"Anti-aging Diet Would Emphasize Low Starch Consumption"

Feb 4, 2015
The people with the longest life spans aren't potato eaters. They are the Okinawan folk, whom also consume very little rice. Their diet is for the most part ketogenic (high amounts of fatty meat and leafy green vegetables). I know their traditional diets because that is where my gf's roots are.

The Okinawans ate a diet of mostly sweet potatoes and was not keto at all: http://okicent.org/docs/anyas_cr_diet_2007_1114_434s.pdf


Another area of Japan too: Yuzurihara Japan's longevity tied to potatoes/root plants

Many starch eaters here: Thoughts On Starch

I cover persobtion here: Persorption Of Starch?

Peat's recent comment on starch:



Dec 7, 2015
Would anyone of you please

Explain the methionine deprivation and low heavy metals ?

I mean how can we avoid those ?
My understanding based on reading Dr. Peat's essays is that, while we need the amino acids tryptophan and methionine, they can cause health problems in excess. These amino acids are abundant in muscle meat (which is what rich countries tend to eat), while the cheaper, gelatin-rich parts of the animal have much less of them. So a diet that focuses on potatoes and gelatinous cuts of meat can be better for health because of what it does not contain, i.e. it has less tryptophan and methionine. As for heavy metals, i think a high carb diet of skinless potatoes and unenriched grains and small amounts of gelatinous meats would not contain the iron that a diet high in muscle meat would, so in that sense it would avoid health problems associated with high iron. The same would be true of a calorie restricted diet - it would contain less iron, tryptophan and methionine because there would be less food. For more info please see Peat's paper "Gelatin, stress longevity".
Oct 5, 2016
Well i read all rp articles
But thanks again

I needed only examples which you did definitely

Usually in middle east muscle meat is cheapest

Here in usa
Chicken breast good quality (muscle meat) is for 3 dollars at fresh market

Anyway i appreciate your help
Because since i was a kid i hate all muscle meat

They are so hard to be digested for me

Anyway i will keep your words in my minds

Thanks :)


Dec 7, 2015
It used to be that chuck roast was a lot cheaper than steak, for example - not sure how prices have changed tho.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Girls have the sexiesttt bodies
I ever seen

Butt big but not fat ( bombé)
Big boobs
True. Middle-eastern girls definitely had some genetic selection going on in their past.


Jan 25, 2014
Any food in isolation causes problems.Same goes with starch. Starch has to be cooked in a certain way and eaten with certain things to mitigate its bad effects.Its the right food combination which produces energy. The body has its own mechanism to produce all nutrients needed if the right food combination is taken.Trying to chase every vitamin and mineral is a burdensome task.


May 3, 2015
4 to 9 eggs morning/breakfast
With tea
One tomatoes
One cucumber
Eaten with white bread
Salt on everything
Table spoon of sugar in tea

Big bowl of white rice
Meat about 20 grams protein maximum(not muscle meat/we consider muscle meat for poor people )

Bowl of vegetables
A little bit onion

At dinner
White french bread with cheese and olive oil with olives tomato cucumber

Hi Bahaa,

Thanks for sharing your diet. It sounds like you do well on it!

Are your eggs hard boiled?

So typical daily animal food = 200g to 450g eggs + 100g lamb + cheese. Is that correct? How much cheese?

What is in your lunchtime bowl of vegetables? Is this lettuce?

Do you eat any seafood?

Your breakfast is heavy, your lunch is moderate and your dinner is light! That could be important! There is a French Chrono Nutrition diet that recommends heavy breakfasts and light dinners. Your diet looks similar to Chrono Nutrition!
Last edited:
Oct 5, 2016
usually we consider lunch is the biggest meal
Because humans usually work from 8 am to 4 pm
So at 4 we don't have any energy anymore

So let me tell you my usual lunch when I used to live with my parents there

Lunch : for 1 person

Salad ( 3 cucumber+ 2 tomatoes+ 3 table spoon olive oil+ lemon juice on top of it + half tea spoon salt) we believe it refresh the body with minerals

Then a bowl of white rice (no body touch brown rice there donny why)
And about 300 grams of cooked spinach + 100 grams of lamb (sheep)

And 2 orange will be eaten after it

Then we wash our hands
We turn on the TV

And we make a huge amount of coffee
So each one of us get between 80 to 140 mg of caffeine with sugar

Then all of us feel refreshed
My dad go to his work
I go to meet my friends to go out
And my mom visits her parents

That's the usual life style
At night
Usually we don't eat real food

We eat sometimes pistachios
Sometimes fruits

But healthy people there
Eat eggs and milk at night again
Or sandwich
(White bread+ tomatos+ thyme+cheese + tea spoon of olive oil)

We don't eat meat after sun goes down

But we're usually peatariansss
We believe that most food must be carbssss

So it's like
70 carbssss
20 protein
10 fat
(Percentage )
Oct 5, 2016
See the meat hahaha
It's like 20 grams
Those brown small things are meat loool


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Nov 21, 2015
Ray has repeatedly said that a diet for poorer people is high in starch and that richer people who have it can do better with fruit and fruit juice rather than "cheap" carbs.

I find that I can eat some rice without consequence. A bit of potato is okay but not in excess. A bit of yam or sweet potato is okay. A bit of bread as long as it's white bread is okay to a point but causes gut problems over time if repeated too often...although it seems in Europe the wheat doesn't have such a negative effect.

I'm not sure what to eat now though. I'd like to lose some of these excess pounds (i weigh around 208 and was around 175 when I started Peat inspired eating). But nothing I'm doing seems to result in my losing weight. And I do love full fat cheese.
Oct 5, 2016

It depends
If u r talking at USA and Europe
Ur definitely right

But in Asia and middle eastern countries

Fruits are the cheapest thing ever
And the quality is (I believe ) very good

For example my dad
On a monthly basis
He buy 50 pounds of orange
For like 12 dollars

So a pound is for 25 cents

On the other hand
The rice and meat are truly expensive

Pound of rice for 2 dollars
Meat a pound for 15 dollars
Olive oil is for like 100 dollars the 6 liters

I believe ray peat eat starches

No body can live
On one egg
2 quart of orange juice
1 quart of milk
And some meat

I tried this diet it didn't work

Maybe it will work if you're in the hospital dying

But if you work hard
Or married
Or have sexxx

U can't rely on that definitely



Feb 12, 2015
white rice works the best for me. I've tried it all.

white rice > potatoes > sugar


Aug 6, 2015
Starches aren't necessarily the worst thing for you, but the research shows that theya re not as beneficial and detriment-free as fruits and fructose and sugars.
Potatoes and rice are clearly some of the more healthful starches, but can still pose problems, clog capillaries, create endotoxin etc.
Unprocessed grains have been shown to cause intense digestive issues.... and the most common form of starch is unprocessed grains.

Again a high carbohydrate diet low in PUFA will be healthful, and produce plenty of folk who will live a long time and attribute their success to said diet, but they would have lived even longer on a fruit diet. There won't be a study like this any time soon, because there is such an intense dogma against sugar.
What research? Any links please?


Oct 27, 2016
The people with the longest life spans aren't potato eaters. They are the Okinawan folk, whom also consume very little rice. Their diet is for the most part ketogenic (high amounts of fatty meat and leafy green vegetables). I know their traditional diets because that is where my gf's roots are.

You'd also have to ask yourself the same question but in the reverse. Like how to people who consume lots of rice only suddenly gain a lot of weight create problems like diabetes, yet when the minimize the rice, the weight drops and diabetes disappears. If they consume lots of rice again the weight and diabetes return.

People also have to consider the amount people are eating. For those that say starches are a primary portion of their diet, how many calories is it based off of in reality? Does anyone honestly think eating 2000-4000 calories daily in starches won't come without problems? What about someone who says starches are a primary staple in their diet yet it's found out their daily caloric intake is about 1500 calories. It's all about Oxidative stress; the more one eats, the more stress they are putting on their body.

We also have to consider where the products are sourced. Are they commercialized or are you farming them yourself? Is the potatoes and rice you grow in your own back yard the same as what you'd buy at the store? Probably not. We also have to consider another major factor, HCL production. Would someone eating 1500 calories of starch daily with good HCL react differently than someone consuming the same thing with bad HCL? Most definitely.

As Bahaa stated bad stress destroys health, and he is 1000% right. But it's not just the environmental stress, but the stress inflicted on your body from where the foods/drinks are sourced from, and also your very own HCL production. If you start consuming food with god knows what in it where half of the stuff on the label you can't even pronounce, you're probably creating some sort of stress or inflammation in the body. If you have bad HCL production where you can't break down the nutrients out of whatever you're eating, you will become nutrient/vitamin/mineral deficient which again is going to cause stress and inflammation. Of course if someone is in a bad job/relationship, or are just generally happy about where they are in life, well now you have a pile of environmental stress on your shoulders (this also lowers HCL).

The actual anti-aging diet is a stress/inflammation control diet. One where environmental stress is minimized, along with food consumption that is natural, and your body can actually break it down because the HCL production is good.
I agree with everything you wrote here.
Oct 5, 2016

I usually consum about 8 cups of oats

About 500 carbs from it
I never had bloating or obesity

I got most of my protein from rice or oats

I believe youre mostly right

Its about the quality of rice or oats or whatevwr

If its good quality
It will contain very good quality of b vitamins

And if its bad quality or modified...
Then it will contain bad quality and low b vitamins

I consume 80 to 100 g protein a day
500 to 600 grams of carbs

And im very lean right now
I dont consume fat at all
Fat is in oats or rice

My stamina is the highest right now
Libido is very high

I can have sex 3 times a day

What i want to say
I started peating long time ago
Then i found this lovely forum

It didnt work
My stamina was zero
I got ulcer stomaxh one
Swelling intestines
Bad diarrhea
Libido is zero

I swear to god that i usually have sex minimum once every day
When i start applying the peat ideas. I swear i start avoid the girls i sleep with. My penis shrinked to the max.
I lost like 30 percent of my penis size. Im now 7inches when aroused. It used to be 9.5 to ten( im an engineer: i used a ruler)
I gained 25 pounds in a month

I was 225 lean with some fat because i used to eat 3 pounds of red meat a day which is crazy

After peating i got to 260 pounds exactly. I looked like ***t. Davefoster saw me hahaha. My abs were looking like pregnant(7 month) i swear

I took a decision to stop peating
But i couldnt
Bexause i didnt follow peat because he is cute or whatever
But because i studied his studies and read his references

So i talked to my dad and brothers which they are doctors

They told me peat is mostly right
Its about digestion ur used to it through your life
And quality of food u used to it

So i applied peat
And i stopped all pufa
And tryptophan high foods
And adjusted the salt intake

So now
My diet is about
6 bowl of rice a day(or oats)
6 bananas
6 apples
Orange juice 1 to 8 cups
Olive oil 2 tsble spoon a day
Coffee with every meal
10 tablespoon of sugar a day
No supplement at all
4 to 8 cups of coffee a day
Carbonated water for co2 help

My libido is in the sky
Stamina is like if i come back home aftrr work. I clean the house . Go to gym .

Im sleeping like q baby

Before peating my paleo diet
My testosterone was 500

While peating 426
(Oj milk and bunch of supplement)

While new way of peating
I did a test 3 days ago
My test level is 1050

Honesltly i dont care about testosterone
As i care about feeling good

Im so thankful for reading peat
And learning alot from him

I used to believe the higher the protein the higher the libido and stamina as paleo and those lovely people think

I believe 100 g protein is optimal for everything

400 to 600 grams carbs
Is optimal to lower the stress hormone to about 0

Sorry i talked a lot
But im so thankful
That i feel i wanna share my everything

But it depends on your digestion

Oct 5, 2016
Health is wealth

What a name
I love it

In my country there is a saying

What says

I tried everything beautiful in life
But I found out

the best btwn them all
is to have a good health

Health is wealth very true
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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