Darkening Eyebrow Hairs Using Copper By Ray Peat


Jun 10, 2016
From Generative Energy:

I had some eyebrow hairs that were pure white; when one matured and fell out, another white one would replace it. They grow quickly, and have a short life cycle, so they are nice to experiment with.

I went on a very low iron diet, eating mostly milk, with some eggs, cheese, and citrus fruit, but with very little meat for several weeks. I cooked eggs in a copper pan, to increase my copper intake and to avoid iron absorbed from an iron pan. I found a source of vitamin A without preservative, and began using large amounts of that, which I had not done for several years because of an allergy to the preservative. I in-creased my doses of DHEA and pregnenolone.

Usually on alternate days, I would rub vitamin A and vitamin E (sometimes with DHEA), or a solution of copper acetate, into the skin around the white hairs. Within a few weeks, the bottom of one of the white hairs had begun to darken (Figure 1--the hair on the right). Another hair (the center one) came out a couple of weeks later, and was dark-ened along about half of its length. The third hair (on the left) came out two or three weeks later, and was all black except for 3 millimeters at the tip, which had begun growing about the time the other two were changing color. It has been about two months since I stopped cooking regularly in copper (the taste gets very tiresome), and none of the hairs has reverted to white. (The black lines were about 2 mm. apart; they allow both colors to be seen in the xerox copy.) The fine tops of the hairs end at lines 8, 9, and 7, going from left to right; each hair has a few mm. of intermediate light brown, which doesn't reproduce well.


Dec 7, 2015
So do you think that as people age they become more and more copper deficient? Because I doubt Dr. Peat is copper deficient, but yet he has gray hair. So what are some other causes of gray hair besides copper deficiency? Why does the body stop producing pigments? Why does this start typically in particular regions of hair, such as the temples?


Oct 11, 2015
So do you think that as people age they become more and more copper deficient? Because I doubt Dr. Peat is copper deficient, but yet he has gray hair. So what are some other causes of gray hair besides copper deficiency? Why does the body stop producing pigments? Why does this start typically in particular regions of hair, such as the temples?
good questions


Apr 30, 2015
I have had some similar effects since eating more shrimp, but was just a feeling, not confirmed.


Mar 15, 2014
An interesting thing is that hair seems to respond as if it were "alive" all the way through the strand.

My hair will become straighter when healthy, even at the very tip of the strand.


Apr 6, 2017
In NOV 2016 I donated blood and have continued on average every 2-3 months. by March 2017, I noticed a patch of brown hair appearing on the top of my head. (my entire scalp was covered in gray/white hair in NOV 2016) My eyebrows were also white.

Now (April 2018) most of my gray hair on the top of my head has been replaced by brown/dark hair. eyebrows now have only one or two gray hairs. side burns are still mostly gray. I noticed facial hair in mustache region turned from gray to black. Other places facial hair is still mostly gray hair for example chin and sideburns.

I have been supplementing with 2mg/day copper for several years before starting to donate blood and have continued.

I did add once a week 3x oysters, and every week or two eat ~3-4oz liver.

I just started rubbing a copper ointment on my right side burns to see of topical application has any effect. Still too early to tell.

to track my iron level. I had TIBC (total iron binding capacity) and ferritin blood tests several times in the last 15 months
Ferritin (22-365 ug/dl)
12/30/16 350
1/5/18 218

TIBC (228-428 ug/dl)
12/30/16 256
1/5/18 264

I will continue to donate blood every few months, and monitor iron markers to see if any are out of line or stop if I don't feel good.


Feb 26, 2018
An interesting thing is that hair seems to respond as if it were "alive" all the way through the strand.

My hair will become straighter when healthy, even at the very tip of the strand.

i made the same experience . its almost a small indicator of my current health status ...


Mar 14, 2018
Copper & Grey Hair stabilization or reversal? Wow good thread!

Copper peptides have recently been speculated to assist in fighting male pattern baldness. This is obvious because top hair loss specialists and surgeons recommend these along side the usual minoxidil, LLLT, finesteride and ketoconazole. They are thus potentially involved in the increased anagen growth phase, as well as increasing nutrient blood flow to the hair follicle. I use copper peptide conditioner every other day and a leave in conditioner each day. I can't claim it has reversed my grey hair but it is conspicuously obvious alongside another supplement B401 (PriaPlex) taken daily in conjunction.

***This article was the theoretical basis of my anti hair loss experimentation. It's very interesting>>

The Ultimate Hair Loss Flowchart: Why We Lose Our Hair

Some others should look into the effects of copper peptide products used topically. I use these from Tricomin >

Research + Innovation

My goal was to increase blood flow to the hair follicles - and the hair loss specialists are mentioning Trichogen and Tricomin (Copper Peptides - Tri Amino Complex) as approaches to help fight male pattern baldness. My experience with these products is not in isolation, but my hair loss has stabilized from the comprehensive strategy I employed based on the article above.

I did notice my grey hair reversed quite a bit since the introduction of copper peptides into my topical regime 18 months ago. Ray Peat seems to discuss copper/iron ratio in the grey hair discussions occasionally. Topical approaches are hard to believe sometimes but are still valid in my opinion. I use Emu Oil as a delivery system for topical products to give them the best shot. Penetration enhancing effects of selected natural oils utilized in topical dosage forms. - PubMed - NCBI

In addition, another claim made by PriaPlex (Tango Nutrition) is the same regarding hair pigmentation improvement. Their claim is that a supplement called PriaPlex (B401) fights the FGF-5 in blood serum - which in effect "tells" the anagen hair follicle to go telogen. Basically this B401 is supposed to extend the anagen phase. They also claim that the supplement reverses grey hair. Evolis Reverse can be used topically against FGF-5 so your are hitting it both on the follicle and through the blood.



Evolis: First Clinically-Validated FGF5 Inhibitor Hair Loss Product

So if the approach is to fight hair loss by lowering calcification and fibrosis (topically & in the blood serum) - while increasing blood nutrients - via copper peptides and B401, suggest the tie to Ray Peat's comments on copper are very interesting. Only self experimentation will tell, I am encouraged by my experience.

So, in summary, I can say is I have been using copper peptides, trichogen and B401 (PriaPlex) and Evolis Reverse topically in my daily regime for 18 months, and PriaPlex (B401) internally - and I can't readily find grey hairs where they used to be while my hail loss is stable.

Shine On
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Mar 14, 2018
Copper & Grey Hair stabilization or reversal? Wow good thread!

I also wanted to say that I don't believe you can regrow a full head of hair after years of male pattern baldness, or completely reverse grey hair - but I believe one can certainly slow down or stop hair loss and maintain or slightly reverse grey hair.

I am curious what others think. Cheers
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Oct 21, 2018
From Generative Energy:

I had some eyebrow hairs that were pure white; when one matured and fell out, another white one would replace it. They grow quickly, and have a short life cycle, so they are nice to experiment with.

I went on a very low iron diet, eating mostly milk, with some eggs, cheese, and citrus fruit, but with very little meat for several weeks. I cooked eggs in a copper pan, to increase my copper intake and to avoid iron absorbed from an iron pan. I found a source of vitamin A without preservative, and began using large amounts of that, which I had not done for several years because of an allergy to the preservative. I in-creased my doses of DHEA and pregnenolone.

Usually on alternate days, I would rub vitamin A and vitamin E (sometimes with DHEA), or a solution of copper acetate, into the skin around the white hairs. Within a few weeks, the bottom of one of the white hairs had begun to darken (Figure 1--the hair on the right). Another hair (the center one) came out a couple of weeks later, and was dark-ened along about half of its length. The third hair (on the left) came out two or three weeks later, and was all black except for 3 millimeters at the tip, which had begun growing about the time the other two were changing color. It has been about two months since I stopped cooking regularly in copper (the taste gets very tiresome), and none of the hairs has reverted to white. (The black lines were about 2 mm. apart; they allow both colors to be seen in the xerox copy.) The fine tops of the hairs end at lines 8, 9, and 7, going from left to right; each hair has a few mm. of intermediate light brown, which doesn't reproduce well.
View attachment 8854
My search is starting to make me think that copper is a big part of aging.

As I’ve gotten older I noticed random longer hairs on my brow getting long but it’s not just long. They are also more wirey and curl. Like pilli torti. This is a common thing with aging. Looking at ur results it seems as the hair improved in color so did the curve it became more straight. Impressive


May 10, 2018
My search is starting to make me think that copper is a big part of aging.

As I’ve gotten older I noticed random longer hairs on my brow getting long but it’s not just long. They are also more wirey and curl. Like pilli torti. This is a common thing with aging. Looking at ur results it seems as the hair improved in color so did the curve it became more straight. Impressive
Do you mean the deficiency of copper is a big part of ageing?
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