Low Toxin Diet Simple steps to transition to a Low Toxin Diet/Way of Living


Jun 6, 2016
Some members here associate the legacy of Ray Peat with "diet principles". It can easily be overlooked that his most important achievement was the bioenergetic view of life and living organisms, not a specific diet.

“My recommendation is to eat to increase the metabolic rate (usually temperature and heart rate), rather than any particular foods.”

"Nutrition is as complex, open, and undefined as metaphysics or cosmology. It's a process of exploring, learning, and figuring things out. It's never a closed book or a finished subject."

- Dr. Raymond Peat

Taking Ray Peat's work seriously is not necessarily dependent on milk, orange juice and carrot salads. In fact, it's a pretty myopic view, and neglects his larger work.

Before people started sending him emails and inviting him to podcasts, his public work did not include many specific diet concepts. His articles and books contain groundbreaking work, he is probably the greatest mind of the 20th century in the field of biology in the western world. He has rescued the holistic view of biology that was still so prevalent in Asia, Russia and Eastern Europe in the 20th century, and brought it to the west.

One can question the diet principles without taking away the deeper and really important aspects of his work. But those who do not see the deeper aspects now think that Peat is being dismissed.

The truth is that Peat was mislead on many topics that pertain to practical aspects, and he has, unintentionally, led many people into suffering with his focus on avoiding starch and ingesting massive amounts of fat soluble toxins - beta-carotene (carrots) and retinol (milk, eggs, liver and vitamin a supplements). His approach often lead to many people suppressing their symptoms with supplements and using hormones as a crutch for years and decades. There is no question that he also helped many, for example for many women progest-e was life saving. But there is a better way than having to take hormones or other chemicals for the rest of your life. He was sometimes quite disappointed with the "community" that formed around him. He did not like the myopic focus on foods, and sometimes noted that he misses the intellectually stimulating discussions around broader and larger concepts. He wrote that we as humans do not know much about our place in this world - where we come from, what we are doing here, and where we are going. He tried to stay curious and not close himself to new concepts.

Unfortunately, he did not base many of his practical diet recommendations on objective information, rather he was very biased by his empirical approach. He found something that worked for him and than looked for evidence to support it. Like drinking large amounts of milk, taking 100k units of retinol, or eating massive amounts of sugar. This approach is valid, as long as other people just don't copy him, but also let themselves be guided by their own experiences. This is what we are doing here, and our perception and experiences have led us to realize a better way to heal our metabolism than with a low-starch diet of dairy and orange juice supplemented with coffee, liver, carrots and oysters. Sadly, the late Ray Peat rejected the work of Genereux, but he did incorporate oats. Charlie has suggested that he intuitively realized that the body needs soluble fiber.

The Ray Peat style of eating, even with some oats included, is the perfect diet to shut down the liver detoxification completely and pretend for a while that everything is fine while your liver slowly fills up with toxicity. Toxicity that may take years to undo and recover from.

One of the most important parts of his work I think was highlighting the importance of carbon dioxide. He described CO2 as the master regulator of all other hormones. You don't need milk and orange juice to boost CO2.

Ray Peat always tried to avoid toxins. That's why he was very suspicious of vegetables. He did not realize that the biggest toxin in vegetables is beta-carotene, so cooking them well does not help very much (although it probably helps a bit). He also did not understand the toxicity of retinol. He was also misguided on the importance of calcium. That's why he recommended large amounts of dairy and the regular consumption of liver. Additionally, the large consumption of coffee, while certainly helping liver and bile flow in the short-term, has the effect of reducing the conversion of retinol to retinoic acid, which is an important part of the vitamin A detox pathway.

Around 10 years ago, Grant Genereux discovered the toxicity of even small amounts of retinol, and he published 3 books about this topic over the years. Later, Naturopathic Doctor Garret Smith built on top of his work and expanded it to include the concept of toxic bile and chronic toxicity from other things than merely retinol. The concept of toxic bile was known to our ancestors, but pretty much forgotten in our modern times, with the exception of nutritionist Karen Hurd, who used the soluble fiber in beans and physillium husk to bind toxic bile and heal her dying daughter from a "hopeless" case of pesticide poisoning, but she did not connect this with the toxicity from vitamin A and copper.

We here now have the unique opportunity to connect the dots and, for the first time in our known history, find a way out of collective degeneration and disease and open up the path towards regeneration and healing.

During the vitamin-mania of the early 20th century, scientists were paid to find "essential substances" in foods, and some people apparently had a great interest in discovering the retinol chemical. Because it was the first "vitamine" to be identified, retinol was given the first letter of the Alphabet. A major milestone in vitamine research was reached when the letter -e was dropped and "vitamines" were renamed to "vitamins" (the new term hid the fact that retinol was not an amine). Unfortunately, this did not change the toxicity of retinol, which is indeed a toxin, and probably not essential for life. If it is essential for life, the amounts are so small that it doesn't matter practically because it's basically in all foods (just like PUFA can't be avoided practically). Grant Genereux discusses the evidence for this in his books and you can also find interviews with him on Youtube.

The carotenoids and retinoids ("Vitamin A") are so toxic that they burden the body, especially the liver, and by this mechanism, shut down or reduce the elimination of all kinds of (often fat-soluble) toxins. This leads to a vicious cycle, which is often unnoticable for the first years because the liver is so good at storing toxins away in body fat and in the liver itself.

Some readers here may not be able to or interested in moving to a zero or low vitamin A diet immediately (or at all). Often, small changes can already give good results. It is very easy to reduce the vA intake by 80% with just avoiding a few things.

When it comes to vitamin A intake, when you consume more than your body can excrete, your body starts storing the excess amount in the liver. Mathematically, it's just a question of time until the liver is full and the toxic retinol metabolites overflow into the tissues and organs. Because measuring liver stores is impossible without harming the liver, and serum retinol levels don't reflect liver stores, the only way to judge toxicity is via a vitamin A elimination diet. The body only starts eliminating excess vitamin A when the intake is lowered as much as possible.

The official recommendation by national nutrition authorities suggest an RDA of around 900mcg. These authorities also say that doses of around 3mg of vitamin A is the upper limit (UL). It's very easy to even go beyond the official UL on a "Peat diet", which means that this diet s considered a toxic diet according to mainstream scientific standards. To reduce the body burden, one has to reduce the vitamin A intake to below the RDA, though. That's why the primary strategy resolves around building a diet that does not have much vitamin A. This is pretty difficult when consuming dairy, but the overall intake can still be greatly reduced with various strategies.

The following suggestions are my personal thoughts, gathered from researching the topic on my own. It's just meant to help you getting started on this, without having to turn your diet upside down in a single day.

Simple steps towards a lower A intake and a low toxin diet​

Here are easy steps to gradually move towards a low vitamin A diet/low toxin diet, which is the foundation for eliminating toxic bile:

1. Stop eating liver, liverwurst, or anything else made from liver. It's high copper and retinol content make it very toxic even in small amounts, when consumed regularly. Don't eat fatty fish (mercury) and seafood (lead, cadmium, marine biotoxins) regularly.

2. Stop all coffee and chocolate. I think this may even be the most important change for many. Caffeine can harm the nervous system, and coffee stops the detoxification of retinol. It may take a couple months to recover from chronic caffeine intake, but many feel better after that period. Chocolate also contains lots of caffeine and is too high in copper, cadmium, aluminium and lead. Many people on the subreddit r/decaf report good results and healing from just stopping caffeine.

3. Stop all colored vegetables, but especially carrots, pumpkin/squash, sweet potatos, spinach, kale. These foods contain so much beta-carotene, they are outright toxic. I noticed people usually get most of their carotene from this small list of vegetables. Limit other colored vegetables if you have to still eat them. Eat white or pale vegetables, they don't have large amounts of beta-carotene. In green vegetables, the chlorophyll hides the orange color of the beta-carotene, but those are also very high in carotene. Tomatoes are probably ok, they don't have a very high beta-carotene content.

4. Limit eggs to a 1-2 a week, or one per day, depending on how much you feel you need.

5. Stop cooking or frying with butter, and stop cooking with dairy. If you have an appetite for dairy, just drink milk or eat some cheese, or put butter on your bread. Not using dairy for cooking will reduce the amount of total dairy you consume. This is just a way to reduce the total amount of dairy, in the end it's about the total amount consumed, not how you consume it. But I found that avoiding dairy when cooking meals is a good way to reduce the overall intake. Many meals call for something like 200-300g of cheese, or 200ml of heavy cream, and frying and cooking with butter also adds up.

6. Stop eating spices if you can. Especially chili, paprica, tomato, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Also avoid things like concentrated vegetable broth if possible, but don't stress over small amounts of spices or vegetables. Spices were considered medicine by our ancestors, and they burden liver and kidneys. They do eradicate problematic micro-organisms in the intestine, so stopping all of them could maybe lead to flare-ups.

7. Switch from orange juice to white grape juice and/or apple juice.

8. If you do not medically depend on supplements, stop taking them. Especially taking vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium and multivitamins is problematic. The idea that humans need supplements to be healthy has been engrained in our culture and became a deadly ideology. Of course, also stop ingesting any retinol from supplements or cosmetics. Women can receive up to 25% of their daily retinol intake from cosmetics.

The above changes will probably lower your vitamin A intake by >80% and may give your liver the opportunity to start detoxing. I developed the above steps over the course of a couple weeks for people in my social circle who were not interested in starting the "extreme" low A diet, and for myself to have some guidance when in environments where I can't control 100% of my diet.

Other considerations​

You can also start taking into account the following:

- Gradually include more beans and oats in your diet, they have soluble fiber which binds to toxic bile and helps excrete toxins from the body. Beans and oats are probably the most important foods for bile detox. Per Karen Hurd, ingesting them without much fat is important, otherwise they bind to fat instead of toxic bile.
- Eat more rice. Best is rice from Thailand (rice from Asia in general is also good I think) due to low arsenic concentrations. Rinse rice in water and cook in excess water to reduce arsenic further. Rice from the USA is often contaminated, due to the history of arsenic-based pesticides, and should be avoided.
- You can eat potatoes if you tolerate them. While they do contain toxic solanine, and are part of the problematic nightshade family, they also offer some benefits, including large amounts of potassium. Use only fresh potatos without black parts, green colored skin and shoots. Discard the skin to reduce solanine.
- Eat apples for the pectin
- Eat more bread and pasta
- Eat more beef
- Karen Hurd used physillium husk powder to bind toxic bile when people were unable to tolerate beans. There's a product called Sunfiber that has a similar function, it consists of soluble fiber. You can also take a small dose of activated charcoal (100-200mg). I can't tolerate it so I take bentonite or zeolite instead a few times per day.
- If you are a smoker, don't force yourself to quit, rather look into organic tobacco. Smoking tobacco is helpful for reducing the liver stores of retinol, and has other benefits. You can stop smoking when you don't need it any longer.

This is basically all that's needed. At this point you will still have most of your "Peat diet" - fruits, meats, gelatin, dairy, well-cooked vegetables, but you will stop ingesting retinol in amounts that border on acute toxicity. Your retinol intake will probably be around 40-80% of the RDA, depending on the amount of dairy you consume. You will also gradually reduce your copper burden. Years of chocolate and liver consumption will often lead to chronic copper toxicity. If you stop here, you will likely get a lot of benefits, depending on your current state of toxicity, without having to change your entire life and all of your routines. You can even keep your dairy goats.

Stopping dairy and eggs (beyond maybe 1 per day) would then be the next move, this will reduce your vitamin A intake to around maybe 200-300mcg. A calcium source can be important during the first 1-2 years of vitamin A detox, because the body uses calcium to buffer the acidic retinol. This can be high calcium water (>300mg/L) or eggshell calcium. If you depend on milk to feel well, one or two glasses of low-fat milk could be an option, but milk is very problematic, the heat and homogenization treatments make milk toxic, by turning the retinol into retinoic acid. So if you need milk, raw or gently pasteurized milk.

If you feel well on this transition diet, you can move to a low-toxin diet, which puts more emphasis on avoiding foods that are not toxic in a strict sense, but put a burden on the body.

Note that it is possible you feel worse at first. Stopping caffeine alone is a pretty large step, and your nervous system will probably need a couple weeks to recover from chronic stimulant abuse.

Once you lower your toxin intake, and stop toxic supplements, you will gradually realize that your body is highly intelligent and tells you everything you need to know to make decisions around foods and supplements. In my experience, even small amounts of beneficial supplements like zinc, niacin or egg yolks taken only for 1-2 days can lead to lasting changes and benefits. You will feel toxins leaving the body, and that you get closer to becoming who you really are, beyond the layers of toxicity. You should always feel better afterwards. Supplements should never be used as a crutch, if you don't feel better after taking something for a couple days and then stopping, it's not helping.

Optional stuff

- There are some supplements that are often used, but they are optional at this transition stage and could be necessary when seriously starting a low toxin diet. These include regular flush-niacin (nicotinic acid), electrolytes/minerals, B1, B2, B3, folate and trace minerals like zinc. Taking niacin seem to help many people, 200-300mg on an empty stomach will lead to a therapeutic flush.
- Use a high quality activated carbon water filter, reverse osmosis or water distiller. Beware of cheap reverse osmosis systems used for things like fish tanks with low quality filters.
- Look into using an air purifier or ionization device if you have bad air quality.
- Consider the use of infrared sauna, CO2 baths, and ozone if available in your environment, but don't stress over it if not available for you or too expensive to set up. Health does not require complicated technology and expensive devices beyond the basics.
- Look into taping your mouth at night, if you tend to breath through your mouth. Chronic mouth breathing is dangerous. There are some videos about this on Youtube.


- To read up on the dangers of chronic overconsumption of vitamin A, you can read the free e-books (My eBooks) and the blog by Grant Genereux, who discovered that there is a worldwide "epidemic" of vitamin A toxicity: Ideas, Concepts, and Observations.
- His forum contains many interesting threads: Discussion
- Youtube Interview with Grant
- Dr. Smith: Nutrition Detective | Research-Based Vitamin A Toxicity & Liver Health
- Karen Hurd: Karen R. Hurd Nutritional Practice
- Paolas Twitter: https://twitter.com/thepowerofozone

- This thread contains a large amount of information: Low Toxin Diet - Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity
- This forum section contains all the threads related to the low toxin lifestyle and toxic bile theory: Forum list

This post will probably be expanded, the idea is for this post to collect all the relevant information for people to start from. I just wrote this down as a first quick attempt to help people here make sense of the sudden transition of this forum, which may have alienated some members, but it is a pretty courageous decision by charlie and will help many people find true health.
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Nov 21, 2012
I think advice #5 is questionable.
People can eat a lot of cheese, so I think using a tlbsp of butter for cooking adds to less vit.A than eating some cheese.🤷


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@mosaic01 another incredible post.
Additionally, the large consumption of coffee, while certainly helping liver and bile flow in the short-term, has the effect of reducing the conversion of retinol to retinoic acid, which is an important part of the vitamin A detox pathway.
And this right here is why the Ray Peat diet recommendations are a "vitamin A" bomb waiting to go off. Not only is someone filling up their liver on high "vitamin A" foods they are also hindering the detox of the "vitamin A" so that the liver continues to fill up even faster.
The Ray Peat style of eating, even with some oats included, is the perfect diet to shut down the liver detoxification completely and pretend for a while that everything is fine while your liver slowly fills up with toxicity. Toxicity that may take years to undo and recover from.
I am living proof of that statement.


Mar 26, 2014
Amazing post. Any thoughts on legitimately using good quality spirits alcohol like whisky in small amounts?

I had a wicked cold around Christmas that started after a night out, and was preceded a couple of days before by a big serving of chicken livers. Looked at through this paradigm I wonder if the alcohol actually helped start a detox that was too much for me. Alcoholics of course being "deficient" in vit A.


Dec 2, 2022
Why do you think milk contains high amounts of vitamin A if it only has 170ug per liter? So to have RDA you should drink about 5l of milk which almost nobody does here.


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
Obviously you have found this diet very helpful and you put a lot of thought and time to lay this all out. So thank you for that.

A few questions:

I do have a hard time with the notion that the only practical way to test vit A is in the plasma and yet, it is not reflective of tissue stores. Therefore how can we know that there is a vit A toxicity?

Peat put a lot of importance on calcium. I suppose no importance is given to it here?

Why apple juice or white grape juice and not OJ?


Jul 13, 2014
maybe some mussels here and there for the iodine.
Aren't mussels the filter of the ocean??. They collect so much toxic waste and metals
- If you are a smoker, don't force yourself to quit, rather look into organic tobacco. Smoking tobacco is helpful for reducing the liver stores of retinol, and has other benefits. You can stop smoking when you don't need it any longer.
Interesting. Would nicotine drops have the same effect?

Stopping caffeine alone is a pretty large step, and your nervous system will probably need a couple weeks to recover from chronic stimulant abuse
I'm on day 4 of no coffee. Holy **** the withdrawal symptoms are horrendous. All over body aches, horrendous headaches first few days.
The weird thing is I felt like doing exercise this morning for the first time in 5 years 😂 and went for a jog

Thanks for the cool summary of this approach


Jul 13, 2014
Her post today on twitter is heavily criticising use of beans.

She also says beans will increase copper..... Why has Garrett not mentioned this??

"If you reduce your vit A levels but increase your copper intake (in the form of beans, psyllium, sunfiber, etc), then you likely will end up storing more copper than if you were NOT at the same time reducing your vit A intake. So, if you go on the low vit A diet, I tend to think that most also HAVE to go on a low copper diet. "

View: https://twitter.com/thepowerofozone/status/1756664599418442172?t=F8O_DrrljO-FPdfxvMycNA&s=19



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Her post today on twitter is heavily criticising use of beans.
This is where I differ from Paola. Yes, if a person is copper toxic they should definitely watch their bean consumption. She also eats lots of pork and no carbs now. So she is definitely missing the boat in some areas even though she is still doing great work in other areas.


Jan 8, 2019
@mosaic01 Thank you so much for this detailed summary. I have been a member of the LYL program for a while and get overwhelmed with all of the information so this really provides a clear action plan which I think it will be really helpful for me and others as well. I'm wondering if you might also be able to answer a couple of questions... Based on your summary, it looks like decaf might be ok? Also, any suggestions for resolving gut issues? I have been loosely following a low A diet for almost 2 years but I have longstanding gut issues which never seem to resolve no matter what I do. I'm pretty sure I have SIBO and feel like if I could get it under control I'd make more progress as it would allow me to have a more varied diet. ATM I can't eat apples, beans, dried fruits, oats, juice and I'm gluten intolerant so it doesn't leave much. I eat white rice occasionally (only Jasmine from Thailand) but I'm pretty sure that bothers me too. Since following a lowish A diet, the best benefit I've had has been hair regrowth. Its been coming back in slowly over the last 1.5 years and low A is the only thing that made a difference for which I am very grateful but I have a lot of other issues too that I'd like to fix and I think its almost impossible when dealing with chronic gut issues.


Sep 13, 2012
Excellent thread! I agree with most of what you said. And I have implemented most of the suggestions and seeing positive results. Less anxiety, much improved acid reflux, ability to eat soluble fiber rapidly increased from horrifying cramps to zero cramps and no anxiety like in the past.

I also believe stimulant use is holding so many people back, but coffee enemas helped me to implement the fiber without freaking out, my gut was toxic. I don't like using even the safest of laxatives as they stimulate serotonin for me. So maybe a word about how to gut the get moving again after years of avoiding fiber as I'm still trying to figure this out. I may implement some more light colored veggies for this. They seem to move things better than beans. I have yet to try oats as they were a major cramp trigger in the past.

Also a word about when calcium may be needed on such a low calcium diet. For me when I get really sensitive teeth I have to get in some calcium. Maybe it's the retinoic acid coming out maybe it's the apple cider vinegar I'm using on my beef and beans I'm not sure. I have damage to my teeth from a Ray Peat diet, so I'm trying to save them from further decay. I have had high tissue calcium but my blood calcium is now a bit below optimal on a low calcium diet. I think @Blossom always took eggshell calcium on her low vitA diet?

Also, I think juice consumption is holding some people back. I was quite addicted to having juice every morning and with meals. I think fructose may be a burden on the liver or may be causing fungal overgrowth in the gut, I'm not sure. Trial and error in this regard!


Sep 13, 2012
Her post today on twitter is heavily criticising use of beans.
She said she got the same effects from psyllium and pectin. To me this doesn't sound like a copper problem, though it could be. No way to know for sure without extensive testing. So we need to be careful not to scare people that beans are going to make people copper toxic. Estrogen, liver, chocolate and copper pipes are the main culprits. She may have SIBO if she feels so much better on carnivore. SIBO is a big problem for those of us trying to increase soluble fiber.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Less anxiety, much improved acid reflux, ability to eat soluble fiber rapidly increased from horrifying cramps to zero cramps and no anxiety like in the past.
I had the worst anxiety and the worst reflux of my life on Ray Peat food suggestions.
I also believe stimulant use is holding so many people back,
I agree.
Maybe it's the retinoic acid coming out maybe it's the apple cider vinegar I'm using on my beef and beans I'm not sure.
Sounds very plausible.
Also, I think juice consumption is holding some people back. I was quite addicted to having juice every morning and with meals. I think fructose may be a burden on the liver or may be causing fungal overgrowth in the gut, I'm not sure. Trial and error in this regard!
I agree with this too. I saw some of the best advances in my health dropping the apple juice. The only beverage should be the most purest water you can get.
She said she got the same effects from psyllium and pectin. To me this doesn't sound like a copper problem, though it could be.
My thoughts exactly. She is missing something here and potentially slowing down the healing of other people.


Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company
Nov 28, 2023

Simple steps towards a lower A intake and a low toxin diet​

Here are easy steps to gradually move towards a low vitamin A diet/low toxin diet, which is the foundation for eliminating toxic bile:

1. Stop eating liver, liverwurst, or anything else made from liver. It's high copper and retinol content make it very toxic even in small amounts, when consumed regularly. Don't eat fatty fish (mercury), and limit seafood to maybe some mussels here and there for the iodine.

2. Stop all coffee and chocolate. I think this may even be the most important change for many. Caffeine can harm the nervous system, and coffee stops the detoxification of retinol. It may take a couple months to recover from chronic caffeine intake, but many feel better after that period. Chocolate also contains lots of caffeine and is too high in copper, cadmium, aluminium and lead. Many people on the subreddit r/decaf report good results and healing from just stopping caffeine.

3. Stop all colored vegetables, but especially carrots, pumpkin/squash, sweet potatos, spinach, kale. These foods contain so much beta-carotene, they are outright toxic. I noticed people usually get most of their carotene from this small list of vegetables. Limit other colored vegetables if you have to still eat them. Eat white or pale vegetables, they don't have large amounts of beta-carotene. In green vegetables, the chlorophyll hides the orange color of the beta-carotene, but those are also very high in carotene. Tomatoes are probably ok, they don't have a very high beta-carotene content.

4. Limit eggs to a 1-2 a week, or one per day, depending on how much you feel you need.

5. Stop cooking or frying with butter, and stop cooking with dairy. If you have an appetite for dairy, just drink milk or eat some cheese, or put butter on your bread. Not using dairy for cooking will reduce the amount of total dairy you consume. This is just a way to reduce the total amount of dairy, in the end it's about the total amount consumed, not how you consume it. But I found that avoiding dairy when cooking meals is a good way to reduce the overall intake. Many meals call for something like 200-300g of cheese, or 200ml of heavy cream, and frying and cooking with butter also adds up.

6. Stop eating spices if you can. Especially chili, paprica, tomato, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Also avoid things like concentrated vegetable broth if possible, but don't stress over small amounts of spices or vegetables. Spices were considered medicine by our ancestors, and they burden liver and kidneys. They do eradicate problematic micro-organisms in the intestine, so stopping all of them could maybe lead to flare-ups.

7. Switch from orange juice to white grape juice and/or apple juice.

8. If you do not medically depend on supplements, stop taking them. Especially taking vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium and multivitamins is problematic. The idea that humans need supplements to be healthy has been engrained in our culture and became a deadly ideology. Of course, also stop ingesting any retinol from supplements or cosmetics. Women can receive up to 25% of their daily retinol intake from cosmetics.

The above changes will probably lower your vitamin A intake by >80% and may give your liver the opportunity to start detoxing. I developed the above steps over the course of a couple weeks for people in my social circle who were not interested in starting the "extreme" low A diet, and for myself to have some guidance when in environments where I can't control 100% of my diet.

Other considerations​

You can also start taking into account the following:

- Gradually include more beans and oats in your diet, they have soluble fiber which binds to toxic bile and helps excrete toxins from the body. Beans and oats are probably the most important foods for bile detox. Per Karen Hurd, ingesting them without much fat is important, otherwise they bind to fat instead of toxic bile.
- Eat more rice. Best is rice from Thailand (rice from Asia in general is also good I think) due to low arsenic concentrations. Rinse rice in water and cook in excess water to reduce arsenic further. Rice from the USA is often contaminated, due to the history of arsenic-based pesticides, and should be avoided.
- You can eat potatoes if you tolerate them. While they do contain toxic solanine, and are part of the problematic nightshade family, they also offer some benefits, including large amounts of potassium. Use only fresh potatos without black parts, green colored skin and shoots. Discard the skin to reduce solanine.
- Eat apples for the pectin
- Eat more bread and pasta
- Eat more beef
- Karen Hurd used physillium husk powder to bind toxic bile when people were unable to tolerate beans. There's a product called Sunfiber that has a similar function, it consists of soluble fiber. You can also take a small dose of activated charcoal (100-200mg). I can't tolerate it so I take bentonite or zeolite instead a few times per day.
- If you are a smoker, don't force yourself to quit, rather look into organic tobacco. Smoking tobacco is helpful for reducing the liver stores of retinol, and has other benefits. You can stop smoking when you don't need it any longer.
Great post. Thank you. I've spent many hours consuming much of the info in the Love Your Liver program and this post sums things up very nicely. This will help me convert my wife quickly I hope. :)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Excellent thread! I agree with most of what you said. And I have implemented most of the suggestions and seeing positive results. Less anxiety, much improved acid reflux, ability to eat soluble fiber rapidly increased from horrifying cramps to zero cramps and no anxiety like in the past.

I also believe stimulant use is holding so many people back, but coffee enemas helped me to implement the fiber without freaking out, my gut was toxic. I don't like using even the safest of laxatives as they stimulate serotonin for me. So maybe a word about how to gut the get moving again after years of avoiding fiber as I'm still trying to figure this out. I may implement some more light colored veggies for this. They seem to move things better than beans. I have yet to try oats as they were a major cramp trigger in the past.

Also a word about when calcium may be needed on such a low calcium diet. For me when I get really sensitive teeth I have to get in some calcium. Maybe it's the retinoic acid coming out maybe it's the apple cider vinegar I'm using on my beef and beans I'm not sure. I have damage to my teeth from a Ray Peat diet, so I'm trying to save them from further decay. I have had high tissue calcium but my blood calcium is now a bit below optimal on a low calcium diet. I think @Blossom always took eggshell calcium on her low vitA diet?

Also, I think juice consumption is holding some people back. I was quite addicted to having juice every morning and with meals. I think fructose may be a burden on the liver or may be causing fungal overgrowth in the gut, I'm not sure. Trial and error in this regard!
Yes, I’ve continued with eggshells for most of my time eating low A. It’s only been in the last 6 months that I felt I could take it or leave it tbh. I’m pretty sure my body needed it to rebuild bone mass I had lost but that certainly wouldn’t be the case for everyone. I was already menopausal and closing in on 50 when I started low A. Severe osteoporosis was the main contributing factor in my mom’s early death so I wasn’t willing to risk not having extra calcium for bone building. My bone mass is better than my younger husband’s at this point (per our smart scale estimates) so I’m glad I continued with it. That said I need very little these days. On some things I think we truly have to trust our inner guidance.


Sep 13, 2012
Yes, I’ve continued with eggshells for most of my time eating low A. It’s only been in the last 6 months that I felt I could take it or leave it tbh. I’m pretty sure my body needed it to rebuild bone mass I had lost but that certainly wouldn’t be the case for everyone. I was already menopausal and closing in on 50 when I started low A. Severe osteoporosis was the main contributing factor in my mom’s early death so I wasn’t willing to risk not having extra calcium for bone building. My bone mass is better than my younger husband’s at this point (per our smart scale estimates) so I’m glad I continued with it. That said I need very little these days. On some things I think we truly have to trust our inner guidance.
Yes I agree! We need to trust ourselves to know what minerals we need each day and it changes as we get better. The goal being we won't need to supplement much.


Sep 9, 2019
Her post today on twitter is heavily criticising use of beans.

She also says beans will increase copper..... Why has Garrett not mentioned this??

"If you reduce your vit A levels but increase your copper intake (in the form of beans, psyllium, sunfiber, etc), then you likely will end up storing more copper than if you were NOT at the same time reducing your vit A intake. So, if you go on the low vit A diet, I tend to think that most also HAVE to go on a low copper diet. "

View: https://twitter.com/thepowerofozone/status/1756664599418442172?t=F8O_DrrljO-FPdfxvMycNA&s=19


Fascinating stuff.

View: https://x.com/thepowerofozone/status/1756793102252068872?s=20


Jun 6, 2016
Any thoughts on legitimately using good quality spirits alcohol like whisky in small amounts?

I have no idea, unfortunately. Alcohol washes retinol out of the liver, doesn't it? Who knows where it ends up.

Why do you think milk contains high amounts of vitamin A if it only has 170ug per liter?

Whole, full-fat milk contains 300-400mcg per liter. Yeah, milk is actually pretty low in vitamin A, compared to things like butter or heavy cream. A liter of low-fat milk will give something like your 170mcg. Did you mean low fat milk? If fresh milk is the only source of dairy, it does not contribute a lot to the retinol excess usually seen with Peat diets. But butter, cheese, milk, eggs, carrots and seafood add up. If someone drinks a liter of low-fat milk on a low A diet, it's naother story.

The question is always how do you go below 1000 IU on your diet, ideally without running into one-sided eating and nutrient deficiencies.

Aren't mussels the filter of the ocean??. They collect so much toxic waste and metals

The post is made for people coming from a "Peat diet", and he recommends seafood once weekly. So the recommendation in my post is basically "keep doing that, it's not that relevant at the moment". But you are right, the lead and cadmium content can be very high. Also they can have marine biotoxins. So I will probably change this part.

Interesting. Would nicotine drops have the same effect?

They have a similar effect on cognitive function, but not on the liver detox. The liver detox is not related to nicotine but due to the act of smoking plant matter.

it looks like decaf might be ok?

Many people on r/decaf report that decaf coffee has almost the same negative effects as regular coffee. There's something not quite right with coffee, consumed orally. It's problematic in itself. But decaffeinated coffee is also not free of caffeine, it contains 10% of the original caffeine amount.

I've spent many hours consuming much of the info in the Love Your Liver program and this post sums things up very nicely.

I don't know what these programs entail. But glad to hear.

Also, any suggestions for resolving gut issues?

Not really. This is too complex to make concrete suggestions. You probably know all the basics like digestive support, enzymes, probiotics, peppermint oil, binders, etc.

Her post today on twitter is heavily criticising use of beans.

Her thoughts on niacin are interesting:

View: https://twitter.com/thepowerofozone/status/1750944861715366271

I do find it hard to believe that people avoiding overt sources of copper, eating a diet high in zinc, supplementing with zinc and molybdenum, should have issues with copper toxicity from supplemented fiber.

In my own case, I had extremely high hair copper. Avoiding chocolate and liver for 6 months brought it down to normal levels. I did not eat any beans or soluble fiber products during that time, but a lot of potatoes. I think my liver is still copper-toxic, and my free copper in the blood is still very high.

Regarding niacin, Abram Hoffer reported excellent results already decades ago without any diet focusing on detox, so if Smith's clients report great benefits from niacin, this is mostly just because niacin is probably the most effective supplement for energy and cogitive and mental function that exists. Maybe the reason it worked back then was also related to widespread copper toxicity. But does niacin really chelate with copper in the body? Have never came across information that it acts as a classical chelator.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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