.
It is one variable for me that might've contributed to my recent metabolic gains.
I've finally figured out how to make it, and cheaply,
so PM me if you need guidance there.
ARK has extensive directions on this, posted here on our board.

7. Maybe take a tip from Kettlebell's diet,
which I think is great especially in terms of the way
he eats LOTS of small meals/snacks
and always with a balance of protein/fat/carbs.

8. Alcohol.
I haven't been a big drinker,
but I would consistently knock back a big Heineken
like every other night after getting off of work around 10pm,
and then more on Saturday nights.
I cut that back to just drinking one night per week a while back,
and I think that might've helped too--
I think the alcohol and hops and yeast might've been playing havoc with my digestive tract.
Don't know how much you drink...just throwing that out.
Alcohol is linked pretty clearly with hypothyroidism I think.

9. Vitamin D and selenium. Are you getting enough?
Important for thyroid.

10. Are you doing your daily carrot salad
with coconut oil, vinegar, salt--and in enough volume?

11. Getting enough Salt?
Peatarian said she sometimes needed as much as 3 Tablespoons per day. :shock:

These are just some basic things to try that come to mind.
I think switching brands of thyroid should be the first thing.


Oct 8, 2012
Is there any issues taking coffee and thyroid at the same time?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

1. I have been donating blood regularly, about 5 times now. I was supposed to donate last week, but got sick and couldnt. Any way to drain your own blood? :mrgreen: :eek: I do have blood tests from a couple months back, but I do not see ferritin on it. Is there a certain symbol for it?

2. I plan on ordering some antibiotics very soon, narouz. I have a feeling this will fix up my stomach, along with my gums.

3. Definitly staying under the lights, hoping to get some kind of LED array soon. Thats really awesome that your metabolism is raising, any good signs from it yet?

4. I am very good on the protein, no worries there. NO problems with milk any more thank goodness.

5. Considering the different brand of thyroid. That could be the problem.

6. I had laid off the bone broth a couple weeks because it was giving me heartburn really bad, will start up a new batch today, got some greens for it yesterday so good to go. Thanks for the reminder.

7. I am considering doing the every hour deal, right now, its every two hours.

8. I rarely drink, maybe 2 or 3 times a year at most.

9. I prolly could use some vitamin D and need to order some from the supplement list.

10. I tend to miss on the carrot salad, I guess I need to shape up in this dept.

11. I am getting a ton of salt, should be good there.

12. You didnt write a 12, just thought I would add that you are becoming quite the Peat detetive, good work sir and thank you! :salute


Jul 22, 2012
Charlie said:

1. I have been donating blood regularly, about 5 times now. I was supposed to donate last week, but got sick and couldnt. Any way to drain your own blood? :mrgreen: :eek: I do have blood tests from a couple months back, but I do not see ferritin on it. Is there a certain symbol for it?

2. I plan on ordering some antibiotics very soon, narouz. I have a feeling this will fix up my stomach, along with my gums.

3. Definitly staying under the lights, hoping to get some kind of LED array soon. Thats really awesome that your metabolism is raising, any good signs from it yet?

4. I am very good on the protein, no worries there. NO problems with milk any more thank goodness.

5. Considering the different brand of thyroid. That could be the problem.

6. I had laid off the bone broth a couple weeks because it was giving me heartburn really bad, will start up a new batch today, got some greens for it yesterday so good to go. Thanks for the reminder.

7. I am considering doing the every hour deal, right now, its every two hours.

8. I rarely drink, maybe 2 or 3 times a year at most.

9. I prolly could use some vitamin D and need to order some from the supplement list.

10. I tend to miss on the carrot salad, I guess I need to shape up in this dept.

11. I am getting a ton of salt, should be good there.

12. You didnt write a 12, just thought I would add that you are becoming quite the Peat detetive, good work sir and thank you! :salute


8. This, obviously, is the glaring problem.
That is nowhere near enough drinking. :D

9. Damn--you're the Anti-Vampire!

2,6&10. Seriously now:
the biggest general red flag area I suspect
has to do with your digestive tract.
The bone broth gives you heartburn:
that is unusual, I think, and maybe telling.
Could be an overgrowth of endotoxin,
even up into your upper digestive tract.
Combine that with the fact that you're not super-regular
with your carrot salad,
and have not tried antibiotics... :roll:
Did you read peatarian's excellent and lengthy and thoroughly documented
post about probiotics?
It really focuses on Peating and intestinal health.
Her experiences and suggestions are instructive here, I think.
I really, really think you need to try to get ahold of some antibiotics.
I know this may be a problem--getting a prescription, but...
...I'd put my efforts there.
As peatarian outlines,
if those damn bacteria have been poking their f**king filaments
through your intestinal wall for years prior to your Peating,
they may be very entrenched and hard to root out without
a Major Shock and Awe Strike of Antibiotics.
If you're not able to get your hands on some antibiotics
then the next best thing, as per peatarian,
would be some massive (read peatarian-size) doses of charcoal.
I've done her 3 tablespoon massive assault and,
while weird, did not bother me at all.
Just weird gulping down all the gritty black black stuff.
I would ask peatarian about how many times you could safely to this,
but I would be inclined, personally, to do it like 3 days in a row (one intense dose per day).
The only downside I know of would be loss of some minerals/vitamins,
carried off along with the bad guys by the charcoal:
not life-threatening.
And then the carrot salad.
For me, as I've posted, it is hard to shove it down.
But one thing helped a little:
Peat says a little olive oil improves the taste;
it really does.
So grate up a BIG carrot, add the coconut (refined) oil and olive oil and salt and vinegar,
and shove that down every day.
In short, and as I said, I suspect you may have digestive tract woes,
and I suggest you strongly focus there.
And don't forget my oft-repeated personal revelation regarding antibiotics.
I'd always had bleeding gums.
When I took big doses of antibiotics for my appendectomy,
I instantly had ZERO bleeding gums,
and that continues to be the case now many months later.
Peatarian has also seen a clear link between her teeth health and
her intestinal health.
Back to bonebroth: are you making it correctly?
See ARK's excellent post if you're not sure.
I made a breakthrough regarding bone selection just recently;
that makes a huge difference in the gelatin levels in your broth.
The big marrow bones aren't that great in my opinion.
My magic discovery:
Asian markets for Beef Feet (or Cow Feet) and Chicken Feet.
Cheap, and full of gelatin.

3. The red light.
Too many variables here lately in my life for me to call it a good experiment,
but intense and lengthy red light sessions,
for like up to 8 hours per day,
delivered by my mighty 1000Watt battery of halogen worklights with red glass pane filters
might be a big factor in my metabolic gains here within the last couple of weeks.
I know you have the $13 halogen 500Watter like me.
Get ya a red piece of glass and blast away.
I'm concerned that the rest of your array isn't powerful enough.
(Other variables are a big infusion of well-made bone broth,
the addition of 2mg copper with 15mg of zinc per day, and
of course the very gradual increase in NDT supplementation: up to 3&1/2 grains per day now.)

5. Definitely change thyroid brand: that's a gimme. Try ARK's non-script; I have and it seems good.

9. Vitamin D--definitely. I believe Peat says that when the metabolism is weak you need more.
I use the Bluebonnet liquid D3 applied topically.

13. New number: Eggs and liver. I'm thinkin' you're doing a "mostly liquid Peat-style diet" these days...?
If so, maybe you're giving short shrift to your Nutrient foods,
like egg and liver.
I know you hate liver.
Peat says that when you're in our situation,
trying to get the metabolism going,
that the PUFA reduction should take backseat to the nutrient consumption.
It is more important to fill deficiencies than to banish all PUFA--
a long term goal.
And the PUFA evacuation from our tissues can't really happen effectively
until we get the metabolism cranked.
So...I'd suggest being sure to get your eggs and liver.

That would be my strategic advice.
#1 first goal, in my honest but not-so-humble opinion: antibiotics! :)


Jul 22, 2012
and Charlie...

Those metabolic gains I've referred to:
now, for about a week,
my temp comes right up to somewhere in the 99-99.5 degree range,
and stays there pretty much all day and even until bedtime.
Pulse still only around 70-ish.


Oct 16, 2012
Narouz: Your detailed advice above for Charlie is excellent. I will be trying some of your suggestions. :thankyou
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