So two years in: How are you doing?


Dec 8, 2016
The history of the world changed two years ago in March of 2020.

I mean, things were always “bad”, but hidden.
Secrets. Evil secrets.

How have things changed for you?
And, more importantly, how are you doing with this change?
How do you view the future?
Do you have a plan?

Here is this from 10 months ago:
How are you coping? Literally- How?

I will start:

Im the happiest ive ever been (?) oddly.
However, im much much much less tolerant of the BS.
Im quite a b**** now honestly- and im ok with that.

My unvaxxed family is closer than ever.

These parameters with others, relationally, have really helped me laser focus on how to spend my energy.
No time for stupidity, ignorance or wokeness for me.

Do I worry? Up at nights? Tearful, troubled and angry at times?
I have children- and this makes me panic.
But knowing the discomfort of the truth, our reality, has brought me peace I suppose.

Ive quit two jobs.
One went out of business. One moved out of my city.
So I have reinvented myself vocationally as well.

I thought I would LITERALLY kill my husband during lockdown. But now we are closer than ever.
Blah blah blah.

I have no plans.
Just one day at a time to choose Truth.
Discomfort. Even death.
A big middle finger to evil.

How are you doing?
How are you better?
How are you worse?

Hoping to hear many accounts / variations.
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Jun 7, 2016
I went from curious/suspicious about the news and politics to very angry to totally against government and block out any mainstream media, total waste of time, lost all respect.

I realise I have to focus on making more and more money to curb inflation BS costs and future BS. I used to take risks with jobs and moving but now I’ve stayed in a job I hate way longer than I thought I could tolerate and saving up way more money to have a larger buffer against future manufactured chrisis. Way more calculating with future job situation.

Accepted that I will have to live in a car/van for the next decade even though I’m working full time and lost all motivation to travel.

I’m concerned what would occur if we face a real chrisis because this one was totally caused by governments, they did a lot of damage.

Didn’t know how resilient and adaptive I am.

I don’t think it would be responsible to have children knowing the kind of suffering they would incur seeing clearly how the world operates and that the west is falling.


Apr 13, 2021
I think I'm doing pretty good. I've learned a lot since the start of the pandemic.

Many of my beliefs about people proved to be more than right, to the point it actually surprised me. The hysteria for example, proved to be much worse than I had expected. I thought the whole toilet paper thing was a bit silly, but I was really amazed at people outright calling for violence and exclusion from society. I've had several colleagues say that the unvaccinated should have their bank accounts frozen, get fired, shipped off to a camp, and even calls for violence.

The good part is that it has been really eye opening, and that I've had a lot of time to think and research. I've also had the opportunity to explore new interests (nutrition for example). Working from home was the best thing to ever happen to me, for the first six months. I got my work done in half the time and could focus on something meaningful the rest of the day. Eventually the isolation started to drive me insane, and I've been working in the office everyday since then.

The bad part is probably how almost all of my friends and my entire family folded, got vaccinated, and isolated themselves from the world. Many completely stopped thinking and just hysterically asked the Authority Figure what to do and how to act. They've completely given up their own reason and are eager to always follow the lates advice from "the ones who know". The worst part is probably the feeling that many of them prefer their new life. That many colleagues don't want to come back to the office I kind of understand, but it's become harder to get friends to go out. We used to be a pretty large group of friends but now it's hard to get more than half of us to meet up at once. Questioning anything typically leads to people angrily lashing out. Many people act as if they've just ended an abusive relationship. Neurotic, damaged, hysterical, paranoid, fear-driven.

I also have the impression that people have become less socially functioning, "autistic" almost. I've been thinking a bit about how all this has affected dating and sexuality, but I'm not entirely sure what to think yet.

I think 2022 will be important, and if people don't heal this year many of them will have a hard time to do so at all.


Feb 25, 2021
Im the happiest ive ever been (?) oddly.
However, im much much much less tolerant of the BS.
Im quite a b**** now honestly- and im ok with that.
I'm also the happiest, and healthiest, I've ever been! But I'm also, like you, much less tolerant. How do you deal with the BS? I've become increasingly more frustrated with people, especially my coworkers who are all proudly vaxxed and pro-whatever-is-the-current-woke-thing, it makes it difficult to take them seriously, even if we're just discussing work-related things. I might be going crazy, but it feels like the people I work with do the absolute bare minimum just to keep their job.

I even got some bad feedback from my manager today on how I need to be less frustrated and more patient with people. I've never gotten this type of feedback before, I'm pretty quiet and reserved at work so getting feedback like this was a bit eye-opening.

I wonder if turning off the news for a while might help turn off some of my frustration...


Feb 25, 2021
The bad part is probably how almost all of my friends and my entire family folded, got vaccinated, and isolated themselves from the world. Many completely stopped thinking and just hysterically asked the Authority Figure what to do and how to act. They've completely given up their own reason and are eager to always follow the lates advice from "the ones who know". The worst part is probably the feeling that many of them prefer their new life. That many colleagues don't want to come back to the office I kind of understand, but it's become harder to get friends to go out. We used to be a pretty large group of friends but now it's hard to get more than half of us to meet up at once. Questioning anything typically leads to people angrily lashing out. Many people act as if they've just ended an abusive relationship. Neurotic, damaged, hysterical, paranoid, fear-driven.

Do you think this is extending to other areas of people's lives? It feels like a lot of my coworkers just don't try anymore and if they can't figure something out they will just say "I don't know" or "I didn't know what to do" and leave it at that without giving any effort. It's frustrating, I feel like I'm surrounded by people who are all in a daze... and it makes me wonder if maybe I'm the one in the daze?


Dec 8, 2016
I went from curious/suspicious about the news and politics to very angry to totally against government and block out any mainstream media, total waste of time, lost all respect.

I realise I have to focus on making more and more money to curb inflation BS costs and future BS. I used to take risks with jobs and moving but now I’ve stayed in a job I hate way longer than I thought I could tolerate and saving up way more money to have a larger buffer against future manufactured chrisis. Way more calculating with future job situation.

Accepted that I will have to live in a car/van for the next decade even though I’m working full time and lost all motivation to travel.

I’m concerned what would occur if we face a real chrisis because this one was totally caused by governments, they did a lot of damage.

Didn’t know how resilient and adaptive I am.

I don’t think it would be responsible to have children knowing the kind of suffering they would incur seeing clearly how the world operates and that the west is falling.
My childless friends are thoughtful like you.

It’s a giant burden of worry.
I'm also the happiest, and healthiest, I've ever been! But I'm also, like you, much less tolerant. How do you deal with the BS? I've become increasingly more frustrated with people, especially my coworkers who are all proudly vaxxed and pro-whatever-is-the-current-woke-thing, it makes it difficult to take them seriously, even if we're just discussing work-related things. I might be going crazy, but it feels like the people I work with do the absolute bare minimum just to keep their job.

I even got some bad feedback from my manager today on how I need to be less frustrated and more patient with people. I've never gotten this type of feedback before, I'm pretty quiet and reserved at work so getting feedback like this was a bit eye-opening.

I wonder if turning off the news for a while might help turn off some of my frustration...
I am no TV. No social media.
It’s great.

Also- if you’re able, and it holds true- feel sorry for the idiots.
Their health might deteriorate right before your eyes through the coming months and years.

Thx for joining in @Herbie @dudu @SamYo123 @stressless


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Great thread @Peatful.

I’m mainly just completely exhausted at this point. Like many I’ve been in survival mode for too long. My minuscule faith in humanity has dwindled even further.

My physical health is not as good as compared to 2019 but I’m spiritually stronger. I’ve been trying to get back on track with my health for several months.

The only thing I know to do is keep trying my best, be kind to others and avoid tv and social media. :)


Oct 6, 2020
Great thread @Peatful.

I’m mainly just completely exhausted at this point. Like many I’ve been in survival mode for too long. My minuscule faith in humanity has dwindled even further.

My physical health is not as good as compared to 2019 but I’m spiritually stronger. I’ve been trying to get back on track with my health for several months.

The only thing I know to do is keep trying my best, be kind to others and avoid tv and social media. :)

Well summarized. I feel similar ... Tired of all the bs.


Dec 8, 2016
I’m mainly just completely exhausted at this point. Like many I’ve been in survival mode for too long. My minuscule faith in humanity has dwindled even further.

My physical health is not as good as compared to 2019 but I’m spiritually stronger. I’ve been trying to get back on track with my health for several months.

The only thing I know to do is keep trying my best, be kind to others and avoid tv and social media. :)
I may have mentioned it before- but I was a healthcare clinician.
Was. Past tense.

It is truly unimaginable to me how you have managed through this time.
Hospital work was very difficult pre COVID.
Your fortitude to continue on is literally unimaginable to me.

Reach out anytime.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Reach out anytime.
Thank you, I did quit hospital work in August-September of 2020 and took a 6 month break from the medical field altogether. I’ve been doing home vents etc for the last year which is somewhat better. It’s just a bit challenging because of staffing shortages. Thanks for the kind words and empathy.


Jan 15, 2022
United States
Everything's great for me. My health journey and self-improvement have been taken to new levels. I even started a health instagram to share my info. School is a bit frustrating as it is hard to meet people in COVID ages, especially trying to talk to girls, but I try to make do. Unfortunately, people just seem completely different now, as if many of them are NPCs.
Oh well. I guess it just weeds out the people I don't want to be around anyway. Too bad some of them are so attractive LOL.


Nov 4, 2017
Great thread @Peatful.

I’m mainly just completely exhausted at this point. Like many I’ve been in survival mode for too long. My minuscule faith in humanity has dwindled even further.

My physical health is not as good as compared to 2019 but I’m spiritually stronger. I’ve been trying to get back on track with my health for several months.

The only thing I know to do is keep trying my best, be kind to others and avoid tv and social media. :)
I second this. I feel like I vacillate between having moments where things seem really great and I have a good conversation with someone that gives me hope, and then I see/hear so many things that take me back to hopeless. Much like the OP, I lost two jobs and am in the process of redefining myself. I am a healthcare practitioner and when I saw the writing on the wall with the jab, I left to start my own practice. I was renting space and treating patients, and then the people I was renting space from asked me to leave when I told them I wasn't willing to be jabbed. They treated me like I was a liability/lawsuit waiting to happen.

Those of us holding our ground and standing up for what is right are going to battle every single day. It's a giant burden that takes strong, independent people to endure it, but we all have a limit and a breaking point. The one thing that keeps me motivated are the children in my life. We are fighting for their future and we do need to protect them from what we can.

I have to say, I have certainly been able to weed out the "fluff" in my life, and I am thankful for that. I got away from the corrupt healthcare field which I now realize was even more soul-sucking than I imagined, and the people that remain in my circle and accept me despite my choices are truly amazing, intelligent, kind-hearted people that are warriors!!


Dec 8, 2016
I second this. I feel like I vacillate between having moments where things seem really great and I have a good conversation with someone that gives me hope, and then I see/hear so many things that take me back to hopeless. Much like the OP, I lost two jobs and am in the process of redefining myself. I am a healthcare practitioner and when I saw the writing on the wall with the jab, I left to start my own practice. I was renting space and treating patients, and then the people I was renting space from asked me to leave when I told them I wasn't willing to be jabbed. They treated me like I was a liability/lawsuit waiting to happen.

Those of us holding our ground and standing up for what is right are going to battle every single day. It's a giant burden that takes strong, independent people to endure it, but we all have a limit and a breaking point. The one thing that keeps me motivated are the children in my life. We are fighting for their future and we do need to protect them from what we can.

I have to say, I have certainly been able to weed out the "fluff" in my life, and I am thankful for that. I got away from the corrupt healthcare field which I now realize was even more soul-sucking than I imagined, and the people that remain in my circle and accept me despite my choices are truly amazing, intelligent, kind-hearted people that are warriors!!
Thx for joining in.

Much respect on your stance of keeping the children as a motivation to stay true.
Much respect.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
feel like I vacillate between having moments where things seem really great and I have a good conversation with someone that gives me hope, and then I see/hear so many things that take me back to hopeless.
Same here. I think that’s the most exhausting part.
lost two jobs
Yes, I’m on my my 5th move since Covid hit. Although I left the jobs voluntarily the constant change has required a lot of energy and been stressful. I was at the same place for 10 years before all of this craziness. I think everyone is a bit weary but Healthcare workers seem to have a few additional challenges.
Best wishes @shanny !


Nov 4, 2017
@Blossom I admire your strength and perseverance! I was also 10 years into the job when all of this hit, and in some ways I'm so glad it did, because I don't know that I would have ever extracted myself otherwise. It's now more clear than ever that I don't belong in that environment! I hope you've been able to settle into something that's supportive and rewarding.

@Peatful Thanks for the great thread and the kind words. It's great to feel the support from everyone and to know we really are not alone. Being immersed amongst the sheep can feel really lonely.


Aug 22, 2013
Absolutely exhausted. It seems like I get colds every other month now, probably from stress.

I feel isolated still. Everyone around us, immediately family and neighbors etc, are vaxxed and masking still. I doubt my family will see us even if quarantine restrictions change due to my views on the whole thing. There is a feeling of loss and grief there.

I made some new friends mainly for my children to have some semblance of normal, but it has been hard on them. They are driving me crazy (we are at home together a lot) and yet I have to be strong to protect them and it is exhausting. Grateful for the new people that have come into our lives though.

On a spiritual level I think I am stronger… and that helps.

@Peatful Appreciate this thread and for giving space to talk about this.


Dec 8, 2016
Absolutely exhausted. It seems like I get colds every other month now, probably from stress.

I feel isolated still. Everyone around us, immediately family and neighbors etc, are vaxxed and masking still. I doubt my family will see us even if quarantine restrictions change due to my views on the whole thing. There is a feeling of loss and grief there.

I made some new friends mainly for my children to have some semblance of normal, but it has been hard on them. They are driving me crazy (we are at home together a lot) and yet I have to be strong to protect them and it is exhausting. Grateful for the new people that have come into our lives though.

On a spiritual level I think I am stronger… and that helps.

@Peatful Appreciate this thread and for giving space to talk about this.

This reality is the one of the reasons I started this thread.

I see a lot of this in my circles- but no one is admitting it.

Exhausted wine drinking moms; to cope. Masked kids; on electronics all day. Dad back to work; somewhat checked out.
Families pushing through- but far from healthy.

Evil really has attacked the family unit.
It’s unbearable to see the carnage and that they feel like they have to hide.

We have had one suicide attempt (teen) in our close friends group.
And one mom admitted / hospitalized for a psychotic breakdown.
Binge drinking. Affairs. Financial troubles. You name it.

Thank you for being transparent.
Even if no one else responds- but just reads your post- I know it will help their soul.

Edited: clarity
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Nov 4, 2017
Absolutely exhausted. It seems like I get colds every other month now, probably from stress.

I feel isolated still. Everyone around us, immediately family and neighbors etc, are vaxxed and masking still. I doubt my family will see us even if quarantine restrictions change due to my views on the whole thing. There is a feeling of loss and grief there.

I made some new friends mainly for my children to have some semblance of normal, but it has been hard on them. They are driving me crazy (we are at home together a lot) and yet I have to be strong to protect them and it is exhausting. Grateful for the new people that have come into our lives though.

On a spiritual level I think I am stronger… and that helps.

@Peatful Appreciate this thread and for giving space to talk about this.
The feeling of loss is for real. I have never felt so alone in my life! I've always known that I don't "move with the herd" so-to-speak, but this has been a whole new level. I can relate to how you are feeling.

I know that every single time I was around a person that got jabbed, I felt absolutely I was constantly fighting a cold. I'm not sure if these are the cold you may be experiencing? I started using methylene blue pretty regularly, anytime I'm around one of the sheep bots. It's made a world of difference! I don't know if supplements are your thing, but if I can help in any way, I know that was huge for me!!

I don't personally have kids, but I have nephews and all of my close friends have kids. I have tried to do my part in giving my friends a break by doing things with their kids. It's actually been a pretty cool experience, I've taught a few kids to rock climb, mountain bike, and taken them on hikes. Engaging in outdoor activities to distract everyone from reality and get them out into nature has been an effective strategy! I don't know if any of those things appeal to you, but being outside gets you away from the maskers and in my experience, those people are not as crazy about politics and protocols. Hang in there and know you have some friends here on the forum!
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