New here- trying to figure it all out!


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This is a great place for feeling supported and not alone while navigating the process of repairing health in my experience. I'm certain I would not be where I am today without the tremendous amount of help and encouragement I've received from other forum members!


Mar 29, 2014
Hi Livingirl, how are you doing?


Oct 9, 2014
tara said:
Hi Livingirl, how are you doing?

Hi Tara! Thanks for asking. I'm doing fine. I've been on vacation this week, so I've been drinking a little wine which always slows things down for me. I am also 6 days late for my period to start. Since December of last year, my cycle has been off. Up until Dec, I was an on the dot 26 day cycle, very little PMS and 3-4 day period since I started menstruating. I guess I am definitely peri now. This is the 3rd time I've been late since Dec. One thing I've been wondering, is that maybe the progesterone is lengthening my cycle. I haven't came to that conclusion yet. :?: I kept thinking I was going to start a few days ago, because I felt really lethargic and PMS-y, and a little achy in my pelvis. I've never had a problem with cramps so that has never been a sign for me. The last couple of days, I actually felt normal. It's almost like I feel once my period starts. That's how my cycle works, a week of lethargy, period starts, lots of energy and feel good. Who knows! I've been so all over the place, that I can't really tell what's going on.

I have noticed that the aspirin makes me feel better. I've only been taking it about a week, so I am not sure how much it is influencing things yet. I bought some BC's powder and I just sprinkle a little on my palm or in some tea or water. A packet has 1000mg of aspirin and 65mg of caffeine. A packet lasts me about 3-4 days. I just sprinkle a little when I feel icky. I have a new drink that makes me feel good in the am. I take 7oz distilled water, 1/4 cup pineapple-orange juice, a pinch of salt and a dash of BC powder. It makes me feel energetic and takes the fatigue off of me.

My skin is still looking very good. I love red wine, and I've drank some the last 3 nights with no red face or chest! That is huge for me over the last few years. I am on week 4 of my zinc and other supplements. I've still been bruising a little more than usual. I'm taking K2, so could it be the aspirin? I may be taking around 325 mg a day. I also think I may have used to get more vitamin C from fruits. I also bought some instant coffee since I cannot afford a coffee maker right now and I like it because I can control how much caffeine I am consuming. I've been putting my gelatin in the coffee or tea depending on which I drink. I tend to like tea, because it gives me more of an euphoric feeling. Sometimes coffee is too stimulating, even if the caffeine content is the same. Do you think it is the other compounds and acids in the coffee? Anyway, I can't even tell the gelatin is in there. Pretty cool! :) My husband has been putting the gelatin in his protein shakes and takes a dose in watered down juice at night.

The gelatin has definitely brought out the youthfulness in my features again. I have a round, youthful face already, but it has been filling out the lines on my forehead nicely and bringing out the edges sharper. I love it. I've been telling all of the girls in my life about it. :P
Progesterone helps some too I think, but the gelatin is the icing on the cake.

I need to start tracking my diet again. I need to figure out why last week my temp was running an actual 98.5 which I normally run 96-97.5. Today it's been in the high 97's. One positive thing since I've been taking progesterone is that I used to be very cold intolerant and that is getting much better. Maybe that will help someone.

How are things with you? :)


Mar 29, 2014
I'm better today after two migraine days, ta - one in pain and in bed most of the day, the second up and down between drugs.

Glad you are finding some things that are helpful, like gelatin, progesterone and aspirin. If you take aspirin regularly, it's apparently good to make sure you get some K2 as well. There is some in liver, and some fermented foods. Quite a few of us supplement this - I use Thorne K2.

I used to always have lots of bruises, but the last year I've had few. I think it may be a combination of less knocks and reduced susceptibility from my current diet. I wonder if the K2 and/or the progesterone might be helping with that, but not sure. Undereating might make it hard to repair easily.


Oct 9, 2014
[/quote]I used to always have lots of bruises, but the last year I've had few. I think it may be a combination of less knocks and reduced susceptibility from my current diet. I wonder if the K2 and/or the progesterone might be helping with that, but not sure. Undereating might make it hard to repair easily.[/quote]

See, I have always been pretty resistant to bruises. Just recently they have been popping up. They seem to be clearing up though. But, I have been off work where I do a lot of physical labor and you can't help but bang your self several times a day. I go back Thursday, so we will see how it goes. You will be glad to know that I have been upping my calories. I've already had 1800 today and shooting for 2300. I am really full and I don't see how I can eat another 500! Lol I am going to give it a go to see if these extra calories help get me back down to my set point weight, which is 110-115. Wish me luck!


Mar 29, 2014
Livingirl said:
You will be glad to know that I have been upping my calories. I've already had 1800 today and shooting for 2300. I am really full and I don't see how I can eat another 500! Lol I am going to give it a go to see if these extra calories help get me back down to my set point weight, which is 110-115. Wish me luck!

If you've been restricting food since teens it may be hard to know what your ideal (health-wise) set point would be. I would not expect your weight to go down quickly, and whether it will in the longer term is unknown. But I would hope that eating enough will eventually help with lots of other things, and gives you the best chance at longevity. There are some risks with refeeding. Did you read Gwyneth's description of the phases of recovery? ... order.html

It might be good to see if you can find a doctor somewhere near you who understands something about refeeding, and the health issues surrounding it. In particular, a rare but urgent and dangerous 'refeeding syndrome' can occasionally occur. I think it involves electrolyte imbalances. It can be treated, but it is important to get urgent attention if it happens.

Good luck!


Oct 9, 2014
tara said:
Livingirl said:
You will be glad to know that I have been upping my calories. I've already had 1800 today and shooting for 2300. I am really full and I don't see how I can eat another 500! Lol I am going to give it a go to see if these extra calories help get me back down to my set point weight, which is 110-115. Wish me luck!

If you've been restricting food since teens it may be hard to know what your ideal (health-wise) set point would be. I would not expect your weight to go down quickly, and whether it will in the longer term is unknown. But I would hope that eating enough will eventually help with lots of other things, and gives you the best chance at longevity. There are some risks with refeeding. Did you read Gwyneth's description of the phases of recovery? ... order.html

It might be good to see if you can find a doctor somewhere near you who understands something about refeeding, and the health issues surrounding it. In particular, a rare but urgent and dangerous 'refeeding syndrome' can occasionally occur. I think it involves electrolyte imbalances. It can be treated, but it is important to get urgent attention if it happens.

Good luck!

I never go below 1200 and I mostly eat 1400 a day. So could I still have a refeeding syndrome going up from 1400? BTW, I am still at 1800 cals and feel stuffed. I'm getting ready to go to bed and I definitely can't eat any more. Going to take my supplements and call it a night. Thanks for your replies!


Mar 29, 2014
If you are increasing your food you are going in the right direction. Letting it take a couple of weeks to get up to speed might not be a bad thing.

Here's from the youreatopia site: ... ocess.html

First of all, re-feeding syndrome is rare. It’s rare even with the most severely emaciated and ill patients in hospital settings. However when it happens, it is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. It is easily remediated in a hospital setting, but you need to get there fast.

Re-feeding syndrome is when the electrolytes go completely out of whack and it is most likely to occur in the early phases of a recovery effort.

If you have been consuming under 1000 calories a day for more than 5 days; if you have a history of purging; if you have been abusing laxatives and/or diuretics, then you must increase your intake slowly and be monitored by a physician until you get to 2000 calories every day.

You increase your calories in 200-calorie increments every 2-3 days. Once you are at 2000 calories, then (with physician approval) you can jump to recovery guideline amounts immediately.

Re-feeding syndrome is not subtle and you will feel very, very ill. You will want to stay in bed. You will be feverish, clammy and nauseous. You may likely vomit and you will experience severe swelling of the hands and feet. If you have these symptoms, call for immediate emergency help. As I mentioned, it is quickly rectified but you need immediate intervention.

If Peat has addressed recovery after anorexia and bulimia etc, I have not come across it. I'm inclined to trust his take on specific foods over Gwyneth's - she's recommends seeds and nut butters, for instance. But as far as I know she's onto it about recovery from undereating more generally.


Feb 9, 2013
Livingirl said:
That has been one of my stressors, his drinking when stressed and motivation to look for a meaningful job that he can stay with. He's very emotional and can't handle stress at all. I carry the stress for both of us. I want to help him too. The positive of this is that he realizes it and will try what ever I recommend.

This situation doesn't sound healthy for you. Tolerating will only make you ill. You sound a bit like an enabler. Do you know what that is? An enabler is someone who tries to control or take care of the alcoholic, so that he does not have to experience the consequences of his actions. Do you have alcoholics in your family?

When men drink it wipes out their masculinity and they go into their feminine side. When a woman drinks, it is the opposite - to stop feeling. The cognitive therapist Pat Allen talks alot about this, she does seminars in LA and counselling as well.


Oct 9, 2014
ilovethesea said:
Livingirl said:
That has been one of my stressors, his drinking when stressed and motivation to look for a meaningful job that he can stay with. He's very emotional and can't handle stress at all. I carry the stress for both of us. I want to help him too. The positive of this is that he realizes it and will try what ever I recommend.

This situation doesn't sound healthy for you. Tolerating will only make you ill. You sound a bit like an enabler. Do you know what that is? An enabler is someone who tries to control or take care of the alcoholic, so that he does not have to experience the consequences of his actions. Do you have alcoholics in your family?

When men drink it wipes out their masculinity and they go into their feminine side. When a woman drinks, it is the opposite - to stop feeling. The cognitive therapist Pat Allen talks alot about this, she does seminars in LA and counselling as well.

Yes, I am aware of what an enabler is. I know I've got to make some hard decisions because the situation can't continue on like is has been. It definitely affects my health. No one in my family drinks but my younger brother. He is definitely an alcoholic. I've never been exposed to this sort of behavior, so I don't think I am equipped to handle it the right way. That is what I am working on right now.


Feb 9, 2013
Sounds good and hope things are improving for you. I know this forum focuses on physical health, I just feel that emotional health is even more important and it's not something most of us prioritize (or even know what it looks like). Reading and listening to Dr. Pat Allen's work was quite life changing for me, maybe look her up - she's written a few books and has a website. She talks a lot about male female roles and being anchored... For example most people think it's a female trait to be selfless, take care of everyone, and put others before yourself, but actually it's not (it's masculine and unhealthy for a feminine woman). If you are in a relationship where you're prioritizing his feelings over your own - then the stress of tolerating and resenting your "over-give" is extremely harmful. It's healthier to take care of yourself and accept or reject other people's behaviour, knowing that you cannot control it or be responsible for it. Just some thoughts as this new way of thinking really helped me improve my life dramatically.


Oct 9, 2014
Hello there, and just wanted to say sorry for not getting back to this post for a while. Work has been very busy and I kind of put every thing on the back burner as I was taking on too much at once with trying to figure out my health and working long hours. I am still at the same job, but start a new location tomorrow. I have been trying to find a new line of work, as I am in retail management, and the place I work requires a minimum of 50 hours a week from us. This is not good for my lagging energy levels and health of course.

Good news is, my husband has had a steady job and that opens up possibility for me to take a more reasonable job for me. We have been doing so much better in our relationship too. He's been taking responsibility for more and it's taken a huge weight off of me. :)

As for my health, I seem to be doing better the last few weeks with my energy levels, but my hormones are acting whacky. I am eating more, I'm at a pretty good weight, but I am starting to have periods every two weeks! I am still on a steady dose of natural progesterone and I usually do not take a break due to high estrogen symptoms when I do. My main symptoms are red face, puffy skin and face, lower temps, excessive bruising, general not well feeling and achy all over. There are more, but those are the worst.

I think the reason for last few weeks of feeling better are that I added Metafolin and aspirin to my daily regime. I notice a big difference and more energy with the aspirin. I take one 325 mg pill with my breakfast or lunch. I am still taking zinc, co-enzyme B's,D3, vit E and gelatin. I have been trying to avoid PUFA as much as possible. I have never avoided sugars, so that was never a problem. I have been eating a little dairy, as I avoided it along with gluten for the last 10 years. I never really ate a lot of PUFA's in the past anyway, because I followed a high raw diet that only allowed coconut oil, olive oil, animal fats (no pork or fowl, beef, fish and egg yolk only) and lots of fruits. Some raw nuts, but I never ate that many. Kind of similar to Ray Peat, but raw. :) I was in really good health on that diet, but it was hard to maintain with trying to find quality fresh raw animal food and working too many hours making it hard to eat frequently enough.

I recently requested my thyroid labs back, as I never heard from my doctor about them so I assumed they were fine. Wrong! My T4 came back abnormal low, and all my other numbers were at the bottom of normal. This is on both tests six months apart. The test before those two, showed me at normal across the board, but at the low end. My iron came back as high on one of them earlier last year, but there was no iron test on the other two, only thyroid.

Two weeks ago, I had my blood work done at a NP doctor in my area that I found through a local compounding pharmacy. I get the results back this coming week. They are testing everything, literally. The test includes MHTFR, thyroid, celiac and much more. Hopefully I can finally get a insight on this and why I am struggling so much.

I have some sustained release T3 that I want to start experimenting again, but would that be a bad idea with my T4 being too low? I was just going to take one 7.5mcg pill a day. I'm not sure where to find that info out. I have read and read Ray's articles, but have a hard time remembering where I read certain things. Part of my misery! LOL

Hope all of you are doing well, and I want to thank you for all of your kind words and knowledge, it has really helped!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
If your t4 is low, you are having hormonal problems and hypothyroid symptoms it might not hurt to try the t3 in divided doses throughout the day. I'm hoping someone more versed in thyroid will chime in because it possible too that you might do best on a combination T4/T3 product. In the mean time I can't imagine the t3 only would hurt. Congratulations on the other improvements in your life.


Oct 9, 2014
Blossom said:
If your t4 is low, you are having hormonal problems and hypothyroid symptoms it might not hurt to try the t3 in divided doses throughout the day. I'm hoping someone more versed in thyroid will chime in because it possible too that you might do best on a combination T4/T3 product. In the mean time I can't imagine the t3 only would hurt. Congratulations on the other improvements in your life.


So from your knowledge, the low t4 can cause hormonal problems? I've been having them for the last year and a half. This would explain a lot.

My T3 is in a capsule form. I wonder if it is okay to divide that? I do have some empty capsules I bought to encapsulate some liver powder I bought once because it tasted so bad! :eek: Lol

I do want to take some of the T3 in the meantime, while I am waiting on my test results. I took one earlier today and felt a little edgy. I've got iron issues too, which I've heard can cause problems with the body letting the T3 in the cells. I've also read that you can show high ferritin while your blood iron is low, which is usually caused by inflammation which I definitely have. It seems like a catch 22 because low thyroid can cause inflammation. So it's either the iron or my adrenals that is making me feel a little stimulated from the T3 I think.

Has anyone ever used molasses for iron following Peat?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I don't know if it's specifically low t4 but Peat talked about t3 helping with female hormonal issues in one of his radio interviews and I experienced that myself when I ran out of thyroid (cynoplus a t4/t3 combo) last winter.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Dividing the t3 into the empty capsules should work fine. Taking it with a snack or meal might help you tolerate it better too. Starting thyroid can unmask high stress hormones sometimes and there has been much discussion about this on the forum. Getting adequate sugars and salt is a good place to start to help lower them. Haidut's has some great posts on lowering adrenaline that you might find interesting.


Oct 9, 2014
Blossom said:
Dividing the t3 into the empty capsules should work fine. Taking it with a snack or meal might help you tolerate it better too. Starting thyroid can unmask high stress hormones sometimes and there has been much discussion about this on the forum. Getting adequate sugars and salt is a good place to start to help lower them. Haidut's has some great posts on lowering adrenaline that you might find interesting.

Thanks, I will check it out.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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