

Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut Was referencing the study on progesterone and amputated limbs and it mentioned that the window to apply it was 24 hours and I noticed you said you would try it for 2-3 weeks, in the foreskin example. I have done it a week so far and the effects seem positive thus far. Hard to say if there has been any regrowth, but certainly no downsides. Any insight into why you thought 2-3 weeks as appropriate time? It's hard for me to believe that would do the trick, but I am happy to try. I guess at this point, I'll take a break after 2-3 weeks and assess from there.

I think skin has different regrowth requirements and much higher turnover than bones. So, it may need to be repeatedly stimulated in order to keep growing. Just a guess on my part, as this has not been tested directly yet.


Jul 3, 2014
Cool, thanks :). I have been using a combo of andro, pansterone and progestene. I feel amazing, but it does seem that adding the progesterone has taken away some of the androgenic phenotype I was getting from the andro and pansterone. Do you think that means my progesterone is pretty good in the first place? Might I be ablee to get away with just the andro and pansterone on the foreskin? I'm sure you're attitude is probably to experiment, but just curious if you had any additional insights :). I may just try and lower the progesterone dose to maybe one drop or something. Will keep you posted!


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Cool, thanks :). I have been using a combo of andro, pansterone and progestene. I feel amazing, but it does seem that adding the progesterone has taken away some of the androgenic phenotype I was getting from the andro and pansterone. Do you think that means my progesterone is pretty good in the first place? Might I be ablee to get away with just the andro and pansterone on the foreskin? I'm sure you're attitude is probably to experiment, but just curious if you had any additional insights :). I may just try and lower the progesterone dose to maybe one drop or something. Will keep you posted!

I don't know if it would work but it should not hurt to try.


Jul 3, 2014
I don't know if it would work but it should not hurt to try.

Well, since I have done the progesterone for a week now, I will carry on with it. I don't want to have to start my 2-3 weeks over without seeing the experiment through :). I may just reduced the dose of progesterone a little. With the added androgenic effect from andro, it shouldn't matter too much. Or, I suppose, I could just add more andro and keep progesterone dose roughly the same :).

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Hello all, I created an account specifically to post on this thread. I find this topic incredibly interesting and relevant to me. 6 years ago, my left thumb got removed in an incident with a hydraulic log splitter. I have often wondered if any regrowth was possible, and am planning to experiment based on what was posted here.
I currently have both progest-e and cortinon (in tocopherols).
I would like to ask all forum members, particularly @haidut , for their input. Specifically, dosages, frequency of application, potential effective ways to seal the finger etc. Just a good plan of action for my experiment.
You might put a small balloon there to cover the stump and fill it with CO2. Moisture might also be appropriate.


Nov 29, 2017
Speaking of balloons...is it a bad idea to fill up a balloon with co2 gas and slowly inhale some? bit by bit?


Jan 25, 2014
Speaking of balloons...is it a bad idea to fill up a balloon with co2 gas and slowly inhale some? bit by bit?

The biggest issue is from potential suffocation, and that should only really be an issue if you pass out have some sort of contraption strapped over your nose and mouth so you can't get fresh air. A balloon should be pretty safe in this regard. I have basically done something similar with ziploc bags.


Sep 24, 2016
Nice publication about edox-status in acute and chronic wounds.

The preventive effect of deep sea water on the development of cancerous skin cells through the induction of autophagic cell death in UVB-damaged Ha... - PubMed - NCBI

Redox Profiling Reveals Clear Differences between Molecular Patterns of Wound Fluids from Acute and Chronic Wounds.

Wound healing is a complex multiphase process which can be hampered by many factors including impaired local circulation, hypoxia, infection, malnutrition, immunosuppression, and metabolic dysregulation in diabetes. Redox dysregulation is a common feature of many skin diseases demonstrated by virtually all cell types in the skin with overproduction of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. The objective of this study was to characterize the redox environment in wound fluids and sera from patients suffering from chronic leg ulcers (n = 19) and acute wounds (bulla fluids from second degree burns; n = 11) with serum data also compared to those from healthy volunteers (n = 7). Significantly higher concentrations of TNF-α, interleukine-8, vascular endothelial growth factor, and lactate dehydrogenase (measure of cell damage) were found in fluids from chronic wounds compared to acute ones. The extent of protein carbonylation (measure of protein oxidation), lipid peroxidation, and tyrosine nitration (indicator of peroxynitrite production) was similar in acute and chronic wound fluids, while radical scavenging activity and glutathione (GSH) levels were elevated in chronic wound fluids compared to acute wounds. Sera were also assessed for the same set of parameters with no significant differences detected. Nitrotyrosine (the footprint of the potent oxidant peroxynitrite) and poly(ADP-ribose) (the product of the DNA damage sensor enzyme PARP-1) could be detected in wound biopsies. Our data identify multiple signs of redox stress in chronic wounds with notable differences. In chronic wounds, elevations in antioxidant levels/activities may indicate compensatory mechanisms against inflammation. The presence of nitrotyrosine and poly(ADP-ribose) in tissues from venous leg ulcers indicate peroxynitrite production and PARP activation in chronic wounds.

Apart from another proof of the importance of Redox-status in functional and defect tissue, we also see once moe how "favourable" endogenous substances turn bad in chronic states.


Jun 7, 2019
Okay, mini update.... Just got the CortiNon yesterday, and applied the first dose yesterday to the area. There was some minor stinging, and then, a feeling of warmth in the area for a good 15 minutes or so. Nothing painful, and overall, pleasant. This is note worthy, as I have applied 11K DHT and Androsterone to the area before, and had no effect like this. Very good sign, I will continue to update.

Well, since I have done the progesterone for a week now, I will carry on with it. I don't want to have to start my 2-3 weeks over without seeing the experiment through :). I may just reduced the dose of progesterone a little. With the added androgenic effect from andro, it shouldn't matter too much. Or, I suppose, I could just add more andro and keep progesterone dose roughly the same :).

Did you have any results from this?


Mar 15, 2014
I have deep gashes that healed up better in my 20s than ones from my childhood


Feb 26, 2018


Jan 25, 2014
I think progesterone/DHEA in a 1:1 ratio could be tried. I would not do higher than 1:1 ratio on the penis to avoid the anti-androgenic effect, but if you add some androsterone, or another strong androgen then probably 2:1 or even 3:1 raio can be used. Personally, I would first try a once daily dose of 10mg topically in 1:1 ratio, for 2-3 weeks. Skipping a day here and there probably won't matter much and if it works the effects should still be visible. The studies above said results were visible after 3-4 weeks but the full regrowth took 9 months in the frog case. Since you are not regrowing a bone then hopefully less time will be needed to see results.

I've been thinking about this idea again, along combining with some other ideas. I had tried the direct progesterone on the former foreskin area, and didn't notice any growth. But I've been doing some things recently, thinking about the idea of this thread, along with all the other info that I've been digesting over time.

For one thing, I have been having very good results with high dose progesterone along with DHEA like you mentioned in this thread-
DHEA + Progesterone == Pro-anabolic, Testosterone-promoting?

It's one of the things that has helped keep me somewhat sane during these soul crushing times. More interesting, my biceps are as full as they were when I was regularly lifting weights (I have done precisely zero weight lifting these past three months). The progesterone has certainly had some very positive effects, and DHEA seems to avoid any of the negative libido effects.

Overall, my metabolism hasn't been good the past few years, even with the knowledge from Peat and here. Maybe that was from a decade doing an early morning shift (starting at 6am). I remember when starting that shift that I put on 20 pounds within a month or two, not seeming to change diet any. Various things "helped" to get it down (including paleo and IF), and some of those things probably made things worse in the long run.

I got to thinking recently, maybe I should just add a lot of sugar?

Eating 1 lb of sugar daily has strikingly positive effects on (male) fertility – To Extract Knowledge from Matter
Sugar Is "addictive" Because Is Stops The Stress Response

If the progesterone is creating an anabolic/anticatabolic enviroment (in the sense that positive growth and repair can happen), it makes a lot of sense that more fuel would be needed. I have been carrying extra weight, but think that a lot of it is probably extra water in stressed cells. Regardless, extra sugar can make some really good things happen in organism. I think back to this letter of Peat's-

Regeneration and degeneration - Types of inflammation change with aging

"A researcher who knew that brain growth in other kinds of animals requires glucose, injected glucose (or glycine) into the developing eggs when the original glucose had been depleted. The supplemental glucose allowed the chick’s brain to continue growing until it hatched. These chicks had larger brains, containing more numerous cells. The same experimenters also found that progesterone increases brain size, while corticosterone decreases it."

So, High Metabolism and Progesterone can regrow limbs (and maybe other things?). Glucose, Glycine, and Progesterone all helped increase chicken brain size. Why wouldn't more of all three have a more potent effect?

Thinking back to when I first did this, not only was metabolism poor (for the aforementioned reasons), but what if their wasn't enough fuel to support the energy required, and enough of the raw materials, especially glycine?

People here have gotten great results adding simple syrup to the diet...

Simple Syrup. Something Special
Simple Syrup And Salt Are Incredible Additions To The Diet
Introducing The New Wonder Cure. SUGAR!

People even notice good improvements to the skin with simple syrup alone.

Of course, glycine alone does some great stuff, too-

Glycine Is Directly Anabolic AND Anticatabolic For The Muscle

I've already been taking the higher dose glycine and progesterone. Maybe I just haven't been getting enough sugar. Especially for any sort of "optional" long term repair project for the body. Maybe all these things are needed in higher doses for a time.

I also think of the William Brown experiment from the Burr lab, where he ate no fat. He got 128g of protein, and a little starch from a vitamin biscuit, but he was basically getting 2000 calories a day in sugars, too (from a combo of lactose and sucrose). Maybe some of the positives from the experiment were from such a high consumption of sugar.

Haidut, your thoughts are always welcome, but I will continue with high dose progesterone, high glycine (both from extra gelatin and glycine supplements), and high sugar (including the adding of lots of simple syrup to things like protein shakes, juice, lemonade, and coffee).


Mar 11, 2021
This is excellent, @haidut ! Wondering, do you think this has the potential to restore foreskin in those of us who have been circumcised? And do you you think the topical progesterone/DHEA combo would be best suited for that? I had the idea of using Androsterone and 11KDHT before with no results (although, I was very inconsistent with application). Maybe even a routine like Progesterone/DHEA topically in AM, Methelyene Blue in PM?

In addition to topical application, I would guess that all systemic efforts to raise metabolism would only improve results, or cut down time to see them. Thoughts?
Do you have any updates on this experiment?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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