I Want To Sleep

Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
I like the idea of trying to solve the issue with the basics first before considering drugs
- Food, incl. enough carbs through the day to get glycogen stores up. Have a small carby (and maybe salty) snack by bed and see if it can get you back to sleep quickly. (This was a key one for me.)
- Gelatin or glycine and/or milk in the evening is worth trying, maybe with extra sugar added.
- Sunlight in the daytime, reduce blue light in the evening
- Try avoiding caffeine in the evening, for from afternoon, or altogether, to see if any of those variants work better for you. \
- Keep warm enough in bed.
That's awesome Bro/sis

I appreciate I will try to add that on a daily basis... thanks again :)
Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
NP man. Yeah, it's great it's also dose dependent to up to 15 grams. Glad it helped.:D
But there are things that I want to note

Glycine on an empty stomach increase growth hormone which by RP ARE DEATH HORMONEEEE


Sep 30, 2016
But there are things that I want to note

Glycine on an empty stomach increase growth hormone which by RP ARE DEATH HORMONEEEE

Yes, best to take with other food or juice etc. maybe just use gelatin if you are going to do it on empty stomach?
Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
Yes, best to take with other food or juice etc. maybe just use gelatin if you are going to do it on empty stomach?
Gelatin is pretty expensive

I just came back from Walmart

227 grams for ten dollars

Wich gonna last me like 4 days :D



Mar 29, 2014
Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
10-15 g before bed, with milk or juice or sth, might be enough to help with sleep.
But I was looking around in the forum

They said 30 then 50 then 100 grams

Oh my chocolate !!!!

I will buy it tomorrow
Should I add sugar to it or juice

Or ????


Mar 29, 2014
But I was looking around in the forum

They said 30 then 50 then 100 grams
People say all sorts of things ion this forum, depending on our interpretations of Peat's work, and our view of the relevant context. I recommend reading Peat's articles and interviews too, so you find what he is saying directly.

You probably can use gelatin for a significant part of your daily protein (but not all of it).
Some people have reported noticable benefit from much smaller amounts daily.
Eating some gelatin anytime you eat muscle meats can help balance the amino acids.

You just asked about sleep, so you can try a bit - eg 10 g - and see if it helps, and experiment with quantity to see how much you need to make a useful difference.
If you want opinions about wider issues, you could write more of your context, if you want. What will be helpful to you probably depends on your current state and lifestyle, and maybe how you got there.
Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
People say all sorts of things ion this forum, depending on our interpretations of Peat's work, and our view of the relevant context. I recommend reading Peat's articles and interviews too, so you find what he is saying directly.

You probably can use gelatin for a significant part of your daily protein (but not all of it).
Some people have reported noticable benefit from much smaller amounts daily.
Eating some gelatin anytime you eat muscle meats can help balance the amino acids.

You just asked about sleep, so you can try a bit - eg 10 g - and see if it helps, and experiment with quantity to see how much you need to make a useful difference.
If you want opinions about wider issues, you could write more of your context, if you want. What will be helpful to you probably depends on your current state and lifestyle, and maybe how you got there.
Alright thanks a lot ... I read until now about ten articles

And I read the one about gelatine and glycine

And about his experience with both

Anyway thanks a lot tara

I very appreciate all your help

You don't know how lucky I feel tonight for your help .thanks again and again
Dec 25, 2014
Hi! Now something completely different (way-off the Peat Diet topics):

I have solved the sleep & health problems of one of my high school friend's family back in Germany and several other people here in Reno. And it has to do with 'earth energies', if you could stay with me for a while, since this is very controversial. It started with the illness and death of my dear father, you contracted stomach cancer and passed away while I was 18 years old. He was 52 years old at the time, it was horrifying to watch what he had to go through. After a few years later, my mom had a dowser come to check her bedroom and the dowser found a crossing of 'water veins' (Wasser Adern) at the bed place of my father. 'Water veins' are the most common expression of some noxious energy but are not necessarily water veins. Well, this caught my attention and I researched the literature. Two physicians, Dr. Manfred Curry and Dr. Ernst Hartmann, discovered so-called grid-systems ('Curry Grid' & 'Hartmann Grid'). The crossing of those grid lines can affect ones health and sleep. In the late 1970s or early 1980s, I started to learn dowsing.

Here a detailed story from my high school friend Klaus, his wife Gabi, and their youngest son Marco:

After they got married (some 35 years ago), they bought a flat-roof house and eventually added a second floor, and they moved the bedrooms upstairs. Then their sleep & health problems started. When I heard about it, I dowsed for these noxious zones in the downstairs dining/living room (above which the bedrooms were located) and found a strong 'line' that went through the room. They moved their bed accordingly and found relief. Marco's bedroom was also compromised. He did not finish high school but only middle school and in Germany, you can get a middle school diploma, so for that achievement, Klaus & Gabi built him a bed located into the corner of his bedroom, which avoided the noxious energy 'line'. He not only started to sleep better but he became interested again in higher education. He went back to school, his grades improved dramatically (almost top of class), and finished high school and went on to attend the university!! He now has a great job with the German Bundesbahn. Quite amazing story, just with a small change in the location of the bed! Over the years, they noticed that plants in their indoor planter, which is the divider between their living and dining room(s), had some areas where plants just wouldn't prosper. Plants would get flees, had mediocre growth, they were getting into a sad state. This was where this noxious energy 'line' were going through their house. Also in the front- and backyards, plants were not doing well on this 'line'. I read about this phenomena many times in the dowsing literature.

I also have helped a family here in Reno, all of which have had sleep problems. The teenager boy had ADHD, did not sleep through the night and of course can't concentrate in school because of this. I had experimented with shielding & grounding the bed (see Dr. James Oschman, Clint Ober, book 'Earthing', or the video 'Grounding - The Movie'). I met Dr. Oschman 15 years ago and we discussed the benefit of sleeping grounded. Since my father's passing, I always slept with a grounded metal screen underneath my mattress but was not in physical contact with the ground. Dr. Oschman believed that by not being grounded, one would lose electrons due to static electricity build up from friction of the pajama and the bed sheets, etc. He also gave me a grounding set to try out, which I did. I did not notice any difference during my sleep being actually in electrical contact with the ground. But then I remembered his comment of 'loosing electrons'. So if loosing electrons is bad, then why not give yourself some extra electrons? So I cut the grounding wire in the middle and inserted three 9V batteries in series, with the negative pol to the grounding pad and the positive pol to ground. There is no current flowing, it is an 'open circuit'. So I went to sleep, with the expectation of sleeping really well. Not so! I woke up from terrible nightmares! I had to disconnect the batteries and continued my sleep just grounded. The next night I switched the polarity of the batteries, so I connected the positive pole to the grounding pad and the negative pol to ground, sleeping on a positive 27V potential (comes to mind the funny part of Young Frankenstein, where Gene Wilder in his role as Dr. Fankenstein reads out loud notes from his father's journal about the discovery with the switching in polarity...) I slept through the night without noticing any difference from just sleeping grounded. Now a friend of mine replicated this with a 100V dry-cell battery and a conductive fabric. He also started with the negative polarity and told me that not only had he had the worst nightmares of his life but also that the dream content was absolutely disgusting! He also woke up and had to disconnect the battery to continue his sleep normally. The next night he switched the polarity and again, with no difference to sleeping just grounded (or no ground at all)!

So back to the teenager. I provided a roll of aluminum fly screen from Home Depot and made a cable connected to the safety ground of an AC-plug with a single 9V battery connected between ground and the wire that would go to the aluminum screen. With the positive pol going to the screen, of course. I gave the grandmother, who is taking care of the boy, instructions to put the screen underneath the mattress and to connect the open end of the cable to the screen and then plug the other end with the safety ground plug into the power outlet next to the bed. Since that very night, the boy now sleeps through each night and is completely 'transformed'. He no longer is jumpy and nervous but is now very calm, his ADHD is gone! In the same household also lives an adult man with autism, and a younger boy with seizures, all of them have sleep problems. I learned about the condition of this family piece by piece, and each time, adding the screen with the grounding wire & 9V battery did the trick! The younger boy has no more seizures. I asked to visit the home to see what is wrong with it but haven't succeeded in this yet - but hope to do this in the near future. I told them they should move to a different home. The 'shielding' somehow works, I don't know why and I don't know if that really gets rid of the underlying problem. Moving the bed (or moving into a better home) is probably better in the long term.

You can also purchase earthing bed sheets on Amazon. They come with a grounding wire and an AC plug tester that measures proper safety ground connection in the home wiring. I tested sleeping on this grounded bed sheet. I noticed, as was also reported, a slight increase of my heart rate when lying down. I wonder if the grounding sheet affects the natural polarity pulsing from the heart (as it is picked up with ECG equipment) across the body, by sort of shortening it out? I am going to order a half-sheet, then only the legs will be in contact with the grounding sheet.

Other things that have benefited my sleep and/or caused vivid dreaming: The 'Earth Pulse' device and Slim Spurling's 'Acu-Vac' coil . The Acu-Vac coil is most bizarre but works. Here another story: Years ago, I brought my Acu-Vac coil with me to Germany on a visit and lend it to my friends Klaus & Gabi. Both of them felt like sleeping in a 'cocoon', a very pleasant feeling. Then they gave it to their son Marco to try out and he slept so well with it that he would not want to return it, so I had to have him keep it!! After months he would occasionally lend it back to his parents, only to demand it back after a few nights!

Acu-Vac Coils

PEMF Therapy: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy vs. Nighttime PEMF

The Earth Pulse produces magnetic pulses that relate to the brain's frequencies during different sleep stages, so it induces these sleep stages during sleep. You get lulled into sleep and it wakes you up after the programmed time has lapsed. My son and my younger brother in Germany use it, too. There are videos online that show dramatic improvements of an elderly man with Parkinson's.

There is so much more to talk about this...

With best wishes, Stephan

Interesting. I've had moments where I had very aggressive mean thoughts sitting at my desk that went away as soon as I went to sit on the bed. I connected this to cortisol and was looking at it through a ray peat lens but it could have been electromagnetic pollution like you have described. I moved the desk to the opposite corner without knowing about ley lines and felt very sane working there. I even tried to trigger the bad thoughts and felt nothing. I wonder... perhaps things like feng shui are actually valid, but are using a form of science that we have no clue about.


Mar 19, 2013
I know gelatin has helped some with their sleep. Not me. Nor has sugar, nor glycine. Tried them all a few years ago. My biochemistry is serioulsy messed up, but not a surprise. Afflicted with severe, untreatable rapid cycling bipolar illness and have been sick since I was born, literally. Almost died at birth, but for the surgeon my dad found to save me. Sorry; not my intent to hijack this thread.

Regarding my recommendation of cyproheptadine, which I've been using...I quit it. It was making me feel flat, depressed and irritable. It takes some time to figure things out. Too bad for me, because it gave me good, restorative sleep. Back to low dose doxepin(2.5-5mg), which is a strong histamine antagonist. Works on H1 and cyproheptadine works on H3. Also tried a gram of niacinamide, tonight. That's why I'm up at 2:23 in the morning.:yawn: It must have jacked up my histamine. Made me sleepy but couldn't fall asleep, though it did make me horny. I mention that in the spirit of science. Maybe taking it with sugar would have mitigated the histamine rise, but file that under 'could'a, would'a, should'a'. Anyway, niacinamide experiment is over.

When sleep is poor, life becomes much more difficult.
Last edited:


Aug 12, 2015
My sleep was pretty poor before finding peat.

What gets me snoozing is
  • Very salty meal before bed
  • Lots of sunlight over the whole body (coming home from a day at the beach gives me the best sleep)
  • Casein shake with honey/sugar
Regarding my recommendation of cyproheptadine, which I've been using...I quit it. It was making me feel flat, depressed and irritable.

I felt the same way on cypro and stopped after about 5 months consistent use. I think it made me slightly anxious and lazy. I'm improving other areas of my diet/health regime so I'm sleeping better than what I was on cypro anyway.
Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
I know gelatin has helped some with their sleep. Not me. Nor has sugar, nor glycine. Tried them all a few years ago. My biochemistry is serioulsy messed up, but not a surprise. Afflicted with severe, untreatable rapid cycling bipolar illness and have been sick since I was born, literally. Almost died at birth, but for the surgeon my dad found to save me. Sorry; not my intent to hijack this thread.

Regarding my recommendation of cyproheptadine, which I've been using...I quit it. It was making me feel flat, depressed and irritable. It takes some time to figure things out. Too bad for me, because it gave me good, restorative sleep. Back to low dose doxepin(2.5-5mg), which is a strong histamine antagonist. Works on H1 and cyproheptadine works on H3. Also tried a gram of niacinamide, tonight. That's why I'm up at 2:23 in the morning.:yawn: It must have jacked up my histamine. Made me sleepy but couldn't fall asleep, though it did make me horny. I mention that in the spirit of science. Maybe taking it with sugar would have mitigated the histamine rise, but file that under 'could'a, would'a, should'a'. Anyway, niacinamide experiment is over.

When sleep is poor, life becomes much more difficult.
HOW much you weigh??

How many grams of protein u eat ?

How many gram of sugar you eat ?

Daily please
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Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
My sleep was pretty poor before finding peat.

What gets me snoozing is
  • Very salty meal before bed
  • Lots of sunlight over the whole body (coming home from a day at the beach gives me the best sleep)
  • Casein shake with honey/sugar

I felt the same way on cypro and stopped after about 5 months consistent use. I think it made me slightly anxious and lazy. I'm improving other areas of my diet/health regime so I'm sleeping better than what I was on cypro anyway.

Glad to hear to hear that


Mar 29, 2014
Also tried a gram of niacinamide, tonight. That's why I'm up at 2:23 in the morning.:yawn: It must have jacked up my histamine. Made me sleepy but couldn't fall asleep, though it did make me horny. I mention that in the spirit of science. Maybe taking it with sugar would have mitigated the histamine rise, but file that under 'could'a, would'a, should'a'.
I would expect a gram of niacinamide without fuel to have very different (and potentially more stressful) effects without sufficient accompanying carbohydrate, unless you have particularly good glycogen storage.
When sleep is poor, life becomes much more difficult.
Sure does. Hope you find ways to improve it.


Sep 29, 2016
Is the problem falling asleep or staying asleep?
If falling asleep what about using magnesium, L-theanine, or herbs like valerian root, and setting up a bedtime ritual- perhaps meditation or a warm bath.
If staying asleep its probably blood sugar related amd that could be addressed with oj at your bedside, perhaps, or a light snack.
Best of luck- i hope you find some answers to help you get some sleep!
Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
Is the problem falling asleep or staying asleep?
If falling asleep what about using magnesium, L-theanine, or herbs like valerian root, and setting up a bedtime ritual- perhaps meditation or a warm bath.
If staying asleep its probably blood sugar related amd that could be addressed with oj at your bedside, perhaps, or a light snack.
Best of luck- i hope you find some answers to help you get some sleep!
Thanks a lot

I do no what is it

I'm drinking more that gallon of oj

Last night I put it next to bed

So whenever I wake I drink half a cup

I have theAnine and ten thousand vitamin and mineral and amino

Would you give me a suggestion ?

I'm taking zinc magnesium super b complex and potassium and like 3 to 6 cups of orange juice every night

What about the raw carrot
What does rp peat mean by eating a raw carrot ?

Thanks a lot in advance


Sep 29, 2016
Thanks a lot

I do no what is it

I'm drinking more that gallon of oj

Last night I put it next to bed

So whenever I wake I drink half a cup

I have theAnine and ten thousand vitamin and mineral and amino

Would you give me a suggestion ?

I'm taking zinc magnesium super b complex and potassium and like 3 to 6 cups of orange juice every night

What about the raw carrot
What does rp peat mean by eating a raw carrot ?

Thanks a lot in advance
Hmmmm.... well, I too struggle with staying asleep but it sounds like you are doing lots of great things.
Have you tried also including some type of fat when you wake and drink the oj? The fat helps to slow the sugar absorbtion, which I need because I dont have great glycogen storage and for me, just plain oj doesnt work but a little fat helps. You could try mixing coconut oil and honey and having a spoonful of that along with a little salted oj...?

And, im new to the Peat diet so im not exactly sure on the raw carrot as far as sleep goes. My understanding was that the raw carrot helps to keep the intestines clear.
Bahaa El wazzan
Oct 5, 2016
Hmmmm.... well, I too struggle with staying asleep but it sounds like you are doing lots of great things.
Have you tried also including some type of fat when you wake and drink the oj? The fat helps to slow the sugar absorbtion, which I need because I dont have great glycogen storage and for me, just plain oj doesnt work but a little fat helps. You could try mixing coconut oil and honey and having a spoonful of that along with a little salted oj...?

And, im new to the Peat diet so im not exactly sure on the raw carrot as far as sleep goes. My understanding was that the raw carrot helps to keep the intestines clear.
The carrot it is an natural anti biotic

Maybe you won't believe me

But I swear
That I just drink a cup of orange juice
And a cup of tea mixed with coconut oil before I even got your message :D

Are you having diarrhea?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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