Muscle wasting, inflammation, and fibrosis. Please help



I don’t think thiamine raises blood pressure. It could be that the kind of thiamine you are taking is not good for you. Or another supplement is causing the problem.
It's happened numerous times. thiamine has raised my blood pressure, pretty high. I don't know why it happens. I've use thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine pyrophosphate and allithiamine. Same result.


May 13, 2015
I was prescribed the antibiotic Nitrofurantoin for an infection last year. Things took a turn for the worst after that. I cant imagine being able to tolerate higher doses of thiamine but will try. I have worried about my thiamine status for many years. My diet is carb rich including white sugar. I am dropping the milk, sugar and coffee for now. I think ARBs lower thiamine, I read that somewhere but cant find the source. Thanks
link: Bactrim: An Anti-Folate, Anti-Thiamine, Potassium Altering Drug - Hormones Matter
A lot of pharmaceutical drugs damage thiamine function. It doesn't just go away by itself. I spent several months slowly increasing my thiamine hcl dosage. I got better but I wanted to get well/normal again. I tried to take TTFD thiamine but it gave me a headache that lasted about 36 hours from one pill. So I stuck with thiamine hcl. I found Dr. Costantini's site: HDT Therapy and chose to increase my dosage up to 2 grams. After two days at this level, major improvements happened to my digestive system. I tried increasing my dosage up the 2.5 grams but experienced the negative effects that Dr. Costantini describes in his FAQs so I reduced the dose back to 2 grams.


"I have cold feet, actually they are pretty numb."

The peripheral nerves that reach your arms and legs rely heavily on the action of thiamine. In cases of deficiency, peripheral nerve damage and paresthesia can occur.

In fact, patients have experienced paresthesia in the beginning phases of thiamine deficiency (14Trusted Source, 15Trusted Source, 16Trusted Source).

Also, studies in rats have shown that thiamine deficiency has led to peripheral nerve damage (17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source).

from here: 11 Signs and Symptoms of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Deficiency
I have to rule out nerve damage form my spine injury but in the meantime I will try using thiamine later in the day when I am well fed. Though the numbness started when I introduce thyroid supplement. I thought it might be adrenaline which is why I am dropping the coffee.

I have used thiamine for years surely I cannot be deficient enough to cause peripheral nerve damage? There was a recent post showing that even small amounts is effective at correcting deficiency.


May 13, 2015
I cant imagine being able to tolerate higher doses of thiamine but will try. I have worried about my thiamine status for many years.
This video might help:

I found that drinking a glass of orange juice (12 oz) with some magnesium added to it helped me with feeling icky from thiamine. The orange juice has a lot of potassium which gets depleted from thiamine function; magnesium gets used up too; and thiamine will lower your blood sugar so the orange juice provides good sugars too. The low blood sugar was my main problem. I no longer seem to have any negative side effects from taking my 2 grams of thiamine daily. I feel pretty good and today I'm outside raking leaves out of my flower beds.


link: Bactrim: An Anti-Folate, Anti-Thiamine, Potassium Altering Drug - Hormones Matter
A lot of pharmaceutical drugs damage thiamine function. It doesn't just go away by itself. I spent several months slowly increasing my thiamine hcl dosage. I got better but I wanted to get well/normal again. I tried to take TTFD thiamine but it gave me a headache that lasted about 36 hours from one pill. So I stuck with thiamine hcl. I found Dr. Costantini's site: HDT Therapy and chose to increase my dosage up to 2 grams. After two days at this level, major improvements happened to my digestive system. I tried increasing my dosage up the 2.5 grams but experienced the negative effects that Dr. Costantini describes in his FAQs so I reduced the dose back to 2 grams.
Thanks I have looked at Dr Constantinis FAQ. He confirms that thiamine can raise blood pressure in some people. I will continue to use it but will adjust timing.
Nov 21, 2015
It's happened numerous times. thiamine has raised my blood pressure, pretty high. I don't know why it happens. I've use thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine pyrophosphate and allithiamine. Same result.

it may be balance of other B vitamins. Maybe it is throwing your liver out of whack. Are you taking other B vitamins with thiamine?


This video might help:

I found that drinking a glass of orange juice (12 oz) with some magnesium added to it helped me with feeling icky from thiamine. The orange juice has a lot of potassium which gets depleted from thiamine function; magnesium gets used up too; and thiamine will lower your blood sugar so the orange juice provides good sugars too. The low blood sugar was my main problem. I no longer seem to have any negative side effects from taking my 2 grams of thiamine daily. I feel pretty good and today I'm outside raking leaves out of my flower beds.

Thanks will watch.

Orange juice raises my blood pressure like crazy perhaps its because of the high sugar. At one point I thought it could be tyramine. But i get the point which is to take thiamine with adequate sugar.


it may be balance of other B vitamins. Maybe it is throwing your liver out of whack. Are you taking other B vitamins with thiamine?
I do take other b vitamins but not always at the same time as the thiamine. I take extra thiamine when I am eat high carb meal or snack.


Jan 25, 2016
Thiamine, Potassium and magnesium all lower cortisol making me feel cold ache all over and stiff neck and joints


May 13, 2015
I have to rule out nerve damage form my spine injury but in the meantime I will try using thiamine later in the day when I am well fed. Though the numbness started when I introduce thyroid supplement. I thought it might be adrenaline which is why I am dropping the coffee.

I have used thiamine for years surely I cannot be deficient enough to cause peripheral nerve damage? There was a recent post showing that even small amounts is effective at correcting deficiency.
Thiamine reduces nerve inflammation. A deficiency could cause more pain and symptoms that would make your spinal injury worse.

I do not think that the post you mention is accurate regarding "even a small amount is effective at correcting deficiency".

I think that you would find reading Dr. Costantini's FAQs helpful: FAQ
also a link to Dr. Costantini's discussion of his protocol: HDT Therapy

Also, here is a video with Dr. Chandler Marrs:


May 13, 2015
Thanks will watch.

Orange juice raises my blood pressure like crazy perhaps its because of the high sugar. At one point I thought it could be tyramine. But i get the point which is to take thiamine with adequate sugar.
Well, no, the orange juice is mainly for the potassium. I've also used it for some pretty severe hypoglycemia symptoms which it resolved.


This video might help:

I found that drinking a glass of orange juice (12 oz) with some magnesium added to it helped me with feeling icky from thiamine. The orange juice has a lot of potassium which gets depleted from thiamine function; magnesium gets used up too; and thiamine will lower your blood sugar so the orange juice provides good sugars too. The low blood sugar was my main problem. I no longer seem to have any negative side effects from taking my 2 grams of thiamine daily. I feel pretty good and today I'm outside raking leaves out of my flower beds.

Thanks again. Just watched. I definitely do have an issue with sulphites and will try molybdenum which I have used a long time ago and it was useful then.


I saw my doctor about my feet. I have plantar fasciitis/fibroma. Does anyone know if hydrolysed collage/gelatin will help or hinder this condition?

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
I saw my doctor about my feet. I have plantar fasciitis/fibroma. Does anyone know if hydrolysed collage/gelatin will help or hinder this condition?

I saw my doctor about my feet. I have plantar fasciitis/fibroma. Does anyone know if hydrolysed collage/gelatin will help or hinder this condition?
I saw my doctor about my feet. I have plantar fasciitis/fibroma. Does anyone know if hydrolysed collage/gelatin will help or hinder this condition?
Hi Pina,
Have you found a non surgical solution to your plantar fibroma? I’ve developed one recently too and I’m putting progesterone and frankincense on it hoping to shrink it. What have you tried? Any successes?


Hi Pina,
Have you found a non surgical solution to your plantar fibroma? I’ve developed one recently too and I’m putting progesterone and frankincense on it hoping to shrink it. What have you tried? Any successes?
Yes it did resolve. I used gelatin (2 tablespoon twice a day) and I was also using vitamin E. Massage the area, everyday.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
Yes it did resolve. I used gelatin (2 tablespoon twice a day) and I was also using vitamin E. Massage the area, everyday.
Thank you for your quick reply. I will add the vitamin e. I already use the gelatin but may increase it. ?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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