Blood Test (am I Hyperthyroid?)


Jul 26, 2016
I did a blood test. These are my thyroid levels (I am 21 years old male by the way):

TSH: 0.85 / ref - 0.4-4
T3 FREE: 5.00 / ref 2.5-5.6
T4 FREE: 12 / ref 7.6-16

When I read about the symptoms I feel like I could be hyperthyroid. I'm quite the opposite of someone whos hypo. I have a hard time gaining weigt (always had). I'm really lean and stay that way no matter what I eat or if I train or not. My bowel movements are often fast. I have had loose stools/diarreah for like 2 weeks now. I suffer from pretty bad acne (too much hormones from my hyperthyroid maybe?) and I do easily get warm and sweaty.

I'm also worried that my prolactin levels are TOO low. Ref range is 3-16, I have 4.6.
Nov 21, 2015
you may have some gut issues. I would suggest a few capsules of saccharomyces boulardii and that will kill off the diarrhea in a healthy way.

BTW, difficulty gaining weight can be a HYPOthyroid symptom sometimes.

Doesn't seem like your numbers are hyperthyroid or hypothyroid.
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