What The Eternal Victims Have Done To Palestine For 75 Years


Mar 21, 2021

CLIVE, Iowa, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Donald Trump promised on Monday that if elected president again he will bar immigrants who support Hamas from entering the U.S. and send officers to pro-Hamas protests to arrest and deport immigrants who publicly support the Palestinian militant group.

On a campaign stop in Iowa, Trump was responding to the Hamas killing of at least 1,300 Israelis that triggered a war in which Palestinian health officials say Israel has killed more than 2,800 Palestinians in Gaza.


Mar 21, 2021

Trump has been warning us for years

Sept. 30, 2015: At a New Hampshire rally, Trump pledged to kick all Syrian refugees — most of whom are Muslim — out of the country, as they might be a secret army. “They could be ISIS, I don't know. This could be one of the great tactical ploys of all time. A 200,000-man army, maybe,” he said. In an interview that aired later, Trump said: “This could make the Trojan horse look like peanuts.”

Oct. 21, 2015: On Fox Business, Trump says he would “certainly look at” the idea of closing mosques in the United States.

Nov. 16, 2015: Following a series of terrorist attacks in Paris, Trump said on MSNBC that he would “strongly consider” closing mosques. “I would hate to do it, but it's something that you're going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred — the absolute hatred — is coming from these areas,” he said.
Nov. 20, 2015: In comments to Yahoo and NBC News, Trump seemed open to the idea of creating a database of all Muslims in the United States. Later, he and his aides would not rule out the idea.
Nov. 30, 2015: On MSNBC, a reporter asked Trump if he thinks Islam is an inherently peaceful religion that's been perverted by a small percentage of followers or if it is an inherently violent religion. Trump responded: “Well, all I can say … there’s something going on. You know, there's something definitely going on. I don't know that that question can be answered.” He also said: “We are not loved by many Muslims.”

Dec. 3, 2015: The morning after Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino, Calif., Trump called into Fox News and said: “The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families.” (Killing the relatives of suspected terrorists is forbidden by international law.) Later, in a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition, Trump criticized Obama for not using the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism” and commented: “There's something going on with him that we don't know about.”
What does ‘radical Islam’ actually mean?
Dec. 6, 2015: On CBS News, Trump said: “If you have people coming out of mosques with hatred and death in their eyes and on their minds, we’re going to have to do something.” Trump also said he didn’t believe the sister of one of the San Bernardino shooters who said she was crestfallen for the victims, saying: “I would go after a lot of people, and I would find out whether or not they knew. I would be able to find out, because I don't believe the sister.”

claimed that a quarter of the Muslims living in the United States agreed that violence against Americans is justified as part of the global jihad. “We have people out there that want to do great destruction to our country, whether it's 25 percent or 10 percent or 5 percent, it's too much,” Trump said.

Dec. 13, 2015: On Fox News, Trump was asked if his ban would apply to a Canadian businessman who is a Muslim. Trump responded: “There's a sickness. They're sick people. There's a sickness going on. There's a group of people that is very sick.”

March 9, 2016: On CNN, Trump said: “I think Islam hates us. There’s something there that — there’s a tremendous hatred there. There’s a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There’s an unbelievable hatred of us.”

March 22, 2016: Soon after three suicide bombings in Brussels tied to a group of French and Belgian Muslims, Trump told Fox Business: “We're having problems with the Muslims, and we're having problems with Muslims coming into the country.” Trump called for surveillance of mosques in the United States, saying: “You have to deal with the mosques, whether we like it or not, I mean, you know, these attacks aren't coming out of — they're not done by Swedish people.”

On NBC News, Trump added: “This all happened because, frankly, there’s no assimilation. They are not assimilating . . . They want to go by sharia law. They want sharia law. They don’t want the laws that we have. They want sharia law.”

Jan. 12, 2016: At a rally in Iowa, Trump shared his suspicions about Syrian refugees and then read the lyrics to Al Wilson’s 1968 song “The Snake,” the story of a “tender woman” who nursed a sickly snake back to health but then was attacked by the snake. Trump often read these lyrics at rallies.


Jan 6, 2019
Israel the only nation that is an ally to Christians.
When have you ever heard Israel defend Christianity or whites? Of course, there is nothing Jews should hate more than white Christians. In Jewish theology 1) Christians are idolaters, for which the punishment is death, 2) whites are Amalek, who also deserve death. In white Christians Jews thus see an unholy combination of their two worst enemies. The NT, in turn, asserts that Jews are against God. How could Jews then be allies to Christians, who are for God? In the end, Israel and high level Jewry are provably, by their own admission, behind the war against white Christians. This war will go on until Jews themselves turn to Christ. Until that day comes, we cannot be allies.

It is worth noting that every single view and argument you have attempted to push in this thread has been weak enough to be effortlessly refuted by one or several posters. The inevitable implication is that you are either a sloppy shill or horribly misinformed.
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Sep 9, 2019
It’s looking more and more if Trump doesn’t win in 2024 will see the genocide of white Christians. They are attacking from the inside and out.
51 you write like a chimp thrashing a keyboard. If you're going to shill for WWIII you need to up your game.

It's a waste of your 2000 weeks either way. The home of the brave isn't going to take the bait, no matter the frame of its deliverance. Mark the words.


Mar 21, 2021
When have you ever heard Israel defend Christianity or whites? Of course, there is nothing Jews should hate more than white Christians. In Jewish theology 1) Christians are idolaters, for which the punishment is death, 2) whites are Amalek, who also deserve death. In white Christians Jews thus see an unholy combination of their two worst enemies. The NT, in turn, asserts that Jews are against God. How could Jews then be allies to Christians, who are for God? In the end, Israel and high level Jewry are provably, by their own admission, behind the war against white Christians. This war will go on until Jews themselves turn to Christ. Until that day comes, we cannot be allies.

It is worth noting that every single view and argument you have attempted to push in this thread has been weak enough to be effortlessly refuted by one or several posters. The inevitable implication is that you are either a sloppy shill or horribly misinformed.
Trump has already called you as jihad sympathizer. He is coming for your kind.

“I will implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants,” he said, reading from the teleprompter. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel,” he continued, apparently ad-libbing, “if you don’t like our religion — which a lot of them don’t — if you sympathize with the jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in. Right?”


Mar 21, 2021
51 you write like a chimp thrashing a keyboard. If you're going to shill for WWIII you need to up your game.

It's a waste of your 2000 weeks either way. The home of the brave isn't going to take the bait, no matter the frame of its deliverance. Mark the words.
We won’t get 2000 weeks if we keep letting the jihad sympathizers in our country spouting off jihad propaganda . But at least I know if world war 3 starts Jesus will come down and bring me up to heaven while you burn with the anti-Christian sympathizers.


Sep 9, 2019
We won’t get 2000 weeks if we keep letting the jihad sympathizers in our country spouting off jihad propaganda . But at least I know if world war 3 starts Jesus will come down and bring me up to heaven while you burn with the anti-Christian sympathizers.
You won't, "jihad" or none. You've gone from secular babble to talking about Jesus. The only thing you'll be getting when you're beamed up is an anal probe.


Jul 25, 2022
Watching this thread your are seeing the propaganda, which is ultimately the war on Christians, especially white Christians and your are seeing the war on Ukraine which is a Christian nation and Israel the only nation that is an ally to Christians. The alliance between Russia and China and these Middle East nations are the start of the ultimate goal of eliminating the white Christian and Ukraine and Israel are their first target. They are also attacking from the inside by using anti Christian atheists and Muslims to push their propaganda from the inside.

Trump wanted to do a Muslim ban to protect Christian, because he saw the their anti Christian ways and knew their ultimate goal was to tear apart America from the inside. But he he was stopped by the anti Christian atheists.

It’s looking more and more if Trump doesn’t win in 2024 will see the genocide of white Christians. They are attacking from the inside and out.
Ah yes it is others falling for propaganda, gotcha.


Aug 10, 2014
On November 18, David Oren Baruch, the director of Mount Herzl Military Cemetery, complicated the War Council’s mission of hiding the actual number of Israeli casualties when he revealed that one Israeli soldier is buried every one hour to one hour and a half in the military cemetery.

“We are now going through a period where every hour there is a funeral, every hour and a half a funeral,” Baruch said, adding “I was asked to open a large number of graves. Only in the Mount Herzl cemetery did we bury 50 soldiers in 48 hours.”



Aug 13, 2020
This is the fate of the colonial powers .. remember the US escape from Afghanistan?

Now think Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea with new (likely) Topol-M ICBMs to reach the USA.

Given the arrogance in the Axis of Evil, someone is bound to make a miscalculation.

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Aug 13, 2020


Mar 21, 2021

View: https://youtu.be/lpmDmJFvRtk?si=7tpxTK1sQf7PbX32

View: https://youtu.be/Dl0MdClMdrw?si=p9xBdyFD7F9qbahB

The second coming of Christ tells about the false profits as we see in them Mecca and Kim Jung un as a living false prophet

They know Jesus is the biggest threat that is why they would jail a 3 year old.

We must stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Christians in the Middle East which is the birth place of Jesus.

At the beginning of this year, the Christian international network Open Doors presented data on the oppression, discrimination and persecution of Christians around the world. It was announced that between the fall of 2021 and the fall of 2022, 5,621 Christians were killed, 4,542 were arrested, and 5,259 were kidnapped.

More than 360 million Christians were exposed to high levels of persecution and discrimination. Because of their faith, almost every seventh Christian in the world was persecuted, every fifth in Africa and 40% of Christians in Asia.

It is especially difficult for Christians in the Middle East – the region where Jesus was born, preached, died and resurrected as the Bible teaches. For Christians in the Middle East, the Christmas season is not “the most beautiful time of the year” as in the popular Andy Williams song. On the contrary, after two millennia of Christian presence, the Middle East is slowly but surely being cleansed of Christians. The international Christian organization Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) presented in its report at the end of 2022 terrible and devastating data about the state of Christianity in that region. Some of the oldest Christian communities in the world are in danger of disappearing as a result of mass emigration. The bishop of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Baghdad declared that the exodus of Christians was an unprecedented event. It is striking that the Western powers, which have a majority Christian population, are not concerned at all by such a disaster. Pope Francis raised the issue in his recent meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, urging him to make greater efforts to preserve the Christian presence in the region and stop the exodus of Christians that has reached alarming levels.

In 2010, Christians made up 6% of the population in the region – a number roughly equal to the situation at the beginning of the 16th century when the expansion of the Ottoman Empire took place. In the last decade after the outbreak of the Arab Spring in 2011, Christian communities in many Muslim countries experienced persecution, massacres and even genocide. The number of Christians has decreased due to wars, ethnic cleansing and crimes committed by members of ISIL and related terrorist groups. Many Christian communities have been decimated. Currently, there are 22 Christian communities in the Middle East: eight Protestant, seven Catholic and seven Orthodox churches. The vast majority of these Christians are members of indigenous Christian communities such as the Maronite, Melkite (Greek), Armenian, Coptic, Chaldean, and Assyrian churches. It is estimated that Christians currently make up about 4% of the population of the region – 15 million believers. This is a drastic drop compared to the beginning of the 20th century, when there were slightly more than 20% Christians. If there had been no discrimination, violent persecutions and massacres by the states and Islamist groups there, there is no doubt that the number of Christians would not have remained at 20% but would have grown.

Although for different reasons (Islamic fundamentalism, economic difficulties, wars), the exodus of Christians is happening in most countries of the region, especially in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and the states of the Persian Gulf. In the last two years, more than 5,000 Christians have gone (including those from Jerusalem) mainly to Europe, the United States and Canada. In 2011, there were 1.7 million Christians in Syria (10% of the population). Today there are less than 450,000 of them (2% of the population). In Aleppo alone, the Christian population has shrunk from 360,000 in 2012 to 25,000 today. In 2003, there were 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Today there are less than 120,000 of them. Syria and Iraq are home to numerous Christian communities. In Iraq, with the rise of ISIL, at least 50,000 Christians found refuge in Lebanon, but now there are only a few hundred, as most have left the region for good and gone to North America or Australia. And many leave from the relatively safe haven provided by Jordan. Coptic Orthodox Christians, an autochthonous community originating from the ancient Pharaonic civilization, were persecuted in Egypt.

The only country in the region with a growing Christian community is Israel, where the Christian population grew by 1.4% in 2020.
In the past 100 years, the percentage of Christians in the population of Bethlehem has dropped from 84% to about 20% today. In addition to the Israeli government, the Palestinians also began to attack churches in Bethlehem. The first incident happened on October 28 last year when a group of Palestinians threw stones at a church. In the West Bank and Gaza, the percentage of Christians in the population fell from 11% in 1922 to 1.5% in 2017 and has fallen below 1% in recent years. During 2022, more than 5,000 Christians emigrated from the West Bank.


Mar 21, 2021

President Donald Trump said in a new interview Friday that persecuted Christians will be given priority over other refugees seeking to enter the United States, saying they have been "horribly treated."

Speaking with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trump said that it had been "impossible, or at least very tough" for Syrian Christians to enter the United States.

"If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair -- everybody was persecuted, in all fairness -- but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them."


Mar 21, 2021
We must protect Christians in the Middle East

Social Justice Warriors and Wankers

Today, black Americans are allowed to carry on as if they are the most persecuted people in the world, as if such a thing could be measured and as if any data point to them as inherently oppressed. I guess bullying and guilting white people is a win, a win leading to unearned invitations to the Oscars, thinkpieces about sitting out the national anthem, and a shift from an important conversation about violence in inner cities to cop killings that, following the Aziz Ansari method, amount to an infinitesimal number of deaths. This win allows black Americans part of this movement to say that black lives matter (which, sure, OK) but also that all white people are terrible. All white people are supposed to “check their privilege” and stop pushing their “mayo” opinions on people. White is bland and boring and violent and hateful. Fifty years ago, black activists and their allies sought to end segregation. In 2016, blacks want ‘safe spaces,’ places where they segregate themselves from others, and no non-blacks can possibly be allies because we are all part of the problem and everyone is an anti-black racist and Donald Trump is literally Hitler. This is of course ridiculous but actually it is not. This is the majority’s way of thinking now. This is what we have devolved into. Everyone is either a racist or a self-hating ally or black.

But what about Middle Eastern Christians? Where do we fit?

Middle Eastern Christians are not white or black or bound by Western ideas of race and privilege. There is indeed privilege in the Middle East but it is not racial. Actually, privilege extends only to Muslims. In the Middle East, all the things black people wrongly complain about are true for non-Muslims. Black Americans can pretend they are oppressed but they can run for office, they can own land, they can worship freely, they can sit out national anthems, they can work and provide for themselves and their families, they can rest in their graves undisturbed. Middle Eastern Christians by and large can’t do any of that. Wanting people to like you is not a civil rights issue, no matter how much the Black Lives Matter movement tries. In the Middle East — a blanket term for the Levant, the Gulf, North Africa, whatever country geopolitical analysts ascribe to it on any given day — Muslims don’t like non-Muslims and that has for 1,400 years meant that we cannot live proverbially or literally. To be clearer, Muslims take our livelihoods and our lives. Muslims are the white people of the Middle East but with the added social justice bonus of every charge against them actually being true.
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