Weight Loss, Aspirin, And High Blood Pressure


Feb 6, 2016
I need to lose about 60 pounds. I have been told here that aspirin will keep one from being able to loose any weight. But I have been taking aspirin morning and night for a year to combat high blood pressure.

To make this real simple; I am a little afraid of stopping the aspirin but I know that losing the 60 to 80 pounds would cure the high blood pressure issues.

Anyone got any ideas?
Nov 21, 2015
Not sure aspirin lowers bp

Increase calcium. Drink fruit juice and eat fruit. Take magnesium glycinate. Salt food to taste. You will lower your bp dramatically


Feb 6, 2016
I will try and see if that works. The magnesium glycinate would be the only thing I am not currently doing. I'll make sure that is attended to.

Many thanks for your thoughts.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I need to lose about 60 pounds. I have been told here that aspirin will keep one from being able to loose any weight. But I have been taking aspirin morning and night for a year to combat high blood pressure.

To make this real simple; I am a little afraid of stopping the aspirin but I know that losing the 60 to 80 pounds would cure the high blood pressure issues.

Anyone got any ideas?

The most effective way to lose fat and maintain a strong state of health and not ruin your metabolism, is to consume a diet with enough sugar and protein but very little fat. Try to consume under 5 grams of PUFA daily, and only copnsume saturated fat but small amounts of it. It is important to also keep your metabolisms trong so your body burns carbs for energy instead of storing them as fat. Taking thyroid uncouples mitochondria and should help boost your metabolism and burn fat, so whomever advised you to stop aspirin is dead wrong, in my honest opinion.

The diet should really be mostly fruits and juices, with a ton of 1% or skim milk for protien. The milk gets boring after a while, so feel free to substitute low fat or fat free dairy. If you eat some lean meat then be sure to take a few tbsp of gelatin powder, you should be consuming gelatin on the daily anyways because it too will help you burn more calories through a boosted emtabolism. Salt will boost the metabolism as well.

Coffee, aspirin, niacimide are all very safe and will help you boost your metabolism And burn fat. If youw ant to try androsterone or thyroid that could greatly benefit you as well because both are very metabolic enhancing and thermogenic. Bright/red light is another powerful fat burning boost to the metabolism.

but I hope you understand the basic equation, its rather simple and straight foward and actually not that tough to follow through with once you are used to it. Simply focus on eating sugars, fruits, juices when you are hungry. Eat as many of those as you want. Gelatin and low fat milk for protein, and suppelments if you want faster results. Under no circumstances should you consume unsaturated fat, that is a major no-no and will set you back significantly.Starches are much more liekly to be stored as fat and will lower your metabolism slightly, and if you do decide to eat rice or potatoes or white bread then I would strongly suggest you eat raw carrots, bamboo, or take activated charcoal or large amountor niacimide to kill off the endotoxin you created....

If you stick to these rules you should lose all of that fat in a year or so!


Dec 11, 2013
It doesn't... it increases the metabolism significantly hence increased calories burned hence it does the exact opposite

I and many others have found it can very quickly pile on the fat. Aspirin restrains the stress hormones. If your underlying thyroid function isnt very good, or you need to supplement more, then it can cause weight gain.


Feb 6, 2016
The most effective way to lose fat and maintain a strong state of health and not ruin your metabolism, is to consume a diet with enough sugar and protein but very little fat. ...

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Much appreciated.


Feb 6, 2016
I and many others have found it can very quickly pile on the fat. Aspirin restrains the stress hormones. If your underlying thyroid function isnt very good, or you need to supplement more, then it can cause weight gain.

I read one thread where a fellow named "haidut" I believe claimed he could never lose weight if he were taking aspirin. So far, I am having that experience. I will try to cut back to low dose aspirin first and then eliminate it if I have to do so --- but the weight has to come off.
Oct 5, 2016
Don't consider adding any fat to you diet

There is fat in everything

Drink a lot of water after one hour of every meal
It will lower your blood pressure

Walk after every meal for ten minutes
Or do so light sport

Stress hormones are the cause of obesity

Try to lower them as more as possible

Drink coffee with any meal

Take niaciamide with every heavy carbbb meal

Don't eat more than 80 grams of protein

Eat 400 to 500 grams of sugarishhh food

Eat fruits on a daily basis

Don't eat cheese
Drink a cup of milk maximum a day
Because I never got a good quality of it so it will cause you inflammation if it's not good

Take 200 mg l theanine twice a day to lower all stress hormone

Don't over do salt
Salt to taste

Don't drink more than 600 mg caffeine
It will cause stress response usually

And make u gain fat in ur butt and stomach

Don't add fat to anything

Don't eat until u feel really hungry
And if you eat
Eat slowly and not too much food
Don't eat until you get full

Sit in the sun for an hour or so

Eat oranges and apples they will clean your liver

Eat spinach a pound on a daily basis
Or broccoli

They are loaded with vitamins

Eat to get energy
To get tired

Good luck :)


Taking thyroid uncouples mitochondria and should help boost your metabolism and burn fat, so whomever advised you to stop aspirin is dead wrong, in my honest opinion.
Did you mean Aspirin instead of thyroid in this sentence? Also hat tip to you: really appreciate your responses. Have definitely helped me along the way.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I and many others have found it can very quickly pile on the fat. Aspirin restrains the stress hormones. If your underlying thyroid function isnt very good, or you need to supplement more, then it can cause weight gain.

It is my judgement that high stress hormones tend to favor fat storage through a combination of effects, like downregulation of phosphorylation, preference for ketosis, loss of circulating androgens, release of overload of FFA...

Personally when I take 1 gram of aspirin I will eat a lot more that day, like 400 calories more. Sometimes I hesitate to take aspirin because it will neccessitate that I eat more to compensate my metabolism and not dip into the forbidden stresshormonic-ketosissian underworld :crystalball::vamp::ghost:

I'm really curious though, what was your diet like when trying to lose weight with aspirin? What was your pulse and height and weight, if you don't mind sharing?:microscope:


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Did you mean Aspirin instead of thyroid in this sentence? Also hat tip to you: really appreciate your responses. Have definitely helped me along the way.


Yes I did mean aspirin... I have never heard of thyroid along being capable of mitochondrial uncoupling.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon

Yes I did mean aspirin... I have never heard of thyroid along being capable of mitochondrial uncoupling.
Thyroid hormone and uncoupling proteins. - PubMed - NCBI

"Thyroid hormone (TH/T3) exerts many of its effects on energy metabolism by affecting gene transcription. However, although this is an important target for T3, only a limited number of T3-responsive genes have been identified and studied. Among these, the genes for uncoupling proteins (UCPs) have attracted the interest of scientists. Although the role of UCP1 seems quite well established, uncertainty surrounds the physiological function of the recently discovered UCP1 analogs, UCP2 and UCP3. The literature suggests that T3 affects both the expression and the activity of each of these UCPs but further studies are needed to establish whether the mechanisms activated by the hormone are the same. Recently, because of their larger range of expression, much attention has been devoted to UCP2 and UCP3. Most detailed studies on the involvement of these proteins as mediators of the effects of T3 on metabolism have focused on UCP3 because of its expression in skeletal muscle. T3 seems to be unique in having the ability to stimulate the expression and activity of UCP3 and this may be related to the capacity of T3 to activate the integrated biochemical processes linked to UCP activity, such as those related to fatty acids, coenzyme Q and free radicals."

Thyroid hormone effects on mitochondrial energetics. - PubMed - NCBI

"Thyroid hormones are the major endocrine regulators of metabolic rate, and their hypermetabolic effects are widely recognized. The cellular mechanisms underlying these metabolic effects have been the subject of much research. Thyroid hormone status has a profound impact on mitochondria, the organelles responsible for the majority of cellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. However, mechanisms are not well understood. We review the effects of thyroid hormones on mitochondrial energetics and principally oxidative phosphorylation. Genomic and nongenomic mechanisms have been studied. Through the former, thyroid hormones stimulate mitochondriogenesis and thereby augment cellular oxidative capacity. Thyroid hormones induce substantial modifications in mitochondrial inner membrane protein and lipid compositions. Results are consistent with the idea that thyroid hormones activate the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation through various mechanisms involving inner membrane proteins and lipids. Increased uncoupling appears to be responsible for some of the hypermetabolic effects of thyroid hormones. ATP synthesis and turnover reactions are also affected. There appear to be complex relationships between mitochondrial proton leak mechanisms, reactive oxygen species production, and thyroid status. As the majority of studies have focused on the effects of thyroid status on rat liver preparations, there is still a need to address fundamental questions regarding thyroid hormone effects in other tissues and species."


Jan 4, 2017
eating sugar to lose weight ? eating salt to lower blood pressure? are you joking?

Deleted member 5487

I and many others have found it can very quickly pile on the fat. Aspirin restrains the stress hormones. If your underlying thyroid function isnt very good, or you need to supplement more, then it can cause weight gain.

I guess this would be my issue then. The suppressed stress hormones of aspirin and niacinamide put weight on my stomach very quickly. Guess I am running of stress still.. Damn. I am afraid of supplementing thyroid
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