War is coming in 2024. Be prepared


Aug 4, 2020
The Ukraine war started in 2014 for the Americans who don't know this, and for sure the Gaza/Israel situation has been developing for decades
Perhaps right after World War Two with Operation Gladio

It is called Hybrid Warfare, or Hybrid World War. It's been going for a while. They have basically applied this to the "West" and by creating divisions inside the US of A, UK, etc., the countries will be economically suffering but the people will be begging for help from their respective gov'ts. Totalitarian much anyone? Econoimc/informational/Technological/Cyber and Social Media/Ops and Psyop personel invading everywhere. The Ukraine war started in 2014 for the Americans who don't know this, and for sure the Gaza/Israel situation has been developing for decades.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
false flag operation, to get into a war with Iran. Any thoughts?

The war with Iran is already baked in, if Israel does invade Lebanon and engages Hezbollah for real (as a link in my first post in the thread mentions). But as far as false flag - how about a "limited" war between North and South Korea?

It is becoming harder to argue that all of these potential wars are all simultaneously heating up right about now, without this being coordinated and likely deliberately pushed at a very high level.


Aug 4, 2020
It is becoming harder to argue that all of these potential wars are all simultaneously heating up right about now, without this being coordinated and likely deliberately pushed at a very high level
An observation by Alex Krainer has been made that, the oligarchs need to have an enemy at the gates mentality within the population, real or imagined it does not seem to matter.

This is why wars are so irresistible to the ruling establishment in times of crises. Roman oligarchy frequently faced social revolts at home and their default remedy was always to raise alarm about the “barbarians at the gates.” This recipe has been used by the ruling oligarchies up until the present day. In 1993, after the Soviet Union collapsed, George Soros wrote a long article titled, "The Coming World Disorder" in which he underscored the beneficial, stabilizing effect of the Cold War order: "... both sides were mobilized for war, ... and internal conflicts within each camp were kept frozen by the external threat."

Of course, that stabilizing effect of war is beneficial to the ruling establishment, not to the society at large. The Cold War was deliberately contrived for this purpose as friends and allies were rapidly turned into enemies and vice versa. Soviet Union’s collapse left the cabal exposed and vulnerable: with no barbarians at the gates, the people might begin to question the prevailing social order. Douglas MacEachin, director of the CIA’s Office of Soviet Analysis described already in the 1980s the importance of the USSR’s role as America’s best enemy:

“The Soviet Union is so fundamental to our outlook on the world, to our concept of what is right and wrong in politics, to our sense of security, that major change in the USSR is as significant as some major change in the sociological fabric of the United States itself.”


Jul 25, 2020
The Russians will be attacking the United States on our soil. It is Written. Are you ready?
yes although a blind psychic in Russia (now deceased) said they would win and a number of her predictions have come true
The "AI" breaking-news is all manipulation and scare mongering
I have decided to believe and pray that all will be well for all of us.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Douglas MacEachin, director of the CIA’s Office of Soviet Analysis described already in the 1980s the importance of the USSR’s role as America’s best enemy:

Hard to argue with his analysis. Historically, the world has been most stable when it has been "bipolar". Unipolar degenerates into brutal dictatorship, anything more than bipolar invites alliances to be formed to shift the balance of powers in a specific direction, leading to war. The current situation with Russia and China being forced to move closer to each other and potentially go to war with the West, which they voluntarily would almost never do due to their cultural and political differences, is a good example that multipolarity is unstable. Not sure what the solution is. As long as people lusting for power control the world, I don't see how a better system than bipolarity can be put in place.


Aug 4, 2020
Hard to argue with his analysis. Historically, the world has been most stable when it has been "bipolar". Unipolar degenerates into brutal dictatorship, anything more than bipolar invites alliances to be formed to shift the balance of powers in a specific direction, leading to war. The current situation with Russia and China being forced to move closer to each other and potentially go to war with the West, which they voluntarily would almost never do due to their cultural and political differences, is a good example that multipolarity is unstable. Not sure what the solution is. As long as people lusting for power control the world, I don't see how a better system than bipolarity can be put in place.
There appears to be this need to keep Russia from allying with Germany, the industrial and technological strength of Germany combining with the vast natural resources and manpower of Russia would be the creation of an industrial colossus that would form a superpower of incredible magnitude, this was the fear in the twentieth century.
With China now rising as a dominant industrial power, if Germany, Russia, and China were to ally the balance of power would shift towards the east. This is why I think there is this push to burn everything to the ground by the elites, they would rather destroy it all than relinquish any power.

Since neither Russia nor Germany know how to properly run a democracy, preventing their cooperation or alliance has been something of an obsession of our democracy loving oligarchs. Two world wars were orchestrated and fought for this very reason (they forgot to mention this in our history courses). The current proxy war in Ukraine and the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines are the result of the very same continued concern for democracy. As recently as 2014, George Friedman, the founder of Stratfor vented the very same obsession speaking at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs:

"The primordial interest of the United States over which for a century we fought wars.. has been the relationship between Germany and Russia because united, they are the only force that could threaten us, and to make sure that that doesn't happen. ... Therefore, it's not an accident that General Hodges, who's been appointed to be blamed for all of this, is talking about prepositioning troops in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, and the Baltics. ... The issue to which we don't have the answer is, what will Germany do? ... we don't know the German position... They have a very complex relationship to the Russians. The Germans themselves don't know what to do ... For the United States, the primordial fear is, German technology and German capital, Russian natural resources, Russian manpower, as the only combination that has for centuries, scared the hell out of the United States. So, how does this play out? Well, the US has already put its cards on the table: it's the line from the Baltics to the Black Sea."


Sep 12, 2020
I still think the western nations allowing unlimited numbers of immigrant single men in is for one purpose. Troops, agree to fight your now a citizen.


Aug 4, 2020
I still think the western nations allowing unlimited numbers of immigrant single men in is for one purpose. Troops, agree to fight your now a citizen.
That is a real possibility, but another that I have considered was the dilution of the character of the sovereign states identity. Thus no longer being able to identify with the traditional values, mores, and characteristics upon which it was founded.


Sep 12, 2020
That is a real possibility, but another that I have considered was the dilution of the character of the sovereign states identity. Thus no longer being able to identify with the traditional values, mores, and characteristics upon which it was founded.
Yes this too for sure, white Christians going by the wayside. we had a good run.................


Aug 4, 2020
Yes this too for sure, white Christians going by the wayside. we had a good run.................
With that being said though, I am sure that the Iranians, Russians and Chinese will be terrified of a trans military dressed in drag.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Yes this too for sure, white Christians going by the wayside. we had a good run.................
It has to look unwinnable. This is what we want.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hey Charlie I am curious what you mean, sorry if I am a dunce here.
Because it has to look like there is no way out, just like when the Israelites had their backs to the red sea.


Sep 9, 2019
The Russians will be attacking the United States on our soil. It is Written. Are you ready?
A warning or a prophecy. The readers tone of heart might matter a touch.

If enough people are maintaining the (very) internal preconditions to "World War" III. That is to say, if they want the world to burn. Whether to bringeth savior or not. Savior they'll be unlikely to witness, let alone experience, simply for their desires. D.C. may very well end up looking like the 'Wolverines!' and 'Second Sun' levels in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Minus the happy ending.

I wouldn't count on it if I were you Mr Charlie. We're not. And not or, we're ready. Are you ready?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I wouldn't count on it if I were you Mr Charlie. We're not. And not or, we're ready. Are you ready?
Absolutely, because we were told exactly what would happen. Nothing to be worried about at all.


Jan 9, 2019
I agree, and it is true even without war. In nature, isolation = death.
Competition also equals death. Either way you want to have a "tribe" whether isolated or not. I agree that a lone wolf scenario likely wont play out well. But if you live somewhere thats a city, i cant see that going well either, considering most big cities dont have a "got your back brother" attitude, thats more so small towns.


Sep 9, 2019
already baked in
A lot of people look up to you Georgi. Rightly. For now. And I may be one of them.

Please mind your sentiment. It may be adopted without question. Not to imply you'd be responsible for it.

It is becoming harder to argue that all of these potential wars are all simultaneously heating up right about now, without this being coordinated and likely deliberately pushed at a very high level.
The conspirator may be far closer to home than many would be comfortable accepting. Not that I know. It's just a thought. Having spent plenty of time wagging my finger at "them".

"In 1971 or '72 I learned of H.C. Dudley's idea of a 'neutrino sea', that he suggested might be equivalent to the 'luminiferous ether' that had previously been used to explain light and electromagnetism. I wrote to him, asking if he thought neutrinos could be involved in biological ordering processes by resonating with matter under some circumstances. He had been developing a theory, in which atomic nuclei might interact with a neutrino 'ether', in ways that could affect the decay rate of the unstable isotopes, and so it didn't seem unreasonable to him that biological structures might also interact with neutrinos." - Raymond Peat

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