Is Dairy Bad For Hair Loss?

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
This is the one food groups that is confusing me the most with hair regrowth.
Its a major peat dietary staple, but a lot of people complain about hair loss when
drinking milk. Danny roddy recommends milk, but then I read people on this
forum complaining about increased hair loss when adding milk to the diet.


May 30, 2018
Raw milk seems to be decreasing my scalp and gut inflammation. If milk ends up lowering prolactin it should be very good for hair but that’s not always what happens in all circumstances. For milk to have a destressing effect I think it needs to be fully digested and it’s calcium/phosphate needs to be properly metabolized by good thyroid, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamin D/A levels.


Jun 24, 2019
I think raw milk is what people refer to when recommending it.

A lot of people have issues with regular, pasteurized, store-bought milk. It can cause digestion issues that aren’t helping you with hairloss.

Personally, if I were going really heavy into halting hairloss, I wouldn’t drink milk and instead get calcium from another source.


Jan 29, 2020
As others have said, it comes down to digestion. If you can completely digest milk, it’s a godsend.

It’s a major dietary staple for me. I always feel worse if I don’t get ample amounts daily.

For me, milk works best taken with some casein and a small amount of gelatin, quinine, aspirin, or some other tryptophan balancing substance.

And yes, I have regrown hair while drinking substantial amounts of milk daily for years.

Older progress pic:



Nov 29, 2017
My hair is also much better these days and I drink about 1.25 l of 2% daily now. My milk mixture is very much the same and I think adding the aspirin is a good suggestion @Zoiros

Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
As others have said, it comes down to digestion. If you can completely digest milk, it’s a godsend.

It’s a major dietary staple for me. I always feel worse if I don’t get ample amounts daily.

For me, milk works best taken with some casein and a small amount of gelatin, quinine, aspirin, or some other tryptophan balancing substance.

And yes, I have regrown hair while drinking substantial amounts of milk daily for years.

Older progress pic:

View attachment 16532

That's good to know your regrowing while drinking milk plus using asprin, that's kind of Danny Roddy advice. I knew asprin is great for stopping hair loss, but I was worried since I heard it also blocked important prostaglandins for regrowth.


Feb 23, 2020
I think raw milk is what people refer to when recommending it.

A lot of people have issues with regular, pasteurized, store-bought milk. It can cause digestion issues that aren’t helping you with hairloss.

Personally, if I were going really heavy into halting hairloss, I wouldn’t drink milk and instead get calcium from another source.
What other sources?


Feb 9, 2014
Over the years, I have consistently found that quality dairy is the best food for hair and overall stress reduction. It's very hard to get enough calcium relative to phosphorus in the diet to keep PTH lowest. And higher PTH is a major factor in keeping the fight or flight stress system at bay. In fact, bone health and PTH I suspect is one of the first in line when it comes to stress activation. Some research shows that bones are a major factor in driving the fight or flight stress response:

Bone, not adrenaline, drives fight or flight response

I am working on a hypothesis -- that I suspect that this fight or flight response from the Skelton is always 'on' as long as PTH is high. If the brain recognizes 'danger', instructing the skeleton to flood the bloodstream with the bone-derived hormone osteocalcin, which is needed to turn on the fight or flight response, then perhaps when glucose is low, it works through this same or a similar mechanism to do the same, and/or perhaps, when PTH is high, it does this as well. I don't think one can 'turn off' the fight or flight system or diminish it to any significant degree as long as the bodies biological stress systems are activated, and I think much of this begins with bone health, hence the need for sufficient Vitamin A, D, K, and calcium, which includes a diet that favors calcium over phosphorus. Limiting PUFA is only half the battle. Supporting gut health with easy to digest foods that do not irritate the gut, and supporting bone health and keeping PTH low is a major factor that I think many even in the 'Peat community' do not pay as much attention to and, as a result, may not see the results of stress reduction as they desired to. And this all comes back to hair health. My hair is the best when I support bone health with high calcium intake relative to phosphorus and get sufficient Vitamin K2, A, and D. I have done many diets in the past, and even since 2012 when I found Peats work, I experimented with various dairy free 'Peatarian' type 'diets', but my hair never was fuller, smooth, thick, and was beginning to thin. I would notice my hair would stop thinning once I ate plenty of dairy (I mainly eat raw dairy). I had a very hard time handling milk but now I handle it very well, so I am a firm believer that if someone has issues with milk, it is more than likely them, not the milk --- at least as long as it's A-2 dairy, so that the issue with beta-casomorphin-7 is bypassed, since it can cause issues in some with weaker digestion.

Without milk/dairy, it is very hard to get quality calcium naturally, without a massive volume of gut-irritating fibrous foods that, in the amounts needed to make up a sufficient portion of ones calcium intake, would likely mean a lot of anti-nutrients and added PUFA. I think those who have issues with diary would be better off trying to work on improving digestion and gut health so that they can handle dairy, like I did (and milk was one of the worst offenders to me).

Currently, I have a heavy-milk diet. It's not all 100% milk, but about 2-3 of my 4 meals I eat daily is milk based. I usually will have a meal or two of wild caught cod and oysters with gelatin broth and honeydew melon or some other starch free carb source, and some chicken and beef liver (for Vitamin A and biotin, mainly). This works best for me. Enough lean protein to satiate and help with my fitness goals, but balanced with a heavy milk diet to keep calcium up relative to phosphorus. I don't touch store-bought milk even with a 10 foot poll. I do not trust any large milk companies when it comes to adding off-label ingredient such as gums, and the amount of Vitamin A and D added to the milk is not natural, does not mirror the natural amount found in raw milk, so that can be an issue if drinking store bought milk in large quantitates, in my opinion.

As I have said many times, there is no perfect food. ALL food takes and gives. For me, I choose foods that take the least and give the most, and for me, quality raw A-2 cows and goat milk is definitely at the top of the list of those foods.
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Dec 11, 2018
Over the years, I have consistently found that quality dairy is the best food for hair and overall stress reduction. It's very hard to get enough calcium relative to phosphorus in the diet to keep PTH lowest. And higher PTH is a major factor in keeping the fight or flight stress system at bay. In fact, bone health and PTH I suspect is one of the first in line when it comes to stress activation. Some research shows that bones are a major factor in driving the fight or flight stress response:

Bone, not adrenaline, drives fight or flight response

I am working on a hypothesis -- that I suspect that this fight or flight response from the Skelton is always 'on' as long as PTH is high. If the brain recognizes 'danger', instructing the skeleton to flood the bloodstream with the bone-derived hormone osteocalcin, which is needed to turn on the fight or flight response, then perhaps when glucose is low, it works through this same or a similar mechanism to do the same, and/or perhaps, when PTH is high, it does this as well. I don't think one can 'turn off' the fight or flight system or diminish it to any significant degree as long as the bodies biological stress systems are activated, and I think much of this begins with bone health, hence the need for sufficient Vitamin A, D, K, and calcium, which includes a diet that favors calcium over phosphorus. Limiting PUFA is only half the battle. Supporting gut health with easy to digest foods that do not irritate the gut, and supporting bone health and keeping PTH low is a major factor that I think many even in the 'Peat community' do not pay as much attention to and, as a result, may not see the results of stress reduction as they desired to. And this all comes back to hair health. My hair is the best when I support bone health with high calcium intake relative to phosphorus and get sufficient Vitamin K2, A, and D. I have done many diets in the past, and even since 2012 when I found Peats work, I experimented with various dairy free 'Peatarian' type 'diets', but my hair never was fuller, smooth, thick, and was beginning to thin. I would notice my hair would stop thinning once I ate plenty of dairy (I mainly eat raw dairy). I had a very hard time handling milk but now I handle it very well, so I am a firm believer that if someone has issues with milk, it is more than likely them, not the milk --- at least as long as it's A-2 dairy, so that the issue with beta-casomorphin-7 is bypassed, since it can cause issues in some with weaker digestion.

Without milk/dairy, it is very hard to get quality calcium naturally, without a massive volume of gut-irritating fibrous foods that, in the amounts needed to make up a sufficient portion of ones calcium intake, would likely mean a lot of anti-nutrients and added PUFA. I think those who have issues with diary would be better off trying to work on improving digestion and gut health so that they can handle dairy, like I did (and milk was one of the worst offenders to me).

Currently, I have a heavy-milk diet. It's not all 100% milk, but about 2-3 of my 4 meals I eat daily is milk based. I usually will have a meal or two of wild caught cod and oysters with gelatin broth and honeydew melon or some other starch free carb source, and some chicken and beef liver (for Vitamin A and biotin, mainly). This works best for me. Enough lean protein to satiate and help with my fitness goals, but balanced with a heavy milk diet to keep calcium up relative to phosphorus. I don't touch store-bought milk even with a 10 foot poll. I do not trust any large milk companies when it comes to adding off-label ingredient such as gums, and the amount of Vitamin A and D added to the milk is not natural, does not mirror the natural amount found in raw milk, so that can be an issue if drinking store bought milk in large quantitates, in my opinion.

As I have said many times, there is no perfect food. ALL food takes and gives. For me, I choose foods that take the least and give the most, and for me, quality raw A-2 cows and goat milk is definitely at the top of the list of those foods.
Have your milk drinking habits changed from your previous posts? You used to add sugar to your milk and skim the fat off, do you still do these? Something new?

Where I live, local goat milk and A2 milk just aren't a thing so they are almost impossible to find and the price would be really high. Only Goat milk brand in grocery stores is imported and has carrageenan in it iirc. It costs 4.35e/L. You can't even buy A2 milk from grocery stores. Would you just go with organic non-homogenized A1 milk with no added vitamins?


May 4, 2019
Over the years, I have consistently found that quality dairy is the best food for hair and overall stress reduction. It's very hard to get enough calcium relative to phosphorus in the diet to keep PTH lowest. And higher PTH is a major factor in keeping the fight or flight stress system at bay. In fact, bone health and PTH I suspect is one of the first in line when it comes to stress activation. Some research shows that bones are a major factor in driving the fight or flight stress response:

Bone, not adrenaline, drives fight or flight response

I am working on a hypothesis -- that I suspect that this fight or flight response from the Skelton is always 'on' as long as PTH is high. If the brain recognizes 'danger', instructing the skeleton to flood the bloodstream with the bone-derived hormone osteocalcin, which is needed to turn on the fight or flight response, then perhaps when glucose is low, it works through this same or a similar mechanism to do the same, and/or perhaps, when PTH is high, it does this as well. I don't think one can 'turn off' the fight or flight system or diminish it to any significant degree as long as the bodies biological stress systems are activated, and I think much of this begins with bone health, hence the need for sufficient Vitamin A, D, K, and calcium, which includes a diet that favors calcium over phosphorus. Limiting PUFA is only half the battle. Supporting gut health with easy to digest foods that do not irritate the gut, and supporting bone health and keeping PTH low is a major factor that I think many even in the 'Peat community' do not pay as much attention to and, as a result, may not see the results of stress reduction as they desired to. And this all comes back to hair health. My hair is the best when I support bone health with high calcium intake relative to phosphorus and get sufficient Vitamin K2, A, and D. I have done many diets in the past, and even since 2012 when I found Peats work, I experimented with various dairy free 'Peatarian' type 'diets', but my hair never was fuller, smooth, thick, and was beginning to thin. I would notice my hair would stop thinning once I ate plenty of dairy (I mainly eat raw dairy). I had a very hard time handling milk but now I handle it very well, so I am a firm believer that if someone has issues with milk, it is more than likely them, not the milk --- at least as long as it's A-2 dairy, so that the issue with beta-casomorphin-7 is bypassed, since it can cause issues in some with weaker digestion.

Without milk/dairy, it is very hard to get quality calcium naturally, without a massive volume of gut-irritating fibrous foods that, in the amounts needed to make up a sufficient portion of ones calcium intake, would likely mean a lot of anti-nutrients and added PUFA. I think those who have issues with diary would be better off trying to work on improving digestion and gut health so that they can handle dairy, like I did (and milk was one of the worst offenders to me).

Currently, I have a heavy-milk diet. It's not all 100% milk, but about 2-3 of my 4 meals I eat daily is milk based. I usually will have a meal or two of wild caught cod and oysters with gelatin broth and honeydew melon or some other starch free carb source, and some chicken and beef liver (for Vitamin A and biotin, mainly). This works best for me. Enough lean protein to satiate and help with my fitness goals, but balanced with a heavy milk diet to keep calcium up relative to phosphorus. I don't touch store-bought milk even with a 10 foot poll. I do not trust any large milk companies when it comes to adding off-label ingredient such as gums, and the amount of Vitamin A and D added to the milk is not natural, does not mirror the natural amount found in raw milk, so that can be an issue if drinking store bought milk in large quantitates, in my opinion.

As I have said many times, there is no perfect food. ALL food takes and gives. For me, I choose foods that take the least and give the most, and for me, quality raw A-2 cows and goat milk is definitely at the top of the list of those foods.

Sincerely appreciate you taking the time to write these super helpful posts @Waremu! It's always interesting to read what successful long-term "Peaters" are doing and it's often more or less the same e.g lots of milk, some liver, fruit juices, keeping C/P high and NO STARCH.

Honestly I wish I just would've gone 'full on Peatarian' back in 2013 when I first encountered Ray's ideas. That would have saved me from several years of trying to reinvent the wheel (trying veganism, carnivore, dairy free, eating meat/rice/greens, being near fruitarian) messing things up and just getting sicker and sicker.

Since cutting out ALL starch, getting lots of calories from milk, adequate sodium, eating small amounts of liver every day + fruit juice, I am beginning to realize what Ray has been talking about all these years.

It's a very profound change. I am warmer than ever before and it feels like my entire organism is revving up, vocal fluency better, I can visualize things much better and memory retention is improved, stress is very low and I have no anxiety whatsoever, and my lifelong problems with infections also seems to be improving as I haven't been sick since switching to a strict peat diet.

And on topic, hair also seems to be thicker and smoother now. Never have had any serious issues with hair thinning (maybe some temple receding), but my hair is more like it was when I was 10 years old, very thick.
Feb 23, 2020
Have your milk drinking habits changed from your previous posts? You used to add sugar to your milk and skim the fat off, do you still do these? Something new?

Where I live, local goat milk and A2 milk just aren't a thing so they are almost impossible to find and the price would be really high. Only Goat milk brand in grocery stores is imported and has carrageenan in it iirc. It costs 4.35e/L. You can't even buy A2 milk from grocery stores. Would you just go with organic non-homogenized A1 milk with no added vitamins?

Yeah that’s a great question. Anecdotally I’m confident that my best diet was when I was religiously eating one pound of grass fed organic local beef + one quart of organic non homogenized local A1 whole milk (so, one ingredient) every day. That was pricey but health was great. I didn’t even bother with raw A2 or anything, not sure I even had the option.

That was back when I was in NYC though, and I’ve then moved to other places where all I’d find was crap, and I’d get was massive gut inflammation.

I could try to experiment with high quality milk again though, it is true that high C/P is invaluable. Will have to order online.


Jul 13, 2014
no i would say milk is very important for health in general. i find milk actually more beneficial health wise compared to cheese
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