Nocturnal Awakenings

Morning Star

Feb 11, 2016
I fall asleep readily, in less than 20 minutes, but invariably wake up after 2 or so hours. I can fall asleep again, but wake up after another hour. All told I might get 5 hours of sleep, which leaves me groggy and sluggish during the day. I struggle to stay awake around 3:00 PM, dozing off into micro-sleeps if I'm sitting quietly. This has been ongoing for about two 2 weeks.
Background: For a year I took high doses, 5000-2000% RDI of B6 to improve dream recall, It indeed works, although it could sometimes cause nightmares and multiple false awakenings. About 3 weeks ago I stopped and was pleasantly surprised that I was able to recall several distinct dreams per night. Usually 3, with the third and last being the most vivid.
Two weeks ago I had a horrible nightmare that startled me awake. Since that time I have not but once gotten a full nights sleep, and have dreamed but fragmentary and trivial snatches. I have also:
Quit Smoking
Stopped Drinking Coffee as well
Not ejaculated for close to a month, no difficulty, voluntary

Prior to this period, a few sips of OJ and a drag off a cigarette would put me right back to sleep. I eliminated OJ because the acidity seemed to aggravate my stomach, switched to grapes, melons and cooked apples. I do not crave cigarettes as acutely as in past days, but am still definitely addicted. Any Former smokers experience similar effects while quitting,

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
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May 3, 2015
You have made some dramatic changes recently, stopping cold turkey:

OJ, coffee, cigarettes, ejaculation

And drastically reducing b6.

Now your cells or tissues and gut flora may have adapted to your previous lifestyle and learned to generate certain chemicals to deal with the nicotine or caffeine or acid etc.

Now the inputs have changed the cells & tissues and gut flora may need to break down stuff that performed functions that are no longer needed and grow new stuff to create new chemicals to deal with the new environment.

I think Peat said every dietary change is stressful.

Perhaps the tobacco takes more than 3 weeks. Perhaps when you next wake up you can comfort yourself that your body is just reorganizing the factory floor to run the machinery most efficiently.


Mar 2, 2016
I experienced all kinds of weird effects when I quit my smoking habit - visual snow, headaches, symptoms of high prolactin. It also messed with my sleep considerably. Disrupted serotonin transport and receptor density definitely plays a role. How is your libido? Do you get morning erections?

Try eating a very ripe banana or drinking a large glass of warm milk close to bed time.


Jun 8, 2014
Trouble staying sleeping for me is usually associated with too high of an energy deficit or eating too low fat for too long.
Morning Star

Morning Star

Feb 11, 2016
Been drinking warm Milk with Cinnamon, cardamom, and maple syrup and about 15 minutes before bed. I fall asleep without difficulty, but then start waking up all the time.
Trouble staying sleeping for me is usually associated with too high of an energy deficit or eating too low fat for too long.
Just yesterday I started adding a tsps of ghee to my rice, also adjusted my mealtimes and sizes. Before I ate quite a monotonous diet of skim milk, rice, salt,OJ, and coffee with about 15 unfiltered cigarettes, and a lot of salt. Now I am eating cooked apples, grapes, cantaloupe, couscous, barley, ghee, dates, rice, organic, non-homogenized 2% milk, maple syrup, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese. I'm eating my largest meal at noon, and dinner by 6pm, after which I limit myself to a glass of milk, and maybe a piece of fruit. Prior to adopting these changes I would I would eat 3 large bowls of rice, one upon waking, one at 2pm and the biggest one at 11pm I also drank 2 or 3 large and strong coffees and chainsmoked when I wasn't working, sleeping, or training.

In the last few day my complexion has cleared. My skin is less oily, but tighter and more lustrous seeming. though I am eating more frequently, abundantly, and heartily, and Excersing with a more humane regard for my body, I have dropped a lb and appear even leaner. Wheras before I would have a bowle movemtn 5 minutes after i drank my cofee and lit my ciggarreete, now I have numerous, small, diffcult ones, throughout the day. cnstitpation is what I most dreaded and part of the reason I hesitated to quit smoking. The insomnia though has proven to be a greater obstacle.

I had a false start quitting smoking last week. I quit for two days and then reationalized, " It is weakness to quit smoking entirely, you would demonstrated true resolve by allowing yourself the pleasure and benefits of nicotine, without being shamefully dependant on it" Smoke one or two a day I though, reap the benefits and accrue none of the harm. that first drag was perhaps the most pleasant sensation I have experienced in recent memory. Instantly my mental clarity and acuity was restored and thoughts rushed into my mind torrent like. It was divine, but quickly and predictably spiraled downward back into addiction. However when my pack was finally exhausted, I smoked the last whole cigarette, put it out with even a few puffs remaining, , and solemnly vowed to smoke no more, and endure whatever consequences should inevitably follow. That was Monday afternoon. I have not faltered, but am still beset by cravings, but thankfully the opacity,vagueness, and irascibility has almost subsided. Now If I could just get some quality , uninterupted , resorative sleep.
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Morning Star

Morning Star

Feb 11, 2016
Been drinking warm Milk with Cinnamon, cardamom, and maple syrup and about 15 minutes before bed. I fall asleep without difficulty, but then start waking up all the time.

Just yesterday I started adding a tsps of ghee to my rice, also adjusted my mealtimes and sizes. Before I ate quite a monotonous diet of skim milk, rice, salt,OJ, and coffee with about 15 unfiltered cigarettes, and a lot of salt. Now I am eating cooked apples, grapes, cantaloupe, couscous, barley, ghee, dates, rice, organic, non-homogenized 2% milk, maple syrup, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese. I'm eating my largest meal at noon, and dinner by 6pm, after which I limit myself to a glass of milk, and maybe a piece of fruit. Prior to adopting these changes I would I would eat 3 large bowls of rice, one upon waking, one at 2pm and the biggest one at 11pm I also drank 2 or 3 large and strong coffees and chainsmoked when I wasn't working, sleeping, or training.

In the last few day my complexion has cleared. My skin is less oily, but tighter and more lustrous seeming. though I am eating more frequently, abundantly, and heartily, and Exercising with a more humane regard for my body, I have dropped a lb and appear even leaner. Whereas before I would have a bowel movement not 5 minutes after the first sip of coffee and having lit my cigarette, now I have numerous, small, diffcult ones, throughout the day. constipation is what I most dreaded and part of the reason I hesitated to quit smoking. The insomnia though has proven to be a greater obstacle.

I had a false start quitting smoking last week. I quit for two days and then rationalized, " It is weakness to quit smoking entirely, you would demonstrated true resolve by allowing yourself the pleasure and benefits of nicotine, without being shamefully dependent on it" Smoke one or two a day I though, reap the benefits and accrue none of the harm. that first drag was perhaps the most pleasant sensation I have experienced in recent memory. Instantly my mental clarity and acuity was restored and thoughts rushed into my mind torrent like. It was divine, but quickly and predictably spiraled downward back into addiction. However when my pack was finally exhausted, I smoked the last whole cigarette, put it out with even a few puffs remaining, , and solemnly vowed to smoke no more, and endure whatever consequences should inevitably follow. That was Monday afternoon. I have not faltered, but am still beset by cravings, but thankfully the opacity,vagueness, and irascibility has almost subsided. Now If I could just get some quality , uninterrupted , restorative sleep.
There also are the those factors I am powerless to control. Noise from the street, idiotic neighbors screaming, laughing, partying at at 2 in the morning, doors slamming, second-hand smoke wafting in, and the curious and inexplicable occurrence where man cracked open my door which I had neglected to lock, and shone flashlight into my bedroom (I have a studio apartment). I awoke instantly at the sound of his hand on the door. He opened it delicately so as to not alert me. I told him to get the **** out. and he instantly, and wordlessly complied. I shot up, out of bed and wen't out to confront him. He and another man, abvout my age, late 20's early 30's were getting into a a red sportscar, they were dressed distinctly, uniformly with, tightly fitting grey pants and sweatshirts. The one with the flashlight told me he was looking for his friends apartment I gave him an intimidating glare and went back inside. Moments later I suddenly grasped the peculiar element of the situation, I popped back outside. "With a flashlight"? I asked. Pause. Yes..I have flashlight he responded dryly, then in tones of feigned sincerity "Ohhh, we weren't trying to break in.... we just.. I didn't let him finish his excuse and went back inside, but was unable to fall back asleep, or shake the feeling of strangeness and paranoia the event had left me with. It seems some days that every conceivable thing, nature, the universe itself, some unkind malevolent force conspires to crush you, to rob you of your sleep, your happiness your sanity and peace of mind.


Aug 17, 2016
There also are the those factors I am powerless to control. Noise from the street, idiotic neighbors screaming, laughing, partying at at 2 in the morning, doors slamming, second-hand smoke wafting in, and the curious and inexplicable occurrence where man cracked open my door which I had neglected to lock, and shone flashlight into my bedroom (I have a studio apartment). I awoke instantly at the sound of his hand on the door. He opened it delicately so as to not alert me. I told him to get the **** out. and he instantly, and wordlessly complied. I shot up, out of bed and wen't out to confront him. He and another man, abvout my age, late 20's early 30's were getting into a a red sportscar, they were dressed distinctly, uniformly with, tightly fitting grey pants and sweatshirts. The one with the flashlight told me he was looking for his friends apartment I gave him an intimidating glare and went back inside. Moments later I suddenly grasped the peculiar element of the situation, I popped back outside. "With a flashlight"? I asked. Pause. Yes..I have flashlight he responded dryly, then in tones of feigned sincerity "Ohhh, we weren't trying to break in.... we just.. I didn't let him finish his excuse and went back inside, but was unable to fall back asleep, or shake the feeling of strangeness and paranoia the event had left me with. It seems some days that every conceivable thing, nature, the universe itself, some unkind malevolent force conspires to crush you, to rob you of your sleep, your happiness your sanity and peace of mind.
I would not say "paranoia" Morning Star. That was a very real incident and you handled it quite coolly. Impressive. I love the anonymity and all the conveniences of city life; but the damn noise. It reminds me of one of Ray's articles (?maybe), where rats were "stressed" ("tortured" even) by being placed on a crowded vibrating platform. That was definitely my NYC studio apt. I'm in better digs now, but for the city NOISE, it would be nirvana. Sometimes I rather just listen to vintage Sweet Baby James:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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