Best Supplements For Healing Muscle/Tendon Injuries


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Oct 6, 2012
Gelatin, progesterone, sugar and Vitamin D - sunshine. Red light is excellent but takes time; used together with sugar works much faster. Sugar syrup in milk works rapidly in streaming stem cells to the injured area.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
I injured my shoulder neck and back area working out a few years back. And I've never fully resolved the issue. It's kind of a nagging issue and every so often I'll "reinjure" it.

Can anyone recommend any supplements or techniques that helped them heal chronic, nagging wounds?

Muscles im thinking maybe creatine can help? Also a sort of healing approach work it. Stretch it work it out with light weights so you dont injure it but still build new fibers then stretch more etc. rest from harder exercise.


Dec 16, 2014

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
What about doing light concentric exercise, such as rowing, with resistance bands and do short isometric holds to stimulate blood flow and then supplement gelatin and vit C before and/or after to stimulate collagen regeneration.

Have you been to a Chiro to see if you have any knots, or misaligned spine or other joints?

I've heard TB-500 is great for regenerating injuries, but have never tried it or am advising it. Just mentioning.

Yea I've been to a few massage therapists and things like that over the years

My real issue is that I my jaw was knocked out of alignment and I injured my shoulder neck doing shoulder presses within the same month a few years ago

I got splint therapy for tmj disorder from my jaw being out of place, but the problem is that you can never fully get it back to where it's supposed to be when the joints slip out of the discs. Tmj dentists make you a splint to create enough space between the joint and the jaw bone so that they aren't constantly in contact like they were before my treatment. So I think that my persistent neck shoulder tightness is related to this, but I also know for sure there is some kind of unresolved wound or knot or lactic acid buildup deep in the left shoulder blade area.

I will look into TB-500, unfortunately this is not an injury that can be resolved by pressure point therapy, red light, aspirin. I think I need something more intense

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
Gelatin, progesterone, sugar and Vitamin D - sunshine. Red light is excellent but takes time; used together with sugar works much faster. Sugar syrup in milk works rapidly in streaming stem cells to the injured area.

I haven't tried topical preg/progest on the area so I will give it a try

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
TB-500 and BCP-157, nothing compares

Completely healed my nagging shoulder injuries in just a few weeks of daily injections

What source of TB-500 did you use? And would oral work just as well as injections? I don't think I can reach the spot myself lol and I feel like everyone I would ask to help me would be freaked out

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
But with less side effects, growth hormone causes insulin resistance

I’m not suggesting you are conflating the three but BCP-157 and TB-500 aren’t growth hormone secretagogues - although they are often grouped with them
No, i dont know much about TB-500 or BCP-157


Dec 3, 2017
Apart from gelatin etc, I do know that the physiology mirrors the psychology. A lot of the times, when athletes are referred to as being 'made of glass', their teams and expert doctors are not usually sure why they have frequent injuries. Now, system compensations excluded, the mind can and does sabotage the body and vice-versa. Often injury has nothing to do with the actual bio-mechanical movement of an individual but rather, what's going on in their heads. It's just one of those things you gotta figure out. What I do know is that the higher the youth hormones, the less chance of injury and quicker regeneration there is. This is fundamental at this point. When I was ejaculating 4 x a day, everyday, my rate of injury was literally ridiculous. Tyson didn't bust a nut for years...he said it had no effect but if you know, you know. Have you heard of brahmacharya? The Central Asian and South Asian wrestlers practiced this for ages, and were rarely in conditions of severe injury or compromised regeneration, training for hours upon hours everyday. Youth hormones really are everything.

edit: Also the fascial system is absolutely key. If you notice, athletes that are outliers and rarely suffer injury have a morphological change in their feet, almost clawed like with super promenent tendons. A bunch of people have asked me for the PDF on this, but I don't have access to my old laptop. Just google the Hyperarch system. If you look at the feet of the Masaai tribe, and see how they pull of a 40inch vertical jump, without use of their arms, repeatedly...the RSI is insane. But it starts to make sense.


Feb 3, 2019
Tb 500 raised estrogen for me, it also increases angiogenesis
Im sure those work however
HGH isnt as scary as people think

Taurine for some reason I feel would work


May 17, 2018
What source of TB-500 did you use? And would oral work just as well as injections? I don't think I can reach the spot myself lol and I feel like everyone I would ask to help me would be freaked out
An online Australian vendor, wouldn’t be worth sharing as the pricing here in Australia are 3-4x more expensive then elsewhere. Besides it’s all made in China then imported by middlemen anyway. You’d be safe with almost any source as it’s quite cheap, it’s unlikely a business would risk it’s reputation for a small profit.
TB-500 does not need to be injected near the injury site as it has systemic effects. Personally I injected it subcutaneously into my stomach fat, similar to how a diabetic would inject insulin.
BCP-157 on the other hand needs to be injected near the injury site as it works locally.


Feb 3, 2019
It is saying it is bad for insulin, and lowers Type 2 muscle fiber but that was in people with acrogemaly for years. It also is bad for the heart.
It does say metablosim and VO2 max.
So bad for muscle and strength, good for metabolsim (possibly) and VO2?

It's a lot to understand. I'm personally going to try HGH for around 3 months and see if it gets me taller. There is no denying it is the best thing in the world for trying to grow taller


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

you have free reign to "advertise" any of your products that you believe would be helpful lol

Nope, FDA disallows ANY advertising for any named condition officially considered a disease by them. In fact, most lawyers I have consulted will advise against making any health claims, even anti-aging ones (aging is NOT considered a disease by the FDA). What I am allowed to do is extract specific quotes from studies and underline the portions pertaining to what the authors thought was helpful for a specific issue. And this is pretty much what I have been doing for all products. Until the laws change I can't really recommend anything unless I retain an MD who can evaluate people buying products and make an informed opinion. But even he/she cannot advocate products for specific conditions since they are not approved by the FDA for any conditions. Some advocacy can be done as an "off-label" suggestion but nothing of what we sell can really be prescribed officially, even by an MD.
Such is the state of affairs right now :):


Jun 19, 2017
Nope, FDA disallows ANY advertising for any named condition officially considered a disease by them. In fact, most lawyers I have consulted will advise against making any health claims, even anti-aging ones (aging is NOT considered a disease by the FDA). What I am allowed to do is extract specific quotes from studies and underline the portions pertaining to what the authors thought was helpful for a specific issue. And this is pretty much what I have been doing for all products. Until the laws change I can't really recommend anything unless I retain an MD who can evaluate people buying products and make an informed opinion. But even he/she cannot advocate products for specific conditions since they are not approved by the FDA for any conditions. Some advocacy can be done as an "off-label" suggestion but nothing of what we sell can really be prescribed officially, even by an MD.
Such is the state of affairs right now :):

Maybe you can say what ameliorates the flow of qi in the tendon or muscle? :):


Feb 4, 2019
DMSO, diluted 2 parts DMSO to 1 part water or aloe vera juice. Mix this 1:1 with magnesium oil. Works wonders for me.


Dec 3, 2017
An online Australian vendor, wouldn’t be worth sharing as the pricing here in Australia are 3-4x more expensive then elsewhere. Besides it’s all made in China then imported by middlemen anyway. You’d be safe with almost any source as it’s quite cheap, it’s unlikely a business would risk it’s reputation for a small profit.
TB-500 does not need to be injected near the injury site as it has systemic effects. Personally I injected it subcutaneously into my stomach fat, similar to how a diabetic would inject insulin.
BCP-157 on the other hand needs to be injected near the injury site as it works locally.

Absolutely fascinating, forreal. TB-500 aside, is there any dietary or supplement program that can mimic the process it induces in the body?


May 17, 2018
Absolutely fascinating, forreal. TB-500 aside, is there any dietary or supplement program that can mimic the process it induces in the body?
I don’t believe so. Stem cell injections might out compete with its effectiveness but are cost prohibitive.


Jun 7, 2019

I hope it is OK to post a related question in this thread rather than opening another.

I am just wondering if the advice above would also apply more generally to strengthening the connective tissues of the whole body so that they become more resistant to injuries? And also if there is anything else that could be done/used with that in mind.

I have tried to lift weights on and off for a few years and found that various injuries occur almost like clockwork after certain intervals of working out (e.g. something minor at about 5 weeks, and something more substantial at 4-5 months). I was very skinny and weak as a young man and have the feeling that my body is somehow just structurally weak as a result of not developing properly.

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