Vinny`s Log


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Dear wise elders of Peat Mountain,

I have been sick all my life.
At the age 4-5, my tonsils had been taken out. I remember. Don`t think they used anesthetics.
(BTW, who invented this? Who came up with the idea that mutilating small children would make them better? I`d like to meet this person. I`d have a very straightforward talk with him/her...)
After this intervention, i`ve always suffered sore throat. It never got better. When I get sick (and that was very often) my throat would hurt like hell in 90% of the cases.

So, because of my sickness, I was given a lot of antibiotics. It was surprising, when I stumbled upon Dr. Peat, to know that he finds them useful. I gave them up when I got older and my mom was not able anymore to force me taking them, and never used them since (and that was the moment my health got a little bit better). I remember, there was only one doctor at that time, who said I was given too many of them.
Except throat, during childhood, I had a lot of afts (mouth ulcers). Sleep was very problematic and still sucks. Same with energy levels. I had a lot of fears also and became hypochondriac. Constantly had clammy hands.

In my teens I got the jock itch. Got also the first hemorrhoid, which still makes me company. Started to gain weight. Acne. Masturbation (forgive me, Lord!). Erectile dysfunction. Brain fog and trouble to concentrate.

In 2000, after a stressful event, I got heart palpitations, (skipped beet) increased pulse, digestion discomfort and high blood pressure. A bit later - dark circles under eyes and edema on the eye lids in the morning.
Mentally, I was a disaster. Anxiety, depression, hypochondria, lack of confidence, irritability, etc.

In 2014, I was groggy. I thought I was just tired (night shift work) and that if I take some long rest and sleep properly, things will get better. I took the long rest, but ... nothing changed. Still extremely fatigued, depressed and ... cold. Icy cold ... in Cyprus? (I was already living on the island) I thought, how can someone be so cold in Cyprus?

So, I started to buy vitamins and supplements, to change different food patterns, trying to figure out what was wrong and what was missing, and fix it. Things got worse with an attempt for ketogenic diet, which almost finished me. However, for some period, following low sugar/carb would keep me lean, at least.

My libido is practically non-existent. I haven`t had morning wood for ages. Lill` Will won`t move. He stays calm, hidden somewhere down there. I don`t bother him, he ain`t bother me. We`ve got some mutual understanding, for the time being. We wait some better times to take action, now, or in the next life....

Well, finally I got it - that must be metabolism/thyroid issue. Hands/feet have always been cold and I thought, "that`s just me". I will live this way, what can I do... But, when I was becoming worse and worse, and temps were already cadaver-like 35.5, and barely dragged my legs, it came the realization...

During my life in Cyprus, some things, involuntarily, got better, have no idea why (probably because the olive oil instead of pufa?) - the blood pressure, the jock itch, the afts, the pulse. Rhoids also don`t bother me so much as before (I kinda miss when they`re inflamed, bleed and hurt like hell) probably because gave up alcohol and everything spicy...
Glucose storage is poor.
I lived sometime in a moldy environment (we`ve got a lot of moisture in Cyprus, unfortunately).
Two years ago, after the drastically failed keto affair, my urine became foamy. It`s a lot of foam, guys, like I`m peeing some industrial detergent, f*ck! If you need to mop up your old garage floor, just let me know and and I`ll ship you a bucket, for free...

Recently, I was diagnosed with varicocele. I have been having it for many years, just never suspect that it was another thing to worry about (among the many other issues did not pay attention to this one). Doesn`t hurt, just one bulging vein and my spermogram showed no great chance to father some babies...

I have tried some therapies, like liver/gallbladder flush, herbs, supplements, exercise, fasting.... I even drank my urine. Yep. I did that. Kill me with stones. But it seems, generally, I`m not a good responder to supps. The only one I found working well so far was digestive enzymes with ox bile. I love them.

The only aspect that never ever got screwed up so far, no matter how I violated my body, was my hair. I`ve got thick, shining, still very dark, rapidly growing mane. Genetics, my guess...

I gave up completely alcohol, smoking, TV and masturbation. Diet, at the moment, is mostly muscle meat - chicken breast, sometimes ox tail, chicken necks, potatoes, beets, jellies, ripe fruits. Adding up slowly coconut oil. I stay away from diary and grains. Tried to increase the sugar (which I crave) but ended up with big belly and pimples. No bueno.

I don`t know my calorie intake, but I`m trying to eat as often and as much till satiety. Hands/feet get warmer after food. Exercise is walking - 8-12 km/day.

Been to some doctors. Ultra-sound showed that: 1. my kidneys are smaller than normally should be, but otherwise looked healthy 2. It looks like my liver is in good condition , no visible signs of pathology (then, why I`m not holding that glucose there?) 3. my prostate gland is calcified

Test is high. Estrogen/prolactin - normal. Cholesterol - high, but this could be from the fatty meals I was eating then. Cortisol - normal. Will put soon all my tests.

I don`t have a thyroid panel yet, may be won`t do. We`ll see about that... I know only that my fT3 is normal, if it means anything... Never still tried T3 supplementation, but want to. Took thyroxin - got worse. Now I take NDT (swanson thyroxine free) and 12 grains a day worm me up a little bit. I`ll try 16 next batch.
Waking temp 36.0, puls 60+.

On a full moon my symptoms get worse (I wish someone reveal me this mystery, please!).

So, this is, more or less, my story. Independently of all that, I`m perfectly fine...
Thank you for reading! Supreme health to all of you!


Sep 28, 2016
So to me it seems like you have dysbiosis and thus impared immune function mostly. For thyoid problems as well as immune problems getting 200 grams or more of protein a day is very helpful. Gently increasing salt intake can help the body produce more stomach acid, reduce adrenaline, and increase resting metabolism. Most herbs can somewhat impair immune fuction but I do recommend taking thyme regularly as it quite effectively clears bacteria infections. It's one of if not the most powerful antibicaterial herb(s) studied. Try to get as much sun exposure as possible, it's good for increasing thyroid output, improving immunity (unless overdone), and is even good for digestion. Caffeine can actually be helpful for digestion, it also reduces bacteria translocation which is an important factor for anyone who has dysbiosis related issues.


Aug 23, 2018
On a full moon my symptoms get worse (I wish someone reveal me this mystery, please!).

The moon effects much of life. We just don't pay enough attention to it. Just think how much of a powerful effect it has on tides, it would not surprise me that it affects all life.

Here is an article I found interesting: Factors beyond human control that affect human health: weather, moon cycles, space weather, Schumann resonance, etc.

Also, the sun influences Earth much more than we think. There seems to be a correlation between stocks and sun spots activity: [Article] The Sunspot Cycle and Stocks


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
So to me it seems like you have dysbiosis and thus impared immune function mostly. For thyoid problems as well as immune problems getting 200 grams or more of protein a day is very helpful. Gently increasing salt intake can help the body produce more stomach acid, reduce adrenaline, and increase resting metabolism. Most herbs can somewhat impair immune fuction but I do recommend taking thyme regularly as it quite effectively clears bacteria infections. It's one of if not the most powerful antibicaterial herb(s) studied. Try to get as much sun exposure as possible, it's good for increasing thyroid output, improving immunity (unless overdone), and is even good for digestion. Caffeine can actually be helpful for digestion, it also reduces bacteria translocation which is an important factor for anyone who has dysbiosis related issues.

I kinda tend to eat more animal protein (muscle) than anything, atm, you hit something here. Already doing the salt too.

Will try the thyme.

We've got plenty of sunshine in Cyprus, I stay outside, but inside I get cold again. Anyway, will keep on that too. My vit D is good, tested it recently.

If you mean caffeine from coffee, I pee a lot from it and in big doses I get pain in the liver area, so one drink here and there is more than enough for me.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
The moon effects much of life. We just don't pay enough attention to it. Just think how much of a powerful effect it has on tides, it would not surprise me that it affects all life.

Here is an article I found interesting: Factors beyond human control that affect human health: weather, moon cycles, space weather, Schumann resonance, etc.

Also, the sun influences Earth much more than we think. There seems to be a correlation between stocks and sun spots activity: [Article] The Sunspot Cycle and Stocks
Thank you, @somuch4food


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
My health history has its similarities to yours. At 2 1/2 years old, before any memories, I was diagnosed allergic to Penicillin. I had lots of ENT (ear-nose-throat) issues and at 5 I had a tonsillectomy. Even after that, I had regular regimens of antibiotics for various infections. To make my story brief, I've more recently proven to myself that I was riddled with chronic fungus. To the point of obesity, near constant heart palpitations, and regular bouts of atrial fibrillation. Controlling it has drastically helped my health.

You might consider fungus as a possibility. Besides the jock itch and the history of antibiotics, things such as irritable bowels, dark circles around your eyes, and irregularities (coated or bloated) on your tongue could be indicative of fungus. It believe the medical industrial complex totally missed the importance and severity of fungal infections.

Are you from the US? If so, the move to Cyprus could have improved things because I think they don't have antibiotics in their meats the way we do here. In the US, only organics and I guess meats labelled as antibiotic free aren't raised with them. Constantly eating meats laden with antibiotics promotes fungus at the expense of a healthy gut biome.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
My health history has its similarities to yours. At 2 1/2 years old, before any memories, I was diagnosed allergic to Penicillin. I had lots of ENT (ear-nose-throat) issues and at 5 I had a tonsillectomy. Even after that, I had regular regimens of antibiotics for various infections. To make my story brief, I've more recently proven to myself that I was riddled with chronic fungus. To the point of obesity, near constant heart palpitations, and regular bouts of atrial fibrillation. Controlling it has drastically helped my health.

You might consider fungus as a possibility. Besides the jock itch and the history of antibiotics, things such as irritable bowels, dark circles around your eyes, and irregularities (coated or bloated) on your tongue could be indicative of fungus. It believe the medical industrial complex totally missed the importance and severity of fungal infections.

Are you from the US? If so, the move to Cyprus could have improved things because I think they don't have antibiotics in their meats the way we do here. In the US, only organics and I guess meats labelled as antibiotic free aren't raised with them. Constantly eating meats laden with antibiotics promotes fungus at the expense of a healthy gut biome.
Thanks for your 0.02 @Christoph.
Meats in Cyprus are loaded with everything.
To clarify something: by fungus, do you mean Candida?
I got tested for Candida recently (fecal sample) in my native country (Bulgaria) and it came negative, and no other pathogens too. I dont know, however, how reliable this test is...


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
Thanks for your 0.02 @Christoph.
Meats in Cyprus are loaded with everything.
To clarify something: by fungus, do you mean Candida?
I got tested for Candida recently (fecal sample) in my native country (Bulgaria) and it came negative, and no other pathogens too. I dont know, however, how reliable this test is...

I don't really have any personal experience with fecal tests. I've read anecdotal accounts both in favor and against their usefulness. I became aware of my own fungal infection problems after doing a few apple cider vinegar (ACV) enemas. Those enemas gave me severe nausea and cramps until I purged large loads of white fungus, multiple times. (Sorry, no potty cam available.) I was astonished. My good friend who runs a gastroenterology practice of 20 MDs here in my town, told me flat out that there is no such thing as Candida overgrowth. Huh??

I prefer the term fungus over Candida because Candida implies it's all Candida Albicans, which is not totally true. In addition to multiple strains of CA, we know that are other Candida's such as Glabata that infect us, and I'm convinced there are yeast/fungi from other genera well. Candida Albicans is the most common but not the only one.

I wouldn't have chimed in except that your history of antibiotics at an early age, jock itch, dark circles around the eyes, and palpitations sounded both suspicious and familiar to me. Also, I went on low sugar diet, then a low carb diet, and finally a ketogenic diet. While I rode down the carb ramp, I felt better for a while, but it didn't last. Ray explained somewhere that depriving gut yeast of sugar makes them convert into hyphae, which of course is the pathogenic form. Once you have hyphae and you resume more normal eating, you can get severe fungal overgrowth. That's what happened to me after resuming easting sugar. It's hard to Peat with dysbiosis.


Nov 22, 2016
I wouldn't have chimed in except that your history of antibiotics at an early age, jock itch, dark circles around the eyes, and palpitations sounded both suspicious and familiar to me.

Did the ACV enemas and the following "purging" improve any of the jock itch, dark circles, or palpitations?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I don't really have any personal experience with fecal tests. I've read anecdotal accounts both in favor and against their usefulness. I became aware of my own fungal infection problems after doing a few apple cider vinegar (ACV) enemas. Those enemas gave me severe nausea and cramps until I purged large loads of white fungus, multiple times. (Sorry, no potty cam available.) I was astonished. My good friend who runs a gastroenterology practice of 20 MDs here in my town, told me flat out that there is no such thing as Candida overgrowth. Huh??

I prefer the term fungus over Candida because Candida implies it's all Candida Albicans, which is not totally true. In addition to multiple strains of CA, we know that are other Candida's such as Glabata that infect us, and I'm convinced there are yeast/fungi from other genera well. Candida Albicans is the most common but not the only one.

I wouldn't have chimed in except that your history of antibiotics at an early age, jock itch, dark circles around the eyes, and palpitations sounded both suspicious and familiar to me. Also, I went on low sugar diet, then a low carb diet, and finally a ketogenic diet. While I rode down the carb ramp, I felt better for a while, but it didn't last. Ray explained somewhere that depriving gut yeast of sugar makes them convert into hyphae, which of course is the pathogenic form. Once you have hyphae and you resume more normal eating, you can get severe fungal overgrowth. That's what happened to me after resuming easting sugar. It's hard to Peat with dysbiosis.
Wow, that
I don't really have any personal experience with fecal tests. I've read anecdotal accounts both in favor and against their usefulness. I became aware of my own fungal infection problems after doing a few apple cider vinegar (ACV) enemas. Those enemas gave me severe nausea and cramps until I purged large loads of white fungus, multiple times. (Sorry, no potty cam available.) I was astonished. My good friend who runs a gastroenterology practice of 20 MDs here in my town, told me flat out that there is no such thing as Candida overgrowth. Huh??

I prefer the term fungus over Candida because Candida implies it's all Candida Albicans, which is not totally true. In addition to multiple strains of CA, we know that are other Candida's such as Glabata that infect us, and I'm convinced there are yeast/fungi from other genera well. Candida Albicans is the most common but not the only one.

I wouldn't have chimed in except that your history of antibiotics at an early age, jock itch, dark circles around the eyes, and palpitations sounded both suspicious and familiar to me. Also, I went on low sugar diet, then a low carb diet, and finally a ketogenic diet. While I rode down the carb ramp, I felt better for a while, but it didn't last. Ray explained somewhere that depriving gut yeast of sugar makes them convert into hyphae, which of course is the pathogenic form. Once you have hyphae and you resume more normal eating, you can get severe fungal overgrowth. That's what happened to me after resuming easting sugar. It's hard to Peat with dysbiosis.
Wow, you had amazing experience, @Christoph! Appreciate for sharing!

You know, after pouring into my butt coffee (enemas, which did not do much) I don't mind to get the shot gun and try ACV enemas. I guess there are some tutorials on youtube, but if you like and have time, share how you do 'em.

To Peat with dysbiosis is more likely not possible at all...


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
Did the ACV enemas and the following "purging" improve any of the jock itch, dark circles, or palpitations?
Enemas helped my symptoms absolutely. Palpitations stopped very quickly, like within hours. The dark circles around my eyes slowly faded within a month. The jock it was much more persistent and difficult to deal with.

The problem with enemas is that they didn't seem to stick, and that makes sense. When you have Candida overgrowth, it spreads all over the body and the entire GI tract. Although Candida probably starts in the colon, the real problem is overgrowth into the small intestine. Hence, enemas are only a fix. One has gotta clean up the small intestine as well as the colon with a given protocol.

I've had great success with some attempts and there's others that I wouldn't bother with. I'm feeling much better than 9 months ago and when I get this right, I'm going to share my protocol with the forum. For now here's my preliminary results for oral ingestion of cures.

useless) sulfur (flowers), ACV

somewhat potent) Fluconazole (Diflucan), Nystatin, Candida digestion enzymes, oregano oil

potent) crushed raw garlic, castor oil, mix of ascorbic acid and curcumin, undecenoic acid (Thorne SF722), and pure gum spirits (turpentine).

You'll also hear about another yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii, that's available as a supplement, such as Florastor. SB is another yeast that competes with Candida inside your gut and is effective. Unlike Candida, it doesn't colonize and take over. It just gets flushed from your gut. It works, but in my experience, once you stop, the effect goes away. It's not a cure.


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
Did the ACV enemas and the following "purging" improve any of the jock itch, dark circles, or palpitations?
As far as jock itch goes, I came to another solution for that. After searching around, I found someone's anecdote about having athlete's foot for years. This guy took every OTC cream or gel, prescription cream and gels, and even prescriptions along with topical meds, but nothing work. Finally, this guy mentions that soaked his feet distilled white vinegar twice a day for two weeks (or may a month) and it cured his athlete's foot. After a few soaks, he described how his feet got really sore but he persisted to soak them twice daily for 1/2 hour each time.

You see where I'm going. Unlike the feet, the crotch has some very sensitive genitals, so you can't be as aggressive. I got a spray bottle, some cheap distilled white vinegar, and a plastic wash wash basin. Fill the basin with hot water and then let the spay bottle soak in it to heat up the vinegar before use. I thoroughly sprayed my entire crotch and genitals each morning before showing. I wait about 5 minutes after applying the vinegar before cleaning up.

It's very effective but you'll go through cycles of extreme sensitivity to the vinegar and flaking skin until you have real skin back down there. This protocol seems to kill the fungus in layers until it's finally all gone. You need to persist for at least 2 to 5 months before things get healthy and normal down there. I continue to do this because it's great for your skin. It gets very soft and seems to like it, even without infected skin. Moreover, it seems that only fungus infected skin gets red and tender so applying this anywhere on the skin is a good way to detect other fungal growths.

I also discovered that's it's really nice for your hair as well. Of course, when you starting search vinegar and hair, there's lots of sites that tout how good ACV is for the hair. I don't think you need to spend the money on ACV to get the result. I believe the benefit comes from the acetic acid present in both ACV and distilled white vinegar.


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
Wow, that

Wow, you had amazing experience, @Christoph! Appreciate for sharing!

You know, after pouring into my butt coffee (enemas, which did not do much) I don't mind to get the shot gun and try ACV enemas. I guess there are some tutorials on youtube, but if you like and have time, share how you do 'em.

To Peat with dysbiosis is more likely not possible at all...
I'm personally convinced that most dysbiosis starts with Candida (or fungus if I may). The fungi kingdom are Eukaryotic creatures like plants and animals. Bacteria on the other hand are prokaryotes. Fungi are very sophisticated biochemical predators that use chemicals to their advantage and produce things like aflatoxins, LSD, antibiotics and toxins that will destroy your liver (mushrooms). When Candida turns into hyphae, they becomes literally impossible to remove from any animal. All we can do is find the right method to keep it under control.

Once Candida overgrowth starts, it changes the gut environment to protect itself. The consequence is that your microbiome has way fewer species and it becomes terribly difficult for beneficial bacterial to grow in large quantities. I read an interesting article about the microbiome about a year ago in Wire Magazine. Scientists performed snapshots of the microbiome before and after the application of antibiotics. Even three years after application, the studied guts weren't as robust as they were before. (Robustness is the number of distinct bacterial species DNA that could be sequenced from the feces of the test subjects.)


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I'm personally convinced that most dysbiosis starts with Candida (or fungus if I may). The fungi kingdom are Eukaryotic creatures like plants and animals. Bacteria on the other hand are prokaryotes. Fungi are very sophisticated biochemical predators that use chemicals to their advantage and produce things like aflatoxins, LSD, antibiotics and toxins that will destroy your liver (mushrooms). When Candida turns into hyphae, they becomes literally impossible to remove from any animal. All we can do is find the right method to keep it under control.

Once Candida overgrowth starts, it changes the gut environment to protect itself. The consequence is that your microbiome has way fewer species and it becomes terribly difficult for beneficial bacterial to grow in large quantities. I read an interesting article about the microbiome about a year ago in Wire Magazine. Scientists performed snapshots of the microbiome before and after the application of antibiotics. Even three years after application, the studied guts weren't as robust as they were before. (Robustness is the number of distinct bacterial species DNA that could be sequenced from the feces of the test subjects.)
@Christoph, it seems yu've gone deep into this matter. Truelly appriciate for sharing your experience and hope you'll keep us informed how your success is going!

I've looked today in the net how to make ACV enemas, but it seems there is no much info about it. Can you please share your method? Thanks


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
@Christoph, it seems yu've gone deep into this matter. Truelly appriciate for sharing your experience and hope you'll keep us informed how your success is going!

I've looked today in the net how to make ACV enemas, but it seems there is no much info about it. Can you please share your method? Thanks
Keep it simple. I use distilled water with 1 to 3 tablespoons per liter. Always start with 1 tablespoon and 1 liter of water. Over time as you cleanse, you could build up to 6 tablespoons in 2 liter of water. You can easily convert tablespoons into ml.

If you don’t get any white or perhaps dirty looking fungal purges during a week of this, you don’t have a Candida problem. The ACV has a very strong effect on Candida if there.

If you do have Candida overgrowth, this is only part of the cure. You will then need to also address the upper and middle GI tract.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Keep it simple. I use distilled water with 1 to 3 tablespoons per liter. Always start with 1 tablespoon and 1 liter of water. Over time as you cleanse, you could build up to 6 tablespoons in 2 liter of water. You can easily convert tablespoons into ml.

If you don’t get any white or perhaps dirty looking fungal purges during a week of this, you don’t have a Candida problem. The ACV has a very strong effect on Candida if there.

If you do have Candida overgrowth, this is only part of the cure. You will then need to also address the upper and middle GI tract.
thank you!


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Yesterday i did my first acv enema. No cramps, just light nausea.
Today, after my second acv enema, i excreted a membrane-like thing. In some videos on youtube they call it "biofilm". I' m trying to upload the picture but it stuck at 70%, may be the file is big, idk, will try again later.
Anyway, what do you think, @Christoph?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
Wow! Gruesome! I'm no forensic GI person, but I would think it's from candida. Can you confirm or reject with some credible third party information?

Unfortunately there’s probably much more from where that came. In the long run, enemas can only part of your gut rehabilitation plan. If your health has been compromised, I would that small intestine overgrowth comes into play. If so, one can't get rid of the problem without addressing the small intentional issues. I'm certain that a comprehensive plan would disinfect both the small-intestine and the colon.

That's the protocol that I'm workin on.
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Wow! Gruesome! I'm no forensic GI person, but I would think it's from candida. Can you confirm or reject with some credible third party information?

Unfortunately there’s probably much more from where that came. In the long run, enemas can only part of your gut rehabilitation plan. If your health has been compromised, I would that small intestine overgrowth comes into play. If so, one can't get rid of the problem without addressing the small intentional issues. I'm certain that a comprehensive plan would disinfect both the small-intestine and the colon.

That's the protocol that I'm workin on.
I can't confirm or reject anything, @Christoph, but i'd like to know more about your protocol in the future. Meanwhyle will keep on with the acv enemas
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