There Are No Giant Conspiracies


Oct 6, 2012
Collden, what you stated is a conspiracy. All you need is a couple people together to conspire for personal gain. That is the definition of conspiracy.
I guess most conspiracy theories go a bit further than just "rich people work together to maximize their profits", they assume a superhuman capacity for these people to predict the future and understand how complex chains of events will play out to ultimately benefit them, I don't think they are capable of thinking that far. Many conspiracy theories don't even make sense as there is no clear beneficiary at the end.


Oct 11, 2015
Money Creation In The Modern Economy ( Friendly Reminder )

Here's one Giant Conspiracy. It can be explained to you in under 1 minute.

Banks make money out of thin air either completely or partially ( via fractional reserve lending ) and then charge interest on this Principal that they created out of nothing. This has been going on since at least the 1700s on a large scale. That's how "they" have power. Honest people can not even fathom how something so fraudulent could be allowed to exist, so sometimes we dont even consider it unless it's shoved in our face.
Jul 4, 2017
Collden, try finding the 1962 Huxley speech at Berkeley. Mucho foreshadowing in that talk and how plans are laid out. I could also refer you to the book Propaganda by Edward Bernays. He helped orchestrate a lot of PR campaigns to control society habits and governments. What about Orwell's works? You think 1984 and Animal Farm just came out of his head?
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Jul 4, 2017
Collden, I'm also not saying you're wrong. Because, I'm wrong all the time. My opinions are just my experience. Nothing more.


Sep 13, 2012
Money Creation In The Modern Economy ( Friendly Reminder )

Here's one Giant Conspiracy. It can be explained to you in under 1 minute.

Banks make money out of thin air either completely or partially ( via fractional reserve lending ) and then charge interest on this Principal that they created out of nothing. This has been going on since at least the 1700s on a large scale. That's how "they" have power. Honest people can not even fathom how something so fraudulent could be allowed to exist, so sometimes we dont even consider it unless it's shoved in our face.
That's the ultimate conspiracy. It is very hard to fathom something like that can go on for years and years and yet it does...


Jan 25, 2014
I guess most conspiracy theories go a bit further than just "rich people work together to maximize their profits", they assume a superhuman capacity for these people to predict the future and understand how complex chains of events will play out to ultimately benefit them, I don't think they are capable of thinking that far.


President Xi of China has talked about a "100 Year Plan" Opinion | China’s 100-year marathon to rule the world and reshape it

That's a single example of a rich and powerful person openly talking about a plan to last a century. Do you really think he is the only man in history to think this far ahead? Do you not think it's possible that others have planned even further ahead than that?


Oct 6, 2012

President Xi of China has talked about a "100 Year Plan" Opinion | China’s 100-year marathon to rule the world and reshape it

That's a single example of a rich and powerful person openly talking about a plan to last a century. Do you really think he is the only man in history to think this far ahead? Do you not think it's possible that others have planned even further ahead than that?
Making plans and precisely predicting how those plans will play out in the real world are two different things.


Sep 13, 2012
Bill Gates is one of the best examples of someone trying to control the world. He should be sent to an island with no way off.


Jan 25, 2014
Making plans and precisely predicting how those plans will play out in the real world are two different things.

How precise do you think they need to be? If you are driving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, you know it's going to be about 5 hours until you arrive at your destination, in normal conditions. If it's a weekend getaway, you don't need to know the exact millisecond you will arrive. A general idea, give or take an hour or so, is good enough. Do you think someone in 1776 said, "We have a plan to take over the world, and it will last exactly 278 years, 9 months, 13 days, 14 hours, 3 minutes and 27 seconds. If we don't hit that exactly on the nose, we fail."

If you are working on a 100 year plan or longer, that is lots of time to formulate plans, execute them, see what worked and what didn't, refine them, repeat, and do that over and over until you accomplish your objective. You certainly don't need perfection or precision at the outset.


Mar 20, 2013
Conspiracies rely on people like the OP mentioned, who are only concerned with what little pleasantries they might be able to attain by turning a blind eye to whatever they're doing.

I remember seeing some German aviator in an interview talking about chemtrails, and how they knew something was going on but they weren't allowed to ask any questions. Just shut up and do your job. If you start sniffing around too much, you get laid off. Apparently a lot of people are fine with that as long as their paycheck keeps rolling in. The same kind of people who are more than happy to believe that conspiracies don't exist. It's easier to not question and just be complacent.

It doesn't mean conspiracies don't exist.

Cartels/mobs are proof enough that people can conspire. If you're going to posit that grander conspiracies don't exist, you're basically arguing that cartels/mobs are the absolute height of what humans can achieve together, as part of a group operating outside the law. That cartels/mobs that we see and hear about in the media are the absolute height of conspirational activity in all humans. And the height of what any conspiracy could hope to achieve.

I simply don't believe that's true. The Creature from Jekyll Island is a great read. I recommend it. The Federal Reserve coming into place was literally a conspiracy. And it's a system we're still using today. That alone should make anyone go "Hmmm." And that's just one example.

The real question is: what are you going to do about it? Not an unreasonable question. To an extent, you can argue that conspiracy theories are entertainment. Even if they are 100% true, what difference is knowing about it going to make in your life?

That isn't a rhetorical question, by the way. It's something we all should ask ourselves.


Jul 29, 2014
Eugenics + Population Control

Population Council, Planned Parenthood, American Eugenics Society, etc.

Read that PDF I attached. Some of the stuff in there is crazy, like "The Establishment of Involuntary Fertility Control" section where they discuss a mass fertility control agent being used in the water supply, licenses to have children, temporary sterilization of all females, compulsory sterilization of all men with 3 or more living children and required abortions for all illegitimate pregnancies.

They did succeed in promoting some of the things in there, like "Direct manipulation of the family structure" ... "through employment of women outside the home"

"Promotion or requirement of female participation in the labor force (outside of the home)..."

and "Liberalization of induced abortion." (definitely successful with this one)

And they seem to have succeeded in the "Promotion of 'two types of marriage, one of them childless and readily dissolved, and the other licensed for children and designed to be stable'." Although they don't require a license. They probably just used TV to influence the culture and the way people view relationships. It's a lot easier to control people if you can get people to make the choice themselves instead of forcing them (which could cause an uproar). They probably influenced the womens movement of the 60's, and they definitely influenced birth control considering they funded the invention of many of the used forms of birth control.

From wikipedia...
"An array of contraceptives available around the world today were developed by the Population Council, including: the Copper T Intrauterine device, Norplant, Jadelle (Norplant II), Mirena, and, in 2018, a one year contraceptive vaginal system called Annovera was approved by the US FDA[15]. More than 50 million Copper T IUDs have been distributed in over 70 countries. Norplant was replaced by Jadelle, a two rod implant that provides contraception for five years."

Or maybe I'm crazy?! Ya'll can decide for yourselves. (I'd like to think it's a conspiracy AND that I am crazy... can't it be both?)


  • Beyond Family Planning.pdf
    2.9 MB · Views: 9
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Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Money Creation In The Modern Economy ( Friendly Reminder )

Here's one Giant Conspiracy. It can be explained to you in under 1 minute.

Banks make money out of thin air either completely or partially ( via fractional reserve lending ) and then charge interest on this Principal that they created out of nothing. This has been going on since at least the 1700s on a large scale. That's how "they" have power. Honest people can not even fathom how something so fraudulent could be allowed to exist, so sometimes we dont even consider it unless it's shoved in our face.
What's the problem? Money is just an accounting entity, why should it not be created as needed? I think the problem is that the state does not create enough money, so there is too much debt.


Sep 28, 2016
There are of course exceptions as "conspiracy theory" is a word that holds associations much too broad to call either true or false, but I do agree that many if not most conspiracy theories can be better explained using social/psychological/economic models. A common theme among conspiracy theories is that it assumes unrealistic levels of competence of various people or organizations. Might there be people or organizations with very high competence that don't have your best interest at heart? Of course. But when one begins to assume a vast variety of problems are due to the competence of ill meaning people as opposed to the lack of competence of decent people, perhaps they have gone a too far.
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Sep 9, 2019
I suckered myself in to volunteering a few months to a monetary reform movement in the UK called positive money around 2013. I came to deconstruct it quite a bit and saw it was essentially a veiled advocation of totalitarian technocratic governance.

It's not fair to say banks create money out of thin air when they make loans. It's much fairer to understand a kind of time delimited futures contract on labour is created and held in escrow. The money created represents labour that will be carried out in future to destroy itself. Hydrocarbon and 'renewable' energy is also represented to an extent.

The interest applied at either end of savings and loans along with inflation is useful on paper. The problem isn't the fractional reserves but the centralised institutions that exist supposedly to stabilise it. Instead the system's moved in support of this odd corporatist paradigm we're in.

If I had to bank on a system that would be better for us it would be free banking with fractional reserves. A lot of people seem to be talking about Universal Basic Income like it's a good idea, it isn't.


For some reason people have it in their heads that there is some elite group of people out there who come together and control the world. The Illuminati or whatever you want to call it.

I think this is just stupid and over complicated. The world can be much better explained when you apply occam's razor and look at individual human motivation.

All corruption and incompetence starts at an individual level.

Did some corrupt law just get passed? It's not because some elites got together and decided they want more control and power, it's more likely because this one congressman wanted a new pool in his backyard using that sweet lobbying money, or because this other congressman has invested in some business that stands to profit with this new law. None of them really thinking of some huge conspiratorial picture, they just wanted a new swimming pool or some quick cash.

Promotion of junk and crappy food because the Illuminati want the world's people sick and docile? No, its because this one guy really wants to have some side income so he invests into starting a Mcdonald's franchise. He doesn't care that humanity is becoming weaker, or the obesity rate is climbing. As long as he makes his $8-10K per month which let's him pay his mortgage and feed his family, he's happy. Then more and more individuals buy franchises cause they want the same thing.

Oh prescriptions must be some big pharmaceutical conspiracy designed to control the masses. Not really, its individual doctors and sales reps who just want to make their income. As long as this one scientist can develop something that kindof works, he gets his paycheck that lets him take a trip with his wife. Then if this sales rep can convince doctors to prescribe it, he gets his commission which lets him pay this month's car payments. Then if this doctor sees enough patients, he gets to buy that BMW he's been eyeing. Where's the CEO in all this? Probably some workaholic with a crazy ego who wants his multi million dollar bonus for hitting the revenue goals.

The point is, all this bull**** in the world can be explained by individual motivations, and for some 'elite' to rule the world and control everything is crazy complicated. The amount of work and time it would take to control everything that happens is insane. The world is so much bigger than you can imagine.

You should scroll through the r/conspiracy subreddit.
Not saying that'll make you a believer, but probably shed some light on things you haven't gone through.

A few keywords to help you understand who shapes the world (in chronological order) :
Skulls and Bones order
Real causes of WW1
Balfour declaration
Real causes of WW2
Pedophile rings
Big Pharma

Searching these themes in the subreddit will open your eyes.
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Apr 5, 2016
For some reason people have it in their heads that there is some elite group of people out there who come together and control the world. The Illuminati or whatever you want to call it.

I think this is just stupid and over complicated. The world can be much better explained when you apply occam's razor and look at individual human motivation.

All corruption and incompetence starts at an individual level.

Did some corrupt law just get passed? It's not because some elites got together and decided they want more control and power, it's more likely because this one congressman wanted a new pool in his backyard using that sweet lobbying money, or because this other congressman has invested in some business that stands to profit with this new law. None of them really thinking of some huge conspiratorial picture, they just wanted a new swimming pool or some quick cash.

Promotion of junk and crappy food because the Illuminati want the world's people sick and docile? No, its because this one guy really wants to have some side income so he invests into starting a Mcdonald's franchise. He doesn't care that humanity is becoming weaker, or the obesity rate is climbing. As long as he makes his $8-10K per month which let's him pay his mortgage and feed his family, he's happy. Then more and more individuals buy franchises cause they want the same thing.

Oh prescriptions must be some big pharmaceutical conspiracy designed to control the masses. Not really, its individual doctors and sales reps who just want to make their income. As long as this one scientist can develop something that kindof works, he gets his paycheck that lets him take a trip with his wife. Then if this sales rep can convince doctors to prescribe it, he gets his commission which lets him pay this month's car payments. Then if this doctor sees enough patients, he gets to buy that BMW he's been eyeing. Where's the CEO in all this? Probably some workaholic with a crazy ego who wants his multi million dollar bonus for hitting the revenue goals.

The point is, all this bull**** in the world can be explained by individual motivations, and for some 'elite' to rule the world and control everything is crazy complicated. The amount of work and time it would take to control everything that happens is insane. The world is so much bigger than you can imagine.

I very much agree with the sentiments expressed here. Although conspiracies certainly do exist they do not exist on the scale or complexity that is often discussed on this forum. Most of the time it is just simple greed and incompetence.


Jan 25, 2014
What's the problem? Money is just an accounting entity, why should it not be created as needed? I think the problem is that the state does not create enough money, so there is too much debt.

In the United States, the State doesn't really create any money. The Federal Reserve does. It's a weird, Quasi-Private Entity, owned by the major bankers, in partnership with the Federal Government. That's where the bulk of Federal Debt comes from- "Borrowing" money into existence from the Federal Reserve.

The biggest problem with a centralized authority creating money out of thin air, however, is that that is what truly creates inflation. It's effects aren't felt until the money goes around the economy a few times, creating a situation where the creators and first ones to spend it get more value from a dollar (or whatever unit of currency) that the person 20-30-40 transactions away. Like taxes, its a great way to pull real wealth upwards, away from people.
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