Can we assist the body in naturally detoxifying tattoo ink???


Oct 3, 2016
I personally love tattoos and i am covered in them, i always loved them UNTIL i found out almost all tattoo ink contains heavy metals and soot like chemicals, basically all of the ***t ive ever tried to avoid since starting peating, it was always something i was expecting but didn't really want to look deeper because i honestly just didnt want to know, now i feel gross after knowing that idk if its like an OCD thing but now i feel like ive pushed myself in the opposite direction of where i want to be health wise, i dont want to be filled with soot and heavy metals, its pretty irritating that the fucktards who approved these inks with all this crap in it let it slide and didnt tell anybody i kinda feel betrayed.. not that i expected tattoo ink to be perfectly non toxic but like heavy metals its like come on brah.

Anyways i was wondering...topical hormones/vitamin D basically everything we use topically methylene blue etc, is there anything anyone can think of supplement wise that can be used to safely dissolve a tattoo and allow the body to detoxify it, aside from getting the overpriced laser treatment out there...

Theres gotta be something peat approved that nobody knows about that just happens to have that magnificent detoxifying effect, if things like progesterone can be taken up into the bloodstream through the skin surely either that or related compounds can pass through tattoo ink if applied to a tattooed area.

I did notice when my tattoos were healing i applied vitamin D in an oil base on them to help them heal and it actually seemed to pull some of the ink out? so much so that i had to get the same spot retattooed so many times, but that was when it was healing now when they are healed im not sure how that might work i think ill try it again.

But if anyone has any magnificent ideas or even theories feel free to shoot, maybe somebody knows something i don't know? cough up the forbidden knowledge if you have it:cool:


Sep 13, 2012
I do know on autopsy they find the black particles in the lymph nodes. Good for you that it takes decades for the body to break down such huge particles and that's why it sticks around for so long. I refuse to make my immune system. exhausted trying to get rid of it. Life is stressful enough! TRS is something used for heavy metals and is safer than chelation.


Jan 22, 2021
Caffeine/coffee might be helpful for aiding the removal of heavy metals from tissues.


Oct 6, 2013
Zeolites are supposed to be helpful with heavy metals, cilantro and chlorophyll also.


Oct 11, 2021
Zeolites are supposed to be helpful with heavy metals, cilantro and chlorophyll also.
My understanding is that zeolite is not absorbed by the body/blood/tissues and only detoxes the gastrointestinal tract.


Oct 11, 2021
This is interesting. I got a small tattoo many years ago on my forearm. A couple years ago I started laser therapy to remove it. I did for a few sessions but stopped due to money issues and other reasons. The sessions barely made a dent— they told me the majority of early sessions just gets things “loosened up” and things don’t start disappearing until the later sessions.

But ever since then, every once in a while I will get an itchy welt just on the border of the tattoo that goes away in a day or so. I suspect the few treatments I got “liberated” the ink from its location and now my body has a low grade allergy because my blood labs for the past 2 years have consistently come back with slightly elevated eosinophils.


Nov 22, 2015
Probably the best thing to do is just leave them, your body takes a long time to break them down so yes small amounts of the ink will dissipate into the blood stream etc over time but if you are drinking coffee, among other things to help chelate and remove heavy metals and so forth then that is the best you can do. Laser essentially liberates the ink and then your body removes it at a quicker rate, which means a heightened toxic load for a shorter amount of time. Sun exposure does the same thing (although slower than laser), liberating the ink from the epidermis into the blood stream etc for your body to remove.

I guess an analogy could be the free fatty acid liberation Peat discusses alot - if one wants to burn body fat, it's better to do over an extended period of time rather than cutting sugar and liberating the fatty acids in large amounts into the blood stream.

Either way, you can't "pull the ink out", the only route is via your body detoxing it and removing it through the normal internal channels. Your body recognises the ink as a foreign invading object that it needs to get rid of, and it will. Whether that is over a long period of time or quickened via laser.


Nov 18, 2019
Does anyone know about that red clay from Arkansas with all the quartz in it? It apparently has enormous pulling power to pull toxins out from the body through the skin. Maybe that could work? Maybe someone is better informed than me could weigh in?


Dec 8, 2020
I did some laser sessions on some of my tattoos and it went incredibly well. I was fortunate to find a cheap and very professional guy in Bucharest, Romania.The way I understood it works is this: it breaks down the pigment into smaller bits so that it can be easily carried away by your lymphatic system and eventually eliminated. At least this is the ideal situation. The laser operator told me how well your tattoo clears up depends on your immune system. Also, it helps doing the sessions far apart, it clears up more efficiently that way. My tattoo is almost gone with no scars, I'm happy ? Here are some photos, before starting removal and present day. It took about 5 or 6 sessions, over aprox 3.5 years. I still got one more to go, for it to completely fade.
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