Caffeine Pills Versus Coffee/My Experience

Owen B

Jun 10, 2016
I just recently switched to using caffeine pills and find them much better than coffee.

Coffee gives me decent drive but almost always makes me a little jittery. Even if I take it with a little fructose. (My T3 is low normal and I've not researched any possible liver issues yet).

But the pill (half a 200 mg tab) is excellent. Very balanced energy, no jitteriness, good concentration and warm mood.

I had some low sugar this AM but I noticed I did not have a very big first meal. (Can of tuna and a carrot). Mistake.

When I take that dose I do well with a larger meal. I don't see myself taking any more than the 100 mgs.

The only other stuff I'm taking is 10-15 mgs of Progestene and bag breathing 3 times a day. This is the best I've felt in a long time.

(I'll treat myself to some coffee every now and then because I love the taste).


Dec 8, 2016


May 1, 2016
Coffee contains both stomach acid inhibiting and acid promoting substances. Compared to pills I definitely find coffee messes with my digestion and suspect it's partly due to the acid inhibition.


Jun 19, 2014
Have people who take caffeine pills noticed a tolerance develop?
I don't know about pills, but since I've started thyroid, I can miss coffee "doses" and I might feel a little low energy, but I don't get a withdrawal headache.


Apr 14, 2016
I am currently experiencing the adrenaline type feeling with coffee after about an hour or so of consuming it. I also notice that when I react to coffee this way I also get the urge to pee soon after and it always smells so much like coffee. I remember another user mentioned this as well. My current theory is that it has to do with the way the liver processes the different compounds in coffee, as when I felt like I was at an optimal state of health, I used to drink 3-4 cups a day with no issues. I also feel that I do much better with pure caffeine like Redbull/caffeine powder.

Owen B

Jun 10, 2016
I've only been using them (pills) for about a week.

The only problem I had the other day was not eating big enough a meal and taking the pill too soon in the meal. (That's my theory).

I was craving sugar the whole day and my sugar didn't stabilize until the evening. And a headache.

Today I had coffee at Starbucks and my sugar dropped. I think the pills have a strong effect. I don't usually have a sugar drop when I have coffee. I'm guessing Starbucks coffee has a large amt of caffeine. I think I'll try a small next time with a little sugar and see what happens.

But I'm going to go back to the pills and see if i can manage them better. They have a better overall effect, especially psychologically.

I hope I don't get a tolerance.

Deleted member 5487

Redbull was getting expensive, coffee was causing serioues issues. Picked up 50x 200mg last night. Feeling great... particularly with some water w/ taurine same time.


Mar 15, 2014
Something about coffee just doesn't sit well with me.
Yes, coffee and decaf coffee both increase homocysteine.
Keratoconus patients (misshapen eye) have markedly high homocysteine, and a common side effect of coffee is high eye pressure. Thus homocysteine causes high eye pressure in some people, and if it's bad enough you get keratoconus.

Folate can help reduce this, but I prefer to just avoid coffee. Decaf gives me the same exact symptoms as coffee, but tea and caffeine pills only give me the good parts.

Deleted member 5487

Yes, coffee and decaf coffee both increase homocysteine.
Keratoconus patients (misshapen eye) have markedly high homocysteine, and a common side effect of coffee is high eye pressure. Thus homocysteine causes high eye pressure in some people, and if it's bad enough you get keratoconus.

Folate can help reduce this, but I prefer to just avoid coffee. Decaf gives me the same exact symptoms as coffee, but tea and caffeine pills only give me the good parts.

Coffee also tickles adreanline receptors and can block B1. I took just caffeine pills and feel amazing, actually can focus too.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
- Absorption rate of methylxanthines following capsules, cola and chocolate

"The study consisted of 5 oral treatments designed to deliver doses of caffeine and/or theobromine equivalent to those found in dietary loads of a chocolate candy and cola beverage."

"The 5 treatments were:

- a chocolate candy treatment (Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate; New and Improved, 82 g containing 72 mg caffeine and 370 mg theobromine)
- a cola beverage treatment (Coca-Cola Classic from a single production lot code, 800 ml containing 72 mg caffeine)
- 2 treatments of anhydrous caffeine administered in capsules (72 mg)
- a theobromine treatment administered in capsules (370 mg)​

The 5 treatments were administered in mixed order no less than 72 h apart."

"For the chocolate candy treatment, two 41.0 g chocolate candy bars were divided into 5 equal portions which subjects consumed at an even pace across the 5 min treatment interval; subjects drank water (360 ml, 54°F) with the chocolate. For the soft drink treatment, cola beverage (800 ml, 54°F) was divided evenly into 5 equal volumes and subjects were asked to drink them at an even pace (160 ml/min) during the 5 min treatment interval. On days in which subjects received capsule treatments, 2 capsules of caffeine (36 mg each) or 2 capsules of theobromine (185 mg each) were ingested 2.5 min into the 5 min treatment interval with water (360 ml, 54°F). Capsules were size 0 hard gelatin. Capsule contents were prepared from combinations of powdered lactose (filler) and theobromine or caffeine anhydrous."




Jul 13, 2023
Recently I started noticing that I get "high" after drinking coffee. And it's not that positive high like a shot of dopamine. It's just weird. It's hard to describe, it's more noticeable when it's dark outside and I feel like I'm high, my view of the world changes. I know it sounds weird, but I can't really describe it. I recently tried caffeine pills and I don't have that feeling, So the problem is not the caffeine. I think it might be the effect of the antioxidants because I also feel weird after eating more berries, but I'm not sure. I have tried different brands and instant coffee and still the same.
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