Sleep Difficulties

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017


Jun 27, 2018
Hi there - i have tried many things to sleep thru the night. Occasionally if I ate a lot of food throughout the day i could sleep well, but mostly i would wake up and have to eat something. But what works the best for me for sleeping through the night is taking taurine and a casein shake before bed (and eating enough during the day). i make the shake with lots of fructose or sugar and some salt. Recently had to stop because the casein was upsetting my stomach. but i will be slowly adding it back in since i am waking up again. This idea comes from natedawggh's old posts - check them out, they are very useful!
Good idea. Maybe adding some casein a night might solve the mignight cravings. I already eat a high calory diet. And seem to be always hungry. Also when I wake up.

I do have to say that currently I've been sleeping allot beter. I've been using taurine, theanin and silenor. Best combo for me I can even workout again. And gained 4 kg now
Sorry, forgot to ping you @LucasZ !!
No problem haha! Thanks for the help
@LucasZ - is exercise still causing worse sleep?
Well it still occurs when I workout rigorously... But it seems to better under control allot better with theanin, taurine and silenor. I think it's got something to do with a overstimulated Hpa axis. Thanks for asking BTW.
Grounding/earthing is something to consider for better sleep. Undue voltage will most likely cause adrenal glands to put out more stress hormones than usual making sleep more restless. Here is one article:
Check out more of Dr. Laura Koniver's site regarding grounding and related products. People often report better sleep when sleeping with the grounding mats.
I will read up. Thanks for the help!


Sep 2, 2018
do you feel negative effects on performance from doxepine? i mean its still a TCA

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Grounding is overrated, every time you take a shower or bath you ground yourself @Dave Clark
Bathing represents 10 to 15 minutes out of a 24 hour day, not a bunch of grounding time. Is the 'overated' just your opinion, or do you have something to share that debunks the health benefits of grounding? I underestand the whole dirty electricity argument, etc. with the grounding devices, I'm talking about just earthing and grounding in general.
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Bathing represents 10 to 15 minutes out of a 24 hour day, not a bunch of grounding time. Is the 'overated' just your opinion, or do you have something to share that debunks the health benefits of grounding? I underestand the whole dirty electricity argument, etc. with the grounding devices, I'm talking about just earthing and grounding in general.
I was just gonna leave it that opinion, coz im lazy. but now I feel somewhat obligated to dig in deeper.
Jul 20, 2016
Hey you could try to drink some bone broth with a scoop of collagen protein added in before bed + take 3.5 g of Niacinmide, the Niacinmide can prolly knock you out. The bone broth plus collagen is pretty relaxing.


Sep 2, 2018
Hey you could try to drink some bone broth with a scoop of collagen protein added in before bed + take 3.5 g of Niacinmide, the Niacinmide can prolly knock you out. The bone broth plus collagen is pretty relaxing.

any good sources of niacinamide-powder? i remember a danny Roddy podcast with georgi saying 1g is as potent as 10mg Diazepam for general anxiety disorder.


Jun 27, 2018
Oh yes - and make sure you are not deficient in zinc, b6 and magnesium. (Don't take too much either, of course.)
Insomnia And Sleep
Magnesium is in my daily stack so I don't think I'm deficient...
do you feel negative effects on performance from doxepine? i mean its still a TCA
Well to be honest... Everything that acts like a histamine antagonist, makes me feel kinda stupid and sluggish. When taking it for longer periods it always takes the joy out of life I think...
Grounding is overrated, every time you take a shower or bath you ground yourself @Dave Clark
I have no possibility to do this atm
Hey you could try to drink some bone broth with a scoop of collagen protein added in before bed + take 3.5 g of Niacinmide, the Niacinmide can prolly knock you out. The bone broth plus collagen is pretty relaxing.
Tha KS for the tip! Is 3.5g not too much?


Jun 27, 2018
Also I must add. I'm on holiday atm in Croatia. Since I couple days I've stopped taking all supplements and medicine all together. My sleep is still consists t and overal quality is ok.

I think it has something to do with the better weather, being outside most of the time and allot of walking and swimming. Which seems to work quite good for me. Back home the weather is almost always crappy, and I have a desk job.
Jul 20, 2016
Tha KS for the tip! Is 3.5g not too much?

Hey im not sure on this to be quite honest, ive seen haidut mention that high of a dose as an option to sedating to sleep, he also mentioned taurine. I've done this before with the nicianmide and it felt pretty good in terms of quality of sleep as well as feeling calm the next day.

Ive found his actual quote now.

Urination at night is a symptom of high adrenalin. Salt lowers adrenalin, and sugar will give you some glycogen. Since your adrenalin is high it means your glycogen stores are depleted.
Try taurine (3g-5g before bed) or niacinamide (2g-3g before bed). Taurine in particular is known to lower adrenalin as well as being a great sedative since it stimulates GABA release.


Jun 27, 2018
Hey im not sure on this to be quite honest, ive seen haidut mention that high of a dose as an option to sedating to sleep, he also mentioned taurine. I've done this before with the nicianmide and it felt pretty good in terms of quality of sleep as well as feeling calm the next day.

Ive found his actual quote now.
Thanks allot! :) i've followed up on your advice and it works wonders! :)


Oct 7, 2020
Things that are important for me regarding sleep are exercise, sunlight, (if I am indoors all day sat in front of a screen, then sleep will be bad) Eating more fat allowed me better sleep and I also noticed more protein. I suspect I might be overcoming a possibly lifelong protein deficiency, and now I am generous with eating meat, alongside what I usually got from milk and cheese, sleep is pretty solid no night time awakenings anymore.

Go ahead and try find a drug that helps you sleep or a supplement, but it is incredibly shortsighted IMO. Like the guys that search for fat loss pills, while eating garbage and not exercising. It will only mask the problem and not solve anything.

Also (hate incoming) the more I orgasm, the more I feel unrested and groggy on a morning when I wake up. After 1-2 weeks of abstinence I get up for the day with my alarm ready for action. This probably isn't everyone's issue though.
I notice too that when I orgasm I wanna sleep a lot longer in the next morning and overall I feel groggier waking up and also doing it before sleeping often creates some sort of weird diaphragmal tigthness and muscle tension tightness that makes me take more time to fall asleep and I usually need to move around for a longer time whereas on an abstinence streak I fall asleep alot faster and easier and sleep better without even having to sleep that long quantitively and have more energy in the mornings as well
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