What To Do. What To Know That To Do !


Aug 4, 2014
New Zealand
I have recently been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. It has manifested in my spine and neck and lung. I had a mastectomy and lymph nodes removed one and a half years ago. my head feels like it is about to ******* fall off ! The cancer has made big holes in my neck.
The docs have told me I could live six months or ten years.
I am bombarded with different 'cures'. Everyone has an opinion. I feel whichever decision I make could be the wrong one.
I have been communicating with DR Peat from the outset.
He doesn't give advice , which I respect and understand but points in directions.
My cancer is both oestrogen and progesterone positive, almost equally.
I have been dosing on the usual - aspirin, progest e, niacinimide, k2 etc.
I am open.

I don't want sympathy or necessarily even advice unless anyone has anything ******* genius to contribute !

Today I told the doc i was dosing on progest e. She freaked....and said it is feeding my cancer. I don't know what to do or who to believe or where to turn. I was confident until recently than I was dealing with it well and had it dialled. But now, I don't know.

How does one know what to do, when one is staring down the barrel .

The thing is , since discovering Peat a few years ago, I changed my diet from kind of paleo for ten years and not eating sugar since I was about ten years old. I have new energy . Progest e has change my life ! I am happy and open and less afraid of life and all those things and have lost my life long body dysmorphia .

how do you know what to do ?
Last edited:


May 3, 2015


Dec 1, 2015
What is your current diet like and in what amounts are you taking of those supplements? I can't offer any advice, but I assume that would be important information for someone that could.


Hi @Catcream

I am no expert just been fascinated with health and wellness all my life. If I was in your shoes, I would take in these considerations:

*Take TONS of Progest-e - Natural Progesterone does not cause breast cancer - synthetic progestin does. Link here:

faq cancer

*Take TONS of digestive enzymes on empty stomach to break down the biofilm of the cancerous cells. Link here:

Enzymes & Cancer

Read the whole site - good stuff.

*Take high doses Aspirin - see @haidut's thread about Aspirin curing breast cancer

*Research foods and cancer, experiment, and eat an organic, grass fed, pastured, whole food based, non processed clean diet free of PUFA (especially the oils), grains and beans except for occasional use of rice, sourdough bread etc. research about Peat and his thoughts on cancer.

*The truth about cancer website has some potentially good info but have to weed through the "sugar is evil causes cancer" nonsense.

*Study the mind/body connection in the cancer scenario - I have worked with cancer patients and the common theme seems to be long standing repressed emotion and fear.

This woman has a remarkable story:

Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing

Hope this helps!


Aug 4, 2014
New Zealand
Thanks people. Lisa I do all of those things. My diet is pretty damn good. I live in NZ and eat organically, wild meats and liver, fruits, etc.
I have been dosing up the progest e , but my neck has eroded so quickly that I am now in a neck brace. I believe in the theory of the progesterone but perhaps not in all cases....
The doc was visibly alarmed when I mentioned i was using it but you know doctors. ...
I sometimes wish I was not curious and wanting to take my health into my own hands !
In some ways, the easy path would be to accept the status quo but I cannot do this.
Thank you so much for the links Lisa and Richie.
Nov 21, 2015
My post was short. What I meant is important though. I wasn't being flippant. I think enjoyment and going with what feels right can be very, very helpful.


Mar 29, 2014
Bad luck.

My cancer is both oestrogen and progesterone positive, almost equally.
What does this mean?
Does it mean they tested samples from biopsies with estrogen and actual progesterone or some specific progestin/progestogen and found it to thrive with those in a test-tube? Does she explain stuff like this? If it means it reacted to progestins and they didn't test real progesterone, it's not much of a data point.

Today I told the doc i was dosing on progest e. She freaked....and said it is feeding my cancer.
I wonder if she has anything to back up her view on that?

Whatever you do will be wrong according to someone. No-one has perfect knowledge, and there are no guarantees. But it's your life so you get to choose what you want to do with it, and that is just fine. :)

If it were me, I'd be taking a close look at the gerson therapy guidelines, considering a stretch of mostly vegan with maybe a little liver and oysters, lots of magnesium in some form, dry CO2 baths and/or other ways to bump up CO2 levels, sunbathing inside the windows, maybe haidut's panquinone (unless you can get hold of koch's chemicals ad instructions), maybe T3.
I'd probably be scouting round for other approaches too, and checking in on UpH and trying to keep it averaging around 6.6-6.8, tweaking diet if necessary.

And what ecstatic said about doing what feels good and what you want to do. Enjoy the spring.

Hope you have a house that is easy to keep warm, and good people around you.

Kia kaha :)


Aug 4, 2014
New Zealand
Thank you Ecstaticham , that is very sage advice and something I am doing. I took it in good faith.
Actually Tara, a friend has just bought an hypoxicator and I had a go the other day, maybe too much, I was in a lot of pain afterward and very drained. The doc freaked about that too. But i intend to try again but perhaps a bit gentler.
I don't really know what any of it means scientifically speaking ! only what I have gleaned from reading the RP articles, Haidut's links, communicating with RP and reading others experiences on here. Because the cancer seems to worsening rapidly, I am concerned there could be a possible negative reaction to the progest .e.... Until yesterday, I felt it could do no harm even if it didn't help. I was convinced.
Yes, have been considering old style gerson but was concerned about lack of calcium but I think that i will follow that up Tara. Are you a kiwi ??
My house is warm and I have friends who are really wonderful.
Thank you, very grateful for this place.


Mar 29, 2014
Actually Tara, a friend has just bought an hypoxicator and I had a go the other day, maybe too much, I was in a lot of pain afterward and very drained. The doc freaked about that too. But i intend to try again but perhaps a bit gentler.
I've never heard of one of them - just looked it up on wikipedia. From what I read there, it looks as though it reduces the oxygen concentration in the air. I'm not sure whether that's all it does - remove oxygen, and leave correspondingly higher levels of all the other gases? If so, I'm not sure that that would be an effective way of raising CO2 levels. Mightn't it be more likely to just encourage more breathing to inhale the same amount of oxygen but at the same time breath out more CO2? If that's what happens, I'm not sure that it would be helpful. I would think it would be more useful to focus on methods to raise/retain CO2, thereby improving oxygen supply and reducing hypoxia.

If you do continue with it, looks as though using a pulse oximeter to monitor blood oxygen saturation is recommended - maybe that can help avoid pushing so far as to get negative symptoms.

Yes, have been considering old style gerson but was concerned about lack of calcium but I think that i will follow that up Tara.
I'd be concerned about lack of calcium too - not sure whether it would make more sense to supplement it or use some selected dairy sources. Personally I use supplements because too much milk seems to mess with me.


May 3, 2015
Today I told the doc i was dosing on progest e. She freaked....and said it is feeding my cancer. I don't know what to do or who to believe or where to turn. I was confident until recently than I was dealing with it well and had it dialled. But now, I don't know.

Perhaps stop the Progest-e for a while to see if things improve without it.


Dec 4, 2014
I feel much empathy for you.

I would survey your past habits and tendencies, and think about which ones may have contributed to your present condition (if any), and then I would absolutely eliminate those habits. You may have already done this.

I tend to think of myself as the product of my choices. As Kafka says, live with what you know.

In my life, i have reevaluated many things I thought were displeasing to me, only to discover that they were nourishing. It would have been great to know that this stuff was nourishing from the start, but no one can tell you.

It's a bit like the Zen master who is asked what enlightenment is, and he just points at the moon. Your truth is out there, you just need to find it.

I'm sure good nutrition is important, but I'm not sure how the rules change in an organism that is constantly in a state of flux. This is the ongoing condition we all have to live with.

If it was me personally, I think I would consume potatoes and dates exclusively, cooked in the oven. Nothing else. Nothing. Maybe only small amounts of chicken breast for zinc. I wouldn't go heavy on aspirin unless I was monitoring liver enzymes on a weekly basis.

I think glycine could help the tissue of your neck. It dissolves nicely in camomile tea and helps you relax at night, as well as lower nitric oxide.

This isn't genius advice, but I hope it helps. I wish you well.


Aug 4, 2014
New Zealand
Thanks Chispas and Richie . Yes we so are a product of our choices. Strangely, at this time, I now see I had much choice. In the time, I never felt I did !
Life is sweet.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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