Primoboblan - A Novel DHT Derivative

Nick Ireland

Jul 15, 2014
Primobolan is a DHT derived anabolic steroid
Highly anabolic, yet it's androgenic qualities are very limited
Increases muscle by catalysing muscle cell production
Has a specific mechanism which accelerates fat loss
Will improve mood and immunity
Lowers cortisol
Will protect tissues from catabolism despite low calorie intake
Has a higher affinity for the androgen receptor than testosterone
Will not aromatise into estrogen and also acts as an estrogen blocker
Is not liver toxic in oral or injectable form
Is long acting with a ten day half life - meaning a smoother user experience

Many have asked if Primo, with so many positive qualities, could be used as a testosterone replacement for low- T individuals. Gurus and trainers always respond it is not a good replacement and cite a study showing comparisons between T or Primo as a replacement therapy in older males. Results showed some comparatively negative outcomes with Primo which appear to be derived from pushing estrogen 'too low.'
However, based on Ray Peat's assertions, it would seem that any shortcomings could be ameliorated by the concurrent use of progesterone which has the ability to replicate ALL the supposed positive qualities of estrogen eg. bone density and LDL/HDL ratios, without the inflammatory, adipose and catabolic sides of estrogen.

Primo is an oral and injectable steroid. The orals are hard to come by, but fast acting. Due to a low molecular weight, primo injectables have higher volume than other anabolic steroids so 200mg requires 2ml of oil.

If you research primo on YouTube and in user reviews, this steroid is the gold standard of anabolics - smooth, lean gains over time and minimal side effects. It used to be very expensive when the only legitimate Schering Pharma amps were exported via the black market from Europe. Many fakes abounded, usually repackaged Testosterone propionate - which has a half life of two days max. Now, quite a few European small steroid focused labs make their own versions which work just as well as Schering's original. High black market demand for 'muscle heads' and those suffering from wasting diseases has ironically led to high quality, independent lab product. Primo has been a staple of AIDS therapy with it's favourable anabolic vs androgenic profile. It is also rumoured to have been Arnold's steroid of choice for gaining and cutting pre contest.

With it's estrogen and cortisol suppressive ability, anabolic resilience with calorie restriction and liver friendly metabolism, Primo is an anabolic steroid which flies in the face of the pariah status which continues to dog exogenous testosterone analogs whose benefits are persistently ignored in pursuit of a moral argument. As, more accurately, a DHT analog, Primo deserves more scrutiny in the Peat friendly arsenal of drugs which support a metabolic diet transition. I have previously used it and found it to be far superior to testosterone in terms of benefits, free of the spectre of the rollercoaster of estrogen sides. I never found it to be suppressive of my own T at 200mg per week. I will shortly embark on a combined primo / progesterone combo.
If anyone is in touch with Peat I would welcome his thoughts.

Nick Ireland

Jul 15, 2014
I would also add, if your tissues are already saturated with estrogen and estrogenic metabolites, there could be an argument for the preferential use of Primo vs T in older males - at least until the estrogens are removed from the body.

Nick Ireland

Jul 15, 2014
Primo's better anabolic to androgenic ratio is favourable in bone fracture healing:

"The clinical significance of this study is that agents with low androgenic activities favorably influence osteotomy healing and may be clinically useful because they lack unwanted virilizing activity."


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Interesting. Yes, I hear theres a big barrier to entry and thats obtaining legit stuff. Even getting DHT here in the states is a roll of the dice


Nov 9, 2012
Maybe topical DMSO+dhea is an easier way to get DHT, in light of haidut's recent thread on DHEA conversion after topical absorption?


Nov 10, 2014
Primo would be a great compound, but it WILL shut down hpta overtime and cannot replace test. That said...good luck ever finding legit primo and if you do, you better be willing to spend $$$$


Jun 20, 2014
Joocy_J said:
Have you ever tried DHT cream?

I see you mentioning this a lot, not many people have, its expensive and has to be ordered abroad

have you?


Aug 27, 2015
mlc2010 said:
Joocy_J said:
Have you ever tried DHT cream?

I see you mentioning this a lot, not many people have, its expensive and has to be ordered abroad

have you?

No, I haven't tried it, but I am looking to find someone who has and can report on the experience.
Apr 17, 2017
Primo would be a great compound, but it WILL shut down hpta overtime and cannot replace test. That said...good luck ever finding legit primo and if you do, you better be willing to spend $$$$

Do you have a proof for Primo completely shutting down HPG axis at therapeutic doses?


Jul 13, 2014
Primobolan is a DHT derived anabolic steroid
Highly anabolic, yet it's androgenic qualities are very limited
Increases muscle by catalysing muscle cell production
Has a specific mechanism which accelerates fat loss
Will improve mood and immunity
Lowers cortisol
Will protect tissues from catabolism despite low calorie intake
Has a higher affinity for the androgen receptor than testosterone
Will not aromatise into estrogen and also acts as an estrogen blocker
Is not liver toxic in oral or injectable form
Is long acting with a ten day half life - meaning a smoother user experience

Many have asked if Primo, with so many positive qualities, could be used as a testosterone replacement for low- T individuals. Gurus and trainers always respond it is not a good replacement and cite a study showing comparisons between T or Primo as a replacement therapy in older males. Results showed some comparatively negative outcomes with Primo which appear to be derived from pushing estrogen 'too low.'
However, based on Ray Peat's assertions, it would seem that any shortcomings could be ameliorated by the concurrent use of progesterone which has the ability to replicate ALL the supposed positive qualities of estrogen eg. bone density and LDL/HDL ratios, without the inflammatory, adipose and catabolic sides of estrogen.

Primo is an oral and injectable steroid. The orals are hard to come by, but fast acting. Due to a low molecular weight, primo injectables have higher volume than other anabolic steroids so 200mg requires 2ml of oil.

If you research primo on YouTube and in user reviews, this steroid is the gold standard of anabolics - smooth, lean gains over time and minimal side effects. It used to be very expensive when the only legitimate Schering Pharma amps were exported via the black market from Europe. Many fakes abounded, usually repackaged Testosterone propionate - which has a half life of two days max. Now, quite a few European small steroid focused labs make their own versions which work just as well as Schering's original. High black market demand for 'muscle heads' and those suffering from wasting diseases has ironically led to high quality, independent lab product. Primo has been a staple of AIDS therapy with it's favourable anabolic vs androgenic profile. It is also rumoured to have been Arnold's steroid of choice for gaining and cutting pre contest.

With it's estrogen and cortisol suppressive ability, anabolic resilience with calorie restriction and liver friendly metabolism, Primo is an anabolic steroid which flies in the face of the pariah status which continues to dog exogenous testosterone analogs whose benefits are persistently ignored in pursuit of a moral argument. As, more accurately, a DHT analog, Primo deserves more scrutiny in the Peat friendly arsenal of drugs which support a metabolic diet transition. I have previously used it and found it to be far superior to testosterone in terms of benefits, free of the spectre of the rollercoaster of estrogen sides. I never found it to be suppressive of my own T at 200mg per week. I will shortly embark on a combined primo / progesterone combo.
If anyone is in touch with Peat I would welcome his thoughts.
Nick it's been a few years. Did you ever get anywhere with this


Aug 28, 2016
Primo is marketed as a DHT derivative but it is not. It is a T based steroid. Someone in this also pointed this out.
Apr 17, 2017
Primo is marketed as a DHT derivative but it is not. It is a T based steroid. Someone in this also pointed this out.

Wrong. Its more an alpha-reduced boldenone derivative, kinda of a DHB (being boldenone a T derivative by the way).

Another interesting one is oxandrolone.


Apr 21, 2018
Turinabol is also interesting as a “restart”, alongside DHEA.

Doesn’t aromatize, very low interaction at the androgen receptor level, so very weak androgen. Very decent anabolic, anti catabolic and not that harsh on the liver... pop NAC or milk thistle -based plant blends. Cheap too.

Quite the underrated compound. I’m going to get bloods done by the end of September on a 100% Peat diet after 6 weeks of 20mg of tbol per day +DHEA 7mg /day. I don’t expect a shutdown.... base levels 420 ng/dl total T, LH&FSH 4.5ish


Mar 2, 2018
Turinabol is also interesting as a “restart”, alongside DHEA.

Doesn’t aromatize, very low interaction at the androgen receptor level, so very weak androgen. Very decent anabolic, anti catabolic and not that harsh on the liver... pop NAC or milk thistle -based plant blends. Cheap too.

Quite the underrated compound. I’m going to get bloods done by the end of September on a 100% Peat diet after 6 weeks of 20mg of tbol per day +DHEA 7mg /day. I don’t expect a shutdown.... base levels 420 ng/dl total T, LH&FSH 4.5ish

That will be interesting. Have you done dht derivatives and have blood work?
I agree with you on tbol, its probably one of the few orals i would try (others being proviron, anavar)
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