What Do I Do When I Am Reacting To Almost Everything


Mar 29, 2013
Earlier in the year I posted for help because I reacting with headaches and insomnia from white rice and sweet potato. Previously I had to cut out anything even remotely bitter, which would cause a similar but different set of symptoms. I was able to tolerate white potatoes and white flour products. Sugar seemed fine, too. I could still tolerate some green beans so my diet became: green beans, potatoes, some bread, goat milk, some chocolate syrup, beef, chicken, and butter. I could also take beef organs in supplement form. But most synthetic supplements I tried made me feel like ***t.

I was surviving, but I developed a weird sleep disorder. I couldn’t sleep until 6 AM, no matter what.

Now I’m reacting to green beans and chicken. Just had a bowl of green beans and my whole head feels like it’s filled with helium, and my cognition feels off in the weirdest way.

Other symptoms: my skin feels flushy after I eat a ton of The above no foods, I have chest pains, sinus congestion if I eat too low carb, pains down the left arm if I eat too low carb, intermittent fevers, Crohn’s still flaring occasionally, chest pains, random fits of coughing like I have a chest cold.

I have no idea what’s going on or how to begin to fix what’s wrong and no practitioner I’ve seen has any idea either.

All my western diagnostics come back normal.

Some other details: I have Crohn’s. But I’ve have it since I was 17. I take an ImmunoSuppressant called Humira, which has helped my Crohn’s symptoms a lot. It saved my intestines tbh.

I was recently diagnosed with H.Pylori but no way could I tolerate the antibiotics or most supplements geared towards treating it. And besides, seemed pretty far fetched it’s responsible. I rarely get heartburn even.

Over the past couple of months as things have spiraled out of control, I’ve noticed my anus itching like crazy at night, leading me to think I might have picked up threadworms, but I have no idea if that could really affect someone this badly, and again, zero chance I’d survive taking a potently bitter anti parasite drugs. I literally won’t sleep for two days straight if I have even a piece of broccoli.

I’m contemplating trialing a diet based around goat milk and beef and beef organs. Maybe I can tolerate honey, I’m not sure.

I’m also looking into the parasite angle. Apparently insomnia can be a symptom of threadworm infestation? But it seems unclear if that’s just due to the itching, which goes away after 15 minutes most nights so I dunno.

I’m a ******* mess. Anyone have ideas?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I’m contemplating trialing a diet based around goat milk and beef and beef organs. Maybe I can tolerate honey, I’m not sure.
That sounds like a good experiment to me. I’ve done similar without the organs (besides some thymus and thyroid glandulars) and it really has been helpful. I’m not insinuating you shouldn’t do organs just giving full disclosure that I haven’t personally needed them. You could probably benefit from their extra nutrition considering you have IBD. Lamb might work too or even rotating different meats. A lot of the people I communicate with who have chronic GI problems (anecdotally) swear by rotating their meats. Please keep us posted.


Jun 13, 2019
All of these issues are caused by undereating, excess bacterial fermentation, low gut motility, low thyroid, etc. Is there any reason you dont drink orange juice?


Mar 29, 2013
That sounds like a good experiment to me. I’ve done similar without the organs (besides some thymus and thyroid glandulars) and it really has been helpful. I’m not insinuating you shouldn’t do organs just giving full disclosure that I haven’t personally needed them. You could probably benefit from their extra nutrition considering you have IBD. Lamb might work too or even rotating different meats. A lot of the people I communicate with who have chronic GI problems (anecdotally) swear by rotating their meats. Please keep us posted.
Thanks for the rotation suggestion. I've noticed I react to beef if I eat it too much, so there might be something to that. If I embark on that experiment I'll let everyone know how it goes. I don't think I feel well when I combine milk and meat together in the same meal. Not sure though as I haven't tried in a long time. It feels weird to even think about doing tbh. So it's a hard diet to some extent: I'll have to eat a meal and fat meal then wait a few hours and have milk. If honey works, I suppose I could have that with the meat meal.

All of these issues are caused by undereating, excess bacterial fermentation, low gut motility, low thyroid, etc. Is there any reason you dont drink orange juice?
If anything, I overeat. I poop at least once a day. My thyroid is great, all labs good, consistently warm, skinny, full head of hair and eyebrows, etc. I agree bacterial fermentation is likely an issue, but how would I solve that given everything I've written?

Yes, there is a reason I don't drink Orange Juice. It makes me feel lot crap. Instantly stuffy nose, for starters, then feel cold all over. I can handle SOME juices with some fat and with a meal without getting cold, but it will really mess up my sleep and mental functioning I don't react well to juices in general, I feel 1000% better on starches, which I may or may not have to give up. Every time I give up starch and try getting my carbs from fresh, ripe juices I get cold feed, feel jittery, my sleep gets even worse, etc.


Jun 13, 2019
If anything, I overeat. I poop at least once a day. My thyroid is great, all labs good, consistently warm, skinny, full head of hair and eyebrows, etc. I agree bacterial fermentation is likely an issue, but how would I solve that given everything I've written?

Yes, there is a reason I don't drink Orange Juice. It makes me feel lot crap. Instantly stuffy nose, for starters, then feel cold all over. I can handle SOME juices with some fat and with a meal without getting cold, but it will really mess up my sleep and mental functioning I don't react well to juices in general, I feel 1000% better on starches, which I may or may not have to give up. Every time I give up starch and try getting my carbs from fresh, ripe juices I get cold feed, feel jittery, my sleep gets even worse, etc.

That's good to hear about your bowel movements. the immunosuppresent drug your taking may be limiting your bodies ability to fight off different bacteria. Have you tried at all to wean off of it?


Mar 29, 2013
That sounds like a good experiment to me. I’ve done similar without the organs (besides some thymus and thyroid glandulars) and it really has been helpful. I’m not insinuating you shouldn’t do organs just giving full disclosure that I haven’t personally needed them. You could probably benefit from their extra nutrition considering you have IBD. Lamb might work too or even rotating different meats. A lot of the people I communicate with who have chronic GI problems (anecdotally) swear by rotating their meats. Please keep us posted.

Also do you mind me asking what was your experience was on this style of diet? Did you drink milk? Was it with your meat meals? Anything else for carbs? Anything for extra vitamin C, etc? Thanks!


Humira has a long list of side effects, it may have relieved a few symptoms but could have replaced them with other symptoms. I'd ween off of the med and carefully plan out a diet regimen and stick to it.
Also my gastroenterologist are change the definitions of bowel disorders to put patients on medications and not find them a holistic solution. All labs look fine, and this is way immune/autoimmune conditions go undetected unless specifically tested for.
Reacting to everything - taking an immuno-suppressive injection.
The body does not respond very well to subcutaneous injections unless they are hormonal ie steroids like testosterone or insulin or topical application. Also intravenous injections are tolerated for many compounds.
Subcutaneous Injections, on the other hand you have to be very careful with.
The Intersection of TNF, IBD and the Microbiome
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), comprised of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, is a chronic inflammatory condition of multifactorial etiology and risk factors. Currently, one of the most effective treatments for IBD is the use of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) functional inhibitor drugs, however, this treatment can cause adverse reactions and has a relatively large percentage of incomplete or non-responders.


Mar 29, 2013
Humira has a long list of side effects, it may have relieved a few symptoms but could have replaced them with other symptoms. I'd ween off of the med and carefully plan out a diet regimen and stick to it.
Also my gastroenterologist are change the definitions of bowel disorders to put patients on medications and not find them a holistic solution. All labs look fine, and this is way immune/autoimmune conditions go undetected unless specifically tested for.
Reacting to everything - taking an immuno-suppressive injection.
The body does not respond very well to subcutaneous injections unless they are hormonal ie steroids like testosterone or insulin or topical application. Also intravenous injections are tolerated for many compounds.
Subcutaneous Injections, on the other hand you have to be very careful with.
The Intersection of TNF, IBD and the Microbiome
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), comprised of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, is a chronic inflammatory condition of multifactorial etiology and risk factors. Currently, one of the most effective treatments for IBD is the use of Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) functional inhibitor drugs, however, this treatment can cause adverse reactions and has a relatively large percentage of incomplete or non-responders.

Thanks. The issue here is I began reacting to foods before going on the humira. So it seems unlikely to be the cause, but it could be contributing to them. The other issue is: very quickly without the humira I will be hospitalized with serious crohn's flares. I have not found a way to treat the crohn's. Supposedly low carb diets work very well, but I can't adhere to them because I get very sick in other ways on low carb.
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Dec 18, 2018
Earlier in the year I posted for help because I reacting with headaches and insomnia from white rice and sweet potato. Previously I had to cut out anything even remotely bitter, which would cause a similar but different set of symptoms. I was able to tolerate white potatoes and white flour products. Sugar seemed fine, too. I could still tolerate some green beans so my diet became: green beans, potatoes, some bread, goat milk, some chocolate syrup, beef, chicken, and butter. I could also take beef organs in supplement form. But most synthetic supplements I tried made me feel like ***t.

I was surviving, but I developed a weird sleep disorder. I couldn’t sleep until 6 AM, no matter what.

Now I’m reacting to green beans and chicken. Just had a bowl of green beans and my whole head feels like it’s filled with helium, and my cognition feels off in the weirdest way.

Other symptoms: my skin feels flushy after I eat a ton of The above no foods, I have chest pains, sinus congestion if I eat too low carb, pains down the left arm if I eat too low carb, intermittent fevers, Crohn’s still flaring occasionally, chest pains, random fits of coughing like I have a chest cold.

I have no idea what’s going on or how to begin to fix what’s wrong and no practitioner I’ve seen has any idea either.

All my western diagnostics come back normal.

Some other details: I have Crohn’s. But I’ve have it since I was 17. I take an ImmunoSuppressant called Humira, which has helped my Crohn’s symptoms a lot. It saved my intestines tbh.

I was recently diagnosed with H.Pylori but no way could I tolerate the antibiotics or most supplements geared towards treating it. And besides, seemed pretty far fetched it’s responsible. I rarely get heartburn even.

Over the past couple of months as things have spiraled out of control, I’ve noticed my anus itching like crazy at night, leading me to think I might have picked up threadworms, but I have no idea if that could really affect someone this badly, and again, zero chance I’d survive taking a potently bitter anti parasite drugs. I literally won’t sleep for two days straight if I have even a piece of broccoli.

I’m contemplating trialing a diet based around goat milk and beef and beef organs. Maybe I can tolerate honey, I’m not sure.

I’m also looking into the parasite angle. Apparently insomnia can be a symptom of threadworm infestation? But it seems unclear if that’s just due to the itching, which goes away after 15 minutes most nights so I dunno.

I’m a ******* mess. Anyone have ideas?

Fat Sources and Amounts,what World Region?Vitamin D Intake from supplements or Sun?


Sep 25, 2018
I was the same way. Very low fiber diet, Cypro and Tetracyclines (Mino and Doxy) fixed it to where now I'd say my digestion is better than in most people and I almost never have any gut discomfort.


Dec 11, 2018
I was the same way. Very low fiber diet, Cypro and Tetracyclines (Mino and Doxy) fixed it to where now I'd say my digestion is better than in most people and I almost never have any gut discomfort.
What foods do you eat?


Jan 15, 2016
Earlier in the year I posted for help because I reacting with headaches and insomnia from white rice and sweet potato. Previously I had to cut out anything even remotely bitter, which would cause a similar but different set of symptoms. I was able to tolerate white potatoes and white flour products. Sugar seemed fine, too. I could still tolerate some green beans so my diet became: green beans, potatoes, some bread, goat milk, some chocolate syrup, beef, chicken, and butter. I could also take beef organs in supplement form. But most synthetic supplements I tried made me feel like ***t.

I was surviving, but I developed a weird sleep disorder. I couldn’t sleep until 6 AM, no matter what.

Now I’m reacting to green beans and chicken. Just had a bowl of green beans and my whole head feels like it’s filled with helium, and my cognition feels off in the weirdest way.

Other symptoms: my skin feels flushy after I eat a ton of The above no foods, I have chest pains, sinus congestion if I eat too low carb, pains down the left arm if I eat too low carb, intermittent fevers, Crohn’s still flaring occasionally, chest pains, random fits of coughing like I have a chest cold.

I have no idea what’s going on or how to begin to fix what’s wrong and no practitioner I’ve seen has any idea either.

All my western diagnostics come back normal.

Some other details: I have Crohn’s. But I’ve have it since I was 17. I take an ImmunoSuppressant called Humira, which has helped my Crohn’s symptoms a lot. It saved my intestines tbh.

I was recently diagnosed with H.Pylori but no way could I tolerate the antibiotics or most supplements geared towards treating it. And besides, seemed pretty far fetched it’s responsible. I rarely get heartburn even.

Over the past couple of months as things have spiraled out of control, I’ve noticed my anus itching like crazy at night, leading me to think I might have picked up threadworms, but I have no idea if that could really affect someone this badly, and again, zero chance I’d survive taking a potently bitter anti parasite drugs. I literally won’t sleep for two days straight if I have even a piece of broccoli.

I’m contemplating trialing a diet based around goat milk and beef and beef organs. Maybe I can tolerate honey, I’m not sure.

I’m also looking into the parasite angle. Apparently insomnia can be a symptom of threadworm infestation? But it seems unclear if that’s just due to the itching, which goes away after 15 minutes most nights so I dunno.

I’m a ******* mess. Anyone have ideas?

"It is not common knowledge in research (but not clinical) circles that serotonin is the major cause of the so-called "irritable bowel syndrome" (IBS). As such, there are several large clinical trials using TPH inhibitors to lower serotonin synthesis and thus cure the condition. It is also known that the so-called "inflammatory bowel disease" (IBD) conditions like Chron's and ulcerative colitis (UC) form a continuous spectrum extending from IBS, which means IBS is often a "gateway" disease to developing IBD. This suggests that anti-serotonin drugs should help IBD as well, but that leap of "faith" has not been done yet. The good news is that the role of serotonin in IBD is acknowledged and there are companies pushing in that direction. This news piece shows that blocking the 5-HT7 receptor is probably a viable pathway for curing IBD. Drugs that act as 5-HT7 antagonists include bromocriptine, lisuride, metergoline and of course some more selective ones like the one patented by Temple University below. Unfrotunately, contrary to what medicine claims, often the more selective a drug is the more systemic its side effects are. The older and tested drugs above should be a much safer (and definitely cheaper) alternative."
Serotonin Antagonists As Treatment For IBD (Chron's UC, Etc)
The 5-HT3 antagonists, informally known as "setrons", are a class of drugs that act as receptor antagonists at the 5-HT3 receptor, a subtype of serotonin receptor found in terminals of the vagus nerve and in certain areas of the brain. With the notable exceptions of alosetron and cilansetron, which are used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, all 5-HT3 antagonists are antiemetics, used in the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting. They are particularly effective in controlling the nausea and vomiting produced by cancer chemotherapy and are considered the gold standard for this purpose.[1]
5-HT3 antagonist - Wikipedia
*Ondansetron - Wikipedia

Metergoline - Wikipedia
Cyproheptadine - Wikipedia
If a starch free diet is consumed, most of the food will be digested in the small intestine and wont reach the rest of the digestive tract
Meat, milk, sugar, fiber free fruit juice


Mar 29, 2013
Fat Sources and Amounts,what World Region?Vitamin D Intake from supplements or Sun?
Grass fed butter, bacon, eggs, goat milk. I feel best on a medium to high fat diet. I get lots of sun year round in the middle of America.

I was the same way. Very low fiber diet, Cypro and Tetracyclines (Mino and Doxy) fixed it to where now I'd say my digestion is better than in most people and I almost never have any gut discomfort.
could you give me more details about the diet you used, and dosages of each med? I think I might have to try something like this. Thank you!


"It is not common knowledge in research (but not clinical) circles that serotonin is the major cause of the so-called "irritable bowel syndrome" (IBS). As such, there are several large clinical trials using TPH inhibitors to lower serotonin synthesis and thus cure the condition. It is also known that the so-called "inflammatory bowel disease" (IBD) conditions like Chron's and ulcerative colitis (UC) form a continuous spectrum extending from IBS, which means IBS is often a "gateway" disease to developing IBD. This suggests that anti-serotonin drugs should help IBD as well, but that leap of "faith" has not been done yet. The good news is that the role of serotonin in IBD is acknowledged and there are companies pushing in that direction. This news piece shows that blocking the 5-HT7 receptor is probably a viable pathway for curing IBD. Drugs that act as 5-HT7 antagonists include bromocriptine, lisuride, metergoline and of course some more selective ones like the one patented by Temple University below. Unfrotunately, contrary to what medicine claims, often the more selective a drug is the more systemic its side effects are. The older and tested drugs above should be a much safer (and definitely cheaper) alternative."
Serotonin Antagonists As Treatment For IBD (Chron's UC, Etc)
The 5-HT3 antagonists, informally known as "setrons", are a class of drugs that act as receptor antagonists at the 5-HT3 receptor, a subtype of serotonin receptor found in terminals of the vagus nerve and in certain areas of the brain. With the notable exceptions of alosetron and cilansetron, which are used in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, all 5-HT3 antagonists are antiemetics, used in the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting. They are particularly effective in controlling the nausea and vomiting produced by cancer chemotherapy and are considered the gold standard for this purpose.[1]
5-HT3 antagonist - Wikipedia
*Ondansetron - Wikipedia

Metergoline - Wikipedia
Cyproheptadine - Wikipedia
If a starch free diet is consumed, most of the food will be digested in the small intestine and wont reach the rest of the digestive tract
Meat, milk, sugar, fiber free fruit juice

thanks. Looks like I’ll have to try cypro. Btw my disease is IN my small small intestine, not colon. But I should still try a starch free diet again, it’s just hard because starch REALLY helps my sleep.

Ken Gartner

New Member
Jun 20, 2020
Gately, I am sorry to hear about your woes. They sound familiar -- my partner has had Crohns for decades. She has to be extremely careful about supplements to scrutinize every inert ingredient as well as the capsule in order to avoid major problems. SHe found that completely separating her meals into "meat" and "carbohydrate" with no overlap of the two, and taking the meat meal first helps her cope. She practices OMAD at least three days per week, not having her first meal of the day until around 6pm. She is an expert muscle-tester and that guides her food intake -- some days she can have a particular food and other days her body tells her definitely not.

Other than to make a comment about OJ, the rest of my response will not deal with nutrition. It is very important to not have reconstituted juices of any kind, especially 'from concentrate'. Research 'flavor packs' and you will see how the nutritive value has been removed. Reconstituted juices are made with water that is often fluoridated, another toxic stressor for your guts. Based on our experiences here, I would not recommend nearly any foodstuffs that could not reasonably be considered of 'Organic' grade, and definitely nothing labelled Organic from China. Curiously, 'pork' products of more dubious quality have been tolerated OK; they just do not taste as good ;-)

I will bring your attention to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and mold exposure as two things that we have unfortunately had a lot of experience with, exacerbating the Crohns (flareup with major fistulae). By EMF I mean not only wifi/cell but also cordless phones, bluetooth as well as the electrical wiring in the house. Such "low" levels of EMF are biological stressors (actually, they are poisons) and among other things will cause blood-brain barriers and leaky gut phenomena, which will allow gut-derived toxins to infiltrate into places it should never be. Mold exposure (in apartment with mold, or inhaled into a lung) are believed to generate much more mycotoxins when stressed by EMFs, coupled with blood-brain-barrier porosity leads to neurological damage that mere 'detox' protocols prove insufficient to the task. Since you do not know if these are relevant to you, I would recommend trying a week of having zero such devices enabled around you as well as turning off the electrical breakers in your bedroom at night. This might actually help you fairly directly, or at least it is a free experiment with no negative consequences. You mentioned cognition challenges and that is a key indicator for EMF and/or Mold. If you can pinpoint the timeframe of the 'flare' origin, some of the sleuthing becomes easier.

Good luck with this long, long road. You would likely do better with a holistic doctor than with individual specialists. You are not alone -- way too many people have similar health collapses that look normal according to Western medicine standards. I will monitor this thread for a while if you want to engage on this topic further.


Jan 25, 2016
Broccoli is high in oxalates. Have you tried a low histamine and oxalates diet? Gelatin is high in histamine.
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Jan 15, 2016
Grass fed butter, bacon, eggs, goat milk. I feel best on a medium to high fat diet. I get lots of sun year round in the middle of America.

could you give me more details about the diet you used, and dosages of each med? I think I might have to try something like this. Thank you!

thanks. Looks like I’ll have to try cypro. Btw my disease is IN my small small intestine, not colon. But I should still try a starch free diet again, it’s just hard because starch REALLY helps my sleep.
I've noticed that usually when I want starchy foods I'm just craving salt. Maybe it's the salt from the starchy foods that's helping with sleep; most starch doesn't taste good without salt-
"Sodium lowers several stress mediators that can rise during sleep including serotonin, adrenaline, cortisol, and aldosterone. Salt optimizes the blood volume and circulation essential for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, helps stabilize blood sugar, increases or maintains the body temperature, and raises the production of carbon dioxide (see #8 in this list). A canning and pickling salt added to food, a sugary beverage, or in bone broth eaten before bed is a good way lower inflammatory nocturnal substances."
-10 Tips for Better Sleep – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)


Mar 29, 2013
I've noticed that usually when I want starchy foods I'm just craving salt. Maybe it's the salt from the starchy foods that's helping with sleep; most starch doesn't taste good without salt-
"Sodium lowers several stress mediators that can rise during sleep including serotonin, adrenaline, cortisol, and aldosterone. Salt optimizes the blood volume and circulation essential for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, helps stabilize blood sugar, increases or maintains the body temperature, and raises the production of carbon dioxide (see #8 in this list). A canning and pickling salt added to food, a sugary beverage, or in bone broth eaten before bed is a good way lower inflammatory nocturnal substances."
-10 Tips for Better Sleep – Functional Performance Systems (FPS)
Appreciate the tip. But nope. I can salt all the other food as much I like, something about starch is particularly soothing to my system.
Broccoli is high in oxalates. Have you tried a low histamine and oxalates diet? Gelatin is high in histamine.
I gave broccoli as an example of something mildly bitter, which is too bitter for me. As I mentioned, I react to almost every vegetable as this point. Yes, I have been on a low histamine / low oxalate diet for quite some time now.


Oct 21, 2013
Appreciate the tip. But nope. I can salt all the other food as much I like, something about starch is particularly soothing to my system.

Have you tried nixmitalized corn for a starch? i make tortillas out of Maseca instant corn masa flour, and those sit very well with me. I've tried nixmitalized corn chips in the past, and those didn't work well, so maybe pick a brand of masa flour and make your own tortillas. Try that as your only starch for a while and see if it could be tolerated.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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