

Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I will not be bitter that I let 'medicine' nearly kill me but instead I will be grateful that I found a better way to live and discovered true healing.
I will not be bitter that I must see people I love and adore suffer from the consequences of conventional wisdom. Instead I will live by example and offer support when I am asked to help.
I will not wallow in self pity that I lost so many years of my life to illness but I will appreciate each day that I have been given and use my newfound health and energy to make the world a better place.
I'm certain I am not the only one out there who has experienced a such a radical change in their health and that gives me comfort, knowing I'm not alone.
Some days I look back and it's hard to believe that this is the same life because so much has changed.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be where I am today. In many ways I feel healthier than I did as a child,which I know sounds farfetched but it's the honest truth. It's times like these when a small part of me wants to be angry at the loss of my health at such a young age. What could I have done or would I have done had I been healthy? When society provides horrible foods, terrible nutritional guidelines and pathetic and damaging medicine everyone suffers. I believe it does have a ripple effect on us all as a whole.
I refuse to be bitter about it now because I've missed out on too much already.
I wonder if any of you out there ever feel this way? If so what helps you rise above it and continue moving forward?
Nov 26, 2013
Remember this, the world is not yet a place in which we can fully proxy our entire existence (especially not our health and food), like in the perfect organismic society that we should be struggling to build. But no, we shouldn't strive for that either. Promote communication between the people and let it stand up on its own legs. Besides, the will to offload onto others should never be the beacon of anyone's future. Rather, focus on what you are good at to do even more of it. Utilization of energy is what makes us alive, the great gift the cosmos has kept for us.

Because we all realize how grossly blunt the westerner's approach is. It's been a thousand years or more, but the bloodletting and the unnecessary surgeries are all there in some covert guise, at the meeting point of reductionism, confusion, and money.

If you project your sanity, and the serenity from it derived, unto fellow humans you will always be successful. Or, at least you will die a satisfied person.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks for sharing those thoughts. Most of the time I'm a peace with the reality of the world around me but every now and then I will have an experience where I witness so much unnecessary suffering all at once that it starts to become a bit overwhelming. I've never been a selfish person and maybe I'm a bit idealistic but I would like to see a bit more sanity in societies approach to nutrition and healthcare. I guess you get better at coping with it over time too. I would love for others to be able to experience the health that you and I and others have achieved through Ray Peat's work but I suppose when the time is right for each individual it may happen for them too. I'm so grateful for my healing and I suppose I want that for everyone else too when in reality it's not always the path that others might want for themselves. I'm attempting to be mindful of my feelings on this topic so I put it here to see if others had insight on the subject. I wonder if there is some form of 'survivors guilt' at play? There is a woman I know who is missing both her legs from the knees down and has male pattern baldness. She is only four years older than me. One day she went into cardiac arrest and we actually brought her back to full functioning which never happens. She didn't even care. I don't know if I blame her because she really has no hope. If mainstream medicine and society was more sane in the approach to health I wonder what her life would be like today. I can't help but think if she had been able to follow a lifestyle inline with Ray Peat's work years ago she may have a much different life today. This is just an extreme example of the needless suffering I witness daily so I suppose it would get to anyone eventually. I will take your advise such_saturation and focus my energy in areas that I enjoy, do well in and can make a difference. Thanks for the input.
Nov 26, 2013
I know my environment has been very protective of me, but I think guilt is not appropriate here, if before my time ends I am able to spread some sense around me and hopefully start a positive feedback loop of people who are brought to do the same. Looking at history it used to be kings and queens who had the time to think and act, and this always turned out to be unproductive, they always got weak and saw the world as a personal playground.

Now we see the chance of owning some time to think and act ourselves, this aspect is slowly but steadily disassociating with the concept of traditional power, the one that corrupts.

In a way I think this is the idea behind the Bible, that is to make the positive aspects of our human soul go "viral". Let the unjust be unjust still. Evil consumes itself. Complain less and show the other cheek. Let your actions surpass theirs. Laugh as your smile affects them.

Unfortunately the wrong metaphors were taken as the important teaching (that God is an angry bearded guy who does the punishing; the prayer; the reward, etc.) not the values themselves. Whatever the church's view is, is irrelevant, for the layman's take on the teaching is the actual result, and it is also what the church exploits ultimately (this says a lot about their own views).

I am sure I am not as wise as I could be, but dire events are not something you can wish upon for yourself. This is where real journalism (not the warm and fuzzy kind) and politics (not the "politically correct" kind) come into play. To show us the real issues.

This is all my modest opinion of course. Take care.


Jan 22, 2013
blossom, youre amazing for overcoming what you have (I don't know what it is, but can infer from what I read). Life presents everyone challenges, in all walks of life...few people have perfect lives, probably the culture many hide things. It takes a courageous soul who is dedicated to what is right, against the grain, to ever find true levels of peace and happiness. Life itself...not just other people, or society, its just the negative way minds can work...and cause people to do things, and all the challenges of life, make it a rather chaotic place where many place more importance on survival and other worldy things and horde, rather than allow their true soul to be any cost, no matter the grain you might be against. Basically...don't feel bad that you lost didn't actually, most people eventually hit difficult challenges, probably all people, and most stay on the downhill until they die. It takes a change of heart, which comes from the courage of your soul, to actually yourself. I know how hard it is because its been a test of me for the past many years, and yet it pays off to be true. You should know that you've done an incredible thing, and your perceived loss is only because you compare to the nonexistent people who've had a cakewalk. If you see a truly happy healthy person above age 28 or so, they are a rare and special person...I mean healthy of body mind soul and non programmed, and you can be sure they are having to actively stay afloat in a conscious way. Its something to be highly respected for

sorry that wasn't too coherent, but I hope the vibe was sent


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks pboy, I got your vibe. I'm really glad that I've had the opportunity to turn things around. I'm certain that if I hadn't discovered Peat that never would have happened for me. Repairing individual health now seems like the easy part in hindsight. Not to make light of the process, and I do think it's an ongoing process, but there are so many very simple and basic things that anyone can easily do that are simply vilified by the mainstream and popular culture (salt, CO2 etc.) and our society as a whole seems diminished because of this. If you take anyone of us as an example and gave each person on earth the same degree of increased vitality I'm sure it would be unimaginable the changes that would occur. I suppose it is a good sign to be thinking of humanity improving rather than feeling the tug of regret over a past that can't be altered. It really is a shame that there is such rampant suffering due to misinformation but maybe just living better ourselves can begin to start a chain reaction in a positive direction. Hopefully our energy is contagious. I feel an inspirational Peat quote coming soon...
It really is much more fun too living this way. I dare say over the last few months I've started to feel some child like curiosity, interest and hope again.
I even had a minor set back brought on by extreme stress and I was able to gather my strength and rebound at an amazing rate. I'm more grateful now for this second chance at life than when I originally posted.


Jan 22, 2013
awesome blossom, always keep yourself up for your own soul first and foremost, and surely by diffusion those around will be effected. We were born into a situation in the world that seems insurmountably polluted, but I believe its possible to turn it around. Theres only the truth, and the ideal...and the more we have that in mind in every decision we make, slowly or hopefully quickly it will be known by more and more people and things will happen in a good way. Either way Im pushing for it, regardless of if it happens or not...I cant feel good any other way. You deserve to be as happy as you can every innocent and playful way, in every emotional and peaceful way. If life is bearing on us but we are all together in harmony, with intelligence, and for each others all well being...things don't effect is but when we feel damaged or wronged by other people, that they don't have out highest well being in mind, that things turn into negative emotion. Be the solution, live it, make decisions towards it, drop jewels towards it, and keep your heart open and eyes up. Theres at least one other person that will always have your highest well being in mind. Many people are also elevated by you at times you may not even know it, so always leave your true residue wherever you are...the realest open truthful residue


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Such beauty and truth in those words pboy!
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