My Very Positive Experience And How I Did It

Nov 21, 2015
Hi @chispas , thank you so much for sharing your experience, it's wonderful for those of us still struggling to hear experiences like yours. Sorry for the exceeedenly personal question, but how are your bowel movements? I'm still struggling with constipation, and the only thing that helps me go is strong black coffee on an empty stomach in the morning. It's a terrible tool because of the cortisol response, but even if I add sugar/honey it doesn't give me the same "potty time!" effect. So was there something in your journey that particularly helped with that? Thanks!!

Are you eating much fruit? I find that is the answer. Copious fruit.


May 28, 2016
Are you eating much fruit? I find that is the answer. Copious fruit.
Hi hamster. I believe I am, I eat cantaloupe, papaya and oranges, plus the orange juice. I was also eating kiwi but I have a nagging gastritis that never leaves me, and kiwis and pineapples really makes it worse. Would the dry fruits help, such as dates and raisins? The thing with the morning coffee, honestly, I think is more psycological than anything. I have an almost immediate urge after coffee, and when I don't have it I just leave the house and go about my day, and 99% of the time won't have a bm all day if not the one right after coffee...


Aug 12, 2015
Would the dry fruits help, such as dates and raisins?

Dates help me immensely, same with ripe spotty bananas.

Raisins give me horrible gas and seen to hurt my metabolism. Apparently grapes and raisins are high in pesticides so I'd opt for organic if you do choose to try them.

Too much fluid in place of food gives me major constipation.


May 28, 2016
Dates help me immensely, same with ripe spotty bananas.

Raisins give me horrible gas and seen to hurt my metabolism. Apparently grapes and raisins are high in pesticides so I'd opt for organic if you do choose to try them.

Too much fluid in place of food gives me major constipation.
You know, my intuition has been telling me the same thing with the excess liquids. Regarding the spotted bananas (which btw I LOVE), should the tryptophan content be a concern?


Aug 12, 2015
You know, my intuition has been telling me the same thing with the excess liquids. Regarding the spotted bananas (which btw I LOVE), should the tryptophan content be a concern?

Monitor any bloating or reduction in body temp after drinking, try drinking only to thirst and keep up sodium intake.

Bananas are not the best fruit but if they get your gut moving and you feel better then I'd chow down.


Dec 4, 2014
Hi @chispas , thank you so much for sharing your experience, it's wonderful for those of us still struggling to hear experiences like yours. Sorry for the exceeedenly personal question, but how are your bowel movements? I'm still struggling with constipation, and the only thing that helps me go is strong black coffee on an empty stomach in the morning. It's a terrible tool because of the cortisol response, but even if I add sugar/honey it doesn't give me the same "potty time!" effect. So was there something in your journey that particularly helped with that? Thanks!!

Hi Evandrojr,

I did experience the constipation thing - for me the cause was directly related to calcium from dairy. I still don't know if supplementing K2 will somehow "mop up" the excess calcium and thereby prevent the stool from becoming so bulky. Somehow I doubt it, and I don't think it would be ideal to have to take a supplement every day just to have normal bowel movements.

I did a calculation a few days ago, and figured out that I was consuming as much as 3700 - 4000mg of calcium per day during the time I briefly experienced constipation. Be aware that micellar casein and oranges both contain lots of calcium that eventually adds up - it isn't just the milk and cheese. I only have two glasses of milk a day max, and I water them down a bit so that I drink less of it in my protein drink. Also, be aware that the sulfur in the eggs will contribute to constipation. I only eat these weekly now. I used to have four to five per day before I knew of Peat.

I think Ray has said that he gets about 2500mg calcium a day - this would be at the higher end. It's also not too far from what the authorities in Australia recommend, strangely. I think they say 2000mg per day max.

In terms of "what you can do" to alleviate the constipation, I believe medjool dates make a huge contribution to healthy bowel movements. I have five to six per day, every day, without fail. I also maintain a couple of pieces of fresh fruit per day, together with a good handful of cranberries - fresh fruit is extremely important I think. Mandarins and mangoes are great, cherries too. I've found that aiming for convenient fruits is better than aiming for "the perfect" fruits.

I basically have a normal bowel movement every day, no constipation or pain, or anything weird at all. No diarrhea either for months now, which I used to have regularly.

One thing I have learnt about myself and my body, is that fibre content recommended by authorities as being healthy, such as that found in nuts, seeds, vegetables, lentils, chick peas, grains, etc, are very very very hard on my bowels. The only nut I can cope with is macadamia. I don't do many vegetables except a carrot and a small bit of broccoli every now and again at dinner time. I didn't find the carrot helped in the bowel movement department, much to my disappointment.

Hope this helps! Enjoy your coffee! Post back when it clears up.


Dec 4, 2014
What about your feet hurting in the morning? Is that the same better or worse?

The pain in the feet went away. I think my circulation may have improved, but it is very subjective and hard to comment on. It certainly didn't feel good before, but now it feels like everything's normal.

I also had audible cracking/crunching noises coming from my knees (from weightlifting) and now that has almost entirely vanished - I would say 95% gone. The pain has also completely disappeared, which is more important to me than the sound. I used to brace myself mentally just for getting up out of a chair for the pain that I felt, and now I feel nothing at all. I still do weightlifting so the intensity has not changed, the nutrition has just improved.

I'm sorry I can't comment better on this improvement. I can't tell you what it was precisely that improved it.


Dec 4, 2014
Monitor any bloating or reduction in body temp after drinking, try drinking only to thirst and keep up sodium intake.

Orange juice and sodium has been the cornerstone of my adrenaline reduction strategy. It works brilliantly, and makes me feel great in the morning. A further bit of salt at dinner (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon) seems to get me through the evening without needing to use the bathroom before bed. I don't think you need salt all day long, just twice - one in the morning, one in the evening. I wonder if the effectiveness of it is because the salt enters the digestion on a near-to empty stomach, or perhaps it works together with the fructose of the juice? I'm not sure.


Dec 4, 2014
Hi hamster. I believe I am, I eat cantaloupe, papaya and oranges, plus the orange juice. I was also eating kiwi but I have a nagging gastritis that never leaves me, and kiwis and pineapples really makes it worse. Would the dry fruits help, such as dates and raisins? The thing with the morning coffee, honestly, I think is more psycological than anything. I have an almost immediate urge after coffee, and when I don't have it I just leave the house and go about my day, and 99% of the time won't have a bm all day if not the one right after coffee...

Have your coffee two to three hours after you have woken up, and eaten something already. Consume a lot of nutrient and give your body time to synthesise it before adding coffee into the mix...


Mar 29, 2014
I also wash white rice to remove the starch.
I think rice is mostly starch - if you wash away all the starch, I don't think you have any rice left?
I think that as a linguist, he has a responsibility to never use the word 'scrumptious'.
Perfectly good word in appropriate context. :lol:


Dec 4, 2014
Glycine is sickly sweet to my taste buds, and never dissolves well in cold liquids. I mix a lot of sugar in with the coffee and this somewhat masks the glycine.

These days I've started throwing it into my protein shake to block the glutamic acid in the casein. This is one of glycine's best functions. Glycine can also produce glutathione independently of cysteine and glutamic acid.

It seems like a rubbish book by judging the title and front cover, but The End of Stress by Don Joseph Goewey gives a good explanation of how glycine protects the brain and rebuilds collagen in the body. Its also a very good explanation of how stress affects different organisms. The stuff on salmon is worth the price of the book.


Dec 4, 2014
I think rice is mostly starch - if you wash away all the starch, I don't think you have any rice left?"

I think there is resistant starch in the grain that can be removed by washing it with water. It makes for softer, fluffier rice. Even after refrigeration the grains don't stick together.


Dec 4, 2014
I would like to update this thread by saying that I don't take as much b3 anymore. Now only 100mg daily.


Dec 4, 2014
So I ran out of casein and had to wait eight days for another delivery of it, and in that time I started to feel very much less good than I was.

As soon as the casein was back in my diet, and daily protein back to 180g or more, the subjective feeling of wellness returned. It didn't happen immediately however, and in the interim I noticed my voice becoming softer again, stressful situations at work bothering me, elevated frustrations, as well as a sense of mental hesitation under pressure. All of these phenomena have thankfully retreated, and I'm back to normal.

I also was experimenting with olive oil again, splashing some on top of my liverwurst. It tastes good, but there's no obvious metabolic effects that are good, so I can't recommend it.


Dec 4, 2014
How come you lowered it?

Just a sense that the good effects I was experiencing started to diminish over time (when taking 500mg - 1g per day), which made me think that my body wasn't excreting much of the excess. Once I dropped the dose, I could take it with the same regularity every morning and feel the effects of it through the day.

I'm sure we all have different thresholds, however.


Dec 4, 2014
So I inexplicably began to not feel too good, in contrast to the self-confidence that the title of this thread exudes. Apologies.

But the good news is that I seem to have troubleshooted the issue after tracking back through my routines. What I noticed was that the thing I valued the least, had the most importance. The taurine in the tea that I consumed each evening was the factor that seemed to be making me subjectively feel the happiest. When the taurine ran out a few weeks back, I stopped drinking tea completely. Not long after, sleeplessness crept up, Pansterone didn't make me feel good, casein didn't make me feel good, gummy bears gave me groggy high insulin-like feelings, which was bizarre considering how many of them I was accustomed to consuming.

So anyway, it took me a while to work this out, and I thought I would post an update in case anyone else runs into this issue. Took 2g of taurine morning and night the last two days, and immediately felt cheerful and energetic, slept like a rock. Took another 2g with protein shake this morning, and mood is back on track like no interruption ever occurred. It's truly bizarre - like flicking a switch to "ON".

What I noticed in the past (while taking taurine) is that I was given to these amazingly insurpressable bursts of laughter that I could hardly control, especially following the consumption of coffee and gummy bears around morning tea. This laughter is truly infectious and makes me feel great, and it can begin from the slightest thing. When the taurine ran out, the lack of laughter was the first thing I noticed and I mistakenly thought it meant I wasn't eating right, or perhaps I was ill. I explored consuming different variations of foods with coffee in an attempt to try to regain the laughter and good feelings that this used to elicit - but to no avail. Also, it was around this time that many of my staple foods left me feeling indifferent, and I stopped enjoying them. I started to dislike cheese sticks, dates, cranberries, gummy bears and eggs, which made me wonder about my food choices and appetite.

Anyway, 48 hours after consuming 4 separate doses of taurine (morning and evening across two days) and the laughter and good feelings are back. Also, incidentally black circles around my eyes are gone. Sleep is back to normal. Drift off fast, and feel bright when I get up. This morning I was reading some Nasrudin stories and I had tears of laughter - girlfriend just looked at me nonplussed because it really wasn't that funny.

It's like my brain is getting tickled and I simply cannot prevent the laughter from coming on, it's like an avalanche. Perhaps the taurine is enabling the protein to be absorbed better, and enabling glucose to get to my brain better...not sure.


Dec 4, 2014
I think I may now experiment with raising the niacinamide dose slightly to see if the sense of wellbeing I am feeling will be potentiated.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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