Calcium mood/heart rate/cardio performance



Every time I start supplementing Calcium carbonate again I notice the same thing: my resting HR drops to a normal level. I feel like it lowers adrenaline for me. I always ran pretty high on my resting HR and despite my exercise and peaty lifestyle I am very easily winded and have been my entire life. Calcium significantly improves my cardio performance which isn't something I've really heard about around here. My Vitamin D has been both very low and at the top of the reference range and even when it's high supplementing calcium still does something. It also shuts down my negative inner voice. I consume OK amounts of dairy, primarily milk but not every day unfortunately. I definitely have a daily source of Calcium and I seem to average 500-1000 mg and I know my Phosphorous intake is pretty high so I really should be consuming more Calcium.

Calcium also feels somewhat dopaminergic for me too. Overall it just makes me feel better. My issue is that K2 seems to give me a high serotonin feeling - restless legs, typical high serotonin symptoms. At this point I can't tolerate K2 mk4 or mk7 at all. Even 200 mcg K2 can make me feel extremely restless and weird. I've tried four brands at this point. Oh also, Calcium carbonate counterintuitively improves my transit time and digestion. What should I watch out for if I can't tolerate K2 in any capacity and want to supplement Ca? Currently I supplement 500 mg Carbonate daily which brings my total to 1g-1.5g on average.
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Mar 29, 2016
When there is sufficient calcium in your blood, CO2 production isn't inhibited. It has something to do with CO2 being supportive of osteoblast activity (where calcium is used to build bones) and CO2 being a hindrance to osteoclast activity (when calcium is drawn from the bone structure). When CO2 production is inhibited in cells, lactic acid is produced. With lactic acid production, the cell has an increased negative charge, and it attracts calcium more. Since calcium goes in and out of the cell as a normal physiologic process, more calcium gets to stay in the cell. More calcium is supposed to stay outside the cell than inside of it at any given time. I believe the optimal ratio is 12000:1. If the ratio is disturbed and more calcium stays inside the cell, the ionic gradient that is involved in muscular contraction and relaxation is affected. This would cause the heart muscle to be less efficient in pumping blood and more strokes are needed, and that would explain the increase in heart rate.

So maybe that is what is going on with you as far as calcium goes. However, I could not explain why you have issues with taking K2. I know only vaguely that calcium going out of the cell is aided also by vitamin K complexes, but I don't understand the mechanism involved. Perhaps you can try vitamin k1 instead, either as supplement or through food.
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