Why do they want us to take the vaccine? Who exactly is 'they' and why do they want a bunch of sick people?


Oct 22, 2019
Why does youtube even care (that's another thing I don't get)? What's their gain in the matter? Do they just want to avoid getting sued or hated or "fact checked" or are they just getting paid off?
They're a new part of the cathedral:

The mystery of the cathedral

The mystery of the cathedral is that all the modern world’s legitimate and prestigious intellectual institutions, even though they have no central organizational connection, behave in many ways as if they were a single organizational structure.

Most notably, this pseudo-structure is synoptic: it has one clear doctrine or perspective. It always agrees with itself. Still more puzzlingly, its doctrine is not static; it evolves; this doctrine has a predictable direction of evolution, and the whole structure moves together.

For instance: in 2021, Harvard, Yale, the Times and the Post are on the same page. If there exists any doctrinal difference between any two of these prestigious American institutions, it is too ineffable for anyone but a Yale man to discern. (Though it may say something that Gray Mirror is not taught at Harvard.)

In 1951, Harvard, Yale, the Times and the Post were on the same page. But Yale in 1951 was on nowhere near the same page as Yale in 2021. If you could teleport either Yale into the other’s time zone, they would see each other as a den of intellectual criminals.

So it’s not just that everyone—at least, everyone cool—is on the same page. It’s more like: everyone is reading the same book—at the same speed. No wonder all the peasants are seeing conspiracies in their ************* soup. If you saw a group of bright red dots move across the evening sky this way, what would you think they were? Pigeons? Remote-controlled pigeons, illuminated by lasers? Sometimes even Occam is baffled.

Moreover, this mystery is critical to the nature, fate and epistemology of our society, because we regard the distributed nature of these prestigious and trusted institutions as an inviolable principle of of our intellectual security. We would never concede this level of axiomatic infallibility to a single organization, like the Catholic Church—that would be putting all our brains in one basket. No egghead would make that mistake.

While we are aware that individuals—even very smart individuals—can go extremely awry in their perception and analysis of reality, and while we have seen even groups do the same thing (hence “groupthink”), we are sure they cannot all go wrong together. To err is human—but eliminating error is just a function of sufficient statistical power.

But statistics only works if your samples are independent. If some mysterious force is coordinating them—you are not measuring reality, you are just measuring that force.

And indeed, our samples seem only nominally independent. While we can detect no obvious organizational connection between them, they are highly correlated. And they retain these correlations even as they move across long periods of time.

We can expect this form of coordinated progress in hard science and engineering. These fields are tightly constrained by two inexorable forces: physical reality and human ignorance. The latter relaxes its grip only by painfully-won millimeters.

But the physical and human situation of the arts and humanities—of philosophy, ethics, literature, religion and politics—has been largely unchanged for millennia. We see no evidence of any extrinsic and unidirectional force that should be coordinating these fields. Yet these are just the fields that seem to be moving the fastest.

Who are we? Where are we going? If we could understand the forces that are driving us, we could predict where we are going. Unfortunately, the answer may be: hell.


Jan 25, 2014
If they prove to be that bad long term, the world is really in trouble, as over 80% of the medical staff have been vaccinated. There will be chaos in the world!

Why do you think so highly of "medical staff?" Certainly, there are some good people working in the medical industry, and there are some decent services they provide (like emergency medical care, and blood donation).

But the rest? We might be far better off without them, health wise. Not that I wish any of them ill from a medical experiment, but they did consent, and should have known the risks even more so than the general public.

Now, if 80% of plumbers and garbagemen have been vaccinated, THAT would be serious cause for concern. They have done far more for the life and healthspan for the average person than most doctors.
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Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
You can play the "What if" game all day long. Why would you think the most rushed, poorly tested drugs in history are "safe?" Why would all these companies need complete immunity if they are so "safe?"

It's really a silly thought. Moderna couldn't bring a single mRNA treatment to market because of the horrid, long term effects. The reason they made the pivot to "vaccines" was in the hope that the does they selected wouldn't be too acutely toxic. Also, no Corona Virus vaccine has EVER made it to market, despite decades of trying, precisely because of the deadly long term side effects. You think they figured out all the problems with those two things in just the past 9 months?

The early returns show that they are insanely dangerous. Death reports, and other adverse affects, are exploding on the VAERS system, and compared to the flu shot, these new "vaccines" are at least 100x as deadly.
And then there's this guy:



Feb 13, 2021
And then there's this guy:
Anyone else notice that these types of people all write with the same type of tone? A tone that's bitter, rigid, cynical, nonfluid, disjointed, fatalist?

Like the only thing that makes them feel alive is their particular brand of 'science' ?

It's weird.

I view these types as being among the most intelligent dumb people. No matter how many data points their minds gather, they still manage to arrange them into a silly picture.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I am watching the sessions of the ‘Corona Ausschuss’ (corona-ausschuss.de), they had two English spoken International sessions. Dr. Reiner Füllmich, a German lawyer, is in connection with doctors and scientists and formed a network of international lawyers.

He often has Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg present, a pulmonologist who served on a German governmental board in the past where he was able to block a similar ‘plandemic’ years ago when the so-called swine flue was going to kill us all.

What essentially it boils down to is:

1) Prof. Dr. Dorsten from the Charité in Berlin prepared the PCR test protocol for the Corona virus, this was adopted by the WHO and became the standard test worldwide.
2) The notion that asymptomatic people, that means people who tested positive on the PCR test but show no symptoms, can transmit the virus.

With point 1) disproved, immediately point 2) is also wrong. Dr. Füllmich says: “With this, the whole house of cards falls apart!”

There has already been made progress: two German courts accepted that the PCR test is not suitable to diagnose a Corona infection.

These international lawyers are sharing documents and court orders worldwide.

We will soon see that this whole thing will collapse on its own weight. And the virus can easily be treated with inexpensive medications and supplements, as has been posted numerous times on this forum. The virus will be less lethal or harmful than a normal flu with such measures. But Pharma or Gates won’t make any money on that...


Jan 25, 2014
And then there's this guy:

Well, if he's writing for a website with a URL like "science based medicine dot org," that must settle it! I mean, it's right in the title that the medicine he does is science based.

I like his reasoning. Well, since the FDA or CDC didn't exclude mRNA shots from being defined as vaccines, they must be vaccines! Silly, as no mRNA therapy of any kind has ever been unleashed on the public like this before.

If you look up Gorski's funding, I'm sure it wouldn't take long to find some drug industry funding for him or his studies.


Apr 14, 2013
Considering they can’t or aren’t willing to I assume most are not healthy and making these decisions from a place of derangement.
Good point. Especially about health. Most people, including the elites, have some level of ill health which clouds their reasoning and logic.
Our masters are not geniuses. These days the western elites are actually incompetent, only skilled on climbing up the social hierarchy
Indeed! Being indoctrinated at some ivy league school does not result in wise decision making skills, on the contrary. Thanks for the reality check... Got to remember who we're dealing with here.
they prove to be that bad long term, the world is really in trouble, as over 80% of the medical staff have been vaccinated. There will be chaos in the world!
Yes medical staff will be affected too. Although, I'm quite sure the elites are not getting their personal physicians vaccinated so maybe that's not a concern to them.
Because they bashed every single vector vaccine on mass media.
Yes, I see this happening as well. The push is more for mRNA ones. Presumably to get us more comfortable with the thought of mRNA vaccines, which have already been referred to as 'trojan horses' by many.
Leaning towards this. There may be some very intelligent people with nefarious motives working behind the scenes to benefit themselves/their business/their vision for humanity. But many in the general “elite” aren’t especially bright (but have a lot of confidence in their intellect), or are conformist and unwilling to question “mainstream” narratives.

Pharma has a profit motive to push push push these vaccines. But researchers and doctors don’t need to be initiated into some secret society that conspires to make humanity infertile and dumb in order to push the vaccine. They just need, over the course of their education and practice, a thousand little nudges in perspective to make their default position “Vaccines are safe and effective. Anyone who questions this is a dangerous anti-vax conspiracist.” Same for politicians. Same for anyone in a leadership position. The “safe” stance, the “intelligent” stance, the stance that anyone worried about keeping his reputation and power can most confidently take is: “Vaccines are safe and effective. They will end this pandemic.”

To say otherwise takes an enormous amount of energy to defend, and the risk of losing face and losing status is high. The entire medical industry (as well as all the propagandized masses) is against you. Doesn’t matter if you’re right.

I don’t think the goal is population reduction. For many, it’s about keeping their position secure. For some it’s about money and financial interest. For many others, they’re primed to believe the narrative already, and they genuinely believe these vaccines are a good thing. They’ll cite a dozen sources, make their case if they have to — but the position from which they are arguing is set, and almost immovable — “vaccines are safe, pharma does rigorous testing, and it’s on YOU the disbeliever to come up with ironclad proof that these drugs are harmful, because it’s so unlikely a dangerous vaccine would ever be released in this system.” They will trust their sources, and weigh them as more trustworthy and valid than yours. And they will be confident that their reasoning is rational, unbiased, and rigorous.
Thank you for this reply. It's plausible on every level you describe. I myself fall into one of those categories you mention (in a small way at least).. I no longer have the energy to defend my anti vaccine stance, not anymore, it's no use frankly.
you look at the table of discussion from Event 201 chaired by his majesty Gates you will see that control of the media and centralized control of the internet were planned to quell any backlash and interjection from the medical and scientific community that dared to speak up about this hoax.
Oh right.. I almost forgot about event 201. Good point.
They're a new part of the cathedral:

The mystery of the cathedral

The mystery of the cathedral is that all the modern world’s legitimate and prestigious intellectual institutions, even though they have no central organizational connection, behave in many ways as if they were a single organizational structure.

Most notably, this pseudo-structure is synoptic: it has one clear doctrine or perspective. It always agrees with itself. Still more puzzlingly, its doctrine is not static; it evolves; this doctrine has a predictable direction of evolution, and the whole structure moves together.

For instance: in 2021, Harvard, Yale, the Times and the Post are on the same page. If there exists any doctrinal difference between any two of these prestigious American institutions, it is too ineffable for anyone but a Yale man to discern. (Though it may say something that Gray Mirror is not taught at Harvard.)

In 1951, Harvard, Yale, the Times and the Post were on the same page. But Yale in 1951 was on nowhere near the same page as Yale in 2021. If you could teleport either Yale into the other’s time zone, they would see each other as a den of intellectual criminals.

So it’s not just that everyone—at least, everyone cool—is on the same page. It’s more like: everyone is reading the same book—at the same speed. No wonder all the peasants are seeing conspiracies in their ************* soup. If you saw a group of bright red dots move across the evening sky this way, what would you think they were? Pigeons? Remote-controlled pigeons, illuminated by lasers? Sometimes even Occam is baffled.

Moreover, this mystery is critical to the nature, fate and epistemology of our society, because we regard the distributed nature of these prestigious and trusted institutions as an inviolable principle of of our intellectual security. We would never concede this level of axiomatic infallibility to a single organization, like the Catholic Church—that would be putting all our brains in one basket. No egghead would make that mistake.

While we are aware that individuals—even very smart individuals—can go extremely awry in their perception and analysis of reality, and while we have seen even groups do the same thing (hence “groupthink”), we are sure they cannot all go wrong together. To err is human—but eliminating error is just a function of sufficient statistical power.

But statistics only works if your samples are independent. If some mysterious force is coordinating them—you are not measuring reality, you are just measuring that force.

And indeed, our samples seem only nominally independent. While we can detect no obvious organizational connection between them, they are highly correlated. And they retain these correlations even as they move across long periods of time.

We can expect this form of coordinated progress in hard science and engineering. These fields are tightly constrained by two inexorable forces: physical reality and human ignorance. The latter relaxes its grip only by painfully-won millimeters.

But the physical and human situation of the arts and humanities—of philosophy, ethics, literature, religion and politics—has been largely unchanged for millennia. We see no evidence of any extrinsic and unidirectional force that should be coordinating these fields. Yet these are just the fields that seem to be moving the fastest.

Who are we? Where are we going? If we could understand the forces that are driving us, we could predict where we are going. Unfortunately, the answer may be: hell.
Wow. That's a lot. Thanks for the link. Let's hope it's not going to be hell. But that is my concern.
And I'm finding it very frustrating that others don't see this possibility.


Feb 18, 2018
Is it purely for power and influence?

Clearly it's dangerous and not helping to slow the thing the they call the pandemic.

At first I figured it was an effort to reduce population growth but with the information available now regarding ADE, spongiform encephalopathy, and autoimmune issues, it could potentially disable a large percentage of the population.
How will anyone benefit from a population of mostly disabled people? Sure, some will die but I think the large majority will just become fully or partially disabled.

If it's part of the technocracy agenda or the great reset; how would they benefit from a bunch of sick and disabled people?

The pharma companies will love it ... they'll have an endless flow of customers but they basically already do. They already dominate all the medical education organizations and insurance companies; how much more power and influence can they even achieve?

How will world leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats benefit when military personnel become too sick to work?

Whoever "they" are; they don't seem to be all on the same page. And I think part of this catastrophe sprung out of some major incompetency (and subsequent denial of) which has since been uncovered but it's too late; the momentum was already there and the ball kept rolling.

And don't most of us know it? Most of the people that I know that have gotten the vaccine are noticeably more stressed; like they know they gave in to the fear of being an outcast and now they have to live with it, in addition to the concern of long term effects.
... Or maybe I'm just picking up on the disturbance to the limbic system that the spike protein can cause?

There's probably no definitive answer.
Guess I'm just wondering what peoples' thoughts are.
I think it's experiments, I think there might be other civilizations we don't know about who are being experimented on too with other stuff .

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Well, if he's writing for a website with a URL like "science based medicine dot org," that must settle it! I mean, it's right in the title that the medicine he does is science based.

I like his reasoning. Well, since the FDA or CDC didn't exclude mRNA shots from being defined as vaccines, they must be vaccines! Silly, as no mRNA therapy of any kind has ever been unleashed on the public like this before.

If you look up Gorski's funding, I'm sure it wouldn't take long to find some drug industry funding for him or his studies.
Notice his tone of mockery for those "anti-vaxers" from his own industry. If one is right and true then no attack is necessary as it's a typical fear based defense from the ego. He's right because he's smarter and better looking and if you don't believe him you can ask him!! How many scientists and doctors must weigh in with the potential for RNA/DNA harm and potential prion issues for the rest of these deniers to sit up and take notice? You're right to observe that NO mRNA medicine has ever been successfully developed without dire or fatal consequences but now we are supposed to believe they achieved success with this in just a few months?


Dec 9, 2015
@Zpol I was thinking the same thing too.

There is a critical mass of manpower and expertise still needed to maintain much of the existing infrastructure society depends on; many areas could be argued to already be stretched too thin. Indiscriminately killing or maiming much of the population via the vaccines would seem to be ill thought out, at best. Or a recipe for total society & environmental collapse at worst.

AI isn't going to fill the gaps either, at least not at the current state of the art.

Exactly (and stated much more eloquently than I stated it).

Unless, of course, if "they" are actively trying to bring about their vision of End Times/Armageddon.


Mar 15, 2018
Now, if 80% of plumbers and garbagemen have been vaccinated, THAT would be serious cause for concern. They have done far more for the life and healthspan for the average person than most doctors.
Yeah, that's my biggest concern. Emergency treatment and blood donations are a necessity to an extent, everything else could be gutted as far as 'medical staff' goes.
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Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Is it purely for power and influence?

Clearly it's dangerous and not helping to slow the thing the they call the pandemic.

At first I figured it was an effort to reduce population growth but with the information available now regarding ADE, spongiform encephalopathy, and autoimmune issues, it could potentially disable a large percentage of the population.
How will anyone benefit from a population of mostly disabled people? Sure, some will die but I think the large majority will just become fully or partially disabled.

If it's part of the technocracy agenda or the great reset; how would they benefit from a bunch of sick and disabled people?

The pharma companies will love it ... they'll have an endless flow of customers but they basically already do. They already dominate all the medical education organizations and insurance companies; how much more power and influence can they even achieve?

How will world leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats benefit when military personnel become too sick to work?

Whoever "they" are; they don't seem to be all on the same page. And I think part of this catastrophe sprung out of some major incompetency (and subsequent denial of) which has since been uncovered but it's too late; the momentum was already there and the ball kept rolling.

And don't most of us know it? Most of the people that I know that have gotten the vaccine are noticeably more stressed; like they know they gave in to the fear of being an outcast and now they have to live with it, in addition to the concern of long term effects.
... Or maybe I'm just picking up on the disturbance to the limbic system that the spike protein can cause?

There's probably no definitive answer.
Guess I'm just wondering what peoples' thoughts are.
We know about close to nothing about "They" except that most probably they exist. And, it would be surprising if they didin`t, since the western civilization is so heavily and irreversibly out of track, making it so easy to be led into the "right" direction.


Jul 8, 2019
Well the figures in the UK have drastically reduced with a decent proportion being vaccinated. To the extent that they are even talking about people no longer wearing masks in the coming summer months. However, when next winter arrives we can surely expect figures to rise again.

I think ‘they’ is a term coined by conspiracy theorists. Because apparently there is a global agenda (intricately linked between all governments in all countries). This whole thing was apparently planned.

I think "conspiracy theorists" is a term coined by the ClA to fool stupid people.

"They" have made clear who they are. They are Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the rest of the Davos/Great Reset/Green New Deal crowd who have been promising for years now to replace us with AI and robots and turn the few of us who remain into perfectly-controlled cyborgs with implanted microchips and social credit systems. They are not hiding it.

They have called for ending medical care for the elderly. Goldman Sachs put out a piece of analysis in 2013 I believe that said low-dose aspirin was too beneficial to health to keep recommending it to people; they warned it would cause pension costs to rise. They have been foisting PUFAs on us for decades even though they know through feeding of their own livestock all the damage PUFAs cause. They have been pushing serotonin on depressed people even though serotonin hurts depressed people.

Now they tell cancer patients to take more opiates. "Why suffer?" They do this despite knowing that opiates are pro-cancer.

This is the crowd that has been using MK Ultra for decades to develop serial killer assets and mass shooter assets and assets like Timothy McVeigh (OKC – A Conspiracy Theory : The Corbett Report). It's the same satanic crowd that traffics children and started the crack epidemic in black L.A. neighborhoods in the 1980s.

It's the same crowd that imported the neo-Nazis who pulled off the Maidan massacre in the Ukraine to carry out Antifa violence after their asset "killed" a guy they called "George Floyd" who wasn't really George Floyd, because the real Floyd's lawyer and legal guardian said Floyd had died two years earlier.

They are the descendants of the same elites who supported Hitler, even while our troops were in Europe fighting Hitler, and the same sociopaths who ran the experiments in concentration camps and were brought to the U.S. and other countries in droves by Allen Dulles.

Haidut has raised this question to Ray on the Danny Roddy podcasts more than once and Ray keeps saying the same things I'm saying here. I'm not the only one who sees this.


Jul 8, 2019
Why do you think so highly of "medical staff?" Certainly, there are some good people working in the medical industry, and there are some decent services they provide (like emergency medical care, and blood donation).

But the rest? We might be far better off without them, health wise. Not that I wish any of them ill from a medical experiment, but they did consent, and should have known the risks even more so than the general public.

Now, if 80% of plumbers and garbagemen have been vaccinated, THAT would be serious cause for concern. They have done far more for the life and healthspan for the average person than most doctors.

Amen, tanka.

Of course, killing off our medical staff makes it a lot easier to kill off all the old people and middle-aged people they poisoned and medicalized.


Jul 8, 2019
@Zpol I was thinking the same thing too.

There is a critical mass of manpower and expertise still needed to maintain much of the existing infrastructure society depends on; many areas could be argued to already be stretched too thin. Indiscriminately killing or maiming much of the population via the vaccines would seem to be ill thought out, at best. Or a recipe for total society & environmental collapse at worst.

AI isn't going to fill the gaps either, at least not at the current state of the art.

They already have plenty of slaves in their Xinjiang concentration camps to meet their needs.

They don't care about society for us.

They think we are causing environmental collapse and all they have to do is get rid of us and expand their 50,000-acre estates to 12 million acres.

Tanzania must be saved as a hunting preserve for Charles. Zuck gets all of Hawaii.


Jul 8, 2019
What if the vaccines are overall fairly safe? Not saying they are harmless, but most people seem to have responded ok. Only reason I am not taking is because I am young and kind of scared of long term effects

Every doctor and scientist who has talked about this says the worst effects hit down the road, when you're confronted with coronaviruses (and whatever else they are sticking in the shot) in the wild. It takes 8 weeks to get your cells churning out the spike proteins in any numbers.

All we've seen so far is the allergic reactions to the experimental lipid layer crap and polyethylene glycol coating the mRNA.

And just because the media is not reporting the harm from the vaccines doesn't mean it's not there. There's been a 6000% increase in miscarriages during the vaccine period. Old people in Germany and Israel are dying in droves from the vaccines.

And the whole plan is to vaccinate you over and over and over with top-up vaccines where, because of the emergency authorization, they can inject anything they want without anyone knowing what's in the injections.

I just read a diary by a Jewish woman that covered her years in Frankfurt, Germany from 1933 to 1945. Her father was an important research doctor and not Jewish, so she and her mother were left alone until the very end.

As the Allies reached the outskirts of Frankfurt and were shelling the city, all the Hitler supporters continued to believe in him. In March 1945, they still believed he would win the war.

I'm actually starting to understand why the elites are killing us. We're so stupid, why not?


Jul 8, 2019
We will soon see that this whole thing will collapse on its own weight. And the virus can easily be treated with inexpensive medications and supplements, as has been posted numerous times on this forum. The virus will be less lethal or harmful than a normal flu with such measures.

And hundreds of millions of people around the world will have gotten a vaccine far more harmful and lethal, including a lot of the people around here.


Apr 14, 2013
Why do you think so highly of "medical staff?" Certainly, there are some good people working in the medical industry, and there are some decent services they provide (like emergency medical care, and blood donation).

But the rest? We might be far better off without them, health wise. Not that I wish any of them ill from a medical experiment, but they did consent, and should have known the risks even more so than the general public.

Now, if 80% of plumbers and garbagemen have been vaccinated, THAT would be serious cause for concern. They have done far more for the life and healthspan for the average person than most doctors.
The 80% of medical staff who got the vaccine are probably the most incompetent ones anyway so no loss there. But yes, the plumbers and garbage men are the ones truly doing the important work. Not sure how we'd make it without them.
Anyone else notice that these types of people all write with the same type of tone? A tone that's bitter, rigid, cynical, nonfluid, disjointed, fatalist?

Like the only thing that makes them feel alive is their particular brand of 'science' ?

It's weird.

I view these types as being among the most intelligent dumb people. No matter how many data points their minds gather, they still manage to arrange them into a silly picture.
Yes, I wrote Gorski off years ago. Anyone can pour over the research databases and journal articles and find all information that supports their theory and simply disregard the rest as stuff only idiots buy into. Edit... Although I do check in on him once in a while to see what kind of BS the mainstream "experts" are spewing.
I am watching the sessions of the ‘Corona Ausschuss’ (corona-ausschuss.de), they had two English spoken International sessions. Dr. Reiner Füllmich, a German lawyer, is in connection with doctors and scientists and formed a network of international lawyers.

He often has Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg present, a pulmonologist who served on a German governmental board in the past where he was able to block a similar ‘plandemic’ years ago when the so-called swine flue was going to kill us all.

What essentially it boils down to is:

1) Prof. Dr. Dorsten from the Charité in Berlin prepared the PCR test protocol for the Corona virus, this was adopted by the WHO and became the standard test worldwide.
2) The notion that asymptomatic people, that means people who tested positive on the PCR test but show no symptoms, can transmit the virus.

With point 1) disproved, immediately point 2) is also wrong. Dr. Füllmich says: “With this, the whole house of cards falls apart!”

There has already been made progress: two German courts accepted that the PCR test is not suitable to diagnose a Corona infection.

These international lawyers are sharing documents and court orders worldwide.

We will soon see that this whole thing will collapse on its own weight. And the virus can easily be treated with inexpensive medications and supplements, as has been posted numerous times on this forum. The virus will be less lethal or harmful than a normal flu with such measures. But Pharma or Gates won’t make any money on that...
Thank you! This gives me a shred of hope. Although, I think the damage has already been done.
I like his reasoning. Well, since the FDA or CDC didn't exclude mRNA shots from being defined as vaccines, they must be vaccines! Silly, as no mRNA therapy of any kind has ever been unleashed on the public like this before.
Right. His reasoning is a joke. He clearly thinks we're all just too daft to see the huge gaps in his logic. I'm sure he thinks he's the only intelligent person on the planet.
I think "conspiracy theorists" is a term coined by the ClA to fool stupid people.

"They" have made clear who they are. They are Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the rest of the Davos/Great Reset/Green New Deal crowd who have been promising for years now to replace us with AI and robots and turn the few of us who remain into perfectly-controlled cyborgs with implanted microchips and social credit systems. They are not hiding it.

They have called for ending medical care for the elderly. Goldman Sachs put out a piece of analysis in 2013 I believe that said low-dose aspirin was too beneficial to health to keep recommending it to people; they warned it would cause pension costs to rise. They have been foisting PUFAs on us for decades even though they know through feeding of their own livestock all the damage PUFAs cause. They have been pushing serotonin on depressed people even though serotonin hurts depressed people.

Now they tell cancer patients to take more opiates. "Why suffer?" They do this despite knowing that opiates are pro-cancer.

This is the crowd that has been using MK Ultra for decades to develop serial killer assets and mass shooter assets and assets like Timothy McVeigh (OKC – A Conspiracy Theory : The Corbett Report). It's the same satanic crowd that traffics children and started the crack epidemic in black L.A. neighborhoods in the 1980s.

It's the same crowd that imported the neo-Nazis who pulled off the Maidan massacre in the Ukraine to carry out Antifa violence after their asset "killed" a guy they called "George Floyd" who wasn't really George Floyd, because the real Floyd's lawyer and legal guardian said Floyd had died two years earlier.

They are the descendants of the same elites who supported Hitler, even while our troops were in Europe fighting Hitler, and the same sociopaths who ran the experiments in concentration camps and were brought to the U.S. and other countries in droves by Allen Dulles.

Haidut has raised this question to Ray on the Danny Roddy podcasts more than once and Ray keeps saying the same things I'm saying here. I'm not the only one who sees this.
I must admit I have my own cognitive bias. It makes it hard for me to see how this all trickles down but I know you're correct, as is RP.


Jul 8, 2019
I must admit I have my own cognitive bias. It makes it hard for me to see how this all trickles down but I know you're correct, as is RP.

One of the things that have most surprised me lately is the outcry of establishment doctors and scientists, who are suddenly pushing these outlandish "conspiracy theories".

Doctors and scientists of great reputation and accomplishment are openly saying that they believe the vaccine is being used to kill us in great numbers. The videos are in many of the recent Covid threads here and there are many more that haven't been posted here. Michael Yeadon, former VP at Pfizer, is saying it and he says he is terrified to say it but feels he must.

These are people with a lot to lose by pushing a "conspiracy theory" and yet they are saying it anyway and calling out people like Fauci for crimes against humanity.

Why do you suppose this is happening? I've never seen this kind of talk from mainstream doctors before.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Leaning towards this. There may be some very intelligent people with nefarious motives working behind the scenes to benefit themselves/their business/their vision for humanity. But many in the general “elite” aren’t especially bright (but have a lot of confidence in their intellect), or are conformist and unwilling to question “mainstream” narratives.

Pharma has a profit motive to push push push these vaccines. But researchers and doctors don’t need to be initiated into some secret society that conspires to make humanity infertile and dumb in order to push the vaccine. They just need, over the course of their education and practice, a thousand little nudges in perspective to make their default position “Vaccines are safe and effective. Anyone who questions this is a dangerous anti-vax conspiracist.” Same for politicians. Same for anyone in a leadership position. The “safe” stance, the “intelligent” stance, the stance that anyone worried about keeping his reputation and power can most confidently take is: “Vaccines are safe and effective. They will end this pandemic.”

To say otherwise takes an enormous amount of energy to defend, and the risk of losing face and losing status is high. The entire medical industry (as well as all the propagandized masses) is against you. Doesn’t matter if you’re right.

I don’t think the goal is population reduction. For many, it’s about keeping their position secure. For some it’s about money and financial interest. For many others, they’re primed to believe the narrative already, and they genuinely believe these vaccines are a good thing. They’ll cite a dozen sources, make their case if they have to — but the position from which they are arguing is set, and almost immovable — “vaccines are safe, pharma does rigorous testing, and it’s on YOU the disbeliever to come up with ironclad proof that these drugs are harmful, because it’s so unlikely a dangerous vaccine would ever be released in this system.” They will trust their sources, and weigh them as more trustworthy and valid than yours. And they will be confident that their reasoning is rational, unbiased, and rigorous.
Well stated animalcute. Rather than some vast conspiracy amongst a global group with a singular agenda, vaccine orthodoxy is the logical result of typical human conformism and a system that commoditizes everything.
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