Update On My Tooth Situation

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
I wanted to give an update and ask some further questions about my situation...

I have had an issue with a tooth for some time now and this week I went to the Dentist for his opinion and full X-Ray.

The X-Ray shows "halos" around the root of the suspected tooth and there appears to be a "halo" forming on the root of the tooth behind the suspect one. The Dentist said the "halo" is an infection and I have an abscess. The Dentist basically said this was bad news and that I am faced with either an extraction or a root canal. The Dentist prescribed me with penicillin to fight the infection, so I am on to this now. This week the pain in the tooth ramped up and I have woken up with it hurting (lying down seems to make it worse).

For a good while, the tooth was extremely sensitive to cold and hurt real bad when I drank. The tooth also hurt to chew on for a good while. Strange thing is that the sensitivity has gotten somewhat less and to a point where I can live with it. It also does not hurt as much to chew on at the moment. The sensitivity is still there and this should be a sign that the root is alive and kicking still. I was hoping these were positive signs, but the Dentist was rather pessimistic and said I am likely going to lose that tooth and the one behind. When I spoke to the Dentist this week, I asked about teeth healing naturally. He seemed open to it, but had not seen any clear evidence. The Dentist mentioned that there is new research and trials going on all the time. The Dentist also mentioned that Ozone treatment appears to be showing good results. My current Dentist is moving on in the next week or so and as I reflect, I am somewhat disappointed that he was not more proactive. With the tooth behind the problem tooth, he said he can see there is something going on and there needs to be some investigation, but he just left it at that. I am taking my x-rays to a new Dentist next week for a second opinion. Fingers crossed, but I am finding that Dentists are all saying the same thing and are not very open to alternate options differing from the main stream ones. Here are a couple of comments from two separate Dentists;

There is a fair number of issues you have raised. Firstly, let me say the fact that you had extreme pain to temperature and pressure is often a false dawn and often means the tooth is in fact 'dying' and could ultimately lead to an abscess if goes untreated.
It would be difficult to give you an idea of possible outcomes without seeing the xray(s). However, the use of ozone has made out comes even more successful than without.
More importantly, the recent advance in the use of lasers in root canal therapy has made mass in roads to teeth that were previously considered unsavable.T he process is known as Photon induced Photoacoustic stimulation or simple PIPS. I am accredited in this process and am using the Fotona Lightwalker twin laser system.

The following articles may give you some insight as to the process



Thank you for the x-rays. The larger panoramic view certainly does show changes around the roots (halo effect) that is indicative of a loss of nerve vitality and the potential development of an abscess. Viewing the x-ray, coupled with your description of the symptoms I would say it is highly likely that you would need to decide on whether to embark on root canal treatment. Of course if I were assessing you I would need to perform some sensory tests to support this diagnosis.
The other x-ray shows the placement of a white filling in this tooth that is very close to the nerve pulp and has likely come into contact with a thin nerve extension in the tooth called a pulp horn. Such an exposure can cause the nerve to die after treatment. This can happen a long time after the initial filling was placed.
I can understand your frustration but you can be unlucky where the placement of a filling, no matter how carefully done, can result in this sort of outcome. As soon as this tooth comes into the mouth at around 6 years of age this sort of problem has the potential to develop if a cavity or weakness forms.
It is not an indication that the rest of your teeth will succumb in a similar fashion. Although there are a couple of other fillings hopefully the nerves in those teeth remain happy and vital.

At the end of the day I am wanting to go into this and face the situation with eyes wide open. I will go with the best option put before me, so I would be very interested to hear people's thoughts based on what I have shared. My preference is for the tooth infection to heal naturally and avoid an extraction and root canal at all cost. But... I will do what I have to do...



Mar 29, 2014
My non-expert opinion ... If you can get it to heal naturally, that would be great, but I don't know how likely that is. I think there can be difficulty because there are places where bacteria can hole up and multiply that the blood supply does not have good enough access to to fight it. I also think it is not good to have an ongoing infection - it can contribute to other health problems. So if you can't find a way to sort the infection, it's probably worth getting competent treatment by dentist.
Good luck.


Jul 29, 2016
For a good while, the tooth was extremely sensitive to cold and hurt real bad when I drank. The tooth also hurt to chew on for a good while. Strange thing is that the sensitivity has gotten somewhat less and to a point where I can live with it. It also does not hurt as much to chew on at the moment. The sensitivity is still there and this should be a sign that the root is alive and kicking still. I was hoping these were positive signs, but the Dentist was rather pessimistic and said I am likely going to lose that tooth and the one behind.
This happened to one of my molars, many years ago, before the alternative therapies you describe. The tooth hurt like hell and then lessened over time and felt swollen. The dentist recommended extraction over a root canal, so I lost that tooth. Maybe somebody else can weigh in on the pros/cons of a root canal vs. extraction. Good luck with your treatment.


Jun 16, 2015
I don't know about such a deep infection as you might have, but I used to struggle with gum disease (gingivitis) despite lots of brushing and flossing. I recall Peat saying he thought that gum disease might be a result of bacterial overgrowth in the intestine, but I cannot find the quote. In any case, I tried daily carrot salad, but it seemed to be too difficult for my digestion. I switched to activated charcoal, two capsules nightly, and not only does it really raise my temperature, help me sleep, and wake up really easily in the morning feeling ready to jump out of bed, but it also seemed to eliminate my gum disease issues. No sign of it at my last dental visit, and gums have reversed their receding a good bit, to the point where on one tooth where the gum had receded so much I couldn't brush there without hitting a nerve, the gum has gone back and now I can brush without sensitivity there at all. You might try something like that.

Oops, I just found the quote, but it was about bleeding gums:


since bleeding gums are common with gingivitis, I guess I just thought they were the same thing, but doing things that suppress bacteria growth in the intestine seemed to help.


Aug 9, 2012
Are you keeping your gut in check with regular carrot salad and or mushrooms?
Are you getting enough calcium, D, K2?
OJ can irritate teeth, unless you neutralize the acid with some milk.
That should at least stop the damage.

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
I appreciate your thoughts and well wishes, thanks.
It is a tough road at the moment. No real clear direction yet.
The activated charcoal is very interesting and I am prepared to give this a go. My gums have massive recession also, so maybe this is something that can fix this...
I am currently taking Vitamins A, E, D3, K2, Zinc etc...
Someone mentioned something about taking 6g of Lyphospheric C and I have been told Molybdenum is worth taking.


May 3, 2015
Can anyone please weigh in on these options;

It would be much better to save the tooth and keep it alive (if possible) than have a root canal or extraction.

It is an interesting suggestion that the infection in your tooth could be related to an infection in your gut.

Try the charcoal, keep up the grated carrot with salt and vinegar, and try slowly chewing small amounts of desiccated coconut. [I heard that saliva provides an enzyme which turns on the protective elements of the coconut!]

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
Is this really applicable when it seems that the main stream dentists are all using xrays, promoting root canals etc, etc?

So does nobody have any comment on the links? I am not medically savvy, so it is hard for me to form a well rounded opinion on this.



Is this really applicable when it seems that the main stream dentists are all using xrays, promoting root canals etc, etc?

So does nobody have any comment on the links? I am not medically savvy, so it is hard for me to form a well rounded opinion on this.

The link I posted is about regular cleaning. It does not mean x rays etc. It might not even be applicable for you. I found it interesting and seemed to loosely correlate to importance of keeping mouth and teeth clean. Doesn't need a dentist to keep them clean as others have eloquently shown on this thread.
Jul 17, 2015
Try co-enzyme Q10. Many years ago I noticed that my gums stopped bleeding soon after I started using it.

Forward to two years ago. I was walking the West Highland Way with a good friend and took some energy promoting supplements with me including Ubiquinol Q10 which I shared with my friend. About 3 days later he said to me "Do you remember years ago you told me about something that stopped your gums bleeding when you brushed your teeth? Well this morning my gums didn't bleed for the first time in years! Is that what you gave to me?" I had forgot that I had ever told him about my experience with Q10.

Although it was the more expensive 'Ubiquinol' version that I took on that trip it was the regular version at 100mg per day that worked for me. I still use it and the gum bleeding has never returned.

I told my dentist about it who pooh pooh'd it away by saying that I'd probably just improved my overall oral hygiene lol. It's cheap and certainly 'RP friendly' in it's standard form. Might be worth a try?


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I would recommend rinsing with MMS, I use it regularly for dental health. I like the bottles from Keavy's Corner, the droppers work very well. You mix 4 drops of the sodium chlorite solution with only one drop of the 50% citric acid solution, this is the proper chemical stoichiometric ratio, as I have calculated, otherwise you are left with too much unused citric acid that can attack the enamel of the teeth. You let the drops sit for 1/2 minute, that creates chlorine dioxide, then add 1/2 a glass of water. Rinse thoroughly. You can also swallow it and it will work from the inside. The infection should subside in a couple of days. But if the nerve is dead you might still have to do a root canal. Dentist can check if the nerve is still alive. If you get a root canal, then use MMS regularly. I do this once a week, I have two root canals, and as you can read on various health forums, they are ALWAYS infected with anaerobic bacteria. It is safer to pull the tooth, your choice. You can also start with CLOSYS from Walgreens it contains chlorine dioxide but don't drink that stuff. Then switch to MMS when you receive it by mail. The CLOSYS has unwanted stuff in it like saccharine, etc., but it's a start to stop the infection. Then I use the remineralizing toothpaste Coral White that my dentist sells, it really helped my sensitive teeth stems!
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