The US Is Being Destroyed From Within



Aug 13, 2020
“The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.”

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Yes our legislators are screwing us. They, both Dems and Repub, though mostly Dems have sold out to the World Govt. We are the last free society and Globalist are pushing hard. Just yesterday Javier Becerra, Biden's Sec of Health was in Geneva Switzerland making payment arrangements to the WHO for the conversion to One World Govt. WHO and climate nuts like John Carey and his daughter are planning the changes. Next year, according to reporting from Michelle Bachmann, former Congressman, they plan to ratify these changes. The Biden govt is all in on this and of course we have primarily George Soros to thank. The Bill and Melynda Gates Society were present all week too in Geneva. McKenzie Bezos is in on the "great transformation". Should we be ruled like cattle?

So it is on us. This country needs to come together and kick the radicals, the Dems, out of office. And this is why they do everything to tear Trump down. Whether you like Trump or not, he will stop this. He will take us out of the WHO again and stop funding. Everyone needs to participate. Get involved with the election as an observer or something because they will cheat again and China has its hands in this too. Call your congressman and tell them to get us out of the WHO. There is a bill to be voted on soon......No one will save the country but us. No crying, take action because this 2024 election likely will be last chance to preserve our way of life. I am not into bugs for protein thanks Bill.


Sep 24, 2016
The US is destroyed, and all citizens are complicit in it. You didn’t prevent your state from waging one illegal imperial war after another, especially since 98/Kosovo when the US thought it can maintain its position as single superpower indefinitely by way of war.

Well, the elites miscalculated in the end and got ahead of themselves. They obviously thought they can simultaneously maintain world power and already destroy their own middle class and usher in feudalism so to rule unchallenged and absolute both abroad and at home.

Turns out they failed with every scheme and every war. Iraq was a mess and a failure. Libya was. Syria was. Afghanistan was. Ukraine is the most devastating failure to US global hegemony. Russia thwarted their plans were they didn’t fail by themselves and China silently overtook the US in so many fields, now to never be catched up again.

The US elites realized too late that in order to compete with the emerging dragon they‘d need an actual industry back at home, not only Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Too late. And you can’t win a war with woke soyboys. You can rule and enslave those, as was the plan, but not ein wars.

So, it’s nice and All that Trump and the Maga crowd probably resist a bit and many got the Corona-bull**** and began to resist and think but many of them never resisted what their criminal militaristic state did abroad. Exceptionalism, city on a hill. Americans need to free themselves of these crap in order to free themselves from their elites. It’s in your hands to free the entire west and maybe the world, and maybe you can do it. But you’re also guilty of having let it come this far. We all are, retards in the west.


Aug 13, 2020


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Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
The US is destroyed, and all citizens are complicit in it. You didn’t prevent your state from waging one illegal imperial war after another, especially since 98/Kosovo when the US thought it can maintain its position as single superpower indefinitely by way of war.

Well, the elites miscalculated in the end and got ahead of themselves. They obviously thought they can simultaneously maintain world power and already destroy their own middle class and usher in feudalism so to rule unchallenged and absolute both abroad and at home.

Turns out they failed with every scheme and every war. Iraq was a mess and a failure. Libya was. Syria was. Afghanistan was. Ukraine is the most devastating failure to US global hegemony. Russia thwarted their plans were they didn’t fail by themselves and China silently overtook the US in so many fields, now to never be catched up again.

The US elites realized too late that in order to compete with the emerging dragon they‘d need an actual industry back at home, not only Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Too late. And you can’t win a war with woke soyboys. You can rule and enslave those, as was the plan, but not ein wars.

So, it’s nice and All that Trump and the Maga crowd probably resist a bit and many got the Corona-bull**** and began to resist and think but many of them never resisted what their criminal militaristic state did abroad. Exceptionalism, city on a hill. Americans need to free themselves of these crap in order to free themselves from their elites. It’s in your hands to free the entire west and maybe the world, and maybe you can do it. But you’re also guilty of having let it come this far. We all are, retards in the west.
Sorry guy, at this point I am not worried who gave this country up. I know the elites that did. Bill Gates is not to be forgotten or Soros but, but...........we need to stick together and act not look back.....looking back is fruitless. Get the word out!!


Apr 10, 2021
"Every country gets the government it deserves" - Comte Joseph de Maistre
I prefer this one:

“A country has the jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.” – Corneliu Zelea Codreanu


Aug 13, 2020
People with ill intent stick together to prey on the unaware, while those without ill intent judge others by their own standards and are easily replaced in positions of power and influence.

Once they are in they will bring other like minded individuals to take over.

People have lost their survival instinct by letting government do everything for them.

The world runs on the conspiracies of a few against the many.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
People with ill intent stick together to prey on the unaware, while those without ill intent judge others by their own standards and are easily replaced in positions of power and influence.

Once they are in they will bring other like minded individuals to take over.

People have lost their survival instinct by letting government do everything for them.

The world runs on the conspiracies of a few against the many.
People have let the govt do what they want because the Media is fake. They do not report news but cover up the dirty deeds of a political party. People deserve truth but in order to turn a country or control it, the media must be controlled. That is where we now, corrupt media and corrupt govt, ie, DOJ, FBI, Mayorkas, Obama, Biden, etc....we have to change this by electing a Conservative.....I explained in comment above the Globalist move by the WHO and the Globalists is being done in secret.....where is the corrupt media? Of course, we know....literally lying. We have to do our own research and watch real news, Real America Voices. Steve Bannon is the man. His guests cut it loose and many will be shocked what is being kept from us.


Apr 8, 2016
The US is destroyed, and all citizens are complicit in it. You didn’t prevent your state from waging one illegal imperial war after another, especially since 98/Kosovo when the US thought it can maintain its position as single superpower indefinitely by way of war.
Not all citizens.


Oct 2, 2018
People have let the govt do what they want because the Media is fake. They do not report news but cover up the dirty deeds of a political party. People deserve truth but in order to turn a country or control it, the media must be controlled. That is where we now, corrupt media and corrupt govt, ie, DOJ, FBI, Mayorkas, Obama, Biden, etc....we have to change this by electing a Conservative.....I explained in comment above the Globalist move by the WHO and the Globalists is being done in secret.....where is the corrupt media? Of course, we know....literally lying. We have to do our own research and watch real news, Real America Voices. Steve Bannon is the man. His guests cut it loose and many will be shocked what is being kept from us.
The media has been controlled for multiple decades now and used as a propoganda arm by the rich and powerful. Its going to be diffcult for someone like Bannon to gain traction with the needed critical mass of citizens since most continue to drink from the mass media fountain, the mass media is so good at spinning and lying and outright suppressing alternative viewpoints and facts of a situation. Nevertheless we have to keep fighting....
The USA as a free society has already fallen. Those who do not realize this are living under an illusion.
I agree. The needed mass of citizens that have the integrity and character to resist corruption and fight against the warped system we now live in is no longer there. The one's that do measure up are not enough, not connected enough to other individuals of the same character and so are struggling to combat the behemoth.

Look at the current farce of the debt ceiling debate in Washington. There is no one of sufficient character, leadership and the necessary backing to put a stop to the whole charade. Washington is just a whole lot of puppets dancing to the tune of the money piper while the ordinary citizen gets more and more beset upon.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
The media has been controlled for multiple decades now and used as a propoganda arm by the rich and powerful. Its going to be diffcult for someone like Bannon to gain traction with the needed critical mass of citizens since most continue to drink from the mass media fountain, the mass media is so good at spinning and lying and outright suppressing alternative viewpoints and facts of a situation. Nevertheless we have to keep fighting....

I agree. The needed mass of citizens that have the integrity and character to resist corruption and fight against the warped system we now live in is no longer there. The one's that do measure up are not enough, not connected enough to other individuals of the same character and so are struggling to combat the behemoth.

Look at the current farce of the debt ceiling debate in Washington. There is no one of sufficient character, leadership and the necessary backing to put a stop to the whole charade. Washington is just a whole lot of puppets dancing to the tune of the money piper while the ordinary citizen gets more and more beset upon.
Yes, the Debt Ceiling and the Budget are farces. If Biden likes the deal, I am very worried. We must fight back. It will only get worse if we do not!
See the WHO and their plans for us and the Biden govt supporting them? They have it all planned out and on our expense. See Bill Gates Society at the WHO meeting this last week? Does anyone know who has funded Dr Tedros at the WHO? China.....fight back or we simply have a tyrannical one world Govt and they will own you and your assets. Freedom is not free.


Feb 28, 2016
Yes our legislators are screwing us. They, both Dems and Repub, though mostly Dems have sold out to the World Govt. We are the last free society and Globalist are pushing hard. Just yesterday Javier Becerra, Biden's Sec of Health was in Geneva Switzerland making payment arrangements to the WHO for the conversion to One World Govt. WHO and climate nuts like John Carey and his daughter are planning the changes. Next year, according to reporting from Michelle Bachmann, former Congressman, they plan to ratify these changes. The Biden govt is all in on this and of course we have primarily George Soros to thank. The Bill and Melynda Gates Society were present all week too in Geneva. McKenzie Bezos is in on the "great transformation". Should we be ruled like cattle?

So it is on us. This country needs to come together and kick the radicals, the Dems, out of office. And this is why they do everything to tear Trump down. Whether you like Trump or not, he will stop this. He will take us out of the WHO again and stop funding. Everyone needs to participate. Get involved with the election as an observer or something because they will cheat again and China has its hands in this too. Call your congressman and tell them to get us out of the WHO. There is a bill to be voted on soon......No one will save the country but us. No crying, take action because this 2024 election likely will be last chance to preserve our way of life. I am not into bugs for protein thanks Bill.
Trump? and his operation warp speed? him and biden are clowns


Aug 13, 2020
For serving Israel, Trump got his daughter's betrayal, and we saw his whining about American Jews.

He was surrounded by people we knew were going to betray him, is he that stupid (and unfit to be president) or controlled opposition.

He did one good and significant thing for the economy when he signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) into law to bring companies and their money back to the US.

But all that was lost with the Covid farse and the Democrat's burn everything down agenda (or Build Back Better).

The elections were stolen, most people are still silent about it, but that's the price Trump paid for not doing something about electoral reform when he had a chance (maybe he never did).
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The US is destroyed, and all citizens are complicit in it. You didn’t prevent your state from waging one illegal imperial war after another, especially since 98/Kosovo when the US thought it can maintain its position as single superpower indefinitely by way of war.

Well, the elites miscalculated in the end and got ahead of themselves. They obviously thought they can simultaneously maintain world power and already destroy their own middle class and usher in feudalism so to rule unchallenged and absolute both abroad and at home.

Turns out they failed with every scheme and every war. Iraq was a mess and a failure. Libya was. Syria was. Afghanistan was. Ukraine is the most devastating failure to US global hegemony. Russia thwarted their plans were they didn’t fail by themselves and China silently overtook the US in so many fields, now to never be catched up again.

The US elites realized too late that in order to compete with the emerging dragon they‘d need an actual industry back at home, not only Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Too late. And you can’t win a war with woke soyboys. You can rule and enslave those, as was the plan, but not ein wars.

So, it’s nice and All that Trump and the Maga crowd probably resist a bit and many got the Corona-bull**** and began to resist and think but many of them never resisted what their criminal militaristic state did abroad. Exceptionalism, city on a hill. Americans need to free themselves of these crap in order to free themselves from their elites. It’s in your hands to free the entire west and maybe the world, and maybe you can do it. But you’re also guilty of having let it come this far. We all are, retards in the west.
I agree with you but I wouldn't say it is destroyed. Sadly, the illegal imperial wars are still ongoing in many regions of the world

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