Peat Girl's Logger


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Feb 7, 2013
He reads every post.
Pretty much.

His commitment to the forum is rather staggering.

:hattip Charlie


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 17, 2014
Wow. You pretty much know the bowel movements of everyone on the forum ;D

So, Charlie, what do you think? Should I start another thread for my experiment or continue it here?


Sep 17, 2014

I did it!

I posted my PUFA depletion protocol here, and I will no post on that thread (daily, pretty much), so...
Farewell little log... And thanks to my sole reader Jen for being there with me every step of the way (hehe).



Jul 8, 2014
You're welcome, though I certainty wasn't the only one following you. You have plenty of stalkers...I mean readers! :mrgreen:

Good bye, log! In true hoarding fashion, I succeeded in cluttering you and I take great pleasure in knowing your OCD owner couldn't stop it! :D


May 26, 2015
I've been catching up on your log.

The way I see it, the log is more for you. My log is for me. If people follow along and have helpful pointers, that's great! But once you get things dialed in, it probably get's boring quickly.


Jan 22, 2013
Peat's_Girl said:
Wow. You pretty much know the bowel movements of everyone on the forum ;D

So, Charlie, what do you think? Should I start another thread for my experiment or continue it here?



Sep 17, 2014
You guys can't keep feeding into my habit of replying to you. Or this thread will keep going, getting filled with nothing but banter!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Peat's_Girl said:
Wow. You pretty much know the bowel movements of everyone on the forum ;D


So, Charlie, what do you think? Should I start another thread for my experiment or continue it here?



Sep 17, 2014
What I've Been Up To:

And on that note...

I gots meh a cavity!

So I dropped all the sugar, discovered PHD, added starches, was feeling normal, ****88 up my sleeping schedule (again), got chronic back (bone/ muscle pain), blamed it on dairy, cried, cried some more, took some PGe, cried even more, took some more PGe, got migraines in addition to the bone/ muscle pain, blamed everything on sugar and dairy, decided to drop Peating completely, calmed the **** down, got a new perspective (Jen <3), put away the scale, took a deep breath, logged into the forum.

What have you guys been up to?


Jul 8, 2014
Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! My white chocolate Kit-Kat is back! :D ready to slay the beast with me? ;)


Sep 17, 2014
Yes I'll slay the estrogenic jabberwock with you! ;D

So far, another sleepless night. I snacked on some Gruyere cheese and (as usual, we are psychically linked) white chocolate! It calmed me down but I kept waking up to pee and didn't feel like eating anything. I drank some cranberry juice.

I actually think I might have some bladder problem... Sometimes I pee a bit when I sneeze! It started happening a few years ago and it still happens sometimes. It's NOT cute! >;c

What else? Since I added fruit juices back and honey I seem to be feeling more back pain than usual...
Hmm... :(

Next week I'll cut out all dairy for a week to see if the pain lightens up.


Jul 8, 2014
Okay, so you didn't nibble on something every time you woke? You snacked on the cheese and chocolate before bed only?

Does it hurt when you urinate?

When did you add the fruit juice and honey back in? Do you have any symptoms of an allergy like a stuffy nose, sore throat etc.?


Sep 17, 2014
Jennifer said:
Okay, so you didn't nibble on something every time you woke? You snacked on the cheese and chocolate before bed only?

Does it hurt when you urinate?

When did you add the fruit juice and honey back in? Do you have any symptoms of an allergy like a stuffy nose, sore throat etc.?

I nibbled during the night but only the first time I awoke. The few times after that I didn't bother because I was sleepy. So I just squeezed the old lemon and zombied back to sleep, trying not to step on my cat (he sprawls himself on the floor, and he's too massive to miss).

No it doesn't hurt. But I definitely feel like I need to go before I need to go, so it could be dehydration but I was trying to stay true to Peatian principles and only drink juices and milk. When I do drink water I sprinkle some salt on my hand and lick it first.

No, no allergy stuff. Just the back/ bone/ muscle pain (and at this point, mentioning it so many times I should have a sticky keys shortcut to insert the term "back/ bone/ muscle pain" into my posts Y_Y).

I found this blog "Is Peat right?" (with the subtitle 'not for me') and I kinda identify with some of her symptoms. She ended up dropping the sugar after a year of Peating. I wish I knew how she is doing now...


Jul 8, 2014
Peat's_Girl said:
Jennifer said:
Okay, so you didn't nibble on something every time you woke? You snacked on the cheese and chocolate before bed only?

Does it hurt when you urinate?

When did you add the fruit juice and honey back in? Do you have any symptoms of an allergy like a stuffy nose, sore throat etc.?

I nibbled during the night but only the first time I awoke. The few times after that I didn't bother because I was sleepy. So I just squeezed the old lemon and zombied back to sleep, trying not to step on my cat (he sprawls himself on the floor, and he's too massive to miss).

No it doesn't hurt. But I definitely feel like I need to go before I need to go, so it could be dehydration but I was trying to stay true to Peatian principles and only drink juices and milk. When I do drink water I sprinkle some salt on my hand and lick it first.

No, no allergy stuff. Just the back/ bone/ muscle pain (and at this point, mentioning it so many times I should have a sticky keys shortcut to insert the term "back/ bone/ muscle pain" into my posts Y_Y).

I found this blog "Is Peat right?" (with the subtitle 'not for me') and I kinda identify with some of her symptoms. She ended up dropping the sugar after a year of Peating. I wish I knew how she is doing now...
I started looking at that "Is Peat right?" blog and the first thing I came across what this...

"The neurologist also suspected an incipient diabetic neuropathy. Given my high genetic risk of diabetes, over 40%, I figured my following Dr. Peat's recommendations for almost a year must have been quite unfortunate. Luckily for me, her suggestion to help with this one worked wonders: "Milgamma" (B1 as a benfotiamine and B12). It was literally like growing back a bunch of nervous endings... I had come to accept that my right big toe had left the system for some idiosyncratic reason and I was not too worried (I should have been!) Well, I was overwhelmed to feel it return to me! Regeneration after degeneration, so there is hope!"

Oh my! I was just telling Amazoniac this morning that I think I have a B12 deficiency because one of my big toes has been numb since following the 80/10/10 diet over 6 years ago and my finger tips go numb when my gut pain and diarrhea are at their worst. The bottoms of my feet are still a little orange since 80/10/10. Then my gallbladder issues. When I started receiving B12 injections last year, I stopped them after the second injection because my gallbladder started palpitating and didn't stop till I stopped the injections. I now wonder if the B12 was stimulating my gallbladder to release the stones. I read that B12 deficiencies can result from gastritis and conditions affecting the small intestine, such as bacterial growth, both of which I had/have. :?

Anyhow, the blogger obviously had B vitamin deficiencies so I can't say that wasn't the source of her issues while following Ray's dietary advice. Sure, she feels better now since dropping the juice/sugar, but she also got her B deficiencies resolved so I don't know. To me, the basic foods Ray recommends, people have been consuming a long time in our history. He also advocates self-experimentation to see what foods we as individuals tolerate so I can't see how it's a Ray is right or wrong thing unless she followed the standard advice of 2 Liters of milk and 1 liter of OJ per day that so many seem to latch on to without adjusting the diet to fit their own context, you know? no allergy symptoms, huh? The only other thing I can think of is the sugar is reducing your stress hormones that were keeping you from feeling the pain due to their temporary anti-inflammatory actions, but at the cost of long term damage. Someone correct me if I got that mechanism wrong. That or you're not metabolizing sugar well right now. I'm honestly not sure what's going on, Ally. :|


Mar 29, 2014
Jennifer said:
The only other thing I can think of is the sugar is reducing your stress hormones that were keeping you from feeling the pain due to their temporary anti-inflammatory actions, but at the cost of long term damage. Someone correct me if I got that mechanism wrong. That or you're not metabolizing sugar well right now.
Either of those seem like possible mechanisms to me, too.


Sep 17, 2014
I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but like my good friend Jen pointed out, context is everything. So the clearer I can be about my situation the better advice I can get from the forum.

So for the last year or so (it's probably stress) I have been stuck in this circadian loop.
I sleep during the day and am awake at night. I try to "reset" this schedule (usually by keeping myself awake for 24HRs so that at night I'm can be too tired and fall asleep). And it works.

I'm not even kidding! It's like clock work. For two days I will wake up early morning, 8am, and I will be tired during the evening, 10pm, and will fall asleep without much trouble. On the third night, ALWAYS, I lie awake and alert and I can't fall asleep again.

I do fall asleep eventually but each subsequent day I am alert/ awake for longer and eventually end up being awake all night again and sleeping in the morning. (What's weird is that when I sleep all day I NEVER wake up to pee, whereas during the night I always pee 3-5 times. Could sunlight have something to do with it? But I keep the curtains drawn...)

It's very frustrating. Last night (the 3d night again) it took me a bit longer to fall asleep. I nibbled on the gruyere and eventually dozed off.

I woke up during the night to pee, as usual, and I forced myself to eat the cheese even though I really didn't want to. And as anticipated, eating the cheese woke me up and it took me around 10-15m to fall asleep again. But at least the next time I woke up to pee was early morning (7am? I'm not sure) and this time and I managed to hold it in and go back to sleep until 9am. I wonder what this all means...

I decided to stop using Cronometer because it's time consuming and stressful.
So, I'll be writing down my food log somewhere else (possibly here), and trying to avoid the tendency to weigh everything I eat because I'm trying to stop worrying so much. I don't have much of an appetite and from tracking my food for the last few months I can safely say I never get over 2,000kcals on average.

I got a few bouts of diarrhea today... It's could be from transitioning back to Peating (adding fruit juices back in) or, much more likely, because I had some hummus and raw vegetables yesterday (celery, carrot, tomato). Unfortunately I only noticed today that it included soybean oil! Oh no... Y_Y

I'm almost done with the PGe bottle and it's barely been two weeks! My moods are okay. But the soreness in the breasts (a sign of cystic ovaries and surging estrogen) comes and goes throughout the day and I have to take more.

Food so far has been congee (soaked rice in lemon juice for 8 hours and then cooked until it dissolves in chicken broth). [I only cooked one cup of rice in a huge pot of broth, so I'm probably eating 1/4th of a cup of rice per day. And when I eat potatoes I don't eat more than one per day because it fills me up.]
I used chicken feet to make the broth and I have tons of them in the congee. They kinda taste like chicken wings and have tons of connective tissue, so that's a plus.

[I found a Vietnamese store that sells chicken feet, ox tails, beef knuckles, tendons and my local supermarket started selling chicken necks and beef/pork/chicken livers! The Paleo craze must have something to do with it since I've been seeing mayo jars who boast using mostly olive oil and free range eggs (don't worry, I'm not having any! ;P) and tons of grass-fed burgers. Free-range eggs and beef are becoming more affordable again (the gov't must be intervening) which means I can finally afford the good stuff. So BIG YAY!]

Other stuff I had the past few days: beef, shrimp and burgers (which I made with (free range) egg, spices and ground beef) cooked on the charcoal grill. I wish I had gelatin to balance out the proteins but I currently don't have any at home (but having the chicken feet is helpful). I drink juice with my meat, as it feels more complete and tastes better. The ones I get are organic, non-concentrated cherry, apple and cranberry juices.

I also have lots of cheese, ice cream, whole milk and chocolate (white chocolate with toasted coconut and dark chocolate with salted caramel) during the day but unfortunately the chocolate has soy lecithin.

There's much less back pain today, I must admit. And I haven't felt my cavity hurting today (but it could be still there). It could be the sleep I've been getting and I hope I keep on schedule this time.

Next week I'm cutting out dairy to see how I feel. It will be crucial to see how it affect me when I reintroduce it again. After that I'm considering cutting out starches for that same reason but right now I seem to digest them well and I definitely won't be cutting calories down drastically like last time because it made me sick.

I thought I was getting lots of vitamin A through my food, but maybe not!
I started putting retinyl palmitate oil on my face at night and my skin is clearing up really fast!

I still have that haggard look to my face, from stress and lack of sleep I suppose. I hope things improve. ;(

Right now all that's left is to add some vitamin Bs and gelatin to my diet. Any recommendations regarding vitamin B supplement brands and dosing?

*fingers crossed*


Jul 8, 2014
Nice thorough log, Kitty! :)

YAY to the better quality food at affordable prices and YAY to the vitamin A clearing your skin up! Is it working on the crinkles too?

Peat's_Girl said:
I woke up during the night to pee, as usual, and I forced myself to eat the cheese even though I really didn't want to. And as anticipated, eating the cheese woke me up and it took me around 10-15m to fall asleep again. But at least the next time I woke up to pee was early morning (7am? I'm not sure) and this time and I managed to hold it in and go back to sleep until 9am. I wonder what this all means...
It means you're slaying that beast! :twisted:

I'm glad the cheese helped a little. To me, this shows your liver isn't storing fuel efficiently to get you through the night. Did you run out of the white chocolate? The sugar should help refill your liver's glycogen and reduce the rise in cortisol that is most likely waking you and causing you the need to pee. You could also try some dried fruit? Just a thought!

Peat's_Girl said:
I'm almost done with the PGe bottle and it's barely been two weeks! My moods are okay. But the soreness in the breasts (a sign of cystic ovaries and surging estrogen) comes and goes throughout the day and I have to take more.
I think it took almost a year of high dosing PGe till the girls didn't feel like they were being ripped from my chest. I had completely forgotten about it till you mentioned your soreness so there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel.

Peat's_Girl said:
There's much less back pain today, I must admit. And I haven't felt my cavity hurting today (but it could be still there). It could be the sleep I've been getting and I hope I keep on schedule this time.
Hopefully, if you get consistent sleep and continue to see a reduction in pain, you won't have to drop dairy. I wanted to mention, have you tried sleeping with your head at the foot of the bed. My mum is queen of insomnia and she finds if she does this, she can often fall asleep.

Peat's_Girl said:
Right now all that's left is to add some vitamin Bs and gelatin to my diet. Any recommendations regarding vitamin B supplement brands and dosing?
I only got B12 (Bio-Alternatives) so I can't recommended any others, but if you go on, Dan has them all listed.

Hope the weekend sees you sun, fun, sleep and pain free. *All digits crossed*

Love ya!


Sep 17, 2014
Jennifer said:
YAY to the better quality food at affordable prices and YAY to the vitamin A clearing your skin up! Is it working on the crinkles too?

I spoke too soon... I think the PGe/ sugar is working fast to counteract any healing the vitamin A does.

No, it doesn't work on the crinkles. I've been crying about that for the past few days... I don't think they're gonna go away. I'm not even sure what they are. They look like cat scratches under my eyes, and my eyes (like the lower lid) also has tons of wrinkles I didn't notice before. All this trying and researching and fretting has gotten me nowhere, and even worse skin than people my age who drink and smoke. I'm not sure why I even bother trying anything now...

Jennifer said:
To me, this shows your liver isn't storing fuel efficiently to get you through the night. Did you run out of the white chocolate?

It melted during the night... If I'm having trouble metabolising sugars I'm not sure how it will help.
It doesn't seem to do anything so far and I still wake up several times a night to pee (not to mention, going out is a drag because I have to find a bathroom everywhere we go).

Jennifer said:
I think it took almost a year of high dosing PGe till the girls didn't feel like they were being ripped from my chest. I had completely forgotten about it till you mentioned your soreness so there's definitely light at the end of the tunnel.

Hmm... I don't think that's the same feeling. I might be overdosing for nothing because other than slight sensitivity in the tips I don't feel anything. I don't know.

Jennifer said:
My mum is queen of insomnia and she finds if she does this, she can often fall asleep.

Why would that matter?...
i sleep reversed too but it's so the light from the window doesn't bother me.

Jennifer said:
Hope the weekend sees you sun, fun, sleep and pain free. *All digits crossed*

Thanks but I can't say it was fun...
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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