What Happens When A Type Two Diabetic Follows Peat Ideas And Eats A Lot Of Sugar


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
The simple thought or even smell, or hint of a taste of food secretes insulin: Peripheral insulin in response to the sight and smell of food. - PubMed - NCBI Combine this with fructose's ability to drive hunger in people, and you have a golden combination to increase insulin resistance thus causing an excellent environment for Type 2 diabetes to develop.
I know a cook with type2 so this would be the case about smelling food all day!
Well, also the usual restaurant cook with sunflower oil and he of course ate at work...
But NOW he goes olive oil "pollo a la plancha", BUT still work in a kitchen!
So, no outdoor for those persons?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
would a severely metabolically broken person not necessarily react well to the Peat diet? I am back at trying it, but a year ago I went for it too quickly and all my "health markers" became quite a bit worse within two months, and I developed high blood pressure.
I imagine it would depend on what the malfunctions and adaptations are, whether they are structural or functional, how deep they are and how long they have been going on, what the nutritional status/mineral reserves are like, how one goes about a peat-inspired approach.
I do not subscribe to the idea that 'the Peat diet' as a simple identical standard prescription for everyone exists.

I have lactate in my urine test, and I have burning muscles....
Sensitivity really ALL my life.
My body prefers heigh fat, as I have tested, but for sure I want to stop aerobic glicolisis, and burn sugar in a normal way.
But I do not want to induce a diabetis I do not have at the moment!


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
We know stress kills , but stress also forces adaptation to the new environment.
Stress is part of ALL -IMO- illness, and especially if chronic and metabolic.
But it not usually understood properly. What has to be look for is the rythm, the waves going up and down. Good health is when we can hold a big variation, and let the variation happen.
What we call stress is when "we" decide that it is useless to go down because we will have to go up soon. ("we" being our unconscious, when you view it from mind point of view, and our consciousness when you view it from the autonomic intelligence that do not speak by words but by body feeling)
Stress ALWAYS leads to adaptation.
When it does not, then you have trauma.
But the word trauma has a biased meaning in our society...

To increase adaptation, you need to increase the level of stress, without ever modifying the capacity to reach the down point of the waves!
This should be the aim of any real child education, allow to face stress with enough protection. Graduate by following the child feedback. Just look at the curiosity of children or even puppies, and the way they go back to mom by themselves, recharge themselves and go again. This is what I call the waves of life, this movement out and in, between curiosity and fear. Love is not the counterpart of fear, curiosity is the balance of fear, and love is the life energy that fuels both. Yes, even fear is fueled by love, because it protects you.

That's why trauma is the problem and the real word that should have no such negative and excessive meaning. Trauma is not an even, the event is an accident. Trauma is the possible result of an accident. If we cannot change the social meaning of trauma, then we have to find another word, because anyway, stress is not the right one.

I can thus GUESS what my insuline resistance is... I did have a metabolic trauma. It is over, but my body cannot believe it and does not trust safety of sugar use. More over, when I say it is over, yes for the initial trauma, but then, some other could develop, such as bad guts, as I have initestinal bacterial overgrowth confirmed by my labs, and I also have some focal infection in my teeth gums tonsils and sinus. So I still have some permanent stress. I call it stress in that case because I can adapt and live with it. It is chronic and I am rarely overwhelmed (what we call acute illness, like when I had this so bad bronchitis agravated by fungi).

So, we should all find ways at diet level, supplement level but also stress management level. We need our energy, and stress uses part of it in a bad way when we cannot fully rest. Only when you resting levels get better you can become aware how little you rested before, even when you were thinking you were relaxing! The deeper we can relax always seem to us the deepest possible stage of relaxation...
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Apr 19, 2017
I think I'm on the verge of death!

At least it's a S W E E T way to death's portal :) ... and if you have no unpleasant symptoms other than hyperglycemia, it's still OK, and you shouldn't worry so long as you're still resolved on removing the polyunsaturates from your diet. Instead of grapefruit, I suggest eating agar-agar (eat some before and after a meal) instead as it will help to prevent glucose spikes. It has many other virtues too:

easily available, inexpensive and easy to prepare
contains no sugar, no fat and no carbohydrates
prevents constipation as it's got lots of fiber
suppresses appetite
lowers cholesterol
helps loss of weight
aids in waste elimination

Mary Pruter

Feb 8, 2017
Wow! I'll have to try that. Not sure I've ever heard of it but I'll get on the ball with that! Thanks for letting me know about it!

Mary Pruter

Feb 8, 2017
At least it's a S W E E T way to death's portal :) ... and if you have no unpleasant symptoms other than hyperglycemia, it's still OK, and you shouldn't worry so long as you're still resolved on removing the polyunsaturates from your diet. Instead of grapefruit, I suggest eating agar-agar (eat some before and after a meal) instead as it will help to prevent glucose spikes. It has many other virtues too:

easily available, inexpensive and easy to prepare
contains no sugar, no fat and no carbohydrates
prevents constipation as it's got lots of fiber
suppresses appetite
lowers cholesterol
helps loss of weight
aids in waste elimination
Wow! I'll have to try that. Not sure I've ever heard of it but I'll get on the ball withthat! Thanks for letting meknow about it!


Apr 19, 2017
Wow! I'll have to try that. Not sure I've ever heard of it but I'll get on the ball withthat! Thanks for letting meknow about it!

You're welcome, Mary. Agar-agar can be found in most supermarkets and it's dirt cheap. It costs less than 1 USD for a 10-gm packet which can make enough for 2-3 days. Add 3-4 coffee mugs of water to the pack in a pan and gently boil. Add coconut sugar and anything you fancy - dried fruit (dates, apricot, peach, sultanas, cranberry, etc) and in less than 10 min it's ready to pour into a mold and set in the fridge.

Avoid agar if you are sensitive to sea food and avoid eating it in the evening as it can keep you wide awake at night - similar stimulating effect from eating seaweed.

Carrageenan and Konjac are often used to replace agar. Beware of the former. There is some talk online that commercial ones are likely to be degraded carrageenan and so carries health risks. Konjac is not from seaweed but from a special type of yam but it's a health food esp. for diabetics.

Horse Fighter

Apr 10, 2017
Well, i'm not type 2, but i was diagnosed with pre-diabetes before i decided to go low pufa and high sugar.

Blood Glucose before : 110
Blood Glucose after : 83


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
My morning glucose is also lower than 2 years ago...


Dec 3, 2022
Vienna, Austria
That's a smart question. I used Naltrexone on 3 occasions spaced months apart (12mg but I suggest lower 1-4mg). For a couple years I used cynoplus T3/T4. Nowdays I still use a daily small dose of Diamox (10-15mg), and I can't use thyroid in the summer because I get too hot.

It took me a couple years to try Naltrexone, wish I'd done it much sooner, profound improvements for me after a single dose. Now I realize how debilitating opioids are. My 20's were sub-par because of a few weeks using prescription opioid after an accident. Addiction to runner's high endogenous opioids did some damage as well.

I tested high dose B1 for a little while and it seemed good but then that aspect seemed to be fixed and I no longer needed it or saw much benefit. Lipoic acid was similar, couldn't tell if it was helping, seemed maybe helpful. Peat has listed other glycolysis inhibitors, for my context Naltrexone and Diamox work best. There are many other ways to boost CO2 if you don't want to use Diamox, such as baking soda, CO2 gas absorbed through skin, baths, bag breathing, Buteyko, meditative breathing, free diver training, living at altitude, etc.
I'm probably very late to the conversation, but how did you get your hands on meds like Diamox or Naltrexone?


Forum Supporter
Jan 8, 2024
Tucson, Arizona
I think liposuction it a waste of money and time. It can probably cause side effect damage. I don't know if liposuction just empties of the fat cells fat content or if it actually destroys the fat cells themselves so that fat can never be stored there again but either way I still think it's dumb. It doesn't solve the persons underlying problem of eating too much of the foods that cause fat tissue gain too often. There are shots that people get injected into their throat to do just that, to literally destroy the fat cells under their chin so they can get rid of their "turkey neck:"

View attachment 4588

Although we make our own deoxycholic acid in bile, I don't know that it's good to inject it into your throat.

This excerpt explains fat cells well:

"When you "lose" body fat, the fat cell (also called an adipocyte) does not go anywhere or "move into the muscle cell to be burned. The fat cell itself, (unfortunately) stays right where it was - under the skin in your thighs, stomach, hips, arms, etc., and on top of the muscles - which is why you can't see muscle "definition" when your body fat is high.

Fat is stored inside the fat cell in the form of triaglycerol. The fat is not burned right there in the fat cell, it must be liberated from the fat cell through somewhat complex hormonal/enzymatic pathways. When stimulated to do so, the fat cell simply releases its contents (triaglycerol) into the bloodstream as free fatty acids (FFA's), and they are transported through the blood to the tissues where the energy is needed.

A typical young male adult stores about 60,000 to 100,000 calories of energy in body fat cells. What triggers the release of all these stored fatty acids from the fat cell? Simple: When your body needs energy because you're consuming fewer calories than you are burning (an energy deficit), then your body releases hormones and enzymes that signal your fat cells to release your fat reserves instead of keeping them in storage.

For stored fat to be liberated from the fat cell, hydrolysis (lipolysis or fat breakdown), splits the molecule of triaglycerol into glycerol and three fatty acids. An important enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase (HSL)is the catalyst for this reaction. The stored fat (energy) gets released into the bloodstream as FFA's and they are shuttled off to the muscles where the energy is needed. As blood flow increases to the active muscles, more FFA's are delivered to the muscles that need them.

An important enzyme called lipoprotein lipase (LPL), then helps the FFA's get inside the mitochondria of the muscle cell, where the FFA's can be burned for energy. If you've ever taken a biology class, then you've probably heard of the mitochondria. This is the "cellular powerhouse" where energy production takes place and this is where the FFA's go to be burned for energy.

When the FFA's are released from the fat cell, the fat cell shrinks and that's why you look leaner when you lose body fat - because the fat cell is now smaller. A small or "empty" fat cell is what you're after if you want the lean, defined look.

It was once believed that the number of fat cells could not increase after adulthood, only the size of the fat cells could increase (or decrease). We now know that fat cells can indeed increase both in size (hypertrophy) and in number (hyperplasia) and that they are more likely to increase in number at certain times and under certain circumstances, such as 1) during late childhood and early puberty, 2) During pregnancy, and 3) During adulthood when extreme amounts of weight are gained

Some people are genetically predisposed to have more fat cells than others and women have more fat cells than men. An infant usually has about 5 - 6 billion fat cells. This number increases during early childhood and puberty, and a healthy adult with normal body composition has about 25 to 30 billion fat cells. A typical overweight adult has around 75 billion fat cells. But in the case of severe obesity, this number can be as high as 250 to 300 billion!

The average size (weight) of an adult fat cell is about 0.6 micrograms, but they can vary in size from 0.2 micograms to 0.9 micrograms. An overweight person's fat cells can be up to three times larger than a person with ideal body composition.

Remember, body fat is basically just a reserve source of energy and fat cells are the like the storage tanks. Unlike a gas tank in your car which is fixed in size, however, fat cells can expand or shrink in size depending on how "filled" they are.

Picture a balloon that is not inflated: It's tiny when not filled with air - maybe the size of your thumb. When you blow it up with air, it can expand 10 or 12 times it's normal size, because it simply fills up. That's what happens to fat cells: They start as nearly empty fat storage "tanks" (when you are lean), and when energy intake exceeds your needs, your fat cells "fill up" and "stretch out" like balloons filling up with jelly (not a pretty picture, is it?)

So you don't actually "lose" fat cells, you "shrink" or "empty out" fat cells."

What about folks suffering from Lipedema? It says that no diet works on them to lose/drain/empty those fat cells. Do you have an idea how to tackle this issue?


May 10, 2022
Gastric bypass almost immediately improves beta cell function and insulin sensitivity, well before weight loss becomes significant. Why that happens is still being studied.
Interesting. It must be because there is unused portion of the stomach that functions differently now its not used. Maybe its giving out fasting benefits while your eating with your other stomach, that would be wild.
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