Spiritual people usually look more vibrant - and younger - than non-spiritual people


Nov 18, 2019
I think you can tell a lot about a person's inner state just looking at their face and particularly their eyes. People in a bad place usually have these dark, lifeless eyes, while people who are happy and full of light have bright, clear eyes.
Very true.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
In your opinion, how to start doing this kind of deep work?
I am also going to answer this

Each person has their unique path and way of seeking, and you should never accept any authority above yourself.

Other than that, I suggest looking into nonduality, Hale Dwoskin, Teal Swan, Law of One, Bentinho Massaro, tantra, Kyle Cease, Matt Kahn, channels like Giving Voice to the Wisdom of the ages etc

YouTube will give you a lot of recommendations, see what works.

And I too have noticed that after a healing a person looks ten years younger and I have noticed how different all things become after resolving an emotional issue.


Sep 6, 2020
To me a lot of spiritual people look underdeveloped. Both in mind and body. It is ironic. I have found the people that looks most mature to also have most mature and grounded thoughts which are not based in the spiritual realm. While the child-looking fella is indeed still a child with childish ideas. Even if he is 40 or 50.


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
How do you separate being spiritual from being religious?

How do you separate being religious from being superstitious?

Can one be spiritual and be superstitious?
Happened to read something related to this yesterday in a book called a Walk Through the Physical available for free on Google books A Walk in the Physical
page 68, essay 22. Lovely book with great insights.

The gist of it is that religious and its symbolism can be helpful and has been created and used as a helpful tool, but not is not necessary. I think ascended masters have known and understood this.


Feb 13, 2021
I notice it with some spiritual folk its not so much that they look younger but they have a 'glow' that gives the illusion from having a much higher light quotient, in other words they measure higher in consciousness (energy / vibration) than average who look 'dull' in comparison especially in middle age after the metabolic rate drops. Alot of it comes from doing deep work and letting go of negative (lower vibration) emotions people accumulate with age, this allows them to move up the scale by letting go of fear and be more in alignment with who they are.

"The higher we are on the scale of consciousness, the less we respond with stressful reaction." David R. Hawkins

I think the higher you measure on the energy scale (Dodson scale of energy for example) the more vibrant you look outside of nutrition/metabolism which is whats important not trying to look young which will inevitably cause the opposite to happen. For example movie stars/superstar athletes/spiritual teachers/high functioning artists etc measure in the 400-500s they usually radiate more than the masses of the mid 200s even if they "eat like ***t" and "do it all wrong" on the health front.

"When I think of all the make-up a 180 woman has to put on and then still does not shine – what she is missing is the beauty which comes from within, which comes from energy." Fred Dodson

View attachment 31836
Very good stuff, thanks for sharing!

Hadn't heard of Fred Dodson before. It looks like he's written a TON of books...any you particularly recommend?

I always admire someone with so much creative output, it implies they're onto something.


Feb 13, 2021
I'm much more spiritual now than I used to be and while I'm under a lot of life stress at the moment, I have an entirely different and more youthful look to my face. It's almost as if you can see the evil in my face in pictures from years back compared to now. I think you can tell a lot about a person's inner state just looking at their face and particularly their eyes. People in a bad place usually have these dark, lifeless eyes, while people who are happy and full of light have bright, clear eyes.
Oh yes! Glad to hear you are doing better.

"The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."


Mar 28, 2019
Hadn't heard of Fred Dodson before. It looks like he's written a TON of books...any you particularly recommend?

I always admire someone with so much creative output, it implies they're onto something.
Read Levels of Energy by Dodson to see if you vibe with the material or not then go from there. I read it exactly 2years ago def helped me navigate the 'pandemic' (as this is a spiritual war on our ascension into higher states of consciousness afterall). Its the easiest book ive ever read as its so intuitive I felt like I already knew everything in the book it was just reminding me.


Feb 13, 2021
Read Levels of Energy by Dodson to see if you vibe with the material or not then go from there. I read it exactly 2years ago def helped me navigate the 'pandemic' (as this is a spiritual war on our ascension into higher states of consciousness afterall). Its the easiest book ive ever read as its so intuitive I felt like I already knew everything in the book it was just reminding me.
Thanks so much, I'll get it!


Dec 28, 2021
I have noticed, when my physical and mental health are doing well, that I am more *in tune* with my surroundings and the emotional state of those I interact with. My pupils are clearer and lighter, I am very happy, social, confident, etc., and I have very little under-eye bags (which are characteristic of me). My conversations sometimes become telepathic (I am able to respond to peoples' unspoken feelings before they are said). I am sometimes treated like a different kind of human when my health is a little *too well* for that day. I get this feeling, during these good days, that I am making monumental improvements and changes to everyone's life by asking how they are, listening effectively, and showing empathy in times where good human interaction is hard to find; even just for a day.

High-dose aspirin, plenty of sugar, niacinamide and caffeine seem to put me in the state; a little weed can make this state either crash or transcend.

I agree with you, and think that great health precedes spirituality.
Only when your body and your mind function perfectly can you let go of the daimy survical obession and finally give in to spirituality.

I've been in a place where I was in poor health, and my only goal was to find ways to get better daily. I was looking for answers like a maniac, I was doing, thinking rationnaly, relentlessly searching.

Only when my health became significantly better did I have the mental space to elevate myself, and also the calmness and peace to give in to such thoughts.


Dec 28, 2021
To me a lot of spiritual people look underdeveloped. Both in mind and body. It is ironic. I have found the people that looks most mature to also have most mature and grounded thoughts which are not based in the spiritual realm. While the child-looking fella is indeed still a child with childish ideas. Even if he is 40 or 50.

People who look more mature and more developed are usually the ones who were confronted to harshness in early years, to which evolution brought an adaptative answer in making them more rugged.

Those people also have had to earn a living early and quickly, which usually requires engaging in manual labord without the opportunity to pursue high level studies.

When you are deep in manual labor as your daily occupation, your surroundings, your close circle and your demanding physical tasks don't enable for the spirit to be prioritized.


Sep 6, 2020
People who look more mature and more developed are usually the ones who were confronted to harshness in early years, to which evolution brought an adaptative answer in making them more rugged.

Those people also have had to earn a living early and quickly, which usually requires engaging in manual labord without the opportunity to pursue high level studies.

When you are deep in manual labor as your daily occupation, your surroundings, your close circle and your demanding physical tasks don't enable for the spirit to be prioritized.

Good point. I think you are right. In the sense that stress does cause a so called *stop* to wanting to explore spirituality and being childlike. I grew up in a low stress environment and with a Peaty-esque diet (not 100%) and was completely naive about the world up to the age of 24-25. It is what made me likeable to a lot of people (I was friendly, childlike wonder, openminded etc.) but it destroyed me eventually. Both extremes are bad IMO.

It is about the balance. Too little stress and you become naive, easy prey, etc. to people who are born in more stressful environments. Whether that is from a harsh home environment or a war zone.

Also there is a reason why oldschool tribes would make boys go through extreme stress to make them grow up. E.g. rite of passage.

From my experience women look for mature men in general. Because women are more likely to stay in the child world. Especially the very feminine women. They look for someone who can allow them to be that way. Which is impossible if you are the same as them.

Now you see more and more men staying in the child world and exhibit same behaviours as children. A lot of those men seem depressed as well.

I do think it is possible to have both. The childlike wonder and the mature side. But it is the balance. Neither extremes will provide it.


Jun 22, 2021
I definitely think this to be real - when I had gone to church especially during worship or Sunday School or watch spiritual videos on YouTube - I do feel lower stress/higher metabolism - there is definitely some light "aura" that I innately feel that is reflected on my face - it's like when people say "going to church" just makes them feel better - I do think there is a real effect - I feel hopeful of the future and instinctively it feels right - I see this look reflected on people there


When I watch interviews with Satanists or a satanic ritual on YouTube I get the exact opposite effect - a dark aura that makes me look more aggressive/dark in the mirror - a nihilistic worldview that just feels wrong that I see in the faces of these people


Instinctively I have always felt there is something more than this life - instinctively I think every civilization before this one has held belief in a higher power because there is one - I feel like there just has to be - especially considering energy states can change dramatically based on this presence



Nov 18, 2019
I definitely think this to be real - when I had gone to church especially during worship or Sunday School or watch spiritual videos on YouTube - I do feel lower stress/higher metabolism - there is definitely some light "aura" that I innately feel that is reflected on my face - it's like when people say "going to church" just makes them feel better - I do think there is a real effect - I feel hopeful of the future and instinctively it feels right - I see this look reflected on people there

View attachment 32686

When I watch interviews with Satanists or a satanic ritual on YouTube I get the exact opposite effect - a dark aura that makes me look more aggressive/dark in the mirror - a nihilistic worldview that just feels wrong that I see in the faces of these people

View attachment 32687

Instinctively I have always felt there is something more than this life - instinctively I think every civilization before this one has held belief in a higher power because there is one - I feel like there just has to be - especially considering energy states can change dramatically based on this presence

How can you even watch those videos? They are soooooo dark, evil. Even when you post stuff about it, my skin crawls and I wish I hadn’t seen the image - but your posts are interesting so I read them not knowing where they are headed - lol.


Jun 22, 2021
How can you even watch those videos? They are soooooo dark, evil. Even when you post stuff about it, my skin crawls and I wish I hadn’t seen the image - but your posts are interesting so I read them not knowing where they are headed - lol.
Exactly! I feel the same way especially when exposed to the image/videos - instinctively when I share these same experiences with people I just know there has to be more to it - when these things feel naturally right and naturally wrong in the universe I just know there has to be purpose/meaning


Feb 5, 2015
To me a lot of spiritual people look underdeveloped. Both in mind and body. It is ironic. I have found the people that looks most mature to also have most mature and grounded thoughts which are not based in the spiritual realm. While the child-looking fella is indeed still a child with childish ideas. Even if he is 40 or 50.
Bull's eye in my peronal example ? When I was unhealthy obsessed with spiritual lifestyle, without exageration, I looked a good 5 years younger. I also had this glow people talk about here and drew a lot of eyes in me. At the same time I wasn't what they call "grounded". Nothing bothered me, nothing interested me, no plans, no joy, no sadness just all pervading calmness. Despite that I had very hard time connecting with people. I moved effortlessly through my daily life but now looking back, I didn't feel like human lol.

Manual labour actually was the only activity that would help to a degree. Even to this day I can "drift away" easily without any intentional spiritual practice and manual labour is the only thing that gets me back on the ground firmly lol. No other activity does that.

In my experience nothing like manual labour raises my metabolic rate to a point where I understand all this stuff I tried to get with meditation. It's like I suddenly can explain "teaching" in a funny, short direct way. I've thought a lot about it and I think it has something to do with Co2. I mean Buteyko said that to raise your Co2 you either do breathing exercises or work manually. And according his control pause chart highest levels correlates with "spirituality". Working hard physically allows me to access some interesting states albeit short lived. Or it might be just stress hormones lol.

So I think despite hate manual labor gets, "chopping wood and carrying water" is more spiritual then "spirituality" itself.


Feb 13, 2021
I definitely think this to be real - when I had gone to church especially during worship or Sunday School or watch spiritual videos on YouTube - I do feel lower stress/higher metabolism - there is definitely some light "aura" that I innately feel that is reflected on my face - it's like when people say "going to church" just makes them feel better - I do think there is a real effect - I feel hopeful of the future and instinctively it feels right - I see this look reflected on people there
Good stuff James!

Reminds me of this section of the book of Acts:

"8 Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed great wonders and signs among the people. 9 Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called)—Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia—who began to argue with Stephen. 10 But they could not stand up against the wisdom the Spirit gave him as he spoke.

11 Then they secretly persuaded some men to say, “We have heard Stephen speak blasphemous words against Moses and against God.”

12 So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. 13 They produced false witnesses, who testified, “This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law. 14 For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs Moses handed down to us.”

15 All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel."

(Stephen proceeded to give a pleasantly-flowing spontaneous speech from this state.)


Feb 13, 2021
Bull's eye in my peronal example ? When I was unhealthy obsessed with spiritual lifestyle, without exageration, I looked a good 5 years younger. I also had this glow people talk about here and drew a lot of eyes in me. At the same time I wasn't what they call "grounded". Nothing bothered me, nothing interested me, no plans, no joy, no sadness just all pervading calmness. Despite that I had very hard time connecting with people. I moved effortlessly through my daily life but now looking back, I didn't feel like human lol.

Manual labour actually was the only activity that would help to a degree. Even to this day I can "drift away" easily without any intentional spiritual practice and manual labour is the only thing that gets me back on the ground firmly lol. No other activity does that.

In my experience nothing like manual labour raises my metabolic rate to a point where I understand all this stuff I tried to get with meditation. It's like I suddenly can explain "teaching" in a funny, short direct way. I've thought a lot about it and I think it has something to do with Co2. I mean Buteyko said that to raise your Co2 you either do breathing exercises or work manually. And according his control pause chart highest levels correlates with "spirituality". Working hard physically allows me to access some interesting states albeit short lived. Or it might be just stress hormones lol.

So I think despite hate manual labor gets, "chopping wood and carrying water" is more spiritual then "spirituality" itself.
Interesting experiences. Simple physical labour can def be therapeutic - or spiritual, even!

I think this is CO2-driven, not stress hormone-driven, at least in a somewhat healthy person. User @Amarsh213 talks a lot about this.

But why does it have to be an either/or thing? Why not be calm and accepting and spiritual...and use these things to fuel the spiritual state? Don't the spiritual and physical worlds overlap to some extent?

Or were you unable to thrive spiritually and physically at the same time?
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