Throw away your orange juice and supplements and see what happens.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
So I met someone on this forumn. We connected. And became close with one another. Both of us discussing and trying to get to the bottom of our issues after years of being crippled with mental/physical issues. Both thriving for years prior. A combo of our own choices/ toxicity and some bad luck disabled each of us. Unable to leave our house,MCAS, losing weight rapidly, fatty liver, schizophrenic tendencies/ unable to feel joy.

Things got really ugly once we started using a myriad of “pro metabolic” supplements and drinking absurd amounts of orange juice and sugar etc. Our entire existence was consumed by supplements thinking that would heal us. We were each helped dozens of different times for a whopping 2 days at a time from all diff supplements and protocols touted to cure all lol. Always back to square one.

To get the point what we came to realize is the low blood sugar from supplements was the true pit fall. Constantly lowered blood sugar from supplementation. Vicious cycle. No matter the dose. Every supplement when in this fragile state seems to just disrupt homeostasis even further. And while the body was probably always fighting to return to homeostasis, we kept intervening and worsening our health. Every supplement would work at times and not others. No way of gauging what was actually hurting or helping. when the nervous system is so beat, nothing synthetic or isolated, is able to be of use. Even if you are deficient, the body doesn’t know how to process and utilize synthetic supplements when under severe stress.

The body perceives EVERYTHING foreign as a threat. The combo of allergic reactions/histamine issues/ and mostly
LOWERED BLOOD SUGAR did a number on us. You can not use metabolic boosting supplements and drink a quart of freaking orange juice when you have no base. You have to build The base. The base isn’t built w loads of sugar, or supplements. You add those on to a preexisting base. It sets you up for a nice ride on the blood sugar rollercoaster if you’ve got
No base. On top of that the manic behavior from being consumed from freaking pills and potions is another story. Both of us had to give our supplements to our partners to hide. Zero restraint. Embarrassing.

Moral of the story we are absolutely astonished by the progress made in only 3 weeks of dropping supplements cold turkey. Mood stabilized greatly, weight went up, bowels became PERFECT. Eating dense food each meal. Meat, potatoes, rice , eggs, cheese. Little bit of milk and Cheese and seasonal fruit. Not milk and OJ and all day. Been there done that.

We know this isn’t a new idea to not use supps , by some on here, but clearly many are still caught in this loop. To each their own. If supplements help you. Great.. but I simply don’t think you’re going to heal if you’re really messed up by drinking orange juice and sugar all day while snorting methylene blue and aspirin all night with a side of niacimide and some pregneleone. It only further worsened and added chaos to an already chaotic system.

I Just want to reiterate if you’ve been sick for years trying Every damn supplement that was Supposed to cure you overnight… that You have nothing to lose by stopping everything on a dime, and seeing how 3 weeks of that makes you feel.

Curious.. what is causing the low blood sugar issues from supplements when youre ****88 up. It so apparent and some how we just didn’t stop even after years of basically knowing the supplements were tanking blood sugar. Maybe some people don’t get it that ? But boy it’s so apparent after stopping for weeks. I no longer have this feeling of running on “dirty energy”. I just feel so so so much more grounded and stable with ZERO supplements. Maybe it’s person specific, but I just never felt good on any supplement ever , no matter the dose. Even if I needed thst nurtient, when it came in supplement form it just made me feel tweaked out, snd artificially jacked up my craving for sugar.
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Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Most supplements contain, for example, magnesium stearate, which is a type of soap. I think it is added for the filling machines to operate smoothly. Dr Mercola had a post on this years ago and he stated that his supplements won’t contain it. Other common ingredients are silicon dioxide and cellulose. Who knows what these are doing to people that are sensitive to it.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Most supplements contain, for example, magnesium stearate, which is a type of soap. I think it is added for the filling machines to operate smoothly. Dr Mercola had a post on this years ago and he stated that his supplements won’t contain it. Other common ingredients are silicon dioxide and cellulose. Who knows what these are doing to people that are sensitive to it.
are those within the powder or the capsules?


Jan 12, 2021
I only started the supps afrer I became mercury toxic from 16 filling, and did a steroid cycle/tamoxifen that ****88 me up badly.
So now after stopping supps you are back to the level of health before starting or you no longer experience mercury toxicity and steroid/tamoxifen symptoms?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
So now after stopping supps you are back to the level of health before starting or you no longer experience mercury toxicity and steroid/tamoxifen symptoms?
I’m definitely not back to absolutely feeling amazing prior to all of this no. Not in 3 weeks lol. But I feel MUCH better than I have in 2 years shoving 900 supplements up my **** running in circles getting no where. Hopefully the improvements keep coming.


Feb 22, 2022
Good thread and i agree

i somewhat understand the principal why, but how exactly would oj be problematic in this context?


Jan 12, 2021
Sure supplements should be avoided when they don't do well to you, even more so when they do harm. I don't understand people taking supplements out of a "belief".


Dec 17, 2018
Good thread and i agree

i somewhat understand the principal why, but how exactly would oj be problematic in this context?
Citrus fruit/fruit juices can stimulate histamine release. Generally need to be avoided if you have that kind of issue.


Nov 30, 2022
Citrus fruit/fruit juices can stimulate histamine release. Generally need to be avoided if you have that kind of issue.
Hello,i experienced phenomenons that could be associated to "histamine release"only with oranges that were not optimally ripen,wich is most of oranges and packages oranges juices that i find on the market,i experienced the opposite effects that could be associated to "low histamine"when the oranges were ripe enough,like very deep sleep,extreme relaxation and falling as sleep in less than one minute


Apr 1, 2020
So I met someone on this forumn. We connected. And became close with one another. Both of us discussing and trying to get to the bottom of our issues after years of being crippled with mental/physical issues. Both thriving for years prior. A combo of our own choices/ toxicity and some bad luck disabled each of us. Unable to leave our house,MCAS, losing weight rapidly, fatty liver, schizophrenic tendencies/ unable to feel joy.

Things got really ugly once we started using a myriad of “pro metabolic” supplements and drinking absurd amounts of orange juice and sugar etc. Our entire existence was consumed by supplements thinking that would heal us. We were each helped dozens of different times for a whopping 2 days at a time from all diff supplements and protocols touted to cure all lol. Always back to square one.

To get the point what we came to realize is the low blood sugar from supplements was the true pit fall. Constantly lowered blood sugar from supplementation. Vicious cycle. No matter the dose. Every supplement when in this fragile state seems to just disrupt homeostasis even further. And while the body was probably always fighting to return to homeostasis, we kept intervening and worsening our health. Every supplement would work at times and not others. No way of gauging what was actually hurting or helping. when the nervous system is so beat, nothing synthetic or isolated, is able to be of use. Even if you are deficient, the body doesn’t know how to process and utilize synthetic supplements when under severe stress.

The body perceives EVERYTHING foreign as a threat. The combo of allergic reactions/histamine issues/ and mostly
LOWERED BLOOD SUGAR did a number on us. You can not use metabolic boosting supplements and drink a quart of freaking orange juice when you have no base. You have to build The base. The base isn’t built w loads of sugar, or supplements. You add those on to a preexisting base. It sets you up for a nice ride on the blood sugar rollercoaster if you’ve got
No base. On top of that the manic behavior from being consumed from freaking pills and potions is another story. Both of us had to give our supplements to our partners to hide. Zero restraint. Embarrassing.

Moral of the story we are absolutely astonished by the progress made in only 3 weeks of dropping supplements cold turkey. Mood stabilized greatly, weight went up, bowels became PERFECT. Eating dense food each meal. Meat, potatoes, rice , eggs, cheese. Little bit of milk and Cheese and seasonal fruit. Not milk and OJ and all day. Been there done that.

We know this isn’t a new idea to not use supps , by some on here, but clearly many are still caught in this loop. To each their own. If supplements help you. Great.. but I simply don’t think you’re going to heal if you’re really messed up by drinking orange juice and sugar all day while snorting methylene blue and aspirin all night with a side of niacimide and some pregneleone. It only further worsened and added chaos to an already chaotic system.

I Just want to reiterate if you’ve been sick for years trying Every damn supplement that was Supposed to cure you overnight… that You have nothing to lose by stopping everything on a dime, and seeing how 3 weeks of that makes you feel.

Curious.. what is causing the low blood sugar issues from supplements when youre ****88 up. It so apparent and some how we just didn’t stop even after years of basically knowing the supplements were tanking blood sugar. Maybe some people don’t get it that ? But boy it’s so apparent after stopping for weeks. I no longer have this feeling of running on “dirty energy”. I just feel so so so much more grounded and stable with ZERO supplements. Maybe it’s person specific, but I just never felt good on any supplement ever , no matter the dose. Even if I needed thst nurtient, when it came in supplement form it just made me feel tweaked out, snd artificially jacked up my craving for sugar.
People spend their whole lives looking for a cure on their phones and a lot of people on this forum encourage this behavior. Couple that with the paranoid schizoid state of being involved in believing the entire world is controlled by ‘elites’ and you have no power over your own fate— a convenient psychic machination for not taking responsibility for your own soul. If everyone on this forum knew the secret to a meaningful, healthy life would they be on this forum searching for a cure endlessly or would they be out in the world, fulfilling their soul purpose, and spending time with the people they love and care for? The cure is within. Real generative energy is… GENERATIVE. It generates; procreatively and/or creatively. A generative state of being is not sharing / obsessing over the various ways the WEF is trying to murder you. To be generative, find out what makes you feel alive!!! And follow that spark!

I am glad to hear you found a way through. It’s comforting to read good news here. 🦋
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