What Is The Most Important Lesson Or Piece of Knowledge You Learned From Ray Peat?


Sep 21, 2014
That you could be very knowledgeable and intelligent, while being very kind, humble, ready to help, dignified and generous at the same time. He just shared what he thought in a humble way and he never wanted to impose his will and views on other people. He wanted people to think for themselves and have their own experiences.

Since the beginning of 2020 I have had difficult periods with depression and feelings of hopelessness. Listening to his interviews and to his voice of reason gave me some hope again. He expressed himself clearly and called things by name, but his message was one of hope. Whatever people asked him about, whatever bad illness they had, he always had advice for them. He made me realize that no situation is completely hopeless and that you can always change your physiology and state of mind.


Feb 13, 2021
For me, it was "Perceive, Think, Act" which actually brought me closer to God. I had found Ray Peat and all his ideas were so against mainstream wisdom and I was in a desperate situation with chronic fatigue syndrome, I literally thought and felt like I was dying. So going against the grain, I went full bore into Ray's work. Within days of implementing Ray's knowledge I started digging myself out of the chronic fatigue hell hole.

Well, there was a pastor that I was told about, and like Ray, he is pretty much everything opposite or different from mainstream teachings. Something about "Perceive, Think, Act" just really stuck with me. So I cleared my head, and perceived with everything I had, in a scientific way of observation if you will. And low and behold, like Ray, this pastor is one of those "hes right again" guys. If I had not found Ray Peat, I am not sure I would have had the awareness that Ray gave me, to find the Truth that I did. And that Truth will get me to the Royal Wedding so for that I am Eternally grateful for Ray Peat and his great wisdom he shared with us. So in a round about way, Ray Peat helped me find God. The Greatest Gift of all if you ask me.

Can you tell a bit more of what you did to start making progress? Was it a dietary change or also supplements, mindset, etc?


Nov 6, 2020
Good health is built and maintained on a foundation of a few simple things. As you grow older, you can benefit from some thyroid, progesterone, and niacinamide. Have you tried the carrot salad?


May 4, 2019
Honestly I think Ray might have saved my life. Partly because if I hadn't come into contact with his work, maybe I would have still been "blue-pilled" and have no idea about the atrocities committed by the medical establishment? Staying away from doctors has served me really well. I see friends and family stuck in the modern medicine paradigm and getting injured by surgeries, cancer treatments, vaccines etc. It's such a tragedy.

But the most impactful thing is probably that Ray Peat encouraged me to think for myself, self-experiment and to trust my own experience. Really the best teacher I have ever had. This was a total paradigm shift for me as before I was always looking for the person that had the "answers", which I now realize is totally flawed thinking.

Also just the idea that a healthy metabolism and good body temperature are essential to good health. I had never before reflected on why my body temp was so low, 36 C, and why I was so sickly. This was also a game changer for me.

There are so many more things to mention but these stand out to me as really important lessons.

Thanks Ray, God bless you


May 4, 2019
That you could be very knowledgeable and intelligent, while being very kind, humble, ready to help, dignified and generous at the same time. He just shared what he thought in a humble way and he never wanted to impose his will and views on other people. He wanted people to think for themselves and have their own experiences.

Since the beginning of 2020 I have had difficult periods with depression and feelings of hopelessness. Listening to his interviews and to his voice of reason gave me some hope again. He expressed himself clearly and called things by name, but his message was one of hope. Whatever people asked him about, whatever bad illness they had, he always had advice for them. He made me realize that no situation is completely hopeless and that you can always change your physiology and state of mind.

I also found listening to interviews with Ray to be a great comfort during difficult times. Especially the ones with Patrick Timpone, they were such a dynamic duo lol!


Dec 8, 2016
That you could be very knowledgeable and intelligent, while being very kind, humble, ready to help, dignified and generous at the same time. He just shared what he thought in a humble way and he never wanted to impose his will and views on other people. He wanted people to think for themselves and have their own experiences.

Since the beginning of 2020 I have had difficult periods with depression and feelings of hopelessness. Listening to his interviews and to his voice of reason gave me some hope again. He expressed himself clearly and called things by name, but his message was one of hope. Whatever people asked him about, whatever bad illness they had, he always had advice for them. He made me realize that no situation is completely hopeless and that you can always change your physiology and state of mind.
This evoked tearful / happy emotion for me.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and understanding.


Jun 2, 2017
I've gleaned very practical and actionable advice from Peat—so the "Act" of "Think, Perceive, Act," was big for me. To act on all the Peatisms to formulate a more energetic and androgenic state. Like many, I'm not there yet, but still working after 5+ years since learning of Peat.

And I'll cheat and tack on a secondary aspect, which is Peat reintroducing me to William Blake: someone I've been meaning to learn more about for decades.


New Member
Dec 2, 2022
He taught me the importance of language. That every word matters. That every sentence contains meta-information, which can manipulate my thoughts. That I should always consider who speaks and writes and that I buy their world view and mind set with everything they say and write. I learned that chosing my words carefully is of vital importance and that I have to be mindful of other peoples‘ hidden messages. The clearer we think, the clearer we speak and vice versa. This can rule out many problems by treating language with caution.


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
That fish oil isn't a cure-all. what a shocker to a naturopath! o_O


May 18, 2020
Thw most important? Well, I was very near cretinous when I accidentally discovered Ray Peat following a comment on a Mark's Daily Apple forum thread and the 180 Degree Health blog. It might be mundane, but Ray's wisdom and yours has stopped me from getting "jabbed", which is such an important thing.

His quotes have made me an optimist abd a "hope-spreader" in a family that seemed to be genetically pessimistic and unlucky.
Jan 24, 2014
I believe Ray Peat saved my life, but more important than my own life is that he taught me the true meaning HOPE and never giving up.

Also embracing the journey no matter where life leads. RP was extraordinarily selfless, what an AMAZING legacy and inspiration!

I'm eternally grateful :hearteyes:


Apr 26, 2020
As a former cynical pessimist looking for ways to remove myself from humanity to fulfill my shellfish needs while letting the rest rot, I would have to say that his message that the natural state of matter is altruistic changed me a lot.
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Sep 11, 2015
That there is a plausible and convincing alternative to the reductionist, deterministic, neo-Darwinist, nihilistic worldview that had convinced me and was depressing me before discovering him.

The idea that life, consciousness and meaning permeates everything in the universe, and the importance of energy in helping us realize our potentials.

It's a beautiful and intuitively resonating perspective. Like waking up from a nightmare and realizing you're okay and safe, it suddenly flips one's outlook on life from chilling darkness into warm, golden sunshine!


Oct 5, 2014
And as an European, he (toegether with David Ray Griffin) immensely restored my admiration for americans
The same happened to me with all brave USA people who defied the plandemic. The few Dr's, nurses, journalists, politicians and more over the plain men and women, civilians that fought (and keep doing so) as much as they could (not a lot was possible) and decided that they will not kneel down no matter what. And if arms should need to be used, so would have been.

I didn't see this in Europe. We behaved like absolute *******.

That restored my admiration for USA people and for the founding fathers of the country, who knew very well what they were doing when wrote the constitution. I will make an effort to not forget that.

Sorry for the offtopic, I had to say it.
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Apr 14, 2013
In my last correspondence with him via email, he helped me as much as he could with diet strategy, vit D, thyroid, etc. But I realized my situation was far too complicated to be figured out this way. So I figured I had to start thinking like him rather than looking to him for advice and perspective on every little thing. But how do I think like him? I started by reading William Blake, then the Bible, then added in a dedicated solid hour per day of pure imagination and creativity. Slowly but surely my health and well-being improved far beyond what I thought was possible. I am forever grateful. I wish I could have emailed one last time to give him my immense gratitude. RIP Ray Peat.

Out of all his works, this article is the one that shifted my perspective finally... Can art instruct science? William Blake as biological visionary

I hope everyone on this forum keeps his memory alive in some way.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I believe Ray Peat saved my life
In my last correspondence with him via email, he helped me as much as he could with diet strategy, vit D, thyroid, etc. But I realized my situation was far too complicated to be figured out this way. So I figured I had to start thinking like him rather than looking to him for advice and perspective on every little thing. But how do I think like him? I started by reading William Blake, then the Bible, then added in a dedicated solid hour per day of pure imagination and creativity. Slowly but surely my health and well-being improved far beyond what I thought was possible. I am forever grateful. I wish I could have emailed one last time to give him my immense gratitude. RIP Ray Peat.
Incredible. This deserves its own thread.
then added in a dedicated solid hour per day of pure imagination and creativity.
What did you do during this hour?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
But I realized my situation was far too complicated to be figured out this way. So I figured I had to start thinking like him rather than looking to him for advice and perspective on every little thing. But how do I think like him? I started by reading William Blake, then the Bible, then added in a dedicated solid hour per day of pure imagination and creativity. Slowly but surely my health and well-being improved far beyond what I thought was possible. I am forever grateful.
I think this is key and he would be so happy. Ultimately he was a teacher who wanted to empower us to think for ourselves.


Jul 8, 2014
The most important piece of knowledge I gained from Ray is that I’m capable of learning complex biological processes, but I would much rather paint and play.


May 11, 2017
Dr Peat would have gained immense fame and countless prizes in the 'academic' circle - only if he chose to. Yet he chose to be an educator, reaching out to the mass consistenly and frequently - throughout decades. Instead of simply telling people what to do, he explained the detailed physiologies/pathologies, so people were empowered to resolve bothering health conditions. He never judge the kind of questions being asked, and always provided deep insights, in a humble manner. There was never a trace of ego in him, nor was he afraid to speak the truth. When i saw a photo of young Dr Peat (in another thread), I saw the same determined and dignified Dr Peat just like the more senior him. It becomes clear to me that he had chosen a righteous path from a young age and did not waiver throughout the years. For me the best tribute to Dr Peat, is to remember and practice his fine qualities and ethics.


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Aug 22, 2013
Re-orienting my mentality about food and especially health, to think in terms of metabolism, to not be neurotic about food and life,a... thnks to Peat, I learned carbs and sugar were not the devil, calorie restriction not necessary, and eating freely literally cured me of eating disorders, and from there pulled me out of depression and anxiety. This saved my life and I am so grateful.
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